高一英语测试《Unit 1 Advertising》教案Grammar 语言解析(牛津译林版必修4)

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高一英语测试《Unit 1 Advertising》教案Grammar 语言解析(牛津译林版必修4)_第1页
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高一英语测试《Unit 1 Advertising》教案Grammar 语言解析(牛津译林版必修4)_第2页
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高一英语测试《Unit 1 Advertising》教案Grammar 语言解析(牛津译林版必修4)_第3页
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111 Unit one AdvertisingPage9 Grammar and usage一、 语言知识解析1. recommend, vt.(及物动词)1). to praise or commend (one) to another as being worthy or desirable; endorse: 推荐:向另外一个人称赞或推荐(某人或物),认为其有价值或合人心意;担保:They recommended him for the job.他们推荐他做那项工作。He recommended a sedan instead of a station wagon.他推荐了轿子而不是马车2). to make (the possessor, as of an attribute) attractive or acceptable: 使受欢迎:使(其拥有者,如其品质之拥有者)具有吸收力或使之可取:Honesty recommends any person.任何一个人都欢迎诚实的品质Your plan has very little to recommend it.你的计划几乎毫无可取之处。3). to commit to the charge of another; entrust. 托付:将交给另一个人掌管;信托She recommend a child to her friend when was away.她不在家时把小孩子托给她的朋友照管。4). to advise or counsel: 劝告:建议或忠告:She recommended that we avoid giving offense.她建议我们避免找麻烦vi.(不及物动词)1). to give advice or counsel: 建议:给以劝告或忠告:He recommended against signing an international agreement他建议别签署国际协定。二、短语翻译1.把变为 2. 又买两本3. 反复读4. 一个十七岁的男孩5. 似乎对。感兴趣6.发生,举行7. 冒险故事8.丰富的想象力9. 建议某人做某事10.提醒某人不要干某事11. 海外招聘广告12.间接引语Suggested answers: 1.change into2. buy another two copies3.read over and over again 4. a 17-year-old boy5. seem to be interested in6. take place7. an adventure story8. rich imagination 9. advise sb to do sth.10. mind sb not to do sth .11. advertisements for jobs abroad12. reported speech 111


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