2014届高考英语一轮复习 Unit4《Earthquakes》阅读理解全方位训练3 新人教版必修1

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2014届高考英语一轮复习 Unit4《Earthquakes》阅读理解全方位训练3 新人教版必修1_第1页
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2014届高考英语一轮复习 Unit4《Earthquakes》阅读理解全方位训练3 新人教版必修1_第3页
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1112014届高考英语一轮复习全方位配套训练人教版必修一Unit 4 Earthquakes阅读理解3第组ATears of happiness and shouts of joy rang out last week at the San Jose mine in northern Chile as 33 miners were lifted to freedom,one by one.The men,ranging from 19 to 63 years old,have been buried alive since a cave in the copper and gold mine where they were working fell down on August 5.It is the longest time anyone has ever survived being trapped underground.After the fall,the men found an emergency shelter off one of the mines tunnels.The temperature in the dark shelter was around 90F.For more than two weeks,the miners water came from the radiator tanks on their work vehicles.They shared a supply of food that was meant to last for only 48 hours.The miners were totally separated until rescue teams made contact with the men on August 22.They sent a note to the surface explaining their situation.Rescuers drilled small holes to reach the cavern and sent down supply tubes containing food,water,clothes,medicine,fresh air and other supplies.They also received letters from their families,a television set and games.Additional falls slowed down rescue efforts.Finally,a tunnel was built that could fit a 13-foot rescue capsule,called the Pheonix.The escape hole measures 28 inches across,a tight fit for the winding 20-minute,2,041-foot ride.The first miner reached the surface just after midnight on Wednesday.More than half of the men had been brought to safety by Wednesday afternoon.The miners were met by family members who were waiting at Camp Hope,a settlement of tents near the mine.Chiles president,Sebastian Pinera,cheered at the scene and hugged the miners.“We made a promise never to surrender,and we kept it,”he said.After an immediate medical exam,the men were air-lifted to the nearest hospital for 48 hours of observation.1.The first paragraph tells us that trapped miners .A.shouted in joy after getting rescuedB.were buried while having a restC.came to the ground togetherD.were all different in ages2.What do we know about the emergency shelter?A.It was very hot inside.B.It had food supply for 48 workers.C.It had water stored for two days.D.It had a hole to get fresh air.3.What made the rescue more difficult?A.Miners got weak without food.B.Additional collapse happened later.C.The escape hole was too narrow to use.D.The rock was too hard to dig a tunnel.4.The underlined word “surrender”in the last paragraph may mean .A.dig out B.cheer upC.give in D.take a chance【语篇解读】33名智利矿工,因为矿道塌方,被困在地下的避难所里。智利举国营救被埋矿工。1.D 文章第一段的第二句话告诉我们这些被埋的矿工的年龄在19岁到63岁之间,因此可知他们的年龄是不同的,故选D。2.A 从文章第二段的第二句话可知这个避身处的温度很高,故选A。3.B 从第四段第一句话可知后来的不断的塌陷造成了救援的困难,故选B。4.C 最后一段的第二、三句话表达了智利的总统看到矿工们被营救上来的高兴以及他说人们不会放弃这些矿工的诺言终于实现了,由此可知应选C。BPeople living on parts of the south coast of England face a serious problem.In 1993,the owners of a large hotel and of several houses discovered,to their horror,that their gardens had disappeared overnight.The sea had eaten into the soft limestone cliffs (石灰岩) on which they had been built.While experts were studying the problem,the hotel and several houses disappeared altogether,sliding down the cliff and into the sea.Erosion (侵蚀) of the white cliffs along the south coast of England has always been a problem but it has become more serious in recent years.Dozens of homes have had to be abandoned as the sea has crept (慢慢地移动) farther and farther inland.Experts have studied the areas most affected and have drawn up a map for local people,forecasting the year in which the hungry sea will swallow up their homes.Angry owners have called on the Government to build sea defenses to protect their homes.Government surveyors have pointed out that in most cases,this is impossible.New sea walls would cost hundreds of millions of pounds and would merely make the waves and currents go further along the coast,shifting the problem from one area to another.The danger is likely to continue,they say,until the waves reach an inland area of hard rock which will not be eaten as limestone is.Meanwhile,if you want to buy a cheap house with an uncertain future,apply to a house agent in one of the threatened areas on the south coast of England.You can get a house for a knockdown price but it may turn out to be a knockdown home.5.What is the cause of the problem that people living on parts of the south coast of England face?A.The rising of the sea level.B.The experts lack of knowledge.C.The washing-away of limestone cliffs.D.The disappearance of hotels,houses and gardens.6.The erosion of the white cliffs in the south of England .A.will soon become a problem for people living in central EnglandB.has now become a threat to the local peopleC.can be stopped if proper measures are takenD.is quickly changing the map of England7.The experts study on the problem of erosion can .A.warn people whose homes are in dangerB.provide an effective way to slow it downC.help to find out when the cliffs will disappearD.lead to its final solution8.It is not practical to build sea defenses to protect against erosion because .A.house agents along the coast do not support the ideaB.it is too costly and will endanger neighboring areasC.the government is too slow in taking actionD.they will be easily knocked down by waves and currents【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。说明英国南部居民面临一个严峻的问题:受石灰岩侵蚀,他们的家园慢慢被海水淹没。5.C 细节理解题。根据文章第三句“The sea had eaten into the soft limestone cliffs(石灰岩) on which they had been built.”可知应选C。6.B 细节理解题。根据第五句“Erosion(侵蚀) of the white cliffs along the south coast of England has always been a problem but it has become more serious in recent years.”以及当地居民的反应“Angry owners.”可知B为最佳选项。7.A 推理判断题。通读全文,用排除法排除掉非事实选项B、C、D。8.B 细节理解题。根据文中“New sea walls would cost hundreds of millions of pounds.one area to another.”可知。CAn earthquake happens when two plates rub(摩擦) together.The earth plates travel in different directions and at different speeds.If one plate is slowly forced under the other,pressure builds up until the plates break apart.This process causes the ground to move.It is an earthquake.In other words,earthquakes are the shaking of the earths surface caused by the earths rocky outer layer (岩层) as a result of the energy stored within the earth.The strain within the rocks is suddenly released (释放).The damage an earthquake causes depends on where it is and when it is happening.If an unpopulated region is struck,there will be low loss of life or property.If it hits a large city,there may be many injuries and much destruction.Many of the areas at risk are largely populated now.Major earthquakes hitting those areas today could produce terrible damage.Actually,there are several million small earthquakes every year.Large earthquakes such as the 1964 Alaskan quake that measured 9.2 on the Richter scale,can cause millions of dollars in damage.In the last 500 years,millions of people have been killed by earthquakes around the worldincluding 240,000 in the 1976 Tangshan earthquake in China.A 60-second or less earthquake can cause devastation (破坏) that continues for years after the first tremor (震动).In 1972,a series of severe earthquakes struck Managua,Nicaragua.Fifteen years later,the city still looked the way it had a week after the earthquake hit,because the country did not have the money necessary to rebuild it.The shaking of the earth is sometimes not the greatest disaster.It is in the ensuing fires and floods that often the greatest damage occurs.In the 1906 earthquake,it was the fires caused after it that did the majority of the damage.An earthquake can also destroy dams high above a city or valleys,causing floods to sweep down and sweep away everything in their path.9.Which of the following is the main idea of Paragraph 1? A.An earthquake comes from inside the earth.B.The earth has great energy in storage.C.How the earth plates move.D.How an earthquake happens.10.How many examples are used in the passage to show the damage and destruction earthquakes cause?A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.11.Which of the following is mentioned to show that an earthquake can kill too many people? A.The 1964 Alaskan quake.B.The 1976 Tangshan earthquake.C.The 1972 Managua earthquake.D.The 1906 earthquake.12.The underlined word “ensuing” in the last paragraph probably means .A.causing too much heat and great damageB.causing many injuries and much destructionC.happening as a result of another eventD.happening suddenly and unexpectedly【语篇解读】本文讲述了地震的起因及其危害。9.D 细节理解题。第一段主要讲述了地震的成因。10.B 细节理解题。文中提到1964年阿拉斯加地震,1976年唐山地震,1972年尼加拉瓜的马那瓜地震,以及1906年地震,共四次。11.B 推理判断题。由第三段最后一句可知1976年唐山大地震中有240 000人遇难。12.C 词义理解题。下文提到在1906年地震中,绝大部分的损失是在地震引起的火灾中造成的。由此推出ensuing是指另一件事所引起的。DMy name is Ben.I am 13,and I live in Chantilly,Va.Just yesterday,June 24,1996,I was at home watching my sister,who is mentally handicapped.My father was at work while my mother and younger sister were at my moms office.I had noticed the clouds growing darker and the ones to the east were turning green.At first I thought nothing of it,but then on the TV,the weather reporter was announcing a big thunderstorm warning,one that usually brings hail and heavy rain.After seeing that,I called my mother and told her about it.She told me I should not be worried because it was just a thunderstorm so we hung up.Then I looked outside and noticed it was almost pitch black at 4:30 pm.I took a flashlight because I was sure the power was going to go out any second.Then no sooner had I got back from getting the flashlight than the weather reporter announced a Tornado Warning!I had never been in an actual tornado before,but I had seen some funnel clouds before in Montana.Suddenly I realized I had no time to lose and I had to try to get my sister down the stairs to the basement in a matter of minutes.I surprisingly got her down there with no trouble at all and I raced back up the stairs to get the cordless phone.When I got back downstairs my dad called and told me to get downstairs immediately.I told him I was already down there!He said OK and we talked for a few seconds and then we hung up.Then through the basement windows,the only thing I could see was when lightning struck.I do not recall hearing of any deaths,or too many injuries so I guess everyone got a good head start to run to their basements.Either they or we are all lucky.13.When Ben noticed the clouds growing darker, .A.he knew a strong storm was comingB.he didnt pay much attention to it at firstC.he at once made a call to his motherD.he wanted to make sure if it would rain on TV14.Ben took a flashlight because .A.he wanted to look for somethingB.it was not bright enough in the roomC.he wanted to take care of his sisterD.he was prepared for the power off15.How did Ben save himself and his sister? A.By staying upstairs at home.B.By running out of the house.C.By hiding in the basement.D.By using the cordless phone.16.How did Bens father feel when he called Ben?A.Worried.B.Excited.C.Disappointed.D.Encouraged.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。记述了作者遭遇龙卷风的经历。13.B 细节理解题。根据第二段的第二句“At first I thought nothing of it.”可知,作者最早看到乌云密布时没有在意。14.D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“.I was sure the power was going to go out any second.”可知,他拿手电筒的目的是防止因暴风雨的来临而停电。15.C 推理判断题。第四段提到我把姐姐安置到了地下室,并且父亲与我通话告诉我要尽快到地下室,结合最后一段提到的龙卷风过后并没有人受伤是因为人们都躲到了地下室,由此可知,C项符合文意。16.A 推理判断题。龙卷风就要到来,爸爸给Ben打电话让他们立即(immediately)躲进地下室。由此判断爸爸当时很“着急”。EAlthough hurricane season doesnt begin until June 1,a Pacific storm has already struck.El Salvador,which was ruined by a Caribbean storm in 1995,was hit by Hurricane Adrian on Friday.This is the first Pacific-born hurricane to ever reach land in this Central American country.Some 14,000 people left from the western coast of El Salvador.The storm weakened as it crossed land,heading east.Heavy rains created deadly flooding problems in the hurricanes wake.Adrian is the first Pacific storm of the season.It reported maximum continuous winds of 75 miles per hour,the minimum strength of a hurricane.A Category 3 hurricane,Adrian also caused damage and flooding in Honduras.It is expected to break up before reaching the Caribbean Sea on the eastern coast of Central America.Hurricane season typically begins June 1 and lasts through November 30.The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has predicted seven to nine hurricanes for the 2005 season.“It is difficult to make any kind of an exact prediction of how many of these will strike land,” NOAA administrator Conrad Lauten bacher said.He predicts two to three hurricanes will strike the U.S.this season.Last year,six of nine hurricanes reached Category 3 strength or higher.Four of those hitFlorida within a six-week period.Altogether,Hurricanes Charley,Frances,Ivan,and Jeanne caused more than 40 billion in damage in the Sunshine State.This years forecast is based on ocean temperatures.Warmer temperatures produce more tropical storms,which can then turn into hurricanes.“The issue,really,this year is the unusually warm sea surface temperatures in the Atlantic,” said Frank Lepore of the National Hurricane Center.17.Which of the following is the 2005 first hurricane?A.Charley.B.Adrian.C.Jeanne.D.Frances.18.How many countries struck by the hurricane are mentioned in the text?A.Six.B.Nine.C.Five.D.Three.19.We can infer that warmer ocean temperatures .A.have nothing to do with the hurricaneB.cause less hurricaneC.are more likely to cause the hurricanesD.do a lot of damage to the areas along the coast20.The passage implies that .A.hurricane season comes early this yearB.every hurricane formed in oceans could cause great damage to the landC.hurricane often comes in winter and springD.tropical storm is more severe than hurricane【语篇解读】这是一篇自然类短文。飓风的发生一般是有季节性的,但今年飓风比以往来得更早,这与海洋温度的升高有密切关系。17.B 细节理解题。根据第一段的第二句话“El Salvador.was hit by Hurricane Adrian on Friday.”可知。18.D 细节理解题。受hurricane侵袭的国家在文中提到的只有三个:El Salvador,the U.S.,and Honduras。Florida是美国的一个州名,其余Charley,Frances,Ivan,Jeanne等指的是飓风的名称而非国名。19.C 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的第二句话“Warmer temperatures produce more tropical storms,which can then turn into hurricanes.”可知。20.A 推理判断题。根据第一段的第一句话“Although hurricane season doesnt begin until June 1,a Pacific storm has already struck.”可知,今年的飓风比以往来得更早些。111

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