(福建专用)高三英语课时作业 新人教版必修5-3《Unit 3 Life in the future》

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!课时作业(二十三)Life in the future未来的生活.单项填空1The young man acted strangely during the interview.He made a bad_on the employer.AimpressionBexpressionCexperience Dopinion2How did you go home after the party last night?Well,there were no buses_we had to walk.Aso as to Bin order toCso that Din order that3He didnt believe it was true until he_her offer of a job.Aswept up Bsped upCpicked up Dtook up4She made a_in our plan to play basketball when it started to rain.Aturn BswitchCpoint Dexchange5The young man_the car hoping to arrive at the station to meet his girlfriend on time.Agave up Bturned upCpicked up Dsped up6(2009年陕西宝鸡模拟)_to train his daughter in English,he put an ad like this in the paper “_,an English teacher for a tenyearold girl”ADetermined;Wanted BDetermined;WantingCDetermine;Wanted DDetermining;Wanting7Although she has a lot of problems,she manages to remain _.Aoptimistic BcautiousCconcerned Danxious8The girl,almost_ to death at the sight of the snake,shut her eyes and dared not have a second look at it.Afrightening Bwas frightenedCfrightened Dhaving frightened9What the doctor warned us is that the _ sleep may cause anger,poor memory and poor concentration.Awant in Bplenty ofClack in Dlack of10What do you think of the suggestion _ he offered us_ we go to New York for our holiday?Awhat;that Bwhich;whichCthat;that Dthat;what11_ at the theatre,he found the ticket his friend gave him was left at home.ATo arrive BOn arrivingCWhile arrived DOn arrived12_,I have never seen anyone who is as capable as David.AAs I have traveled so muchBAs long as I have traveled muchCNow that I have traveled muchDMuch as I have traveled13The children ran away_all directions the moment they caught sight of their teacher coming near.Ain BtoCfrom Doff14The noise of the traffic makes my head_.How I wish I were not on the road.Apain BhurtCache Dwound15The man entered the room and looked everywhere _ in search of something.Aso that Beven ifCas if Din case.完形填空(2009年东北三校第二次联考)I first met her on the beach near where I live.I drive to this beach a_1_of three or four miles,whenever Im feeling down.At that time she was_2_something.Looking_3_,she said,“Hello.” I nodded,not wanting to_4_with a small child.“Im Wendy and Im building something,” she said.“I see.But what is it?” I asked,not_5_.“I dont know.I just like the_6_of sand.”A sandpiper (矶鹞鸟) flew by.“Thats a_7_.Mum says sandpipers come to bring us joy.”“Goodbye,joy,” I thought to myself,“hello,_8_.” and walked away.My life then seemed completely out of_9_.“Come again,” she called,“and have another_10_day.”But the days and weeks that followed_11_to other people:naughty boys and a_12_mother.One morning I suddenly realized I needed my_13_and headed for the beach.The breeze was cool,but I walked along,trying to recapture (捕捉) the inner peace I needed.I had almost_14_the child so I was surprised when she appeared.“_15_do you live?” I asked.She pointed toward a summer cottage.Then one day,I rushed to my beach in great pain,even in no_16_to greet the girl.“If you dont mind,” I said coldly,“Id rather be_17_today.” She seemed unusually_18_ and out of breath.“Why?” she asked.“My mother died!”“Did it hurt when she died?”“Of course it hurt!” I shouted,misunderstanding her.When I next went to the beach,she wasnt there.Feeling_19_,and admitting I_20_her,I went up to the cottage.A woman answered the door.“Wendy,my daughter,died last week.She had leukemia (白血病)Maybe she didnt tell you.”1.A.length BdistanceCspace Dreach2A.observing BdrawingCbuilding Dcollecting3A.up BoutCdown Dover4A.work BplayCsay Dtalk5A.caring BseeingCwanting Dworrying6A.feel BsenseCsmell Dcomfort7A.sorrow BjoyCpity Dlie8A.comfort BpleasureCkindness Dpain9A.balance BsightCmind Drange10A.sad BhappyCbusy Dfine11.A.added B.ledC.belonged D.related12.A.kind B.poorC.lonely D.sick13.A.party B.sandpiperC.chance D.holiday14.A.searched B.knownC.noticed D.forgotten15.A.How B.WhatC.Where D.Which16.A.mood B.timeC.way D.place17.A.alone B.lonelyC.unique D.special18.A.happy B.paleC.good D.powerful19.A.sorry B.excitedC.cold D.puzzled20.A.cheated B.lostC.troubled D.missed.阅读理解(2009年英语周报模拟六)Living in a green area can make you live longer,according to research published today.The research also shows that the difference in life expectancy (预期寿命) between rich and poor becomes smalleramong those who live in an environment with parks and trees.Richard Mitchell,from Glasgow University,and his colleagues, found that the gap between the number of deaths of people on high incomes and the number of deaths of those on low incomes in green areas was half that compared with figures relating to builtup areas.Green spaces,classified by the researchers as “open,undeveloped land with natural vegetation”,encouraged people to walk and be more active.Exercise in these settings could have greater benefits than exercise elsewhere,the researchers said.The benefits potentially go beyond exercise.Studies have shown that being around green spaces can reduce blood pressure and stress levels,and possibly help patients recover faster.A number of researchers have looked at the effects of greenery on our wellbeing.But few studies had looked at whether living in green areas reduced health inequalities,the Glasgow team said.Using information from a landuse database of 2001,the researchers divided the preretirement population of England into four groups according to income level,and five groups according to access to green space.They then looked at death rate for 20012005.They found that the inequality in death rate from all causes relating to lack of money was less in those populations in the greenest areas compared with the figures for people living in more builtup places.They found an even stronger relationship when it came to deaths from certain diseases such as heart conditions and stroke (中风)There was no difference,however,in deaths from lung cancer.The researchers said that changing the physical environment was an easier way to fight against poor health than using media campaigns or giving out information on health.“The result of the study is clear:Environments that promote good health might be very important in the fight to reduce health inequalities.”1The underlined word “that” in Paragraph 2 refers to_.Athe gap Bthe number of deathsCthe income Dthe living area2What was the special point of the Glasgow teams research?AThey offered a scientific definition of “green spaces”BThey encouraged people to exercise in green areas.CThey studied the effects of greenery on peoples health.DThey focused on the influence of greenery on health inequalities.3What advice would the researchers probably give according to the last paragraph?AMore health information should be given to the public.BPeople should take more exercise every day.CMore trees and grass should be planted in cities.DPeople should help to fight against health problems.4What is the main idea of the passage?APeople should live in green areas.BGreen spaces promote good health.CIncome influences health less than environment.DExercise in green areas benefits people a lot.短文填词I have formed the habit of keeping a diary in English since I started senior high school two year a_.1._My English teacher encouraged us to write something in English,She told_(记录) what had happened to us.2._ us that the_would become the past and be3._forgotten.The best way to k_the past alive4._was to keep a diary.On the other h_,writing a5._diary in English would help a lot in learning English.Now my diary_like my best friend.Sometimes6._ I reread the_(早期的) pieces to call7._ up those_(记忆) of happiness,sadness and8._even embarrassment._always make me very9._happy and give me a sweet feeling.Thanks to my diary,I have not l_tracks of my past.10._.单项填空1Ahave/make a good/bad impression on sb.给某人留下好/不好的印象。2C考查结果状语从句。so that在此引导结果状语从句,表示“因此”。3D考查短语辨析。take up接受。sweep up打扫,横扫;speed up加速;pick up拿起,拾起,用车接某人。4Bturn不与make搭配;exchange交流;point要点,都不合句意。此处make a switch意为“做了一个改变/更改”。5Dspeed up意为“加速”。A意为“放弃”;B意为“出现;露面”;C意为“捡起;从事;用车接某人”等。6A句意为:由于他决定要培养女儿学英语,所以在报纸上刊登了这样一则广告“招聘英语教师,教授10岁女孩”。第一空为过去分词作状语,be determined to do sth.决定干某事;第二空wanted是过去分词,表示“招聘”。7Aoptimistic乐观的。8Cfrightened to death at the sight of the snake在句中作状语。9D根据后面的“cause anger,poor memory and poor concentration”可知应是缺少睡眠,故排除B项。want表示“缺乏”时,应和of搭配,lack作名词时不能和in搭配。10C由句子结构可以看出,第一个为定语从句,关系词在从句中作宾语,可以选择that或者which,亦可省略;第二个为同位语从句,应选择that,且不可省略。11Bonv.ing形式表示“一就”,作状语。12D此题考查as引导的让步状语从句,当as意为“尽管”时,要倒装,即句中的表语或表示程度的状语放在句首,故选D项。13Ain all directions意为“四面八方”。14C本句话意思是“车辆的噪音使我头痛,我多么希望自己没有在公路上”。由此可知是指“持续地或隐隐地痛”。15C句意为:那个男的进了房间,四处张望,好像(as if)在寻找什么东西。as if in search of something是as if he was in search of something的省略形式。.完形填空1B指三四英里的距离。2C根据下文小女孩说的话 (Im Wendy and Im building something.)可知,小女孩当时在搭建什么东西。3Alook up表示“抬起头”。4Dtalk with sb.表示“和交谈”。即作者不想和一个小孩子交谈。5A作者不想和这个孩子说话,所以只是随意问话而已,并不真的关心她在堆什么。6A小女孩说她自己也不知道自己在堆什么,她只是喜欢摸着沙子的感觉。7B根据后面一句话(Mum says sandpipers come to bring us joy.)可知答案。8D根据第一段内容和作者说的“Goodbye,joy”可知,当时作者感到郁闷,所以他在听了小女孩的话之后,和“快乐”说了再见,向痛苦打了声“招呼”。由此可知,这里应该选pain。9Aout of balance的意思是“失去平衡”,即作者当时感到自己的生活好像失去了平衡。out of sight表示“看不见”;out of mind表示“发疯,发狂”;out of range表示“在射程外”。10B与前面的pain相对应。小女孩让他改天再来这里,过上快乐的一天。11Cbelong to表示“属于”。12D下文提到作者的母亲去世了。因此,这里表示“生病的母亲”,选sick。13B与上文提到的sandpiper (矶鹞鸟)相照应。即需要去寻找快乐(小女孩说过这种鸟代表快乐)。14D作者几乎已经“忘记”那个小女孩了。15C根据后面的句子She pointed toward a summer cottage可知,作者是问小女孩的住处。16Amood表示“心情”,即作者甚至没有心情和小女孩打招呼,只想自己单独呆一会儿。17A根据语境可知,作者想要单独呆一会儿。其他选项不符合语境:lonely表示“孤独的”;unique表示“独一无二的”;special表示“特殊的”。18B根据下文可知,小女孩是身患重病的,因此B项正确,即她面色苍白。19A作者感到自己以前伤害了那个小女孩,因此感到抱歉。20D作者想念那个小女孩了,所以才去她家找她。.阅读理解【语篇解读】研究人员根据数据分析得出结论:生活在绿色地带或经常到自然中活动能够延长人们的寿命。改善人们的居住环境要比仅仅靠媒体传播一些健康方面的知识更有利于提高人们的健康水平。1A指代题。文章第二段是对两个差距进行比较。第一个差距是居住在绿化区中收入高与收入低的人的死亡数之差,第二个是指居住在建筑密集区中收入高与收入低的人的死亡数之差,第一个差距是第二个差距的一半,画线部分的that指的是第二个差距,故选A项。2D细节理解题。根据文章第五段可知,很多研究人员都看到了绿色环境对人类健康有益,但却没有人研究绿色环境在减少健康不平等状况方面的作用,后面两段指出了Glasgow大学的研究人员所进行的实验和对结果的分析,故选D项。3C细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知,研究人员提出改变居住环境要比其他方式更容易改善健康状况,好的环境是决定健康状况的一个重要因素,故选C项。4B主旨大意题。文章主要讲到居住在绿色环境中会利于人的健康,增加人的寿命,B项概括全面。.短文填词1ago2.recording3.present4.keep5hand6.is7.earlier8.memories9.They10lost客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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