河北省张家口一中高中英语复习教案人教版必修3:Unit1《Festivals around the world》复习学案(教师版)

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河北省张家口一中高中英语复习教案人教版必修3:Unit1《Festivals around the world》复习学案(教师版)_第1页
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河北省张家口一中高中英语复习教案人教版必修3:Unit1《Festivals around the world》复习学案(教师版)_第2页
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河北省张家口一中高中英语复习教案人教版必修3:Unit1《Festivals around the world》复习学案(教师版)_第3页
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111Book three Unit One Festivals around the World 复习学案(教师版)(一) 重点单词 1.(使)饿死vt._ 2.节日 盛宴n._ 3.诡计 恶作剧 敲门n.欺骗 诈骗vt._ 4.到来 到达n. _ 5.获得 得到vt._ 6.搜集 集合 聚集vt.vi _7.赞美 钦佩 羡慕vt. _ 8.充满活力的adj._ 9.遍及世界的adj._ 10.愚人 愚弄 欺骗 傻得_11.许可 允许n._12.道歉 辩白vi._ 13.淹没,溺死vt.vi _ 14.明显的adj. _15.显而易见的adj._ 16.擦, 揩 ,擦去vt._ 17.提醒 使想起vt. _ 18.原谅vt._(二) 识记单词beauty _n. harvest _n. 庆祝, 祝贺n._ hunter_ n. origin_ n. religious_ adj. ancestor _n. bone_ n. 信任 信仰n. _诗人n. _ 独立 自主 n. _ agriculture _n. award _n. vt. rooster _ n. clothing _n. 习惯 风俗 n._ parking _n. sadness _n.woven vt.vi. _哭泣 vi. n 作文中可能用到的 词 lunar fashion necessity 二、 短语1.发生 进行 take place 2.欣赏满月的美 enjoyadmire the beauty of the full moon3.纪念 追念 in memory of 4盛装打扮 dress up5.获得独立 gain ones independence (from) 6.团聚get together 7.期望 期待look forward to sth doing sth8.在春节 at the Spring Festival 9.压岁钱lucky money10.日夜 昼夜 day and night11.与玩的开心have fun with12.出现 到场 turn up13.守信用 履行诺言keep ones word 14.屏息 hold one breath15.出发 使爆炸 set off 16.使想起 提醒 remindof 练习:用适当的词组填空1) Can you tell me when the Golden Rooster Award(金鸡奖) will take place this year? 2) He founded the charity in memory of his late wife.3) There is no need to dress up. Just come as you are.4) At the Spring Festival, its a tradition for people to get together to eat dumplings, fish and meat and may give children luck money in red paper.5) Its commonly thought that the mid-autumn day is the best time to enjoyadmire the beauty of the full moon.6) After gaining its independence from Spain in 1898, Cuba began to develop its economy.7) Although he said he would keep his word, he didnt turn up at the party finally.8) A gang of boys are setting off fireworks in the street.9) The holiday that he had been looking forward to was finally ruined by his bad cold.10) The smell reminded me of the food mom prepared for me after school 三、精讲词汇 1. starve vt. vi. (使)饿死 渴望 变形: n. starvation短语:starve to death 饿死 starve for sth 渴望得到同义long for be dying for desire for be eager for starve to do sth 渴望做 同义long to dobe dying to do desire to do be eager to do翻译:只有一个人渴望知识的时候才会努力去读书。 Only when one starves for knowledge, will he tries his best to study. The poor animals are left to starve to death. 那些可怜的东物只能被留下饿死2. gain vt. 获得 赢得 得到; 增加 结构 : gain sb sth 为某人赢得某物短语: gain experience support a reputationones independence ones worldwide recognition gain weight speed confidence strength1) Students can _valuable experience by working on the campus radio or magazine.A. gain B. study C. earn D. award2) Its not uncommon nowadays for women to _ more than their husbands.A.gain B. get C. win D. earn 3) You are old enough to_ your own living.A. win B. gain C. take D. earn翻译:为了为国赢得荣誉,我们将尽全力去比赛To gain honor for our country, we will try our best to compete in the game. 得到父母的支持后,他开始创建自己的事业。 After gaining his parents support, he began to set up his own business。3.marry vt.vi 结婚,嫁 变形 marriage n. 结婚结构: marry sb 与某人结婚 get married to sb 同上 表示动作 不与时间段连用 be married to sb 与某人结婚 表示状态 常与时间段连用 marry A to B 把A 嫁给B练习: 1)I _ you for 16 years and I still dont know what goes on in your head.A. married B. have married with C. got married to D. have been married to2)Marc _ Clinton last year.A. married with B. got married to C. is married to D. had married with4.gather vi. vt. 根据下面句子总结gather 的意思1) His supporters gathered on the square.2) The whole family gather together at the Spring Festival once a year.3) People slowly gathered their belongings and left the hall4) The little girls are busy gathering mushrooms in the woods.5) Detectives have spent months gathering evidence.6) He is gathering materials for a new book.7) He gathered his last strength and gave his will to his son.1.2 聚集 集合 3. 聚拢 4. 采集 (植物 水果) 5,6. 搜集(情报材料) 7. 积蓄(力量)练习 1)_around the fire, the tourists danced with the local people.A. Gather B. To gather C. Gathering D. To be gathering 2)The teacher told the boys to _ all the waste paper lying about after the dinner.A. gather B. get C. obtain D. collect3)Look! Clouds _. Its going to rain.A. are gathering B. gathered C. gather D. were gathering.四、短语辨析及总结1. take place happen occur break out take place(安排的事)发生;(会议节日)进行 举办Great changes have taken place in China since the late 1970s.The second G20 summit will take place in London on April 1.The Mid-Autumn Days takes place on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. happen(偶然,突然)发生碰巧You will never guess whats happened.She happened to be out when we called.It happened that she was out when we called.occur(偶然,突然)发生;想起When exactly did the incident occur?The idea occurred to him in a dream.It didnt occur to him to ask for help when in danger.break out(战争 灾难 疾病 争吵等)爆发Fighting broke out between rival groups of fans.Nobody wants to see a war to break out.2. turn up 到来 出现 ; 调高(音量) 其他与turn 相搭配的短语 turn around 转身 回头 turn out (to be) 结果是 证明是 原来是turn to sb( for sth) 向某人求助 turn on 打开(电器 煤气 水灯)turn off 关掉 截断(电器 煤气 水灯) turn down 拒绝 调低名词短语in turn逐个 一次; 反过来 by turns 轮流 take turns to do 轮流去做练习:1) With no one to _ in such a frightening situation, she felt helpless. A. turn to B. turn around C. turn up D. turn on 2)To our surprise the stranger _ to be an old friend of my mothers.A. turned out B. turned up C. set out D. set up 3)The world Confucius lived in shaped his ideas , which _ shaped the society. A. in return B. in turn C. by turns D. in return.3. set off 动身; 使爆炸其他短语set about doing sth 开始做 set sth aside 放在一边 省出时间 钱 暂时不考虑 set A apart from B使A 与B 与众不同 set down记下 set out 出发 动身 启程 set up 建立 set an example to 给树立榜样 练习:11)-Why arent you coming back for the Spring Festival? - We are trying to _ the construction houses for the earthquake-stricken areas.A.step up B. set up C. look up D.pick up2)Having decided to rent a flat, we _ contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city. A. set about B. set down C. set out D. set up课文中的好句子1: Sadly, although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world, its missing.2 : It is a great responsibility but also a great honor for a country to be chosen to hold the Olympics3: Once well programed, the computer can think logically and produce an answer quicker than any person. I am now truly filled with happiness that I am a deveted friend and helper of the human race. An unknown virus has just attacked my computer.4: Daisy had always longer to help endangered species of wildlife. We should pay more attention to the rainforest where wild animals live and appreciate how the animals live together.5: To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous. Feeling very upset ,Freddy realized that he must leave before it became too painful for him.Book three Unit One Festivals around the World 复习学案(学生版)备课人: 刘建宏 备课组长: 魏宗仁一、重点单词 1.(使)饿死vt._ 2.节日 盛宴n._ 3.诡计 恶作剧 敲门n.欺骗 诈骗vt._ 4.到来 到达n. _ 5.获得 得到vt._ 6.搜集 集合 聚集vt.vi _7.赞美 钦佩 羡慕vt. _ 8.充满活力的adj._ 9.遍及世界的adj._ 10.愚人 愚弄 欺骗 傻得_11.许可 允许n._12.道歉 辩白vi._ 13.淹没,溺死vt.vi _ 14.明显的adj. _15.显而易见的adj._ 16.擦, 揩 ,擦去vt._ 17.提醒 使想起vt. _ 18.原谅vt._(二) 识记单词beauty _n. harvest _n. 庆祝, 祝贺n._ hunter_ n. origin_ n. religious_ adj. ancestor _n. bone_ n. 信任 信仰n. _诗人n. _ 独立 自主 n. _ agriculture _n. award _n. vt. rooster _ n. clothing _n. 习惯 风俗 n._ parking _n. sadness _n.woven vt.vi. _哭泣 vi. n 作文中可能用到的 词 lunar fashion necessity 二、短语1.发生 进行 _2.欣赏满月的美 _3.纪念 追念 _ 4盛装打扮 _5.获得独立_ 6.团聚_ 7.期望 期待_8.在春节 _ 9.压岁钱_10.日夜 昼夜 _11.与玩的开心_12.出现 到场 _13.守信用 履行诺言_14.屏息 _15.出发 使爆炸 _16.使想起 提醒 _ 练习:用适当的词组填空11) Can you tell me when the Golden Rooster Award(金鸡奖) _ this year? 12) He founded the charity _ his late wife.13) There is no need to _. Just come as you are.14) _, its a tradition for people to _ to eat dumplings, fish and meat and may give children_ in red paper.15) Its commonly thought that the mid-autumn day is the best time to_16) After_ from Spain in 1898, Cuba began to develop its economy.17) Although he said he would _, he didnt_ at the party finally.18) A gang of boys are _ fireworks in the street.19) The holiday that he _was finally ruined by his bad cold.20) The smell _me _ the food mom prepared for me after school 三、 精讲词汇 1.starve vt. vi. _ 变形: n. _短语:_ 饿死 starve for sth _同义_ starve to do sth _ 同义_只有一个人渴望知识的时候才会努力去读书。 翻译:_ The poor animals are left to starve to death. 翻译:_2. gain vt. 获得 赢得 得到; 增加 结构 : _为某人赢得某物短语: gain experience support a reputationones independence ones worldwide recognition gain weight speed confidence strength1) Students can _valuable experience by working on the campus radio or magazine.A. gain B. study C. earn D. award2) Its not uncommon nowadays for women to _ more than their husbands.A .gain B. get C. win D. earn 3)You are old enough to_ your own living.A. win B. gain C. take D. earn翻译:为了为国赢得荣誉,我们将尽全力去比赛_得到父母的支持后,他开始创建自己的事业。 _3.marry vt.vi 结婚,嫁 变形 marriage n. 结婚结构: marry sb 与某人结婚 _同上 表示动作 不与时间段连用 _ 与某人结婚 表示状态 常与时间段连用 marry A to B_练习: 1)I _ you for 16 years and I still dont know what goes on in your head.A. married B. have married with C. got married to D. have been married to2)Marc _ Clinton last year.B. married with B. got married to C. is married to D. had married with4.gather vi. vt. 根据下面句子总结gather 的意思1) His supporters gathered on the square.2) The whole family gather together at the Spring Festival once a year.3) People slowly gathered their belongings and left the hall4) The little girls are busy gathering mushrooms in the woods.5) Detectives have spent months gathering evidence.6) He is gathering materials for a new book.7) He gathered his last strength and gave his will to his son.1.2 _ 3._ 4. _ 5,6. 搜集(情报材料) 7. _练习 1)_around the fire, the tourists danced with the local people.A. Gather B. To gather C. Gathering D. To be gathering 2)The teacher told the boys to _ all the waste paper lying about after the dinner.A. gather B. get C. obtain D. collect3)Look! Clouds _. Its going to rain.A. are gathering B. gathered C. gather D. were gathering.四、短语辨析及总结1. take place happen occur break out take place(_)发生;(_)进行 举办Great changes have taken place in China since the late 1970s.The second G20 summit will take place in London on April 1.The Mid-Autumn Days takes place on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. happen(_)发生碰巧You will never guess whats happened.She happened to be out when we called.It happened that she was out when we called.occur(偶然,突然)发生;想起When exactly did the incident occur?The idea occurred to him in a dream.It didnt occur to him to ask for help when in danger.break out(_)爆发Fighting broke out between rival groups of fans.Nobody wants to see a war to break out.2. turn up 到来 出现 ; 调高(音量) 其他与turn 相搭配的短语 turn around _ _ 结果是 证明是 原来是turn to sb( for sth)_ turn on 打开(电器 煤气 水灯)turn off 关掉截断(电器 煤气 水灯) turn down _ 调低名词短语in turn_;_ 、 by turns _ 、take turns to do_练习:1) With no one to _ in such a frightening situation, she felt helpless. A. turn to B. turn around C. turn up D. turn on 2)To our surprise the stranger _ to be an old friend of my mothers.A. turned out B. turned up C. set out D. set up 3)The world Confucius lived in shaped his ideas , which _ shaped the society. A. in return B. in turn C. by turns D. in return.3. set off 动身; 使爆炸其他短语_开始做 set sth aside _,_,_set A apart from B使A 与B 与众不同 _记下 set out _;_ set up 建立 _ 给树立榜样 练习:11)-Why arent you coming back for the Spring Festival? - We are trying to _ the construction houses for the earthquake-stricken areas.A.step up B. set up C. look up D.pick up2)Having decided to rent a flat, we _ contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city. A. set about B. set down C. set out D. set up课文中的好句子1: Sadly, although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world, its missing.2 : It is a great responsibility but also a great honor for a country to be chosen to hold the Olympics3: Once well programed, the computer can think logically and produce an answer quicker than any person. I am now truly filled with happiness that I am a deveted friend and helper of the human race. An unknown virus has just attacked my computer.4: Daisy had always longer to help endangered species of wildlife. We should pay more attention to the rainforest where wild animals live and appreciate how the animals live together.5: To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous. Feeling very upset ,Freddy realized that he must leave before it became too painful for him.111

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