Unit2《 people on the move》welcome教案(牛津译林版选修10)

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Unit2《 people on the move》welcome教案(牛津译林版选修10)_第1页
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Unit2《 people on the move》welcome教案(牛津译林版选修10)_第2页
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Unit2《 people on the move》welcome教案(牛津译林版选修10)_第3页
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111Unit 2 People on the movePart One Teaching DesignAims and requirements read a magazine article about where American people move and a website about the Roma listen to a TV show about someone who studied abroad and returned to China talk about moving, and interview people about finding a job in China after studying abroad write a letter convincing a friend to move home create a classroom display about the history and culture of the Jewish peopleProceduresWelcome to the unitStep 1 BrainstormingWith the development of the global and local economy, population mobility has become a new trend in the world. Peoples traditional ideas have changed and they change their careers, living places often. Many people keep on moving from place to place for different reasons. They have many reasons for moving to new flats, cities, regions and even countries.Enjoy some interesting pictures of housing mobility in USA:1. Whats the topic of the unit we are learning now?2. What do you think people “on the move” means?3. Can you think of any reasons why people are on the move?Sample answers:1. people on the move2. It means “move to another place”3. to study in a university to work in a company/school to be with their family to live in a nicer environment to move somewhere for a better quality of lifeAsk some questions about your partner and try to find as much information as possible about his/her families. If her/his families once moved from place to another place, try to get the reasons and some relative information and fill the following table. WhoFrom whereWhenWhyStep 2 Sharing informationGroup work. Look at the five pictures at page 1. Lets study them one by one and try to discuss the following question in groups of four.Where the people move and why they move?Picture 1I just got a new job in another country. I think itll be fun to experience a new cultureThe reason for moving is _?_Picture 2We want to live somewhere warm. Were tired of the snow!The reason for moving is _?_Picture 3Im going abroad to study. I hope to get a better job when I return home.The reason for moving is _?_Picture 4I have to move to a city. There are no jobs in this small town where I live. The reason for moving is _?_Picture 5Were moving to a new flat. We need more space so we can all live together.The reason for moving is _?_Where the people moveWhy the people move to another country to a warm place to a university abroad to a city top a new flat have got a new job there; to experience a new culture have become tired of snow to study so as to get a better job when returning home cannot find jobs in the small town need more space to live togetherNow compare the reasons you have worked out with the reasons given in these pictures, so you can understand more clearly about why people move. Nowadays. More and more people are on the move, and this has become a social trend. In China, there are a lot of young people from the countryside moving to work in the cities, especially in big cities in the eastern and southern parts of China. This has already caused some social problems. I give you some time to have a talk about the advantages and disadvantages of people moving within China.Step 3: Discussion:1. Have you ever moved to a new flat or a new city? What was the experience like?2. Do you think moving house can change peoples lives in a positive way? Why or why not?3. Where would you like to move if you could choose a place to move to? Why?For reference1. Recently, my family has moved into a new flat. This is the first time my family has moved house since I was born. Everyone in my family has been excited. Our new home is much larger than the old one. It is on the first floor and has a courtyard that is about twenty square meters in size. My grandma, who is in her seventies, is very happy because she does not need to climb five floors like she used to in our old house and can plant some flowers in the courtyard. I also feel very happy because I have my own room now and do not share the room with my grandma as I used to do. My parents allowed me to decorate my room as I wanted I had the walls in my room painted light blue and stuck some plastic stars on the ceiling. When the light is turned off, these stars seem to be shining. There is a park near my new home, so after supper, we sometimes go for a walk there. 2. I think that moving house can change peoples lives in both a positive and a negative way. You will meet new people and make friends with them. However, you may also miss your old friends.3. I would like to move if I have been living in the same place for a long time because I want to see, learn and experience new things. The place I want to go to is Shenzhen. Shenzhen is a young city, which has grown from a small fishing village and is still developing quickly. With its fast development, Shenzhen needs young people, especially those who have a good education, to work in the many new companies and business there. Therefore, I think it is a suitable place for young people like me to live and work. It will be easier for me to find a job there, and I will have more choices to do what I want to do. More questions for you to discuss and practice:1. If you could study or work in a foreign country, which country would you like to study or work in? Why do you want to go there?2. Which do you think is the most suitable place in China for young people to live and work? Why?3. Which country do you think is the most suitable one for people to live in? Why?4. Why do many people from the countryside move to the cities in China? What do you think of the social phenomenon?Resources:Americans in MotionSeveral new reports and briefs released by the U.S. Census Bureau provide a glimpse of where Americans are and where they are going. A report issued Oct. 30 says that more non-Hispanic whites, blacks, Asians and Hispanics moved to the South between 1995 and 2000, resulting in a net population gain in that region, while the Northeast experienced a net loss. But the report, Migration by Race and Hispanic Origin: 1995 to 2000, says the loss was not uniform within New England.For instance, New England witnessed a net gain of individuals identifying themselves as Asian or Hispanic, but saw a net loss of non-Hispanic whites and blacks. Nonetheless the population loss in the Northeast was more than made up for by new immigrants.Similarly, a population gain in the Midwest largely was attributable to Hispanic migration, which countered a net loss among non-Hispanic whites, blacks and Asians.According to the report, non-Hispanic whites were the least-mobile group with only 43 percent having changed residences, while Hispanics were the most mobile with 56 percent reporting a change. About 120 million (46 percent) of the nations population 5 years of age and older resided in a locale other than the one in which they lived in 1995. Nearly 35 percent moved to another residence in the same county or to another county within the same state.Step 4: Homework:1. Summarize the reasons people have for moving.2. Prepare the Reading part.111


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