高一英语知识点学案:B2M3(教师用) 外研版

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1113.1 知识精练Fill in the blanks with the given words in the text.Change their form if necessary.know compose change go talent impress music popular encourageHaydn,Mozart,Beethoven were all the world famous musicians.Haydn is _ as “the father of the symphony”.He _ other composers symphonies into a long piece for a large orchestra.Mozart had _talent from an early age.He started _ music when he was five.When Haydn met him first,he was deeply _ with Mozarts _.When Haydn met Beethoven,he _ Beethoven to Vienna.Later Beethoven became very _ in Austrian capital.He composed many famous pieces even after he began to _deaf.答案:known changed musical composing impressed talent encouraged popular go【例3】 _the red paint with blue,you will get another kind of beautiful paint of different color.A.MixedB.MixingC.MixD.To mix解析:此处主语是you,所以mix这个动作应是主动含义。所以用现在分词作状语。mix可作及物动词或不及物动词。答案:BYou cant mix water and oil because they dont mix.你不能把水和油混合在一起,因为它们不相融合。【例4】 I like playing_,but I dont like playing_.A.basketball;musical instrumentsB.basketball;musical instrumentC.the basketball;the musical instrumentD.a basketball;a musical instrument解析:打球不用冠词;弹某种乐器,乐器前用定冠词the。答案:A【例5】 The presidents speech was really _ and most people were _by it.A.encouraging;encouragedB.encouraged;encouraging C.encourage;courageousD.courageous;encouraged 解析:像excite,interest,please,satisfy,frighten,move,bore,tire等及物动词都可以加-ing 或-ed 构成形容词,有时也称为现在分词或过去分词。-ing 形式表示主动含义,-ed 形式表示被动 含义。答案:A【例6】 The man _ by the leader at the meeting is my good friend.A.refer toB.referring toC.referred toD.refer about 解析:此处referred to 是过去分词作定语,可以改为定语从句who was referred to by the leader at the meeting。refer to 意思是 “ 提到,谈到;参考,查阅”。答案:CB.错例分析1.误:We made Xiao Wang the monitor of our class.正:We made Xiao Wang monitor of our class.解析:当某些名词如captain,chairman,president,director,monitor,headmaster等作主语补足语、宾语补足语、表语补足语或同位语时,表示正式的或独一无二的头衔或职位时,前面一般不带冠词。例如:He was chosen headmaster of this school.他被选为这个学校的校长。2.误:Chairman Mao is well known for a great leader.正:Chairman Mao is well known as a great leader.解析:be well known as意为“作为而著名”,其后的名词多表示一个人的身份、职业等; be well known for意为“因而著名”,其后多接表示某个人或物的特点、特长等方面的词语; be well known to 意为“为所知道”其后多接表示人的词语;be well known in 意为“在某地很著名”。例如:(1) Guilin is well known_ its beautiful mountains and rivers.A.asB.forC.toD.in答案:B(2) Dont use words,expressions or phrases_ only to people with specific knowledge.A.being knownB.having been knownC.to be knownD.known答案:D3.误:Discovering a well,they made their camp there.正:Having discovered a well,they made their camp there.解析:-ing形式的主动语态分为一般式和完成式两种。-ing形式一般式所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作一般同时进行,而完成式所表示的动作则在谓语动词所表示的动作之前已经完成了。例如:(1)_ their work,they had a rest.A.FinishingB.FinishedC.Being finishedD.Having finished答案:D(2)_ such heavy pollution already,it may not be too late to clean up the river.A.Having sufferedB.SufferingC.To sufferD.Suffered答案:A4.误:Bob likes playing the chess.正:Bob likes playing chess.解析:一般而言,球类运动、棋类游戏等名称前不用冠词the a(an)。例如:play football;play chess (bridge);而乐器名称前用the。例如:I can play the piano.5.误:It was in the park where he met an old friend yesterday.正:It was in the park that he met an old friend yesterday.解析:这是一个强调句型,其结构是“It is/was+被强调部分+that-clause”。例如:(1)It was in Greece _ that Olympic competitions started.(2)It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages_ attracted the audiences interest.A.so thatB.thatC.whatD.in which答案:B(3)It was for this reason_ her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village.A.whichB.whyC.thatD.how答案:C6.误:My teacher encouraged me to speaking English.正:My teacher encouraged me to speak English.解析:鼓励某人干某事:encourage sb.to do sth.在某一方面鼓励某人:encourage sb.in sth.例如: I encourage him in his study.我鼓励他好好学习。7.误:The song is popular in students.正:The song is popular with students.解析:popular with sb. 某人所喜爱、赞赏或欢迎的。例如:A man who is popular with his neighbors.一位受邻居欢迎的人。8.误:He went almost madly when he heard the news.正:He went almost mad when he heard the news.解析:go为连系动词,其后接形容词作表语。例如:go hungry 挨饿 go mad 疯了 go wrong 机器坏了go cold 变冷 go blind 变瞎 go wild 发狂C.知识点精析1.After studying music in Vienna,Haydn went to work at the court of a prince in Eastern Austria,解析:after一词有多种意思和用法。本课中after用作介词,接动名词或名词。例如:(1)After visiting India,the Beatles changed their instruments.参观印度以后,甲壳虫乐队换了乐器。(2)After graduation,he worked there as a lecturer.毕业以后,他在那里当讲师。除此之外,after还作连词。例如:(3)After the Beatles visited India,they changed their instruments.(4)After he graduated,he worked there as a lecturer.2.He changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra.解析:change into/to “改变、变化、使变成”。例如:(1)The traffic lights changed from red to green.交通灯从红色变成绿色。(2)The witch changed the prince into a frog.巫婆把王子变成了青蛙。3.He was born in a village in Austria,the son of a peasant.解析:the son of a peasant 是he的同位语,是对he的进一步说明。 例如:(1)Abraham Lincoln,the son of a poor family,was born in Kentucky on February 12,1809.(2)Lin Cheng,16,a senior 2 middle school student from Fujing,won a gold medal in the competition.4.While he was still a teenager,Mozart was already a big star and toured Europe giving concerts.解析:(1)while 作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“当时候”。例如:My wife kept silent while I was writing.当我写字的时候,我的夫人就默不作声。(2)引导让步状语从句,相当于although “虽然、尽管”。例如:While I like the color of the hat,I do not like its shape.(3)连接并列结构的句子,表示对比、转折,意为 “而”。例如:He is a worker while I am a doctor.5.He learned to play the harpsichord when he was four.解析:learn to do sth. 意为“学会干某事”。例如:learn to swim,to talk,to fly 学会游泳、说话、飞行。6.for the first time “首次、第一次”。它表示有生以来或一段时间中第一次做某事,在句中作状语。解析:time意为“次、次数” for the first/last time “第一(最后一)回”。例如:He loved her when he met her for the first time.He was invited to Beijing for the first time that year.7.try to do sth.和try doing sth.解析:try to do sth. 意为“努力干;企图干”。例如:(1)We try to catch up with them.我们努力赶上他们。而try doing sth. “试着干或尝试着干” 例如:(2)I usually go to school on foot.Why not_ there by bike for a change.A.manage to goB.try to goC.to manage goingD.try going答案:D8.After graduation,he worked there as a doctor.解析:work as 意为 “充当、担任”。例如:He works as a teacher now.他现在当老师。9.Since 1993,he has worked part of the time in Beijing and part of the time in the US.解析:part of 指事物的“一部分”,可能超过一半或一半以下或仅占一份。a part of 指某物的“一小部分”,常指一半以下,a great part或great part 意义相同,意为“一部分”,但不一定是一半以上,若表示一半以上应用the great part of,a part of,part of或(a)great part of,作主语时,谓语动词要与of的宾语保持一致。例如:(1)A part of vegetables are carried from the South.一部分蔬菜是从南方运来的。(2)Part of rain was stored in the water cellar.部分雨水被储存在水窖里。10.Reading from your notes in English is also helpful.解析:of+抽象名词相当于形容词。例如:a woman of wealth相当于a wealthy woman 有钱的女人a woman of wisdom相当于a wise woman 聪明的女人a woman of learning相当于a learned woman 有学识的女人3.3 语法指导1.when, as,while 引导时间状语从句(1)when 表示某个具体时间,所引导从句的动作或是与主句的动作同时发生,或是先于主句的动作。when指一段时间,也可指时间点,既可以表示一时性动作,又可以表示持续性动作。as 所表示的动作与主句的动作同时发生,具有持续的含义, 一般同持续性动词连用。 while只能表示持续行动的动作或状态,不能表示一时性或短暂的动作。as 和while可译为“一边一边,正当的时候”。例如:He entered the room when(while,as)the meeting was going on.正当开会的时候他走进了房间。(指一段时间)When she comes,I shall tell her to wait for you.她来的时候,我会告诉她让她等你的。(指时间点,不能用while)While(As)Jim was reading,Jack was writing.吉姆阅读的时候,杰克在写东西。(指一段时间)As (When)he finished the speech,the audience burst into applause.他讲话结束的时候,听众掌声雷动。(指一点时间,不能用while)I was walking along the road when suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder from behind.我正在路上走着,这时忽然有人从后面拍拍我的肩膀。(这句中的when引导的从句相当于一个由and连接的并列分句,这里只能用when,意为“在那时,然后”等)Note:while 还可以作并列连词,引导并列分句,相当于whereas,表示对比,可以为“而,但是”,有时相当于although(尽管)。例如:I am fond of English while he likes maths.我喜欢英语,而他却喜欢数学。(此句中不能用when或as)While I admit that the problem is difficult,I dont think that it cant be solved.尽管我承认这个问题很难,但我并不认为无法解决。(2)when 有时表示“虽然,尽管”的含义,相当于although;有时具有“既然考虑到”的含义,相当于since;when还可作“如果”解,相当于if。例如:He walked when he might take a taxi.尽管他可以乘出租车,不过他还是步行。How can I help them when they wont listen to me?既然他们不听我的话,我怎么帮助他们呢?注意:比较until和till 此两个连词意义相同。肯定形式表示的意思是“做某事直至某时”,动词必须是延续性的。否定形式表达的意思是“直至某时才做某事”。动词为延续性或非延续性都可以。正确使用这两个连词的关键之一就在于判断句中的动词该用肯定式还是否定式。肯定句:I slept until midnight. 我一直睡到半夜时醒了。 Wait till I call you. 等着我叫你。(在肯定句中可用before代替。例如:Lets get in the wheat before the sun sets.)否定句:She didnt arrive until 6 oclock. 她直到6点才到。 Dont get off the bus until it has stopped. 公共汽车停稳后再下车。 I didnt manage to do it until you had explained how. 直到你教我后,我才会做。 区别:1)until可用于句首,而till通常不用于句首。例如:Until you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened. 直到你告诉我以前,出了什么事我一点也不知道。 3)until when 疑问句中,until要放在句首。例如: -Until when are you staying?你呆到什么时候? - Until next Monday.呆到下周一。 注意:否定句可用另外两种句式表示。 4)Not until在句首,主句用倒装。 例如:Not until the early years of the 19th century did man know what heat is. 直到19 世纪初,人类才知道热为何物。 Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted. 直到工作,才认识到我已蹉跎了许多岁月。 5)It is not until that. 例如:It was not until I began to work that I realized how much time I had wasted. 6)表示 “一就”的结构 hardly/scarcelywhen/before, no soonerthan和as soon as都可以表示“一就”的意思。例如: I had hardly / scarcely got home when it began to rain. 刚回家,就下起雨来了。 I had no sooner got home than it began to rain. As soon as I got home, it began to rain. 注意:如果hardly, scarcely 或no sooner置于句首,句子必须用倒装结构。例如: Hardly / Scarcely had I got home when it began to rain. No sooner had I got home than it began to rain.练习:在下列各句的空格中填入适当的连词1_ he comes tomorrow, I shall ask where he has been. 2_ he was speaking, everybody listened carefully. 3I saw her just _ she was getting off the train. 4Have a good look at that man _ you pass him. 5It was already eight oclock _ we got there. 6. I was about to go out _ a visitor came. 7Well go to the country at the beginning of June, _ the summer harvest will start.8. He learned to speak German _ he was in Berlin.9. Henry is in charge of the office _ Mr. Smith is away. 10. I listen to the recorder _ I have time. 11. He had learned Chinese _ he came to China. 12. _ the work was done, we sat down to sum up experience. 13. I havent seen him _ he moved to the other side of the town. 14. I waited _ he came back. 15. It was not _ he took off his eyeglasses that I recognized him. 16. She likes everything to be in place _ she starts to work. 17. The thieves ran away _ they caught sight of the police. 18. They decided to go back home _ their money ran out. 19. We played outside till sunset, _ it began to rain。20. _ I get to the airport, I will phone you to pick me up. 21. They were about to leave _ it began to rain. 22. He always stay in bed _ lunch time. 23. I like playing tennis _ my younger sister prefers watching ball games. 24. _ I understand your viewpoint, I dont agree with you. 25. _ she grew older, she became more responsible. Key: 一、1. When 2. While / When 3. as 4. when/as5. when 6. when 7. when 8. while9. while10. whenever11. before 12. After 13. since 14. till/until15. until 16. before17. as soon as 18. before 19. when20. As soon as21.when 22. until 23. while24. While 25. As 2.过去完成时(1)表示在过去某个动作或某个具体时间之前已经发生、完成的动作或情况。例如:They had got everything ready before I came.在我来之前,他们已经把一切准备好了。I could see from her face that she had received some good news.从她的脸上我可以看出她有什么高兴事儿。(2)过去完成时常用在有“hardly(scarcely)when,no soonerthan”等的句子中。例如:She had hardly (scarcely)gone to bed when the bell rang.她刚刚睡下铃就响了。No sooner_ they left the building_ a bomb exploded.A.have;thanB.had;whenC.did;asD.had;than(D项正确。他们刚刚离开那座大楼,炸弹就爆炸了。)(3)intend,mean,hope,want,plan,suppose,expect,think 等动词的过去完成时可以用来表示本来打算做而没有做的事。这种用法也可表示过去未曾实现的设想,意图或希望等,含有某种惋惜。例如:I had intended to call on you yesterday,but someone came to see me just when I was about to leave.我本来昨天要去看你的,但是刚要出门就有人来访。We had meant to tell her the news but found that she wasnt in.我们本想把这消息告诉她的,但是发现她不在家。Later she explained:“I had thought that he had died ten years ago,but now I know that he is still living.”(我本以为)I had wanted to invite her to the party.(我本来要)下面两句意思相同:He had wanted to help you but he had no time then.He wanted to have helped you but he had no time then.他本想帮助你的,但当时没有时间。Note:after从句表示过去时间的动作先后关系时,可用一般过去时或过去完成时。 例如:June went out to the park after she had read (或read)the paper.when 从句表示过去时间时,有时一般过去时和过去完成时可换用。例如:When the teacher had arrived (或arrived),they stopped talking.before从句表示过去时间时,主语中上述两种时态可换用。例如:Before he came,he had discussed (或 discussed)it with the manager.表示“过去的将来”某一时刻之前已经完成的动作。例如:She made up her mind to go on trying until she had succeeded.The plane would take off as soon as it had stopped raining.一、过去完成时与现在完成时的区别现在完成时表示的动作发生在过去,以现在的时间为基点,但侧重对现在产生的结果或造成的影响,与现在有关,其结构为“助动词 have (has) + 过去分词”;过去完成时则是一个相对的时态,已过去时间为基点,它所表示的动作不仅发生在过去,更强调“过去的过去”,只有和过去某时或某动作相比较时,才用到它。比较:I have learned 1000 English words so far.到目前为止我已经学会了 1000 个英语单词。I had learned 1000 English words till then.到那时为止我已经学会了 1000 个英语单词。 Im sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。 Oh, not at all. I have been here only a few minutes.没什么,我只等了几分钟。(“等”的动作从过去某一时间点持续到现在)二、过去完成时与一般过去时的区别虽然这两种时态都表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,但在使用时应注意以下几点:1. 时间状语不同:过去完成时在时间上强调“过去的过去”;而一般过去时只强调过去某一特定的时间。比较:They had arrived at the station by ten yesterday./They arrived at the station at ten yesterday.2. 在没有明确的过去时间状语作标志时,谓语动词动作发生的时间先后须依据上下文来判断:先发生的用过去完成时,后发生的则用一般过去时。She was very happy. Her whole family were pleased with her, too. She had just won the first in the composition competition.3. 当两个或两个以上接连发生的动作用 and 或 but 连接时,按时间顺序,只需用一般过去时来代替过去完成时;另外,在 before , after , as soon as 引导的从句中,由于这些连词本身已经表示出时间的先后,因此也可以用过去时来代替过去完成时。He entered the room, turned on the light and read an evening paper.Fill in the blanks according to the meanings of the sentences by using tenses of the verbs.1. How many English songs _ she _ (learn) by the end of last month?2. Hardly _ I _ (get) on the bus when it started to move3. He _(read) the book before he was ten years old.4. She said she _ (see) the film before.5. Our English teacher _ (teach) English in Guangxi for ten years before he came to No.113 Middle School.6. By the end of last month, they _(complete)the bridge .7. No sooner _ I _ (go) out than he came to see me.9. The classroom _ (clean) before we _ (get) there yesterday.10. _ the boy _ (finish) his homework before you saw him?11. When we got to the station, the train _ already _. (leave)12. The book _ by the end of last month. (finish)13. When I got back to the shop , my bag _ (take) away by someone else.14. When I arrived at the cinema, the film _ (be )on for ten minutes.15. -Whats that terrible noise?-The neighbors _ (prepare) for a party.16. The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics _ ( complete) by 2006.17. The teacher, with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class, _ (visit) a museum when the earthquake struck.18. -Mr. Johnson didnt turn up at the meeting yesterday morning, did he?- No. We _ (wait) till twelve oclock. A whole morning was wasted.19. -Why havent you asked her to come here?-She _ (do) an important experiment when I found her and she _ (not, finish) it.Keys: 1. had learnt 2. had got 3. had read 4. had seen 5. had taught 6. had completed 7. had gone 9. had been cleaned, got 10. Had finished 11. had left 12. had been finished 13. had been taken 14. had been on 15. are preparing 16. will have been completed 17. was visiting 18. were waiting 19. was doing, hasnt finished 111

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