Module 2《A Job Worth Doing》Grammar学案4(外研版必修5)

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Module 2《A Job Worth Doing》Grammar学案4(外研版必修5)_第3页
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111Module 2A Job Worth DoingPeriod 2: GrammarReview of verb forms Objectives To review Past simple, past perfect and past continuous To make a summary of tensesProcedures Reviewing Present simple, present continuous, present perfect Simple PastFORM Simple PastVERB+edEXAMPLES:I visited my friends.I often visited my friends.NOTE: When you are using a verb tense with only one part such as Simple Past (visited), adverbs usually come before the verb (often visited). Please remember this is different from verbs with more than one part such as Present Continuous.USE 1 Completed Action in the PastUse the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. Sometimes the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one specific time in mind.EXAMPLES:I saw a movie yesterday.I didnt see a movie yesterday.Last year, I traveled to Japan.Last year, I didnt travel to Japan.She washed her car.She didnt wash her car.USE 2 A Series of Completed ActionsWe use the Simple Past to list a series of completed actions in the past. These actions happen 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.EXAMPLES:I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00.USE 3 Single DurationThe Simple Past can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past. A duration is a long action often used with expressions like for two years, for five minutes, all day or all year.EXAMPLES:I lived in Brazil for two years.Shauna studied Japanese for five years.They sat at the beach all day.We talked on the phone for thirty minutes.How long did you wait for them?We waited for one hour.USE 4 Habit in the PastThe Simple Past can also be used to describe a habit which stopped in the past. It can have the same meaning as used to. To make it clear that we are talking about a habit we often use expressions such as always, often, usually, never, .when I was a child or .when I was younger in the sentence.EXAMPLES:I studied French when I was a child.He played the violin.She worked at the movie theater after school.They never went to school, they always skipped.IMPORTANT When clauses happen first Clauses are groups of words which have meaning but are not complete sentences. Some clauses begin with the word when such as When I dropped my pen. or When class began. These clauses are called when clauses and they are very important. The examples below contain when clauses. EXAMPLES:When I paid her one dollar, she answered my question.She answered my question, when I paid her one dollar.When clauses are important because they always happen first when both clauses are in the Simple Past. Both of the examples above mean the same thing. First, I paid her one dollar, and then, she answered my question. However, the example below has a different meaning. First, she answered my question, and then, I paid her a dollar.EXAMPLE:I paid her a dollar, when she answered my question. ACTIVE / PASSIVE Simple PastEXAMPLES:Tom repaired the car. ACTIVEThe car was repaired by Tom. PASSIVEPast PerfectFORM Past PerfectHAD + PAST PARTICIPLEExamples:I had studied a little English when I came to the U.S.They had never met an American until they met John.NOTE: When you are using a verb tense with more than one part such as Past Perfect (had met), adverbs often come between the first part and the second part (had never met).USE 1 Completed Action Before Something in Past The Past Perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action in the past. It can also show that something happened before a specific time in the past.EXAMPLES:I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai.Had you ever visited the U.S. before your trip in 1992?Yes, I had been to the U.S. once before in 1988.USE 2 Duration Before Something in the Past (Non-continuous Verbs) With Non-progressive Verbs and some non-progressive uses of Mixed Verbs, we use the Past Perfect to show that something started in the past and continued up until another action in the past.EXAMPLES:We had had that car for ten years before it broke down.By the time Alex finished his studies, he had been in London for over eight years.IMPORTANT Specific Times with the Past PerfectUnlike the Present Perfect, it is possible to use specific time words or phrases with the Past Perfect. Although this is possible, it is usually not necessary.EXAMPLE:She had visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in 1996.If the Past Perfect action did occur at a specific time, the Simple Past can be used instead of the Past Perfect when before or after is used in the sentence. The words before and after actually tell you what happens first so the Past Perfect is optional. Both sentences below are correct.EXAMPLE:She had visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in 1996.She visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in 1996.HOWEVERIf the Past Perfect action did not happen at a specific time, Past Perfect MUST be used at all times. Compare the two sentences below.EXAMPLE:She had never seen a bear before she moved to Alaska. CorrectShe never saw a bear before she moved to Alaska. Not CorrectACTIVE / PASSIVE FORMS Past PerfectEXAMPLESGeorge had repaired many cars before he received his mechanics license. ACTIVEMany cars had been repaired by George before he received his mechanics license. PASSIVEPast ContinuousFORM Past ContinuousWAS / WERE + VERB+ing EXAMPLES:I was studying when she called.I was carefully picking up the snake when it bit me.NOTE: When you are using a verb tense with more than one part such as Past Continuous (was picking), adverbs often come between the first part and the second part (was carefully picking).IMPORTANTClauses are groups of words which have meaning but are not complete sentences. Some clauses begin with the word when such as .when she called or .when it bit me. Clauses with the Past Continuous usually start with while. While expresses the idea during the time. Study the examples below. They have the same meaning.EXAMPLES:I was studying when she called.While I was studying, she called.USE 1 Interrupted Action in the PastUse the Past Continuous to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted. The interruption is usually an action in the Simple Past. Remember this can be a real interruption or just an interruption in time.EXAMPLES:I was watching TV when she called.When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.While we were having a picnic, it started to rain.Sally was working when Joe had the car accident.While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car.USE 2 Specific Time as an InterruptionIn USE 1, described above, the Past Continuous is interrupted by an action in the Simple Past. However, you can also use a specific time as an interruption.EXAMPLES:Last night at 6 p.m., I was eating dinner.At midnight, we were still driving through the desert.IMPORTANTIn the Simple Past a specific time is used to show when an action began or finished. In the Past Continuous a specific time only interrupts the action.EXAMPLES:Last night at 6 p.m., I ate dinner.(I started eating at 6 p.m.) Last night at 6 p.m., I was eating dinner.(I started earlier and at 6 p.m. I was in the process of eating dinner.)USE 3 Parallel ActionsWhen you use the Past Continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses the idea that both actions were happening at the same time. The actions are parallel.EXAMPLES:I was studying while he was making dinner.While Ellen was reading, Tim was watching television.They were eating dinner, discussing their plans and having a good time.USE 4 Atmosphere In English we often use a series of Parallel Actions to describe atmosphere in the past.EXAMPLE:When I walked into the office, several people were busily typing, some were talking on the phones, the boss was yelling directions, and customers were waiting to be helped. One customer was yelling at a secretary and waving his hands. Others were complaining to each other about the bad service.USE 5 Repetition and Irritation with AlwaysThe Past Continuous with words such as always or constantly expresses the idea that something irritating or shocking often happened in the past. The concept is very similar to the expression used to but with negative emotion. Remember to put the words always or constantly between be and verb+ing.EXAMPLES:She was always coming to class late.He was constantly talking. He annoyed everyone.I didnt like them because they were always complaining.IMPORTANT Non-Continuous Verbs/ Mixed VerbsIt is important to remember that Non-Continuous Verbs cannot be used in any continuous tenses. Also, certain non-continuous meanings for Mixed Verbs cannot be used in continuous tenses. To express the idea of Past Continuous with these verbs, you must use Simple Past.EXAMPLES:Jane was being at my house when you arrived. Not CorrectJane was at my house when you arrived. Correct ACTIVE / PASSIVE Past ContinuousEXAMPLES:The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store. ACTIVEThe customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store. PASSIVEMaking a summary of tensesSimple FormsProgressive FormsPerfect FormsPerfect Progressive FormsPresenttake/sam/is/are takinghave/has takenhave/has been takingPasttookwas/were takinghad takenhad been takingFuturewill/shall takewill be takingwill have takenwill have been taking111


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