高一英语学案:b1m 4(6) 外研版

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111Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语gallery, exchange, get out into, get away fromb. 重点句子 P37But there are times when I need the peace and quiet of the countryside.Cities are interesting, and they can be beautiful, but they are never beautiful in the way that the countryside is beautiful.2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to plan a presentation to give a brief report of a neighbourhood.Enable the students to use and to link similar ideas and but to contrast ideas.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to write a brief report of a neighbourhood.Teaching important & difficult points 教学重点和难点How to explain the use of and and but in sentences or passages. Teaching methods 教学方法Task-based learning, discussion and writing.Teaching aids 教具准备A projector and some slides.Teaching procedures ways 教学过程与方式Step I WritingT: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Mr. / Ms.T: Please look at the sentence on the slide from the text A Lively City. Pay attention to the way the words and and but are used.Show the sentence on the slide.You know, Ive seen quite a lot of China, and Ive visited some beautiful cities, but this is one of the most attractive places Ive been to.T: Who can tell us the difference between and and but.S: I think “and” indicates some additional information is being given, while “but” indicates the following information is going to modify the previous statement in some way.T: Yes, you are quite right. Now that you have understood the meanings of the two words, please complete the paragraph on page 37 with and or but. I will give you five minutes to finish it. You may discuss with each other. Five minutes later, check the answers. Then ask some students to make sentences using and and but.T: Whod like to make sentences using and or but. S: My shoes are very beautiful and comfortable, but they are pretty expensive. S: Hes a nice and clever boy, but hes quite lazy.T: OK! You did a good job.Step II Practice (P90, Workbook)Ask the students to work in pairs and make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of their neighbourhood, and then using and and but to link similar ideas and contrast ideas respectively to write a short passage about where they live.T: In this module, we have learnt about how to describe neighbourhood by reading and listening to some materials. Now please work in pairs and discuss with your partners about your neighbourhood. Then make a list of the advantages and disadvantages.A sample list:Where I liveAdvantagesDisadvantagescomfortable big housenoisyconvenient transportationfairly dirtyfriendly peoplefar from the schoolnear a parkAsk some students to read their lists.T: OK! Very good. Then can you write a short passage describing your neighbourhood using and and but? I will give you fifteen minutes to finish it. Then I will ask some of you to read your passages.Fifteen minutes later.A sample version:I live with my parents in a ten-storey building near the center of the city. And we have a comfortable and big house. Though everyone living in the building is busy, we visit our neighbours when we are free. I have to go to school by bus every day because our house is far from the school. Fortunately, here the transportation is very convenient. But because of a lot of cars and buses, the air here isnt fresh and sometimes its fairly dirty. And there is much noisy. Every morning we can go to the park nearby to breathe some fresh air and do exercises.Step III TaskThe purpose of this writing task is to enable the students to plan a presentation to give a brief report of their neighbourhood.T: In the last period, I asked you to contact your neighbourhood committee to do a social survey. Have you finished it?Ss: Yes.T: OK! Now I will give you fifteen minutes to write a short passage to give a brief report of your neighbourhood according to your notes. In the passage, you can tell us the recent changes in your neighbourhood and what the neighbourhood committee has done recently. Then Ill ask some of you to read your passages to the class.Fifteen minutes later, ask some students to read their passages.A sample version:In China, the neighbourhood committee plays a very important role in almost every residential community all over the country. Its job is to look after the neighbourhood and to solve problems for the community, such as the security of the area, taking care of elderly people etc. Recently the neighbourhood committee of our community has held several meetings discussing how to solve a problem. What is the problem? The road we use every day was built many years ago and now it has become very old and shabby. It becomes more and more difficult for people or vehicles to travel, especially when it is raining. The committee made a decision to rebuild the road. After the meetings, the committee has decided to collect money from every family of the community to mend the road. When I visited the committee, the money needed has been collected. I believe a month later, we will see a brand new road.Step IV Homework1. Summarize what you have learnt in this module.2. Preview the next module.附 件The Neighbourhood CommitteeMost Chinese residents are used to the term and functions of their neighbourhood committee, which, as the grass-roots government organization, handles the day-to-day affairs in the community. However, in the newly set-up international communities in the Pudong District of Shanghai, most of the residents are foreigners. They are not used to such administrative institute and its functions. When Yandlord Neighbourhood Committee was established in 2002 in Yandlord Garden (one of the international communities), some foreign residents showed an indifferent and even hostile attitude towards the committee and its work, because some regarded it as a spy working for the government to watch the activities of the residents. Here lies the cultural gap between the Chinese and the foreigners from western countries.The neighbourhood committee has a certain number of members that can be divided into two types: the formal staff assigned by the government with monthly pay and the resident representatives who, elected by their residents in the community, work as volunteers. The committee holds regular meetings on monthly basis to discuss problems concerning the community and handle them correctly, such as the security of the area, sanitation problem, taking care of elderly people who live alone, and even family planning.As a matter of fact, the neighbourhood committee plays an indispensable role in Chinese social life.Tourist attractions in XiamenGulang Islet Tourist AreaGulang islet of Xiamen is a major scenic spot in the country and enjoys laudatory titles of the “Garden on the Sea”, “Land of Music” and “Land of Piano”.Gulang islet is in the south of Xiamen with an area of 1.78 square kilometres, separated form the downtown by a 500 m-wide strait. Its name, meaning “drumming wave” came from the rocks in the southwest that give a drumming sound when high tide hits them. On the undulate hills, villas of western styles are embedded in the green trees, red flowers, blue waves and white clouds, thus, the islet is praised to be a “Museum of International Architecture.” The courtyards and small lanes among flowers and trailers are completely free from noise of vehicles and filled with fragrance and melodious music, giving one sense of fairyland. Today, Gulangyu is listed as one of the nations major scenic spot. The main sites of interest here include the Sunlight Rock, Shuzhuang Park, Gangzihou Bathing Beach and Zheng Chenggong Museum, which are visited annually by millions of people from all parts of the country and the world.Sunlight RockThe rock is also called Huang Rock (Dazzling Bright Rock), which is located on the top of Dragon Head Mountain slightly south of the islets center. It is 92.68 meters above sea level, being the peak of the whole islet. On the top, there is a sightseeing platform, where tourists can have a panoramic view of Xiamen and Gulang islet.On the mountain, huge and precipitous rocks form many caves and gullies. Pavilions are hidden among green trees. If you go up the steps, you will come to the Lotus Flower Convent first, where a huge rock named “A Piece of Tile”, sitting on the top, forms a hall below. On the large rocks beside the convent are inscribed “Wonderland of Gulang”, “Heavenly Wind and Sea Billows”, and “Number One along the Egret River”.Close to the convent is the historical site of Zheng Chenggongs Dragon Head Mountain Fastness and the platform for directing the raining of his seamen. In addition, plenty of caves, ancient walls and stone carvings can be seen indistinctly among the trees. They would stir up peoples feelings and lead them to contemplate the present and recall the past. It takes only about 10 minutes walk from the ferry to the rock.Shuzhuang GardenEstablished in 1931, the garden is located in the south of the islet, facing the sea and against the Sunlight Rock, with tourist village in the east and the Gangzihou Bathing Beach in the west. Originally it was the private villa of a local celebrity Lin Erjia and was transformed into a garden open to the public in 1955. The whole garden can be divided into two parts Canghai Garden for sea views and Bushan Garden for hill views. Each part has five sightseeing spots. Walking on the meandered Forty-four Bridge, tourists would feel as if they were walking on water. And Twelve-Cave Paradise, the tortuous, interlinked and spiraled rockery built on the hill, are especially interesting. The scenic spots in the garden are well proportioned, complementary and harmonious. The garden is on the sea and the sea is included in the garden. The garden combines the beauty of exquisite garden with vigorous sea view of splashing waves and hovering seagulls. Activity and inertia contrast and complement each other. Visitors are always attracted and enchanted by the beautiful scenes.Bright Moon GardenThe garden is located in the southeast of the islet, facing the Lujiang harbor. The garden occupies an area of nearly 20,000 square kilometers. It was established in August 1985. The Zheng Chenggong Statue, standing between the sky and the earth, is the main structure of the garden. It is 15.7 meters in height, and is the biggest Chinese historical figure statue. On the plaza in the garden a group of bonze statues show us the historical scene of driving out the Dutch invaders out of Taiwan under the leadership of Zheng Chenggong.The garden forms a wonderful view combining buildings of Ming Dynasty style with natural beauty, like gulls, trees, and sea view and mountain sight. Altogether they constitute a picture of natural beauty. It only takes five minutes walk from the ferry to the garden. Every main crossing has clear direction signs. With them, you can never get lost on the islet.Yu GardenGoing along the Zhangzhou Road or Fuxin Road by the side of Bright Moon Garden, we reach Yu Garden. This beautiful and peaceful garden was built in 1984 in memory of peoples medical scientist, expert of gynecology and obstetrics, Professor Lin Qiaozhi. The garden is well proportioned. There is a statue of Professor Lin, made of white marble in the garden. Beside the Exhibition Room for Lin Qiaozhis Life Story, the two hoop pines, planted by our famous revolutionist Deng Yingchao, represent the noble character of Professor Lin.Piano GardenPiano Garden is a tourist attraction, which is pervaded with a deep cultural atmosphere. It is located on the Hero Mountain on the islet, standing opposite to the Sunlight Rock. It consists of several different parts, all of which were named in relation with music, especially with the piano, such as Melody Square, Thinking-of-piano Square, Harmonious Music Building, Flowing Music Building, Lingering Sound Gate, etc. The islet is also famous for its ownership of pianos, ranking No.1 in China, and there are many talented musicians and pianists coming from here. It is often referred to as “islet of Pianos” and “Cradle of Musicians.” On pleasant days, if you walk on the islet, in the peaceful streets, the music played on the piano and the violin from houses and gardens will surely bring you great happiness and relaxation. Sea View GardenSea View Garden is an holiday villa with unique natural scenes in the southeast part Gulang islet. With an area of 100,000 square metres, it combines the delightful serenity of traditional Chinese gardens and the lively openess of the western-style villas. Under the management of Xiamen Gulang islet Sea View Garden Holiday Villa Co. Ltd, the garden not only boasts of landscape of sea and mountains, but also possesses a joint foreign-concerning villa hotel to serve guests, conference needs and tour groups both home and abroad. Equipped with luxurious suites, general suites, standard rooms, a sea-food restaurant, a karaoke hall, a dancing hall, a market place, yachts and a special dock, the hotel can also provide other services like dining and lodging, entertainment and the one-day sightseeing on the sea package tour.Xiamen Museum (Eight Diagrams Building)Standing in a high place anywhere in Xiamen, you can easily find the two landmarks of Gulang islet: Sunlight Rock on the highest peak by Lujiang Harbor and Eight Diagrams Building overlooking Xiamen and Gulang islet. The original owner of the building Lin Heshou, cousin of Lin Erjia, original owner of Shuzhuang Garden, set up the building in 1907. Now it is Xiamen Museum. Because of its special red round roof in shape of the Eight Diagrams, people call it Eight Diagrams Building. Within the museum, there are records of Xiamens history and developments, the construction process of the SEZ, its sports accomplishments and development of its relationships with other cities and countries. There are also collection of porcelain, jade and weapons through the ages. 111

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