Unit 1《Getting along with others》Word power文字素材1(牛津译林版必修5)

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Unit 1《Getting along with others》Word power文字素材1(牛津译林版必修5)_第1页
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Unit 1《Getting along with others》Word power文字素材1(牛津译林版必修5)_第3页
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111模块五 Unit1 Getting along with others【考点透视】I 重点短语 betray sb. / sth.:betray me / my trust / ones country / ones faith 1. betray betray to .:betray a friend to an enemy betray the news / the secret a stupid person / idea / mistake 2. stupid Its stupid of sb. to do sth. foolish / sillyoverlook a mistake / a persons fault3. overlook overlook a valley from a hill a tower overlooking the city determine to do sth. be determined to do sth. / that 4. determine a determined mind / man . , determined to do determination: n.:come to a determination; declare / show determination admitted / admitting / admission admit ones mistake / ones guilt admit doing sth. / that 5. admit admit sb. / sth. to be admit sb. to / into a place admission:n. 许可:gain / obtain admission to / into a club swear- swore - swornswear friendship forever / swear eternal love to sb. .6. swear swear to do / that swear to doing sth. forgive - forgave - forgiven7. forgive forgive (ones doing) sth. forgive sb. for doing sth.8. focusfocus ones eyes / attention / the camera on be focused on ;类似用法:concentrate .on.;fix .on. a guilty man / deed; find sb. guilty9. guilty be guilty of (doing) sth feel / be guilty about / over / for guilt:n. admit / deny ones guilt be cruel to sb10. cruel 类似用法:be kind to .; be friendly to .; be good to sb.;Its cruel of sb. to do sth.; n. cruelty stand the pain / hot weather11. stand stand working with sb. The coat doesnt stand washing.区别 bear:bear the weight; bear the responsibility put up with sb. / sth.12. apologize apologize to sb. for sth.n. apology:make an apology to sb. for sth. Sb. be likely to do sth. It is likely that 13. likely Very / Most likely sb. will do sth. unlikely 区分:likely / possibly / probably blame sb. for (doing) sth.24. blame be blamed for . sb. be to blame 类似用法:thank sb. for (doing) sth.; punish sb. for (doing) sth. . have a gift / gifts for sth.15. gift be gifted at sth. = have a gift / gifts for sth. a gifted student gift 与 talent have / take a attitude to / towards sb./ sth.16. attitude an official attitude ones attitude of mind absorb light / knowledge 17. absorbabsorb ones attention / ones energy / people be absorbed in hesitate about / in / at / over doing sth.18. hesitate hesitate to do sth. without any hesitation.have hesitation in doing sth.II 重点句型1. I thought it would be quite easy .2. I must have sounded very proud of myself 3. How they must have laughed behind my back!4. Speaking of friends, Ive met some nice people here in London.5. I cant wait to see you again.6. Regardless of what these friendships are based upon, shared feelings or activities, .【题例精析】【例1】No one has _ been able to trace the author of the poem.A. still B. yetC. already D. just【易错点悟】考查副词用法。【要点精析】yet 常用于现在完成时的否定句中, 意为“尚, 还”;already、just用于现在完成时的肯定句中。【答案】B【例2】 What is most obvious in this book are all those details of daily living which make Mrs. Richard _ common. A. nothing but B. anything butC. above all D. rather than【易错点悟】考查短语用法。【要点精析】anything but (=far from being) 根本不; The boys knew they bad broken the rules, and they were anything but happy when they were called to the office. (=They were unhappy and afraid.) nothing but 只不过; Dont have him for a friend; hes nothing but a criminal. (不要把他当朋友, 他只不过是个罪犯。) I have nothing but two dollars. (我只有2美元。) above all最重要的。rather than 而不是.【答案】B【单元检测】单项填空1. The teacher kept us _ the same poem again and again.A. practicing to readB. to practice readingC. to practice to readD. practicing reading2. The boy sat there sad, _ by his friends.A. feeling betrayedB. to be betrayedC. been betrayedD. having betrayed3. The angry lady left the shop, _ never come to shop there again.A. determiningB. determinedC. to determineD. determine4. Each year some foreign students _ our school. A. are admitted toB. are admitted byC. have admitted into D. have been admitted to5. The boy swore _ the wonderful film before.A. to seeB. to seeingC. to having seenD. having seen6. The students listened carefully to the teacher with their eyes _ on the blackboard.A. to focusB. focusingC. being focusedD. focused7. How can you stand _ in the public?A. laughing atB. to laugh atC. being laughed at D. to be laughed at8. The girl is _ to give us some help if asked.A. possibleB. likelyC. probablyD. possibly9. It is I that _ for the mistake in the work. A. is blamed B. isto blameC. am to blameD. am to be blamed10. Sorry for having delayed _ your letter in time. A. answeringB. to answerC. to have answered D. having answered11. Id like my child _ in a school of high quality. A. educatingB. to educateC. to be educatedD. being educated12. My son pretended _ when I came back.A. to sleep B. sleepingC. being sleepingD. to be sleeping13. _ in the book, she didnt hear what I said to her at all. A. Having absorbed B. Being absorbedC. AbsorbedD. To absorbed14. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _ whether he was going in the right direction. A. seeing B. to seeC. having seen D. to have seen15. _ be sent to work there? A. Who do you suggest B. Who do you suggest that should C. Do you suggest who should D. Do you suggest whom should完形填空Once, looking for stories on the back roads of Ohio, we werent getting on smoothly. A beekeeper wed been told about was away from home 16 we called on him. An amusement park where we thought we might find a 17 had shut down for the season. We began to get a little 18 .When 19 a farmhouse, we found a banner(横幅)between two trees in the front yard. The banner 20 in huge letters: WELCOME HOME,ROGER! We drove 21 for a mile or two. Somebody said, “Wonder who Roger is?” We 22 , went back there and knocked on the door.Roger was a soldier on his way home from war. His 23 knew he was coming, but werent sure what day he was going to 24 . We asked if theyd mind if we brought the camera into the house. Rogers mother said it would be all right if we could give her a few minutes to _25 We werent there more than an hour, talking to those people who were all 26 about Roger coming home and taking pictures.In the bus as we 27 on that afternoon, I wrote a simple story letting Roger 28 all the soldiers coming home from war. We sent the 29 with the story to New York, and Walter Cronkite put it on the Evening news. 30 has any of our stories caused such a reaction from viewers. The CBS switchboard(总机) 31 up that night with dozens of calls from people 32 by it in some way, and hundreds of letters came in, some of them suggesting that the story be 33 .There was so much _34 throughout the place that Cronkite had to report a few nights 35 , “Oh, and by the way Roger got home!”16. A. since B. where C. because D. when17. A. place B. story C. owner D. way18. A. discouraged B. disturbed C. satisfied D. touched19. A. entering B. visiting C. passing D. searching20. A. said B. wrote C. explained D. told21. A. out B. away C. on D. down22. A. got out B. turned around C. drove on D. gave up23. A. family B. company C. police D. army24. A. leave B. pass C. start D. arrive25. A. make the coffee B. repair the room C. fix her hair D. do the bed26. A. encouraged B. worried C. excited D. surprised27. A. stayed B. rolled C. took D. started28. A. expect B. represent C. express D. congratulate29. A. letter B. book C. camera D. film30. A. Seldom B. Actually C. Usually D. Unexpectedly31. A. put B. got C. sent D. lighted32. A. satisfied B. moved C. known D. expected33. A. broadcast B. told C. repeated D. spread34. A. surprise B. disappointment C. entertainment D. interest35. A. later B. earlier C. before D. sooner阅读理解 (A)You might think that “global warming” means nothing more than a rise in the worlds temperature. But rising sea levels caused by it have resulted in the first evacuation(撤离)of an island nationthe citizens of Tuvalu will have to leave their homeland.During the 20th century, sea level rose 8-12 inches. As a result, Tuvalu has experienced lowland flooding of salt water which has polluted the countrys drinking water. Paani Laupepa, a Tuvaluan government official, reported to the Earth Policy Institute that the nation suffered an unusually high number of fierce storms in the past ten years. Many scientists connect higher surface water temperatures resulting from global warming to greater and more damaging storms.Laupepa expressed dissatisfaction with the United States for refusing to sign the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement calling for industrialized nations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions(排放), which are a main cause of global warming. “By refusing to sign the agreement, the US has effectively taken away the freedom of future generations of Tuvaluans to live where their forefathers have lived for thousands of years,” Laupepa told the BBC.Tuvalu has asked Australia and New Zealand to allow the gradual move of its people to both countries.Tuvalu is not the only country that is vulnerable(易受影响的)to rising sea levels. Maumoon Gayoon, president of the Maldives, told the United Nations that global warming has made his country of 311,000 an “endangered nation”.36. The passage is mainly about _.A. rapid changes in earths temperatureB. bad effects of global warmingC. moving of a country to a new placeD. reasons for lowland flooding37. According to scientists, the direct cause of more and fiercer storms is _.A. greenhouse gas emissions in industrialized nationsB. higher surface water temperatures of the sea C. continuous global warmingD. rising sea levels38. Laupepa was not satisfied with the United States because it did not _.A. agree to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions B. sign an agreement with TuvaluC. allow Tuvaluans to move to the US D. believe the problems facing Tuvalu were real39. The country whose situation is similar to that of Tuvalu is _.A. Australia B. New ZealandC. the MaldivesD. the United States (B)In a traditional Chinese family, women are expected to do the housekeeping and leave the “other business” to men. However, the appearance of the full-time “househusband” is changing traditional family. A survey in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen shows that 22 percent, 73 percent, 34 percent and 32 percent of white-collar male workers, aged between 28 and 33, would be prepared to do the housekeeping if the conditions were right. Yang Wenhui, 32 years old, worked at the office of a company prefer to quit the job. “My job was dull and steady. I was not promoted. My wife, in contrast, really likes her job. So, after our baby was born, I chose to stay at home and take care of the family while my wife works full-time outside the home,” said Yang. Sociologists have found the full-time househusband emerges in three main situations. Firstly, if the wife is ambitious, well-paid and has good job prospects, while her husband is paid poorly and has no job prospects, it makes economic sense for the woman to become the main income earner for the household. Secondly, if the wife is tired of household chores and eager to work outside the home, her husband may forfeit his job. Thirdly, if the husband can do his work at home, he may take this choice as it allows him more time to take care of the family.Influenced by traditional ideas, some families with full-time househusbands prefer others not to know about their arrangement, concerned people would laugh at a husband with “no prospects” or wife who is “too strong”.Zhou Wei said he has become usual to being a full-time househusband although his relatives doubted this when they gathered during the holidays. “A happy life is the most important thing, not other peoples opinions,” added Zhou.40. The reason for Yang Wenhui quitting his job is that _.A. it is too difficult for him to do it B. it is too boring for him to do it C. he is too old to go on doing it D. his wife wanted him to quit it41. In which situation is a man unlikely to become a full-time househusband?A. He can earn enough money to keep family and has a good job prospects. B. He can earn much less than his wife and will never get promoted.C. His wife hates housework and is busy with her work outside. D. His job can be done at home and he would like stay at home. 42. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. A full-time househusband is a man without prospects in life.B. A full-time househusband is much weaker than his wife.C. A full-time househusband is willing to share his experience with his relatives.D. A full-time househusband can also enjoy happiness from housework. 43. The underlined word “forfeit” probably means _. A. appreciate B. quitC. continue D. escape对话填空Sun Yao meets a tourist outside a hotel in Beijing.Sun Yao: Its a bit windy, isnt it?Tourist: Yes, it is. (44) H_ tomorrow will turn out fine.Sun Yao: Are you a visitor here?Tourist: Thats right. Im traveling round the country. Ive always dreamt of coming to China, and now my dream has come (45) t_.Sun Yao: How do you (46) m_ in your wheelchair?Tourist: I seldom have any difficulties. Sometimes we arent (47) a_ to get into every building because there are (48) t_ many steps. But Im determined to enjoy myself as much as possible, even (49) t_ I cant see everything.Sun Yao: Where are you going tomorrow? You said that you hoped it would be fine.Tourist: Were going out to the Summer Palace. Sun Yao: So (50) f_ as I know you shouldnt have any problems there. I know that one of the towers is on the top of a hill, but the rest of the buildings are (51) e_ to get to.Tourist: I hope (52) s_. Thank you.Sun Yao: Its a pleasure. What time is it by your watch, (53) p_?Tourist: A quarter to eight.Sun Yao: Oh dear! I must go. Have a good day!(44)_(45)_(46)_(47)_(48)_(49)_(50)_(51)_(52)_(53)_书面表达你校正在开展“创建文明班级,共建和谐校园”活动,请根据下表内容,以“A Meaningful Activity”为题写一篇短文,向“China Daily”投稿,介绍有关情况。 主题“同陋习告别,与文明握手”目的根除乱扔、乱吐、留长发、吸烟、喝酒等现象;提倡穿校服、讲礼貌。内容举办图片展,进行教室、宿舍美化评比等。注意: 1. 词数:100左右 2. 参考词汇: civilization(文明) harmonious(和谐的) A Meaningful ActivityOur school has now started an activity called “Build Civilized Classes and a Harmonious Campus.” The topic is “Get Rid of Bad Habits and Greet Civilization”._【答案解析】【单项填空】1. D. 考查:keep sb. doing sth. 和practice doing sth.2. A. feeling betrayed:感到被背叛了。3. B. determined to do .:过去分词短语作状语。4. A. admit sb. to / into some place:允许/录取某人入某地。5. C. swear to doing:发誓做过;句末用before,则句子用完成时。6. D. eyes与focus有被动关系。7. C. stand doing:忍受;be laughed at:被嘲笑。8. B. sb. be likely to do sth.是固定句式。9. C. 强调句。原句为:I am to blame for the mistake in the work.10. A. delay doing:延误、推迟做11. C. would like sb. to do sth.:要某人做某事。12. D. pretend to do sth.。全句译成:当我回来时,我儿子假装在睡觉。13. C. Absorbed in .:过去分词短语作原因状语。14. B. as if to do sth.:好像要;as if doing.:好像在做;15. A. 复合句中含有带疑问词的宾语从句时,把疑问词提前。【完形填空】16. D. 当我们拜访他时,他不在家。17. B. 文章的第一句说:look for stories。18. A. 找不到写作题材,有点泄气。19. C. pass :经过、途径20. A. the banner said / read .:横幅上写着21. C. drive on:继续开车。22. B. turn around:转过车头、调转车头。23. A. 第三节第一句讲:on his way home。24. D. arrive (home) 到家。25. C. 因为要拍摄,所以要整理头发。fix ones hair:整理头发。26. C. 对Roger的归来而兴奋。27. B. roll on:(车轮)滚滚向前、(人)继续向前。28. B. represent:代表。29. D. film:(所拍摄的)胶片30. A. 本句是倒装句,Seldom可引起倒装句。31. D. light up:点亮、照亮、灯火通明。32. B. moved by:被所感动。33. C. 把这故事广泛传开。34. D.(人们对这故事)非常感兴趣。35. A. a few nights later:几晚以后。【阅读理解】36. B. 从文章的第一节可知。37. B. 从第三节最后一句可知答案。38. A. 从文章的第四节课找到答案。39. C. 文章最后一句。40. B. 从文章的第三节可知。41. A. 从文章第五节讲的第一种情况可知。42. D. 文章最后一句。43. B. 从文章第五节讲的第二种情况可知。【对话填空】44. Hopefully 45. true 46. manage 47. able 48. too 49. though 50. far 51. easy 52. so 53. please【书面表达】A meaningful ActivityOur school has now started an activity called “Build Civilized Classes and a Harmonious Campus”. The topic is “Get Rid of Bad Habits and Greet Civilization”.Bad habits do exist. Some students throw rubbish everywhere or spit in public. Some wear long hair. Others are even addicted to smoking and drinking. We require that the students break away from these bad habits.We urge the students to wear their school uniform and be polite to others.During the activity, well hold a picture show, a competition of classroom and dormitory decorations and so on.We all hope that well build each class into a civilized one and our campus into a harmonious place.111


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