Module 6《The Internet and Telecommunications》Grammar教案4(外研版必修1)

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111外研社 第二册 模块六Grammar 1 Adverbs of frequency and placeGrammar 2 Adverbs and adverbial phrases.Teaching Aims: Let the students learn the usage of adverbs.Teaching Important Points: the order of adverbs or adverbial phrases Teaching Difficult Points: make up a new sentenceTeaching Method: Get the general idea of the usage of adverbs and practice. Teaching Aids: multimediaTeaching Procedures: Step 1 Some knowledge about adverbs and adverbial phrases.1 副词的分类副词按照其词汇意义一般分为以下5类:时间副词,如:now, soon, ago, today, early, finally. once, recently, already地点副词,如:here, downstairs ,above, back, upwards, nearby, off, outside方式副词:如:carefully, fast, angrily, warmly, suddenly, slowly, really, excitedly程度副词:如:almost, seldom, often, usually, sometimes, occasionally副词按照其句法功能,一般分为以下4类:一般副词包括上述时间、地点、程度、频度等副词,主要在句中作状语,定语、表语、宾语补足语和介词宾语。 疑问副词,如:how, when, where. why 放在特殊疑问句句首。 关系副词,如:when, where, why, whether, 引导定语从句。 连接副词,如:how, when, where, why, whether, 引导名词性从句。 2 频度副词通常放在动词前面,如:I hardly ever heard him singing. 我几乎从未听他唱过歌。They occasionally saw him walking along the river bank. 他们偶尔看见他在河边散步。He seldom went back to his hometown. 他很少回故乡去。如果句子里有情态动词、助动词或动词be, 就放在这类动词(的第一个)的后面,例如:You must always keep this in mind. 这一点你要经常记在心里。Do you often go to the cinema? 你经常去看电影吗?He has never been late for the meeting. 他开会从不迟到。She is seldom ill. 她很少生病。3 几个副词同时出现在一个句子中,一般的次序是:方式副词地点副词时间副词(时间副词也可置于句首)。例如:He was born in Beijing in the year 1980.他1980年生于北京。They were all working hard in the fields at 10:00 yesterday. 昨天10点的时候他们正在田野里辛勤劳动。该次序也适用于由其他词或词组组成的相应的状语,即:方式状语地点状语时间状语。例如:Uncle Tom died suddenly in Paris in 1980. 汤姆叔叔于1980年突然在巴黎去世。After the war, the hero returned with pride to his hometown.战后,那位英雄自豪地返回了家乡。4 程度副词一般都放在它所修饰的词的后面,例如:I am terribly sorry for what I said to you. 我对我所说的话感到万分抱歉。He doesnt quite agree with you. 他不完全同意你所说的话。We have completely finished the project. 我们已全部完成了这项工程。He almost fell onto the ground. 他差点摔倒在地上。5 疑问副词、连接副词、关系副词和一些形容这个句子的副词,通常都放在句子(或从句)的开头。例如:How do you like the book you bought yesterday? 昨天买的书你觉得怎么样?Obviously the taxi driver is to be blamed for the accident. 显然,这位出租车司机应该为这起事故受到责备。 Certainly we should try our best to help this child. 我们的确应该尽力帮助这个孩子。6 方式副词通常位于动词(和宾语)的后面。如:She does everything carefully. 她做什么事都很细心。In the end he passed the exam successfully.最后,他成功地通过了考试。He is always treating other people rudely.他待人总是很粗鲁。 Step 2 Do with the exercises on page 54.Look at the words in bold in these sentences and follow the instructions.A Martial arts films are often enjoyable but they are seldom great art.B characters leap through the air every now and thenC Films like this rarely reach the big screen.D Wuxia films are popular in ChinaE Ang Lee had never directed a martial arts film before.F It has occasionally been done.G Do you often go to the cinema?1. Underline the single words that tell us how often something happens.With the verbs to be ,do these words come (a) after is or are? (b) before is or areDo these words (a) before the auxiliary verbs? (b) after the main verbs?Do they come (a) before the main verb? (b) after the main verb? 2. Find a phrase that tells how often something happensDoes it come (a) before the main verb? (b) towards the end of the sentence?3. Find a phrase that tell us where something happens.Does it come (a) before the main verbs? (b) towards the end of the sentence? Suggested Answers:1) seldom, rarely, never, occasionally, often, (a), (b),(a)2) every now and then, ( b)3) in China, (b) Divide these phrases that tell us how often something happenswords and phrases that tell us how often something happens occasionally (every) now and then in the west (of the country) three times a week seldom from time to time between the houses once a week rarely at the end (of the road) through the air every two daysphrases that tell us where something happens Suggested answers: How often: occasionally/every now and then /three times aweek/seldom/from time to time/three times a week/ rarely/ every two days. Where: in the west (of the country)/between the houses/at the end (of the road)/through the air Step 3 Do with grammar 2 Read the sentences and answer the questions.A. We always watch telly in the morning as we ear our breakfast in the kitchen.B. I watch films all the time at the weekends.C. I saw a brilliant one yesterday.D. Everyone in it acts so brilliantly.1.Is brilliant an adjective (describing a noun) or an adverb (telling you a verb)?2. How do you make adverbs from adjectives? Can you make an adverb from the word quick?3.Can you find words and phrases that answer these questions : When? Where? How? ANSWERS:1) adjective describing “one”(pronoun for “film”)2) You frequently add-ly to the end of the adjective, e.g. quickly3) When?: as we eat our breakfast ; in the morning; all the time; at the weekend; yesterday. Where?: in the kitchen How?: brilliantly Work in pair. Look at the sentences below. What is the order of When? Where? How? Adverbs in these sentences?1.The child plays happily in his bedroom every evening.2. Mrs Wang cleaned the house carefully yesterday.3.The students quietly at the bus stop each day.Answers: 1. ow?(happily) where?(in the bedroom)when? (every evening.)2. how?(cahrefully) when?(yesterday)3. how? (quietly)where?(at the bus stop)when? (each day) Put the words in the sentences below in the correct order.1. a I of supermarket at yesterday spent lot money the 2. street walked down man the quickly the 3. well you yesterday played 4. worked today student hard the have5. her before carefully talk think you to6. the were loudly yesterday boys corridor the talking in7. in to drove morning airport they early the Answers: 1) I spent a lot of money at the supermarket yesterday2) The man walked quickly down the street.3) You played well yesterday.4) The students have worked hard today.5) Think carefully before you talk to her.6) The boys were talking loudly in the corridor yesterday.7) They drove to the airport early in the morning.111


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