高二英语Book 7 Unit4 Sharing 单元测试

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111Book 7 unit 4 sharing 单元测试命题人:彭小英 2012.9.12第一部分 英语知识运用:(共两节,满分40分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)01.-_ she cant find her keys? -Shell be locked out all night.A. What about B. What with C. What if D. What for 02. Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students_ financial aid.A. in favour of B. in honour of C. in face of D. in need of03. This kind of cloth is easy _.A. to be washed B. to washing C. for washing D. to wash04. She _ the table and said the dinner was ready. A. lay B. laid C. lied D. lain05. A government official was murdered last Friday and the police are collecting information that is _ to the case. A. similar B. devoted C. relevant D. addicted06. I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, a city _ name will create a picture of beautiful trees and green grass in our mind.A. which B. of which C. that D. whose07. Ladies and gentlemen, Id like to propose a toast _ the bride and the groom.A. for B. with C. in D. to08. She will have to _ herself to the new condition.A. change B. fit C. suit D. adjust 09. After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, Chinese astronauts _ walk in space.A. anxious to do B. eager for C. are dying to D. are longing for 10. Why didnt she ask for help at that time? You know, at such a midnight, there was no one _.A. she could turn to B. for whom to turn C. who to turn to D. for her to turn11. With a basket on her back, the little girl is walking along the stream with green grass and red flowers _ on both sides.A. to grow B. growing C. grown D. being grown12. The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if _ regularly, can improve our health.A. being carried out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out13. Only guests of the hotel can enjoy the _ of bowling on the 9th floor.A. favorB. possibility C. privilegeD. advantage14. _, the compass was first made in China. A. It is know to all B. It is known that C. We all know D. As is known to all 15. He is one of the students who _ ever visited the Great Wall.A. were B. was C. hasD. have16. It was such a serious mistake, _ caused by carelessness. A. which I think was B. which I think it was C. I think which was D. I think which it was17. Because of the 100-day drought, the wells and rivers all have dried_. A. up B. out C. off D. in18. A sports meeting took place _ in the small town, which people from all over the town attended.A. some day B. another day C. the other day D. day after day19. - When did you last hear _ jay? -He phoned me this morning, and we agreed _ a time and place to meet.A. of; to B. about; with C. from; with D. from; on20. After graduating from college, I took some time off to go traveling, _ turned out to be a wise decision.A. that B. which C. when D. where第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Ever since I was little I loved doing things for other people. As I got older I began doing random things for people. For example, during holidays, such as Christmas, I would make an extra 21 along with the ones for my relatives. Then I would go and find someone in the grocery store and just hand it to them and walk away. It was so much fun. I admit, 22 , the first time I did it I was so 23 . I didnt know who to give the card to. So I said a little prayer and knew that the 24 person would just appear. About that time an elderly man ran 25 me with his shopping cart. It was an accident, and he 26 a million times. We smiled and he walked away, and I knew that he was the one. Later I found him in a different isle(过道), handed him the card, and smiled. I said Happy Holidays, and then walked away. It was so great, and the 27 I had afterwards was unexplainable.Then one day I came across yourwebsite (the coolestwebsite ever) and 28 some Smile Cards. When they came in, I started a new project. When I go into a store, I locate a person who I think needs a 29 . Then, I buy a flower, a carnation, to be exact, and 30 it in the most beautiful paper they have. I tie lots of ribbons on it to make it 31 , and then slip the smile card into an envelope and 32 it to the flower. After that, I pay for it and explain to the cashier 33 it is to go to (I live in a pretty small town so its easy to get the help of the cashiers). They then give it to that person when they come through. Once in a while Ill buy the flower and then just leave it for the cashier. That gets smiles.My favorite time was when I picked out this elderly woman who was walking around the 34 somewhat confused. I had come across her numerous times and she only smiled slightly once. When she came to the check out (I was watching from outside) her face 35 and the smile was the biggest I had ever seen. Later that week the cashier whom I had had 36 me told me that the lady had been so surprised and while she was walking out with the grocery bag to her car, she was planning what she was going to do for someone else. It was awesome.I absolutely love the random acts of kindness cards. I 37 at least two in my purse and others in my car, locker and everywhere I go. As I mentioned, my club, STARS, is doing a Random Acts of Kindness Project with the smile cards so they also are using them. I look forward to hearing about their success. Its really great. I 38 used them in school. I bought my entire math class cans of pop after lunch one day. They came in from lunch and a can of pop and a smile card were setting 39 that day. It totally lightened the mood in the class that day 40 we were studying for a test. Thank you for all of the help that you provide. The smile cards are a great program that brings smiles into the lives of many!21. A. presentB. cardC. wishD. promise21. A. thereforeB. anywayC. moreoverD. however23. A. excitedB. disappointedC. nervousD. cautious24. A. onlyB. elderlyC. rightD. lucky25. A. intoB. acrossC. afterD. for26. A. thankedB. apologizedC. forgaveD. admired27. A. chanceB. actionC. rewardD. feeling28. A. orderedB. copiedC. downloadedD. saved29. A. giftB. smileC. helpD. comfort30. A. hideB. coverC. putD. wrap31. A. expensiveB. naturalC. uniqueD. diverse32. A. devoteB. attachC. submitD. join33. A. howB. whereC. whoD. what34. A. restaurantB. hotelC. schoolD. store35. A. lit upB. put upC. got upD. made up36. A. helpB. deliverC. promiseD. remind37. A. arrangeB. needC. takeD. keep38. A. hardlyB. somehowC. evenD. ever39. A. in their basketsB. on their desksC. in their bagsD. in their drawers40. A. becauseB. unlessC. afterD. whenever第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。A After giving a talk at a high school,I was asked to pay a visit to a special student. An illness had kept the boy home, but he had expressed an interest in meeting me,and it would mean a great deal to him. I agreed. During the nine-mile drive to his home,I found out something about Matthew. He had muscular dystrophy(肌肉萎缩症).When he was born,the doctor told his parents that he would not live to five,then they were told he would not make it to ten. Now he was thirteen. He wanted to meet me because I was a gold-medal power lifter,and I knew about overcoming obstacles and going for my dreams.I spent over an hour talking to Matthew. Never once did he complain or ask,Why me? He spoke about winning and succeeding and going for his dreams. Obviously,he knew what he was talking about. He didnt mention that his classmates had made fun of him because he was different. He just talked about his hopes for the future,and how one day he wanted to lift weight with me.When we finished talking,I went to my briefcase and pulled out the first gold medal I won and put it around his neck. I told him he was more of a winner and knew more about success and overcoming obstacles than I ever would. He looked at it for a moment,then took it off and handed it back to me. He said,You are a champion. You earned that medal. Someday when I get to the Olympics and win my own medal,I will show it to you.Last summer I received a letter from Matthews parents telling me that Matthew had passed away. They wanted me to have a letter he had written to me a few days before:Dear Rick,My mom said I should send you a thank-you letter for the picture you sent me. I also want to let you know that the doctors tell me that I dont have long to live anymore. But I still smile as much as I can.I told you someday I was going to the Olympics and win a gold medal. But I know now I will never get to do that. But I know Im a champion,and God knows that too. When I get to Heaven,God will give me my medal and when you get there,I will show it to you. Thank you for loving me. 41. The boy wanted to meet the author because _. A. he was interested in weight lifting B. he wanted to get a gold medal C. he admired the author very much D. he wanted the author to know him 42. The underlined part in the third paragraph probably means “_”. A. Why do you come to see me B. Why do I have to stay at home C. Why does the disease fall on me D. Why not give a gold medal to me43. We can infer from the passage that _. A. Matthew was a determined boy B. Rick used to have the same disease C. Matthew became a champion finally D. Rick regarded Matthew as normal44. The boy refused the authors medal because _. A. he was not worthy of it B. he didnt want to be pitied by others C. he knew he would die soon D. he thought he himself could earn one in the future45. According to the passage, which one is true? A. Matthew always complained his bad fate during their talking. B. Matthew asked Rick to help him to be a famous person. C. Rick was moved by the boy because the boy didnt give in to his life. D. Rick decided to give his medal to the boy because the boy wanted it.BIn 1974, the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) adopted a new policy. WHO tried to encourage developing countries to develop their own traditional forms of medicine, instead of turning to Western medicine for expensive cures to medical problem. There were many people who looked down on this new policy, but WHO felt it was the most reasonable solution to the large health problems facing poor countries. Today, WHO estimates that a third of the global population lack easy access to modern drugs, and that in the poorest parts of Africa and Asia, that figure rises to fifty percent. WHO believed that the people in developing countries who could not afford or find modern medical doctors were better off using traditional medicine rather than no medicine at all.Today, traditional medicine and treatments are not only used in developing countries, but are increasing in popularity in North America and Europe. In the United Kingdom, for example, $230 million is spent on traditional remedies(传统疗法) annually. In China, traditional herbal medicines account for thirty to fifty percent of all medicines used. The global market for traditional medicines is estimated to be $60 billion, and growing every year.Twenty-five percent of modern medicines are made from plants that were first used in traditional medicine, and scientists believe they have just scratched the surface. For example, one Chinese herbal remedy(草药), which has been used for two thousand years, has recently been found to be effective against varieties of malaria that have resistance to other drugs. This herb could end up saving a million lives a year, mostly among children. In South Africa, another traditional plant is being used to treat patients with AIDS.Recognizing the importance of traditional medicines, in 2003 WHO launched a Traditional Medicine Strategy. Among the recommendations of this strategy, there were several areas of concern. The first area of concern is safety. WHO recommends more scientific testing on traditional medicinenot all traditional medicines are as helpful as the two mentioned above, and some can actually be harmful.For example, in the United States, a traditional Chinese herb, Ma Huang, was sold as a diet drug. It was to blame for many heart attacks and at least a dozen deaths. In Belgium, at least seventy people received liver damage when they took herbal remedy made from the wrong species of plant.Another area of concern is biodiversity and sustainability(生物多样性和持续性). Some people are worried that as herbal medicines become more popular, the plants that these medicines are made from may become endangered as they are over-harvested. For example, in eastern and southern Africa a species of wild potato has become endangered because of reports that it is effective in the treatment of AIDS.There is also the problem of rights to drugs created from traditional remedies. Research into traditional remedies is increasingly being done by large drug companies, mostly based in Western countries. There is a fear that as these companies produce drugs they will claim to have the rights to the medicine. WHO recognizes that there is a need to make sure that any profits from drugs produced from traditional medicines are shared with the local culture from which the medicine originated.Traditional treatments dont only include medicines, they also include such treatments as acupuncture(using needles to treat illnesses) and aromatherapy (which, as the name suggests, uses types of smell as therapy). Acupuncture, for example, started in China, but is now performed in more than seventy countries around the world. There are at least 50,000 acupuncturists in Asia alone, and another 15,000 in Europe, and 12,000 in the United States. Even conventional doctors have come to recognize the benefits of acupuncture to stop pain and to eat some illnesses. In the United Kingdom, almost half of all conventional doctors either recommend acupuncture in some cases, or will perform acupuncture themselves. In fact, several British soccer players have used acupuncture to treat injuries that, in the past, would have required surgery, or that they would have just had to put up with.46. What is this passage mainly about?A. why traditional medicine is so effectiveB. a program to increase the use of alternative medicine around the worldC. the main differences between traditional and conventional medicinesD. the history and future of the World Health Organization47. Why does WHO encourage developing countries to use traditional medicines?A. Non-traditional medicines are often too expensive.B. Traditional medicine is usually more effective.C. Western countries shouldnt have to supply drugs to developing countries.D. The populations of developing countries prefer traditional medicines.48. According to the passage, which of these can be treated by acupuncture?A. Being overweight B. AIDS C. Malaria D. pain49. Which of these statements would WHO probably agree with?A. Herbal remedies are much safer than conventional medicine.B. In the future, more Western drugs will be based on traditional plants.C. Western companies should own any species they produce drugs from.D. Conventional doctors should avoid using traditional medicine.50. Which of these does the passage NOT mention as one of WHOs main concerns?A. species protection B. sharing of profits with local culturesC. drug safety D. problems caused by acupunctureCWhen looking for love, people may go to some extreme lengths. They might go on blind dates set up by family and friends. They might write personal ad to place in newspapers. Or they might use a computer to help them in their search for a soul mate by joining an online dating service. Some people have even tried to find their perfect match through game shows on television. Many of these TV dating shows, including The Bachelor and Who Wants to Marry Multimillionaire?, have proved to be rating blockbusters, with millions of viewers watching each week to find out which of the contestants will find true love.Of all these game shows, perhaps the one with the most unexpected ending was Mr. Right, which was shown in England in 2002. On the show, a bachelor, thirty-five-year-old Lance Gerrard-Wright, dated fifteen women to find the one who was his ideal partner. The host of the show was Ulrika Jonsson, an English celebrity originally from Sweden. For seven weeks on the show, Gerrard-Wright took turns going on dates with each of the women, taking them to expensive restaurants and exotic locations. He even met the womens families and introduced them to his own. Then at the end of each episode, he would choose between one and three of the contestants with whom he had felt the least compatible(相容的), and say goodbye to them.At one point during the series, one contestant volunteered to leave because she said she didnt find him attractive. After two dates she said she had had enough, and she couldnt see it working, “He wasnt my cup of tea.” In another episode the woman he was on a date with burst into tears when he called her by another contestants name. “You called me by another girls name. I cant believe you did that. I really liked you,” she sobbed.But in the final episode, the woman he eventually chose decided she didnt want to marry him after all. “I think youve chosen me because you have to choose someone,” she said. Maybe this was because she already knew he had fallen in love with the shows host!After leaving the show, Gerrard-Wright and Jonsson were seen dining together and attending parties around London more and more often. Finally, on May 1, 2003, Gerrard-Wright proposed to Jonsson on the steps of St. Pauls Cathedral. And she accepted his proposal right away, although it was a conditional acceptance. Jonsson has two children from previous relationshipsan eight-year-old son, Cameron, and a two-year-old daughter, Bo. She had to make sure that they agreed to the marriage. Luckily, they did. Gerrard-Wright said, “In the end the show did work for me. I grabbed an opportunity to get a girlfriend and I did. Ulrikas gorgeous.”The happy couple finally got married at Jonssons home in Sweden on the island of Varmdo. They wanted to keep the ceremony small, so only forty people were invited, including family and friends. There was some gossip at the time that Jonssons friends who did not receive invitations to the wedding felt snubbed by her. But the bride and groom did not let that ruin their wedding day.Has Ulrika Jonsson finally found Mr. Right? Only time will tell. But none of the guests at the wedding could deny the happiness in the couples eyes as the bride and groom left the wedding ceremony with the music of Stevie Wonder playing in the background, “Seen a lot of things in this old world. When I touched them, they did nothing, girl. Ooh baby, here I am, signed, sealed, delivered, Im yours.”51. What is this passage mainly about?A. how a famous couple met and got marriedB. the best way to meet a husband or wifeC. why the show Mr. Right was a big hitD. how to act on a date with a stranger52. What happened after seven weeks of doing the show?A. All of the women won prizes.B. Lance asked one of the women to marry

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