Module 2《Traffic Jam》学案1(外研版必修4)

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111学案导学Book4,Module 2复习课设计一、学习目的:复习高一英语Book4,Module 2的有关内容二、学习步骤:复习单词 复习词组 背诵重点句三、基本思路 1、 夯实基础 2、能力扩展 3、综合能力巩固 4、 走进高考 5、能力运用 (一)、单词拼写:(夯实基础) 1 、When you have paid for something, a _(收据) is given to you . 2、 It took us all day to reach our _.(目的地)3、 I will go if my health _.(允许) 4 、To travel by subway is very _(方便的). 5、 The streets are full of _ (旅客) 6.、 The new airport is still _(建造之中) 7 、The wheels of the car got_(陷在) in the mud and we could not go on. 8、 I want two second-class _(单程票) to Beijing.(二)、写出下列词组:( 夯实基础)1、与相连 2、被困在3、马上/一会儿 4、到处旅游5、四处走动 6、正在建设在中 7、关上,断掉 8、保持冷静9、没门儿 10、上班高峰期11、使某人发疯 12、对满意(三)、背诵默写课文重点句:1、只要你招招手,马上就会有出租车开过来。2、你得确保出租车有营业许可证,并且一定要索取发票。3、最好是避开交通高峰期。4、编号大于100的公共汽车可以到达郊区。5、不过也有夜班车,编号在200到300之间。6、如果嫌出租车贵公交车拥挤的话,在有些地方,你可以乘坐有12个座 位的小公共汽车。7、地铁快捷方便,但是,交通高峰期时段情况就可能非常糟糕。8、如果你想逛逛老北京的胡同,三轮车就值得坐一坐了。.(四)、完成下列句子:(能力扩展)1、即使邀请她,她也不会来的。 She wont come even though she _ _ .2、小时候,他在很多学校上过学。 As a boy he _ _ in mang schools.3、明天早点来,你就会见到她。 _ _ tomorrow _ youll meet her. 4、如果你方便的话,明天到这里来一趟。 _ _ _ _ to you, come here tomorrow. 5、不仅你而且她这次英语考试不及格。 _ _ you _ _ she has failed in the exam. 6、他跑的如此的快,所以我没追上他。 He ran _ _ _ I didnt catch up with him. (五)、课文内容再现::(综合巩固)You can use different means of transport to get around in Beijing. Simply raise your hand, and a taxi appears _. You should check the cab has a business _, and _ you ask for a receipt. There are 20,000 buses and trolleybuses in Beijing, but they can get very crowded during the _. There is also a night bus service, _by buses with a number in the 200s. _in which you can always have a seat run regular services and follow the same route as the public buses. Underground trains are fast and convenient, but rush hours can be terrible. If you want to go to the narrow alleys of old Beijing, _ are worth using.(六)、走近高考(精选与本单元有关的高考原题)1、(2006年全国卷,26)These books are too heavy for me to carry. _. A.You may ask for help B.I will give you a hand C. I will do you a favour D. Id come to help2、(2005年高考天津卷) If it is quite _to you ,I will visit you next Tuesday . A. convenient B. fair C. easy D. comfortable3、(2006年四川卷) Start out right away,_ youll miss the first train. A. and B. but C. or D. while 4、(2005年辽宁卷) Follow your doctors advice, _ your cought will get worse. A. or B. and C. then D. so 5、(2005江苏年卷,24)How about putting some pictures into the report? _ A picture is worth a thousand words.A. No way. B. Why not ? C. All right. D. No matter.(七)、家庭作业:(书面表达,能力运用)Say something about traffic jam of our county. 111

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