Module 2《My New Teachers》introduction,reading and vocab教案7(外研版必修1)

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Module 2《My New Teachers》introduction,reading and vocab教案7(外研版必修1)_第1页
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Module 2《My New Teachers》introduction,reading and vocab教案7(外研版必修1)_第3页
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111Module 2 My new teacherReading and Vocabulary-教案Teaching aims: Enabling the students to 1. learn the new words in Reading and Vocabulary2. grasp the main idea of the passage in Cultural Corner.Teaching steps:I. Read the words in the box and have the students repeat them after me, paying particular attention to stress.Ask the students to work in pairs to find the meaning of the words in the box first and then do questions and answers. Check the answers in class. (Students own answers)II. Deal with Activity 2Ask the students to decide which words might go into the spaces. If necessary, explain the words or expressions.Check the answers in class by listening to the conversation and ask a few students to write their answers on the blackboard.1) choice 2) revision, translation m 3) timetables4) period 5) headmaster, libraryIII. Finish Activity 3. Play the tape again, and ask the students to choose the right answers individually, and then check with their partners in groups of four. Then ask some groups to give their answers in class.1. b 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. aIV. Discussion. All of you have been to several different schools, and have known different teachers and students, now tell me:1. What do you think of the relationship between teachers and students?2. How do you find our school?V. Read the passage again and fill in the chart in pairs.CountriesRelationship betweenteachers and studentsstate schools or private schoolsNorthern EuropeFrance, GermanySpainRussiaAmericaBritainChinaVI. Match words and expressions with their definitions .relationship be suitable forformal like, the state of being likediscipline order, rulesrelaxed connection, having sth. to do withsimilarly in accordance with rulesbe true of less tight or strictVII. Read the passage again and try to retell it.VIII. Homework 1. Write a passage about the relationship between teachers and students in China. 2. Read the passage fluently.111

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