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111外研版六册全模块复习题(高二假期作业)四川省泸县第九中学一、词汇篇M6 I. 根据句意和提示完成句子1. The USA _ (向宣战) Japan.2. Every tourist was excited when they _ (下船) because they would see the famous place of sight.3. I _ (试图) persuade him to go to Beijing.4. After a days hard work, we came home, _ (疲惫不堪,心有余悸) 5. The poor farmer_ (被卷入) the accident without any reason. 6.If the water _ (不是那么深), the boy _ (不会被淹死)II. 根据首字母写出下列单词1. The secretary is very careful and never o any little points.2. A c of coincidences led to their first meeting.3. He is the i of his father.4. Chinese parents often make s to educate their children.5. He was seen disappear in the d valley after the storm.6. He o an important position in the government.7. He went on with his experiment d lack of money.8. We should not i other peoples rights.9. People come up for their forms in s .10. His theory was e proved right.11. You r me from an embarrassing situation.12. To speak out against the manager at the meeting needed great c .13. I felt deeply w by his betrayal.III. 选词填空 从下面的方框中选择合适的单词,并用其正确形式完成下列句子。operation, confusion, abandon, drown, invade, exhaust, contribution, weary, vengeful, sense, occupy, stroke, campaign,1. He swore _ against the man who murdered his father.2. He _ an important position in the Ministry of Education.3. The armys _ was extremely dangerous.4. He _ his wife and child.5. They asked me so many questions that I got _ 6. Dont play by the river in case you fall in and _!7. I was _ by the hustle and bustle of city life8. Exercise _ to better health.9. Grants Vicksburg _ secured the entire Mississippi for the Union.10. What a _ fellow he is!M5 I. 单词拼写:1. Read the stories and answer the questions as _(如下).2. The story is _(虚构的), we cant believe it. 3. The _(头目) of the committee is a scientist.4. It is _(难以置信的) that a ball will not stop if there isnt friction(摩擦力).5. The two shirts are i_(完全相同的), there isnt any difference between them.6. He wanted to catch the butterfly, but _ himself on the ground.(扑倒在上)7. He was _(使受惊吓) at the terrible sight. 8. Fresh air and good food are _(有益) to the health. 9. The doctor has _(治愈) many people of such a disease. 10. You must try your best to _(控制) your feelings.II. 选词填空 从下面的方框中选择合适的词组,并用其正确形式完成下列句子。break down, as far as, rely on, up and down, up to, contrast with, put out, on the contrary, knock out, by mistake, make sure, vice versa1. Mr White may be at home, but youd better call and _.2. These psychological barriers are difficult to _.3. I walked _ my bedroom for a long time.4. _ I know, he has no brothers or sisters.5. Im sorry that I took away your umbrella _.6. The challenger _ the champion in the fifth round.7. The government will _ a new statement next week.8. She had proved that she could be _ in a crisis.9. He did not say he liked it. _, he was very much against it.10. I dont care when you cut the grass. When you do it is _ you.III. 翻译句子:1.局势非常不好,无法控制。(control)_2.副主席被禁止出席该会议。(ban)_3.他父母死得早,他的叔叔对待他像亲儿子一样。(treatas)_4.我们都为他的安全而忧虑。 (anxious)_5.他们花了六个小时才把这场大火扑灭。(put out)_M4 I. 单词拼写:1. Kindness is one of his _(特点).2. Boy as he is, he has a large _(收藏品)of stamps.3. One of his _(志向) is to become a famous writer.4. The two small shops _(联合) to make a large one.5. Yesterday my younger sister bought a book of _(诗歌).6. He quickly i_ to me what the Russian was saying.7. David had very little to say r_ the accident.8. Many social services are still provided by v_ organizations.9. Will this woolen sweater s_ when washed?10. Are there any v_ positions in your company?11. After work the boss went to play golf for _(放松)12. He _(表示) his satisfaction with a nod.13. She was _(吸引) by the strangers elegant manners.14. These ancient buildings are part of the national _(遗产)15. Children like the scenes from classical _(神话).16. I felt highly h_ to be invited to the evening party.17. They p_ a sum of money to the college in memory of their son.18. We do not have enough money. T_ we cannot afford to buy the new car.19. Women are entering the political a_ in larger numbers.20. The snake is s_ of evil.II. 选词填空 从下面的方框中选择合适的词组,并用其正确形式完成下列句子。depend on, be connected to, in addition to, all of a sudden, deal with, make contact with, on the other hand, in public, graduate from, be famous for1. Jinan _ its springs, as we all know.2. How much is produced _ how hard we work.3. She can speak three foreign languages _ Spanish.4. My brother _ a famous university last year but he hasnt found a good job.5. Weve _ the firm for years and can thoroughly recommend it to you.6. My Johnson does not like to make speeches _.7. _ a man burst out of the hedge, and make off down the road.8. I finally _ her in Paris with his help.9. All the computers in our school _the Internet.10. Id like to eat out, but _ I should be trying to save money.M3 I. 单词拼写1. Well paid as he is, he often ends up in _(财政的) troubles.2. The boy _(后悔) wasting so much time playing computer games.3. A _(活泼的) person is full of energy and is always doing things.4. We will _(面对) many difficulties and troubles in our daily life.5. They dropped in for a _(聊天) last night.6. He was so a_ of his being late for class.7. When Jenny discovered the t_ of her bag, she went to the police.8. They decided to r_ 200,000 yuan for the Hope Project.9. See how many plates we have, but dont c_ in the cracked ones.10. They dont like her; she is always q_ with people.11. He _(踱步走) nervously up and down the hospital room, waiting for news.12. She is a _(合伙人) in a law firm.13. The economists _(预言) an increase in the rate of inflation.14. Be careful not to _(踩,踏) on that broken glass.15. This hotel is a favorite with young honeymoon _(夫妇)16. You have never m_ that you are married.17. Old gabled houses peeped out from a_ the trees.18. The boy didnt move though the teacher r_ her name.19. He began stroking her hair and gently m_ her name.20. Many German artists f_ to America at the beginning of World War II. II. 选词填空 从下面的方框中选择合适的词和词组,并用其正确形式完成下列句子。 lose interest in, burst out, raise money, get to know, in return, all at once, make up, keep in touch, go through, belong to, mention1. China is a developing country _ the third world.2. The soldier was _ in a report for his bravery.3. It was obvious that the room had been _ by an intruder.(盗贼)4. They _ laughing at the sight of the stranger.5. I hear that they are busy _ for the homeless people.6. As time went on, he _ playing basketball.7. We accepted his presents and didnt give him any _.8. _ she decided she wasnt going. She didnt explain why.9. I have to _ the test I missed last week.10. We havent seen each other for a long time, but we have _.M2. I. 单词拼写:1. I gave him full _ _(说明) to enable him to find the house. 2. My hope of success have _ _(破灭). 3. There is no _ _(怀疑) that she will attend the meeting.4. Hes still _ _(犹豫) over whether to join the expedition. 5. Tom was determined to _ (报仇) his dead brother. 6. He _ _(拥有) a factory, five cars and 30 acres of land now.7. Please fill in the _ _(表格) before you answer the question.8. She didnt tell me the reason why she had never _ _(回复) to my letter. 9. Students should learn from the _ (英雄) in history, because they were brave. 10. It is not surprising for us that the boss _ (结婚) his secretary at last.II. 选词填空 从下面的方框中选择合适的词组,并用其正确形式完成下列句子。put down, hold out, turn away, play an important part in, come up, fix on, appeal to, ahead of, set out, be burdened with, be different from, in possession of, 1. Their opponents(对手) were _ the ball for most of the match.2. The campus _ how it was 20 years ago.3. She studies all the time because she wants to stay _ her classmates.4. There was no doubt that the idea of camping _all the students.5. Throughout the display her gaze was _ the horsemen in the foreground.6. _ that knife before you hurt somebody.7. She _ in horror at the sight of so much blood.8. Women _ our social life so we should respect them.9. They _ to undertake technical innovations in a big way.10. He _ his hand to welcome me as soon as he saw me.III. 翻译句子:1.我抱歉地告诉你,你的工作没有达到我预期的要求。(come up to)_2.我们没有必要记下课上老师说的一切。(put down)_3.在火车站,她从我身旁走过时伪装没看见我。(pass by)_4.我原以为天要下雨的,可是云消失了,是个好天。(vanish)_5.因特网在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用。(play a part in)_M1 I. 单词拼写1、Our English teacher often e us to practise our oral English . 2、The part she starred in i me a lot .3、Dont laugh . You should be (严肃).4、Chairman Hu will attend an (非正式的) meeting .5、I r his voice on the phone .6、The teacher must have the (预先的) teaching plan .7、I asked him but he gave no (答复).8、Its not (礼貌的) to talk with your mouth full .9、The whole class is working hard p for the exams .10、They tried to a sensitive questions in public .11、This is a good o and you should catch it .12、Though l money ,parents managed to send him to university .13、We are under (义务) to receive education .14、In a , he learned another foreign language .15、If you want to apply for the job ,please fill in the (申请) form .II. 选词填空 从下面的方框中选择合适的词组,并用其正确形式完成下列句子。be nervous about, prepare for, think of, find out, in addition, as a consequence of; cheer up; go through, as well as, leave out1. The word is wrongly spelt; youve _ a letter.2. She is a talented musician _ being a photographer.3. When she heard that her mother was safe she immediately _.4. Were _ going to France for our holidays bur weve not decided yet.5. You may get away with dishonestly for a while, but youll be _ sooner or later.6. She _ her exams so that she couldnt sleep.7. The company provides cheap Internet access. _, it makes shareware freely available.8. Animals have died _ coming into contact with this chemical.9. Ive _ all my pockets bur I cant find my keys.10. The 45-year-old explorer has been _ his latest expedition to the Arctic.高二假期作业答案Key to 词汇篇M6 I. 1.declared war on 2. got off the boat 3. attempted to.4. exhausted and shocked. 5. was involved in 6. hadnt been so deep, wouldnt have been drowned.II. 1.overlooks 2. chain 3.image 4. sacrifices 5. drowned 6. occupies 7. despite 8. invade 9. sequence 10. eventually 11. rescued 12. courage 13. wounded III. 1. vengeance 2. occupies 3. operation 4. abandoned 5. confused. 6. drown 7. exhausted 8. contributes 9. campaign 10. senselessKey to M5 I. 1. follows2. imaginary3. chief4. incredible5. identical6. threw7. terrified8. beneficial9. cured10 controlII. 1. make sure 2. break down 3. up and down 4. As far as 5. by mistake 6. knocked out 7. put out 8. relied on 9. On the contrary 10. up toIII. 1. The situation is very bad and it is out of control.2. The vice-chairman was banned to attend the meeting.3. His parents died early and his uncle treats him as his own son.4. We are all anxious about his safety.5. It took them six hours to put out the big fire.Key to M4 I 1. characteristics 2. collection 3. ambitions 4. combined 5. poetry 6. interpreted 7. regarding 8.voluntary 9. shrink 10. vacant 11. relaxation 12. signified 13. charmed 14. heritage 15. mythology 16. honoured 17. presented 18. Therefore 19. arena 20. symbolicII. 1. is famous for 2. depends on 3. in addition to 4. graduated from 5. dealt with 6. in public 7. All of a sudden 8. made contact with 9. are connected to 10. on the other handKey to M3 I 1. financial 2. regretted 3. lively 4. confront 5. chat 6. ashamed 7. theft 8. raise 9. count 10. quarrelling 11. paced 12. partner 13. predicted 14. tread 15. couples 16. mentioned 17. amid 18. reiterated 19. murmuring 20. fledII. 1 belonging to 2. mentioned 3. gone through 4. burst into 5. raising money 高二假期作业答案(下面的答案学生没有)6. lost interest in 7. in return 8. All at once 9. make up 10. kept in touch.Key to M2 I. 1. instruction2. vanished3. doubt4. hesitating5. revenge 6. possesses 7. form8. replied9. heroes10. marriedII. 1. in possession of 2. is different from 3. ahead of 4. appealed to 5. fixed on 6. Put down 7. turned away 8. play an important part in 9. set out 10. held outIII. 1. Im sorry to tell you that your work didnt come up to what I had expected.2. Its not necessary for us to put down all the teacher says in class.3. When passing by me at the railway station, she pretended not to see me.4. I had thought it was going to rain, but it is a nice day with all the clouds vanishing.5. The Internet plays a more and more important part in our daily life.Key to M1 I. 单词拼写1.encourages 2.impressed 3.serious 4.informal 5.recognized 6. advance 7.reply 8.polite 9.preparing 10.avoid 11.opportunity 12.lacking 13.obligation 14.addition 15.application II. 1. left out 2. as well as 3. cheered up 4. thinking of 5. found out 6. was nervous about 7. In addition8. as a consequence of 9. gone through 10. preparing for111

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