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111Unit 3 第3课时.单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1The weather is too bad._ the bad weather, I will still try my best to meet my classmate as planned.AAs well BWhateverCIn spite of DAlthough答案:C题意:“天气太糟糕了。”“尽管天气很差,我仍会尽量按照原计划去见我同学。”in spite of“不顾;不管”,引导让步状语,符合题意。2It is against the law to buy and sell wild animals in our country. In other words, it is _.Aillegal BunfairCuncertain Dunfit答案:A题意:在我们国家买卖野生动物是违反法律的,换句话说,这种行为是不合法的。illegal“不合法的;违法的”,符合题意。3The old man has _ the habit of storing money under his bed.Agot into Bgot inCgot down to Dgot through答案:A题意:这位老人已经养成了在床底下存钱的习惯。get into the habit of.“养成的习惯”,符合题意。get in“收进来;收回来”;get down to“(着手)认真去做”;get through“做完;通过;到达;接通(电话)”。4We would never make a decision that put public health _.Aat work Bat warCat risk Dat ease答案:C题意:我们决不能做出危害公众健康的决定。at risk“处境危险;遭受危险”,符合题意。at work“在工作”;at war“处于战争中”;at ease“轻松;放心”。5_ being March 12th, they planted a number of trees on the hill.AThat BItCIt is DThis答案:B“It being March 12th”是独立主格结构,it指时间。6Ill appreciate _ if you could do me a favor to clean the sitting room. Its too dirty.Athat BitCthis Dyou答案:B本题考查了固定句式I shall/would appreciate it if.的用法,其中it形式宾语。7_ used to be thought that the earth was square.AHe B. WhatCThat DIt答案:Dit是形式主语,真正的主语是后面由that引导的句子。8_ is two years since I joined the army.AThat BItCThis DTime答案:B题意:我参军两年了。“It is时间段since.”是一固定句式,意为“自从来(多久)”,it指时间。9The boy became fatter and fatter each day and _ made his parents worried.Ait BheCwhat Dwhich答案:Ait代替前面句子的内容。10For Lin Miaoke, _ is too early to be part of the world of entertainment and she needs a good education first.Ait BthatCshe Dthis答案:Ait作形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语。.完成句子根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1这里离最近的医院也有六英里。_to the nearest hospital from here.2看起来这个学院很小。_the college is very small.3翻译这篇文章很难。It is difficult_.4懒汉谋生是日益困难了。_every day for a lazy man to get a living.5什么时候我再给你打电话最合适?What time will it be most convenient_?6这么早去那里没有用。_going there so early.7你的来访是我很大的荣幸。It has been a great honour_.8真奇怪,他竟还没来。_he did not come at all.9我觉得向他解释清发生了什么事很困难。_to explain to him what happened.10我们必须使公众明白应该采取措施制止污染。We must_that something should be done to stop pollution.答案:1It is six miles2It looks as if/though3to translate this article4It is getting harder5for me to call again6It is no use7your coming to visit me8It is strange that9I found it difficult10make it clear to the public.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One afternoon, my son Adam asked me, “Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”I thought for a minute, and then I said, “Ill explain,_1_you can just wait until we make a quick_2_at the grocery store. I have something_3_to show you.”At grocery store, we_4_some applesred, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Adam, “Its time to_5_your question.” I put one apple of each_6_on the table. Then I looked at Adam, who had a_7_look on his face.“People are like apples. They come in all_8_colors, shapes and sizes. On the_9_, some of the apples may not_10_look as the others.” As I was talking, Adam was_11_each one carefully.Then, I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮)them,_12_them back on the table, but_13_a different place.“Okay, Adam, tell me which is which.”He said, “I_14_tell. They all look the same now.”“Take a bite of_15_. See if that helps you_16_which one is which.”He took_17_, and then a huge smile came cross his face. “People are_18_like apples! They are all different, but once you_19_the outside, theyre pretty much the same on the inside.”He totally_20_it. I didnt need to say or do anything else.文章大意:一天下午,我的儿子问我肤色不同的人是不是都是一样的。我想了一会儿,对儿子说我们先快去水果店买些水果回来,然后我演示给他这个问题的答案。 我们在水果店里买了各种各样的苹果有红的,绿的,黄的等等。回到家,我从每种颜色的苹果中拿出一个,放在桌子上,儿子好奇地看着我,我说人们就像这些苹果,他们出身于不同的颜色和大小,从外观上看,有些苹果不像其他的苹果那样诱人。当我说话时,儿子亚当仔细地查看了每一个苹果。然后我将每个苹果削了皮,重新将削好的苹果打乱顺序放在桌子上,然后我问儿子现他能否辨认出哪个是原来的那个。儿子说他辨别不出来,它们看上去都一样。我说人们就像苹果,从外观上它们各不相同,但从内容上看,它们是相同的。通过现身说法,我的儿子知道了问题的答案。1A.althoughBsoCbecause Dif答案:D所填词引导条件状语从句,意为“如果”,选D。2A.stop BstartCturn Dstay答案:A所填名词与谓语动词make构成短语,意为“做短暂的停留”。make a start “开始;起程”;make a turn“拐弯”;make a stay“待在某地”;都与题干意思不符。3A.expressive BencouragingCinformative Dinteresting答案:Dexpressive“表达的”;encouraging“鼓励的;鼓舞人心的”;informative“提供消息的”;interesting“令人感兴趣的,有趣的”。本句意思是:我有一些有趣的东西展示给你看。选D。4A.bought BcountedCsaw Dcollected 答案:A由grocery store“食品杂货店”可知此处选A。5A.check BmentionCanswer Dimprove 答案:C本句意为“现在该回答你的问题了。”故选C。6A.size BtypeCshape Dclass 答案:Bsize“大小”;type“类型”;shape“形状”;class“群;等次”。本句意为“我从每种(类型)的苹果中拿出一个,放在了桌子上。”选B。7A.worried BsatisfiedCproud Dcurious 答案:D句意为“亚当好奇地看着我。”选D。8A.ordinary BnormalCdifferent Dregular 答案:C由空前的all可以推断出此处选C。9A.outside BwholeCtable Dinside 答案:A由后文中的inside可知此处选A。10A.still BevenConly Dever 答案:B所填词修饰动词look,意为“甚至”;故选B。11A.examining BmeasuringCdrawing Dpacking 答案:A句意为“亚当仔细的查看了每一个苹果。”选A。12A.keeping BplacingCpulling Dgiving 答案:B此处是非谓语动词做状语,逻辑主语是句子的主语,非谓语动词与逻辑主语是主动关系,且非谓语动词表示的动作与谓语动词的动作同时进行,所以用ving的一般式。place 此处意为“放置”。故选B。13A.on BtowardCfor Din 答案:D所填介词与后文的名词place构成短语,意为“在地方”,选D。14A.mustnt BcantCshouldnt Dneednt 答案:B本句意为“我不能识别。”此处情态动词表能力,故选B。15A.each one Beach otherCthe other Done another 答案:A句意为“每个尝一口。”故选A。16A.admit BconsiderCdecide Dbelieve 答案:Cadmit“承认”;consider“考虑;认为”;decide“决定”;believe“相信”;根据句意选C。17A.big bites Bdeep breathsCa firm hold Dclose look 答案:A根据前文的“take a bite if.”可知此处选A。18A.just BalwaysCmerely Dseldom答案:A此处是肯定句,所填词意思是“正好,恰好”;选A。always意为“总是”;merely“只;仅仅”;常用与否定句中;seldom“很少”,都与句意不符。19A.put away Bget downChand out Dtake off答案:Dput away“收好;储存”;get down“写下;记下”;hand out“分发”;take off“起飞;脱掉;去掉;名声大振”。句子意思为“但是一旦去掉其外皮,。”故选D。20A.made BtookCgot Ddid 答案:Csb gets it意为“某人完全理解了。”选C。.阅读理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。(2010浙江台州)INTO THE WILD(15)Directed by: Sean PennStarring : Emile Hirsch, Marcia Harden, William HurtRelease: 09/11/2007Synopsis:Into the Wild is based on a true story and the bestselling book by Jon Krakauer. After graduating from Emory University in 1992, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandoned his possessions, gave his entire $24000 savings account to charity and hitchhiked(搭便车)to Alaska to live in the wilderness. Along the way, Christopher encounters(遇见)a series of characters that help shape his life.AND WHEN DID YOU LAST SEE YOUR FATHER?(12A)Directed by: Anand TuckerStarring:Jim Broadbent, Colin Firth, Juliet StevensonRelease:05/10/2007Synopsis:Colin Firth stars as successful writer Blake, who treats his aging parents as something of a burden. When his overbearing, boorish(土里土气的)father becomes terminally(最终)ill, Blake must reconsider his relationship with his father.BHOOL BHULAIYA(12A)Directed by: PriyadarshanStarring:Akshay Kumar, Vidya Balan, Amisha PatelRelease:12/10/2007Synopsis:The film revolves around a small village where the people are very conservative and superstitious(迷信的). Badri(Manoj Joshi)heads a Brahmin family whose ancestral(祖传的)palace is believed to be haunted(闹鬼). One day, Siddharth(Shiny Ahuja)and Avni(Vidya Balan), the son and daughterinlaw of Badris elder brother return to their native village from America and decide to settle down for a month in their ancestral palace. Events take on a twist when Avni opens a locked forbidden room. As a result, some unnatural events start taking place inside the palace.THE PURSUIT(追求)OF HAPPINESS(12A)Directed by: Gabriele MuccinoStarring:Will Smith, Alissa Anderegg, Andy ArnessRelease:12/01/2007Synopsis:Chris Gardner(Will Smith)is a bright and talented salesman. Struggling to make ends meet, Gardner finds himself and his fiveyearold son evicted(驱逐)from their San Francisco apartment with nowhere to go. When Gardner lands an internship at a famous stock firm, he and his son endure many hardships, including living in shelters, in pursuit of his dream of a better life for the two of them.文章大意:这几部电影你看过吗?1Which film is based on the story of a true person?AINTO THE WILDBAND WHEN DID YOU LAST SEE YOUR FATHERCBHOOL BHULAIYADTHE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS答案:A细节理解题。由“Into the Wild is based on a true story and the bestselling book by Jon Krakauer.”可知。2The film BHOOL BHULAIYA might give the audience the feeling of_.Aexcitement Babsurdity Chorror Dsurprise答案:C推理判断题。由第三部电影的介绍,其中的汉字说明该电影很恐怖。3Who plays the role of the father in the film THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS?AGabriele Muccino BWill Smith CAlissa Anderegg DAndy Arness答案:B推理判断题。由第四部电影的介绍“Chris Gardner(Will Smith)”知。4In BHOOL BHULAIYA, Siddharth is Badris_.Ason BnephewCcousin Ddaughterinlaw答案:B推理判断题。由第三部电影“Siddharth(Shiny Ahuja)and Avni(Vidya Balan), the son and daughterinlaw of Badris elder brother”可推知。111


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