Unit 4《Earthquakes》Warming UpPre-reading and Reading学案5(人教版必修1)

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111Unit 4EarthquakesPeriod OneWarming Up,Pre-reading and Reading1 拓展归纳shake hands with sb. 跟某人握手shake/nod ones head 摇头/点头shake sb.by the handshake sb.s hand跟某人握手shake down融入新环境;适应新工作shake up使震惊,使不安shake oneself together to do sth.振作起来做某事shake with anger/fear/laughter气得/怕得/笑得发抖shake,tremble,quake(1)shake是普通用词,指人或物。指人时常用于因感情激动、寒冷、害怕等引起的身体颤动。I saw him shake his head.我看见他摇了摇头。(2)tremble 只用作不及物动词,常与shake换用,但指握手、摇头时只用shake。He was trembling/shaking with fear.他害怕得发抖。(3)quake 意思是“发抖;颤动”,正式用词,多指整体的摇动,如地震。The building quakes/shakes when a plane flies past.飞机飞过时,大楼摇动起来。完成句子(1)大地在他的脚下颤抖。The ground is_shaking beneath his feet.(2)爆炸使五英里以外的窗户都颤动了。The blast shook_windows five miles away.(3)他们对此消息大为震惊。They were_badly_shaken by the news.(4)虽然他受到严厉的批评,但他的信念却没有动摇。His_faith_wasnt_shaken though he met with severe criticism.2 拓展归纳burst into flames立刻燃烧起来burst into tears突然大哭burst into bloom/blossom开花burst into laughter突然笑起来be bursting to do sth.急于要做某事burst on sb./sth.突然而意外地出现在某人/某物面前burst into a room突然破门而入If you get much fatter,youll burst your clothes.你要是再长胖就要把衣服撑破了。The water was unusually high this spring and the river burst its banks.今春河水上涨得特别厉害,把河堤都冲垮了。He gave the robber a blow that nearly burst his skull.他给那个强盗一记重击,几乎把他的脑壳打得开花。完成句子(1)听众大笑起来。The audience burst_into loud laughter.(2)当我把那则坏消息告诉海伦时,她顿时泪水夺眶而出。When I told her the bad news,Helen burst_into_tears.(3)当我后来向他提及这段小插曲时,他禁不住大笑起来。When I mentioned the incident later to him,he burst_out_laughing.(4)提到他的儿子时,约翰马上大发雷霆。John burst_with_anger_at the mention of his son.3 拓展归纳at the end of. 在尽头;在末in the end 终于,最后by the end of. 到末come to an end 结束put an end to. (使)结束to the end 到底;始终He didnt know how to make a living because his money was at an end.他不知如何谋生,因为他的钱都已花光了。The long hot summer was at last at an end.漫长的酷暑终于过去了。完成句子(1)我必须警告你,我已忍无可忍了。I must warn you that my patience is almost at_an_end.(2)我的同伴在街道尽头等我。My companion waited for me at_the_end_of_the_street.(3)这事很难,但最后我还是做成了。It was difficult,but I did it in_the_end.(4)一切好事迟早都会结束。(天下没有不散的宴席。)All good things must come_to_an_end.4 拓展归纳in ruins严重受损;破败不堪bring.to ruin使毁灭come to ruin毁灭;落空fall into ruin(变得)破败不堪;衰落go to ruin损坏We saw the ruins of the church.我们看见了这座教堂的废墟。The building is in ruins.那座建筑物已成断壁残垣。She poured water all over my painting and ruined it.她把水全倒在了我的画上,把画毁了。The storm ruins the crops.暴风雨毁坏了庄稼。destroy,damage,ruin(1)destroy表示严重毁坏某物,使之不复存在或无法修复。(2)damage表“破坏”,程度弱于destroy,一般指损坏后价值或效益会降低,这种损坏是部分性的。可构成词组cause/do damage to sth.。(3)ruin表“毁灭,毁坏;使破产”。作名词,表“毁灭,灭亡,瓦解,衰败(不可数)”“废墟(可数)”。ruin 的程度弱于destroy,指把某物损坏到了不能再使用的程度。完成句子(1)大火过后,许多建筑物都成为了废墟。A large number of buildings fell_into_ruins after the big fire.(2)我们的计划落空了。Our plan is in_ruins.(3)恶劣的天气破坏了我们的计划。The bad weather ruined_our_plan.(4)那个错误断送了他得到那个工作的机会。That mistake ruined_his_chance of getting the job.考题例证I got caught in the rain and my suit _.(北京高考)Ahas ruined Bhad ruinedChas been ruined Dhad been ruined答案C解析ruin表示的动作发生在got caught之后,故排除B、D两项。此处表示被动,所以C项正确。5 injure,wound,hurt(1)injure一般指由于意外或事故而造成伤害,也可以表示损害名誉、伤害感情等。He was slightly injured in the accident.他在意外事故中受了轻伤。If you work like this,you will injure your own health.如果你这样工作的话,你将会损害自己的健康。(2)wound多指外伤,如枪伤、刀伤、剑伤,尤指在战争或战斗中受伤。(3)hurt是一般用语,指肉体或精神上的伤害,常伴有强烈的疼痛感,还可表示“疼;痛”。用wound,hurt,injure的适当形式填空(1)About fifty people were seriously wounded in the attack.(2)I didnt want to hurt his feelings.(3)This could seriously injure the companys reputation.考题例证Mike didnt play football yesterday because he had _his leg.(全国高考)AdamagedBhurt Chit Dstruck答案B解析本题考查动词词义辨析。damage指“破坏,损坏”;hurt“伤害,使受伤”;hit“击中,打中”;strike指“击打,敲打”。句意为:Mike不能踢球是因为他的腿受伤了。故hurt符合要求。6拓展归纳be shocked at/by (doing) sth.对(做)某事感到震惊be shocked to do sth.惧怕做某事It shocked sb.to see/hear.看见/听到使某人震惊(be) a shock to sb.对某人来说是个打击It shocked me to see how my neighbours treated their children.看到邻居们如何对待孩子,我感到很震惊。I was shocked when I heard about your accident.当我听到你出事后我很震惊。My father was shocked.我的父亲极为震惊。完成句子(1)The childs bad language shocks_everyone(使大家都感到震惊)(2)I was afraid of shocking_her(惊动她)(3)He_was_shocked_at_her_smoking(对她抽烟感到震惊)(4)The news gave me a_great_shock(一个很大的打击)7But the one million people of the city,who thought little of these events,were asleep as usual that night.(P26) 拓展归纳think well of对评价好think highly of对评价高think poorly of对评价低think much of重视think nothing of不重视完成句子(1)她认为一天走三十英里没什么。She thinks_nothing_of walking thirty miles a day.(2)我对我的新英语老师评价不高。I dont_think_highly_of my new English teacher.(3)他的作品受到评论家的高度评价。His works is_highly_thought_of by the critics.8instead,instead of(1)instead代替,然而。(2)instead of代替,而不,而没有,不能与in place of替换,但可以与rather than互换。They went there by bus instead of (rather than) on foot.他们乘车去那儿而不是步行。注意:instead ofdoing/pron./prep.phrase/n.(3)instead为副词,一般放在句末,否定上文提到的事物,而instead of则为介词短语,一般放在句首或句中,否定of后面的宾语。If you cannot go,hell go instead (of you)如果你不能去,他将代替你去。翻译句子(1)我要去看的是她而不是你。I_will_go_to_see_her_instead_of_you.(2)我哥哥病了,我代他来。I_have_come_instead_of_my_brother.He_is_ill.(3)我必须完成工作,不能外出。I_have_to_finish_my_work_instead_of_going_out.Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei.河北省东北部的农村不断有些怪事发生。1用法点拨(1)此句用过去进行时表示在过去某段时间内连续发生的动作。句中的谓语动词happen作“发生”解。(2)sb.happen to do sth.意为“某人碰巧/恰好做某事”。其中不定式可以是to do(一般式)/to have done(完成式)/to be doing(进行式)。I happened to see her yesterday.我昨天碰巧见到她。She happened to have just finished reading the book.碰巧她刚刚读完那本书。(3)It(so)happens that.“(如此)碰巧,恰好”。It happened that there was a telephone booth nearby.碰巧在附近有个电话亭。(4)happen to sb./sth.“某人/物出事或发生了情况”。It can happen to anyone.这事可能发生在任何人身上。单项填空(1)We havent heard from Jane for a long time.What do you suppose _ to her?Awas happening Bto happenChas happened Dhaving happened答案C (2)They happened to _ for Tianjin when we got there.Aleave Bhave left Cleaving Dhad left答案A(3)If anything _ you,let me know.Ais happened to Bis happening Chappens on Dhappens to答案D(4)I happened _ it in some book,so I know the answer.Ato read Bto have readCthat I have read Dthat I had read答案B2In the farmyards,the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.在农家小院里,小鸡还有猪都紧张得不吃东西。 用法点拨too.to.结构的用法:(1)短语too nervous to eat在句子中作表语,意思为“太紧张了而不吃食”,注意词组too.to.意为“太而不能”。Li Pings brother is too young to join the army.李平的弟弟年纪太小而不能参军。(2)too.to.可以由词组be not.enough to.替换,上面的例句可以转换为:Li Pings brother is not old enough to join the army.李平的弟弟年纪太小而不能参军。(3)“tooadj.to do”有时表肯定意义。They were too glad to hear the news.他们听到这个消息非常高兴。They seemed to be too nervous and too anxious to leave.他们似乎非常紧张,急着想离开。翻译句子(1)活到老,学到老。One_is_never_too_old_to_learn.(2)我将极高兴地回家。I_shall_be_only_too_pleased_to_get_home.(3)听到不幸的消息他太悲伤了。He_is_too_sad_to_hear_the_bad_news.3 用法点拨这是一个部分否定句。(1)表示“全体”意义的代词、形容词或副词,如all,both,every,everything,everybody等,和否定副词not连用可构成部分否定。All the students in our class havent seen him.并非全班同学都见过他。Both of the boys arent good at English.并非两个男孩的英语都好。(2)全部否定,通常要把这些具有总体意思的词改为相应的否定词,如none,neither,nothing,nobody,no等。完成句子(1)此事并非人人皆知。Everybody_doesnt know it.(2)全班同学没人见过他。None_of_the_students in our class have seen him.(3)两个男孩的英语都不好。Neither_of_the_boys_is good at English.(4)没人知道此事。Nobody/No_one knows it.考题例证You may drop in or just give me a call._ will do.(安徽高考)AEither BEach CNeither DAll答案A解析从前句drop in or give me a call可知,选项表示两者必居其一。4用法点拨(1)as if是连词词组,意为“好像,好似”,相当于as though,一般用于句型It looks/seems as if.中,其意思是“看起来好像”。其中it为形式主语,没有实际意义。look/seem是连系动词,as if引导的是表语从句。如果所引导的从句表示的情况接近事实,句子要用陈述语气。除此之外,as if也可以引导方式状语从句,修饰主句中的谓语,此时从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气。从句动词在时间上与主句动词同时发生,从句动词用过去式。从句动词在时间上比主句动词早发生,从句动词用had done。从句动词在时间上比主句动词晚发生,从句动词用would/could/mightdo。It looks as if the shirt hadnt been washed following the instructions.看来,这件衬衫好像没有按照说明进行洗涤。It seemed as if the bag had been pressed by something heavy.看来这个包被什么重东西压过。He acts(acted) as if(as though) he were an expert.他表现得就像个专家。They talked (are talking) as if (as though) they had been friends for years.他们谈起话来就像多年的老朋友。She acts as if she would go to the moon.她的表现就好像是要去月球似的。(2)It seems that句型也可以转换成“主语seem动词不定式”,其意思不变。如果动词不定式为“to be形容词”,to be往往省略。It seems that she is happy.She seems to be happy.她似乎很开心。It seems that he has found a new job.He seems to have found a new job.他看起来已经找到了一份新工作。It seems that they are arguing about the taxi fare.They seem to be arguing about the taxi fare.他们似乎正在为出租车费而争执。句型转换(1)The girl seems much better today than yesterday.It seems that the girl is much better today than yesterday.(2)It seems that they have known about it.They seem to_ have_ known about it.(3)It seems that he is not rich.He seems not _to_ be rich.He doesnt _seem to be rich.地球的一个不眠之夜河北省东北部的农村不断有些怪事发生。三天来,村子里的井水升升降降,起起伏伏。农夫注意到,水井的井壁上有深深的裂缝,裂缝里冒出臭气。农家大院里的鸡,甚至猪都紧张得不想吃食。老鼠从田地里跑出来找地方藏身。鱼缸和池塘里的鱼会往外跳。在1976年7月28日凌晨3点左右,有些人看到天上一道道明亮的光。即使天空没有飞机,在唐山城外也可以听到飞机声。在市内,有些建筑物里的水管爆裂开来。但是,唐山市的一百万居民几乎都没有把这些情况当一回事,当天晚上照常睡着了。在凌晨3点42分,一切都开始摇晃起来。世界似乎到了末日!二十世纪最大的一次地震就在唐山市正下方11公里处发生了。100公里以外的北京市都感到了地震,全国1/3的地方都有震感。一条8公里长30米宽的巨大裂缝横穿房舍、马路和渠道。地上一些洞穴冒出了蒸气。石头山变成了泥沙河。在可怕的15秒钟内,一座大城市就沉沦在一片废墟之中。人们遭受的灾难极为深重。2/3的人在地震中死去或受伤。成千上万个家庭遇难,许多孩子变成了孤儿。死伤的人数达到40多万。幸存的人们又怎么能相信这是自然现象呢?人们无论朝哪里看,哪里的一切都几乎被毁了。所有的市内医院、75%的工厂和建筑物、90%的家园都消失了。残砖就像秋天的红叶覆盖着大地,然而它们是不可能被风刮走的。两座大坝垮了,多数桥梁不是塌了就是无法安全通行了。铁轨如今成了一条条废钢。好几万头牛再也挤不出奶来。50万头猪和几百万只鸡全都死了。井里满是沙子,而不是水。人们惊呆了。接着,在下午晚些时候,又一次和第一次一样的强烈的地震震撼着唐山。有些医生和救援人员被困在废墟下面。更多的房屋倒塌了。水、电和食物都很难弄到。人们开始纳闷,这场灾难还会持续多久。不是所有的希望都破灭了。地震后不久,部队派了15万名战士到唐山来协助救援人员。数十万的人得到了救助。部队人员组成小分队,将受困的人们挖出来,将死者掩埋。在唐山市的北边,有一个万名矿工煤矿,其中多数人得救了。援救人员为那些家园被毁的幸存者盖起了避难所。用火车、卡车和飞机向市内运来了水。慢慢地,这座城市又开始出现了生机。.单词拼写1He has been buried in the novel for 3 hours.2Females find it extremely difficult to get a job in such a field.3Many people were killed or injured during the earthquake.4You may burst the balloon if you are not careful.5After the war,the city lay in ruins(废墟)6We knew Bob had cancer,but the news of his death still came as a shock(震惊的事)7Hundreds of people are still in the water,waiting to be rescued(援救)8These bushes grow well in the shelter(掩蔽)of big oak trees.用所给单词的适当形式填空burst,frighten,judge,organize,rescue,shake,ruin,destroy,injure,shelter,honour,disaster,electricity,prepare1The flood destroyed a lot of houses and many people became homeless.2After electricity was cut off,the lights went out.3Disasters always come suddenly and cause a lot of damage.4The frightened girl was speechless after she saw the terrible scene.5St.Petersburg was almost in ruins after it was under attack for 900 days by the Germans.6The rescue workers put up a lot of tents so that the homeless survivors could be sheltered.7Next month a new monument will be built in honour of those who died in the terrible disaster.8The river burst its banks and flooded the village.9They were badly shaken by the news of her death. .用适当的介词或副词填空1Mongolia lies in the north of China.2The houses that are built on sand will fall down easily.3If you offered me the job,I could start right away.4Put up your hand if you know the answer.5He rescued a fouryearold girl from the fire,so he was well thought of.6What has happened to her?7Wenchuan earthquake happened at 14:28 on May 12,2008.8The bottle is filled with water.9During this period,people were beginning to use coal as a fuel instead of wood.单句改错1.Xiao Ming hasnt come yet.What has happened of him? ofto2.He is such a good student that all his teachers think little of him. littlewell/highly3.Im proud in being a Chinese. inof4.I,who is your friend,will surely help you with your English. isam5.A smelly gas came out from the cracks of the well. fromof6.She left me stood there without saying goodbye and went away. stoodstanding7.Tom is burying in thoughts of the past. buryingburied8There have had many great changes in my hometown since I left. hadbeen9The problem is too difficult for us to solve it.it去掉10.The boss told the workers that he would have their wages risen. risenraised.完成句子1For three days the_water_in_the_village_wells_rose_and_fell,_rose_and_fell(村子里井里的水升升降降,起起伏伏)2The sound of planes could be heard outside Tangshan even_when_there_were_no_planes_in_the_sky/even_when_no_planes_were_in_the_sky(甚至在天空中没有飞机的时候)3Steam burst_from_the_holes_in_the_ground (从地下的洞里喷出来)4More buildings fell_down(倒塌)Water,food and electricity were_hard_to_get(很难得到 )5The army organized_teams_to_dig_out_those_who_were_trapped_and_to_bury_the_dead(组成了小分队,将受困的人们挖出来,掩埋死者).单项填空1The wall had a _ in it, and through this he could see everything.Apipe Bbrick Ccrack Dshake答案C解析本题考查词义辨析。pipe管道;brick 砖头;crack裂缝;shake震动。2They happened to _ for Tianjin when we got there.Aleave Bhave left Cleaving Dhad left答案B解析happen to do sth.“碰巧做某事”,他们去天津发生在我们到达之前,所以要用不定式的完成式。3_people in the world are sending information by email every day.ASeveral million BMany millions CSeveral millions DMany million答案A解析million前有具体数字或several等词时,要用单数形式。many一般不与million等数词连用,表示“数百万”英语为millions of。4_football fans watched the wonderful game last night.AScores of BThousand ofCHundreds of thousands of DA million of答案C解析根据句意,A项不合适,B项和D项形式不正确。5His camera was _ by his son.He had to have it repaired at once.Ahurt Bwound Cdestroyed Ddamaged答案D解析hurt指在感情上、心灵上受到的伤害;wound指在战争中受到的刀伤或枪伤;destroy指严重毁坏某物,使之无法修复;照相机被弄坏,并非彻底地被毁坏,只是不能正常使用而已,故用damage。6Mr.Smith,_of the _speech,started to read a novel.Atired;boring Btiring;bored Ctired;bored Dtiring;boring答案A解析本句tired of 修饰Mr.Smith,作原因状语,boring修饰speech。7Judy is going to marry the sailor she _ in Rome last year.Ameets Bmet Chas met Dwould meet答案B解析考查定语从句。根据时间状语last year可知,用一般过去时。8As prices _ too much in town,he decided to go to the countryside and make a living by _ sheep.Araised;raising Brose;risingCraised;rising Drose;raising答案D解析rise为不及物动词;raise为及物动词,且raise有“饲养”的意思,所以答案为D项。9John is leaving for London tomorrow and I will _ him _ at the airport.Asend;away Bleave;offCsee;off Dshow;around答案C解析see sb.off表示“为某人送行”;send sb.away表示“把某人打发走”;show sb.around表示“带领某人参观”,根据句意,应选C项。 10The manager entered the office and was happy to learn that fourfifths of the tickets _.Awas booked Bhad been bookedCwere booked Dhave been booked答案B解析分数、百分数作定语时,后边要加of,再加名词。谓语随of后面的名词的单复数变化。结合时态用法本题答案应为B项。11The number of people invited to the party _ over 500,but a number of them _ absent.Awas;was Bwere;wereCwas;were Dwere;was答案C解析the number of后面跟可数名词复数,表示“的数量”,该短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。a number of 表示“许多,大量”,后面跟可数名词复数,该短语作主语时谓语动词用复数。12Qingdao lies _ the east of Shandong Province and Japan lies _ the north of China.Ato;in Bon;to Con;in Din;to答案D解析在表示地点范围时,in 表示一个地点在另一个地点的范围之内;to表示一个地点在另一个地点的范围之外;on表示两个地方相邻并有共同边界。13The house _ at last without any repair work after so many years.Afalls down Bfell downChad fallen down Dhas fallen down答案B解析根据时间状语可知,本句应该用一般过去时态。14Tom had his leg _ when he was playing basketball yestarday. Ainjured Bto injureCinjuring Dto be injured答案A解析句意为:昨天汤姆打篮球时把腿摔伤了。have sth.done表示“遭遇某种不幸”。15They decided to _ a large medical conference.Afound BformCset up Dorganize答案D解析organize意为“组织”,organize a football team/a concert/a gettogether意为“组织一支足球队/一场音乐会/一次聚会”。.完形填空Earthquakes are _1_,thousands of them happen each day.But most are too weak to feel.During a _2_ earthquake,there is often a great noise first.Then the earth _3_ terribly and many houses _4_ down.Railway tracks break and trains go _5_ lines;a great many factories are _6_;thousands of deaths are caused,and many more lose homes._7_ the great damage and deaths caused by the earthquake _8_,other disasters such as fires often _9_.More buildings are destroyed and more _10_ are caused.It is well known of the _11_ of a possible earthquake,and for centuries man has been making researches on earthquakes.More than 2,000 years ago,_12_,a Chinese scientist named Zhang Heng _13_ a machine which could find out from which _14_ the seismic waves had come,and this machine is still _15_ by scientists today.Now we know much more about earthquakes and _16_ they happen,but we still cannot _17_ exactly when and where an earthquake will happen,and cannot _18_ it from happening.So earthquakes are among the _19_ disasters in the world.No one can stop natural earthquakes._20_,scientists can help stop earthquakes destroying the whole cities and causing too many deaths.1A.common Bunusual Cstrange Dfamiliar答案A解析common意为“普通的,平常的”;unusual意为“异乎寻常的,不平常的”。strange意为“奇怪的,陌生的”;familiar意为“熟悉的”。2A.real Bweak Cbig Dsmall答案C解析由后面的内容“often a great noise” 和“terribly”可知这里是说在“大地震中”。3A.moves Bshakes Cjumps Dbreaks答案B解析在地震中大地会“摇动”。4A.get Bput Cset Dfall答案D解析房屋在地震中“倒塌”。get down意为“吞下,记下,使沮丧”;put down意为“放下;写下”;set down意为“记下”;fall down意为“倒下,跌倒”。5A.off Bon Cinto Dbehind答案A解析off 意为“脱离”,这里指火车“脱离轨道”。6A.burst Bstruck Cdestroyed Dburied答案C解析在地震中许多工厂被毁坏了。其他选项不符合句意。7A.Except BBesides CInstead of DBecause of答案B解析besides意为“而且”,表示递进,加强语气;except意为“除之外”;instead of 意为“取代,代替”;because of意为“因为,由于”。A、C、D三个选项都与句意不相符。8A.lonely Blater Cthemselves Ditself答案D解析这些严重的毁坏和伤亡是由地震“本身”引起的。9A.follow Bcopy Ccome Denter答案A解析follow作“跟随”解,指火灾等自然灾害也随着地震的发生而发生。 copy意为“模仿,复制”;come意为“来,到来”;enter意为“进入”,均与句意不相符。10A.quakes Bdeaths Cdifficulties Dresults答案B解析更多的建筑物遭到破坏,也就有更多的“死亡”情况发生。11A.information Bquestions Cdangers Dfrights答案C解析地震的“危险”是人所共知的。12A.as a result Bin fact Cfor example Das well答案C解析for example意为“例如”;as a result意为“结果”;in fact意为“事实上”; as well意为“也”。a Chinese scientist named Zhang Heng 是举例说明科学家对地震进行的研究。13A.invented Bdiscovered Cfound Dbought答案A解析张衡“发明”了地动仪。14A.country Bdirection Cway Dcity答案B解析那时候地动仪


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