高中英语《MODULE1 British and American English》单元练测题(二)外研版必修5

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高中英语《MODULE1 British and American English》单元练测题(二)外研版必修5_第1页
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高中英语《MODULE1 British and American English》单元练测题(二)外研版必修5_第3页
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111高中英语必修五MODULE1 British and American English单元练测题(二)模块练测卷(二)111. 单项选择1. I wonder what difficulty he had _ Chinese. A. learnedB. learningC. to learnD. with learning2. The capital of Scotland is known _ the Athens of the North.A. forB. byC. as D. with3. The average adult in our city consumes a lot of salt a day, twice more than _ our body needs.A. as manyB. whatC. of thatD. as much4. He tried many times to sneak(潜逃) across the border to the neighbouring country, _ each time. A. having been caughtB. unfortunately caught C. always being caughtD. only to be caught5. The money he spends every month _ about 100 yuan.A. adds up toB. adds upC. addsD. adds to6. Where would you like to have your dinner, in a French restaurant or a Chinese one?It _ to me.A. is not differentB. makes not a differenceC. is not a differenceD. makes no difference7. The country life he was used to _ greatly since 1992.A. changeB. has changedC. changing D. had changed8. What he said suggested that he _ what happened last night.A. knowB. should knowC. knew D. have known9. Mr White as well as his wife and children _ a number of cities in the past few years.A. have traveled B. had traveledC. traveledD. has traveled10. _ his writing with his listening, we find he is better at his writing.A. CompareB. ComparedC. ComparingD. Being compared11. If you cant work out the problem, _ the last page of the book. A. refer toB. look up C. search forD. find out12. More efforts should be _ to make our country stronger.A. doneB. attemptedC. madeD. tried13. American English and British English have a lot _ each other. A. to common with B. in common with C. commonly for D. for common between14. _ my teacher, Im becoming more and more interested in English. A. Thank toB. Thanks for C. Thanks toD. Thanking for15. She went back to the same hall _ she had lost her necklace. A. asB. thatC. whereD. at which. 阅读理解A Throughout history, people have been interested in knowing how language first began, but no one knows exactly where or how this happened. However, we do know a lot about languages, the languages of today and also the languages of earlier times. There are probably about three thousand languages in the world today. Chinese is the language with most speakers. English, Russian and Spanish are also spoken by many millions of people. On the other hand, some languages in the world have less than one hundred speakers. There are several important families of languages in the world. For example, most of the languages of Europe are in one large family called Indo-European. The original(最初的) language of this family was spoken about 4,500 years ago. Many of the present-day languages of Europe and India are modern forms of the language of 4,500 years ago. Languages are always changing. The English of today is very different from the English of 500 years ago. In time, some even die out completely. About 1,000 years ago English was a little-known relative of German spoken on one of the borders of Europe. If a language has a large number of speakers, or if it is very old, there may be differences in the way it is spoken in different areas. That is, the language may have several dialects. Chinese is a good example of dialect differences. Chinese has been spoken for thousands of years by many millions of speakers. The differences between the dialects of Chinese are so great that speakers of Chinese from some parts of China cannot understand speakers from other parts.16. The first paragraph mainly tells us that _. A. most people in the world speak Chinese B. there are thousands of languages in todays worldC. man has much knowledge about languagesD. some people know several languages17. Most European and Indian languages _. A. will soon die out completely B. were once a relative of English C. are no longer spoken D. come from the same family18. The underlined word “dialect” in the last paragraph means _.A. a special language spoken by ChineseB. the sign used by Chinese people in a special areaC. The difference between the old and todays ChineseD. the form of a language used in one part of the country19. It is considered a most difficult thing for one to learn to speak Chinese because _.A. there are great differences between the dialects of ChineseB. Chinese and many foreign languages are not of the same familyC. Chinese is a very old languageD. there are great differences between the old Chinese and the present-day Chinese20. _ seems to have changed a lot. A. ChineseB. English C. SpanishD. GermanB Some English words are made up of the same part and have different beginnings and different endings, such as import, export and transport. All these words, you can see, have the same root “port”, which comes from the Latin word meaning “to carry” or “to move” from one place to another. And according to the bit at the beginningwhich we call the prefix(前缀)the meaning changes. “Import” means “to carry in” or “to bring into a country”; “ex” means “out of”, so the word “export” means “to carry out of a country”; “re” means “back”, so the word “report” means “to tell somebody, to bring back information to somebody”; “transport”, “trans-” means “to carry across one place to another”. Lets look at the following words:supporter, reporter, importer and exporter. You can see that in this case, these words are nouns which are made up of the words with a suffix(后缀), thus meaning a person that completes the verb. So a supporter means somebody who supports. A reporter is somebody who reports. An importer is somebody who imports and an exporter is somebody who exports and so on.21. In the sentence “Some English words are made up of the same part”, “part” means _.A. different beginnings and different endingsB. the same part which has several meaningsC. the root of a wordD. the same root which has different meanings22. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Apart from “port”, most English words have the same root which comes from the Latin word.B. “Port” is a root forming some English words.C. The root “port” means “to carry”.D. “Port” is a root meaning “to move” from one place to another.23. By adding a prefix or a suffix to a root, we can get a word which has _.A. the meaning of a Latin wordB. a different meaningC. the meaning of “in” or “out of”D. a lot of meanings24. According to the passage, if we talk about a repairman, you may guess/know that he must be _. A. somebody who has regained health B. a person who can repair something C. somebody who has good health D. a person who can do only simple things25. According to the passage, adding a prefix to a word can _. A. change the meaning of the word B. not change anything C. change the part of speechD. change the word into a verbC A study of English learning problems was carried out among a total of 106 foreign students. It shows that most students considered understanding spoken English to be their biggest problem on arrival. This was followed by speaking. Writing increased as a problem as students discovered difficulties in writing papers that they were now expected to hand in. Reading remained as a significant(显著的) problem. The information gained helped us in determining where special attention should be paid in our course. Although many students have chosen to join the course with a reasonable motivation(动机), we considered it important to note what seemed to encourage interest. Nearly all the students have experienced some kind of grammar-based English teaching in their own country. To use the same method would be self-defeating because it might reduce motivation, especially if it has failed in the past. Therefore a different method may help because it is different. Variety of activity was also seen as a way of maintaining(保持) or increasing motivation. Several years ago we had one timetable that operated throughout, but we soon found that both the students and teachers lost interest by about halfway through the ten weeks. This led up to a major rethink, so finally we brought it into line with the expressed language needs of the students.26. What is the text mainly about? A. Foreign students have more problems. B. There are many ways to improve English. C. Teaching should meet students needs. D. English learning problems should be studied again.27. Writing became a bigger problem when foreignstudents _.A. had to write their papersB. became better at speakingC. became less interested in readingD. had fewer problems with listening28. We may infer from the last two paragraphs that _. A. different teaching methods should be used B. grammar-based teaching seems to be encouragingC. English courses are necessary for foreign students.D. teaching content should be changed halfway29. The word “it” underlined in the last paragraph refers to _.A. rethinkB. activityC. motivationD. timetable30. The best title of the passage is _. A. Learning EnglishB. English Learning ProblemsC. Motivationthe Key to Improving EnglishD. How to Learn EnglishD As the English language has changed at a fast speed in this century, so has the use of the English language. After the British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC) was founded in 1927, the particular style of speech of the BBC announcers was recognized as Standard English or Received Pronunciation(RP) English. Now, most people still consider that the pronunciation and delivery of BBC announcers is the clearest and most understandable spoken English. English has had a strong relationship with class and social position. However, since the Second World War there has been a clear change of attitude towards speech snobbery, and hallmarks of class distinction, such as styles of speech have been gradually got rid of, especially by the younger generation. As the need has arisen, new words have been invented or found from other languages and introduced into English. Similarly, old words and expressions have been put aside as their usefulness has become less or the fashions have passed. This also happens to styles and ways of speech, which became fashionable at a particular time. By the end of the 1960s it became clear that it was not necessary to speak Standard English or even correct grammar to become popular, successful and rich. The fashionable speech of the day was no longer the special right of a special class but rather a defiant expression of classlessness. The greatest single influence of the shaping of the English language in modern times is the American English. Over the last 25 years the English used by many people, particularly by those in the media, advertising and show business, has become more and more mid-Atlantic in style, delivery and accent. In the 1970s, fashion favored careless pronunciation and a language full of jargon, slang and “in” words, much of which cant be understood by the outside world. What is considered modern and fashionable in Britain today is often not the kind of English taught in schools and colleges.31. Which of the following is NOT true? A. The use of the English language has not changed much in this century.B. The BBC announcers speak Standard English.C. English has no relationship with class and social position now.D. Young people dont like the special right of a special class.32. What does the author imply by saying “there has been a clear change of attitude towards speech snobbery (Para.3)”? A. People all speak English like BBC announcers.B. There is a great change of attitude about how English should be spoken.C. Some people still think their way of speaking is much better than that of others.D. Most people dont believe their way of speaking is much better than that of others.33. According to the author, there was a trend(倾向) in the UK for the young people _. A. to speak Standard English B. to speak English without class distinctionC. to speak English with class distinctionD. to speak English with grammar mistakes34. The word “mid-Atlantic” in the passage (Para.6) probably means “_”. A. both American and EuropeanB. both American and BritishC. the Atlantic oceanD. in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean 35. It can be concluded from the passage that _.A. Standard English is taught only in schools and collegesB. the young people are defiant because they refuse to speak Standard EnglishC. English language is not influenced by American English in the last 25 yearsD. there has been a great change in the English language in this century. 阅读表达阅读下面短文,根据题目要求,完成下面五个小题。(注意题后的词数限制)There is one word that is on the lips of Americans day and night: “sorry”.One time as I was walking on the street, a young man ran by hurriedly, brushing against my handbag. Even as he continued on his way, he turned back and said “sorry” to me. Even in a rush, he didnt forget to apologize.One day, after I bought a mango, the salesman was giving me the change. But I wasnt ready for it and a coin dropped to the ground. “Im sorry,” he said while bending down to pick it up. I was puzzled why he would apologize when it was my fault.Another time, I stepped on a mans foot in an escalator(自动扶梯). At the same time, we both said “sorry”. I thought it interesting: _?Later on, an American friend explained to me that according to the American mentality (=thought), the escalator is a public place, and everyone should be able to stand in it. After someone occupies a position in the elevator (=lift) making it difficult for someone else to find a place to stand, isnt it necessary to express an apology?If you go to the movies and the tickets happen to be sold out, the ticket seller will say, “sorry, the tickets are sold out.”Whenever one of your hopes goes unfulfilled, an American will say “sorry” as a sign of sympathy.During my stay in America, I often came across situations in which I was supposed to say “sorry”. Gradually I realized that when friction(摩擦) occurs in daily life, Americans dont care much about who is hurt, the “sorry” cools tempers and human generosity is displayed. Perhaps this is why I never saw anyone quarreling on the buses, subways or streets of America.36. What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)_37. Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)_38. What do you think we can learn from “Americans sorry”? Why? (Please answer within 20 words.)_答案与解析1111. B have difficulty (in) doing sth.意为“做某事有 困难”。2. C be known as“作为而出名”;be known for“因为而出名”。3. B than为介词,其后是宾语从句,从句中needs缺宾语,故用what。4. D only to do表示出乎意料的结果,意为“结果却”。5. A “加起来总共是”用add up to。add up“把加起来”;add to“增加”。6. D make no difference意为“没有区别,没关系,无所谓”。7. B 句中the country life是主语,定语从句he was used to(相当于he got used to,其中to为介词)修饰先行词the country life,又因为时间状语为since 1992,因此用现在完成时。8. C suggest在此意为“暗示”而非“建议”,故不用虚拟语气。9. D 用as well as连接名词作主语时,句子的谓语动词应与as well as前的名词保持一致。in the past few years是现在完成时的时间状语。10. C “我们”是“比较他的写作和听力”的执行者,与主句主语一致,所以用现在分词形式。故选C。11. A refer to“涉及;参考”;look up sth. in“在中查找”;search for“寻找”;find out“查出”。12. C 固定搭配make efforts to do sth.“努力做某 事”。13. B 固定搭配have a lot in common with“与 有很多共同之处”。14. C 固定短语thanks to“多亏了;由于”。15. C where =in which =in the hall,在从句中作地 点状语。16. C 由第一段中的第二句“However, we do know a lot about languages, the languages of today and also the languages of earlier times.”可知。17. D 从文中第二段中的第二句“For example, most of the languages of Europe are in one large family called Indo-European.”和第四句“Many of the present-day languages of Europe and India are modern forms of the language of 4,500 years ago.”可知。18. D 从最后一段中的第一句“If a language has a large number of speakers, or if it is very old, there may be differences in the way it is spoken in dif- ferent areas.”可知,dialect指一个地方常用的 语言形式,即“方言”。19. A 从最后一段中的最后一句“The differences between the dialects of Chinese are so great that speakers of Chinese from some parts of Chi- na cannot understand speakers from other parts.”可知。20. B 文章倒数第二段以英语为例说明了语言的 变化及发展。21. C 由下文“All these words, you can see, have the same root port.”可知。22. A A项意为“除了port,大多数英语单词 都有同样的拉丁语的词根”。这种说法文中没 有提到。其他选项都可以在原文中找到依据。23. B 不管加前缀还是后缀,都会改变词义。24. B “repairman”意思是“修理工”。25. A 由第一段中“And according to the bit at the beginningwhich we call the prefix(前缀)the meaning changes.”可知。26. C 这是一道主旨题。本文讲述了英语学习中的 一些问题,并指出学生遇到困难后,学习动力 逐步减少,所以提高学习英语的动力是解决英 语学习问题的重点,并在最后一段指出了提高 学习动力的方法。最后一句“we brought it into line with the expressed language needs of the students.”指出了这一点。27. A 这是一道细节推断题。根据第一段中的 “Writing increased as a problem as students dis- covered difficulties in writing papers”可知在写 论文的时候学生遇到了英语写作的困难。28. A 这是一道推理题。根据第二段中的最后一句 “Therefore a different method may help”及第三 段中的第一句“Variety of activity was also seen as a way”可知要提高学习动力和兴趣应该采 用不同的教学方法,故选A项。29. D 这是一道指代题。bring into line with的意 思是“使与一致”。根据“.we brought it into line with the expressed language needs of the students.”可知,要使学习的时间表和学生 表达的对英语的需要保持一致,才能提高学习 动力,故选D项。30. C 最佳标题与文章主旨大意要联系在一起,文 章主要讲述的是学习英语的动力,以及提高动 力的一些方法。A、D两个选项范围太大;B项 只是文章的一部分。故选C。 31. A 从文章第一段看出,英语的运用发生了很大 的变化。故A项错误。32. D 第三段中用however一词使意思转移到后 面,自二战以来,人们将英语与种族和社会关 系相联系的态度发生了很大改变。33. B 从文章第五段可以看出。34. B 根据文章大意,American English和British English已经没有多大的差别了,所以,mid- Atlantic指的是both American and British。35. D 纵观全文,英语在二十世纪发生了很大的变 化。36. “Sorry” in America37. was it really necessary for him to apologize 38. The “sorry” cools tempers and human generosity is displayed./Perhaps this is why so few people quarrel on the buses, subways or streets of Amer- ica./So why cant we do so to avoid friction in our daily life while we are building our harmonious society?111


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