Unit 2《Healthy Eating》同步练习10(人教版必修3)

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Unit 2《Healthy Eating》同步练习10(人教版必修3)_第1页
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Unit 2《Healthy Eating》同步练习10(人教版必修3)_第3页
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111Unit 2 Healthy eatingExercise 1 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.1. Dont take some e_ exercise when you have caught a cold.2. He gave in to c_ and opened the letter addressed to his classmate.3. Tom would never a_ to being wrong.4. Did Lucy m_ when she would come to see me?5. Ive had the b_ of a good education.6. Because they didnt reach any agreement, they had to make a _(折中) decision.7. He could do nothing but stand and _ (惊讶).8. The subject has already been fully _(研究).9. Dao Lang is _ (受欢迎的) among the youth.10. Hydrogen _(结合) with oxygen to form water.Exercise 2 根据句意, 用所给的词或词组的最恰当形式填空(注意有多余选项)earn ones living, care about, are for, after all, above all, take park in, take the part of, success, avoid, long before, before long, feel fit, provide1. Hes been ill for weeks and doesnt _ for work yet.2. She _ by singing in a nightclub.3. He was extremely angry yesterday and said he would not come back. But he returned today _.4. How many countries will be _ the games?5. He _ Hamlet in the play.6. I just stopped cycling to _ running over the cat in the street.7. He wasnt _ as a teacher because of lacking of experience.8. That sad thing had happened _.9. All the woman _ their children.10. The firm _ me with a car since I worked here.Unit 2Word usage:1 dieta) a sort fod usually eaten (by a person , community , etc.) ; sort of food which a person is limited ,eg, for medical reasons.Too rich a diet is not good for you.The doctor put her on a diet.b) restrict ( oneself , sb. ) be restriedShe became so fat that she had to diet herself.My doctor is dieting me very strictly.2 balancea) v. to consider or compare ; to cause to be of equal weight ,importance or influence to.How long can you balance yourself on one foot?Be sure that the income and expenditure balance.b) n. 天平, 秤, 平衡状态, 均衡状态3 glare : to look in an angry way; to shine with a strong light They didnt fight , but stood there glaring at one another.The sun glares out of the blue sky.4 researcha) n. 研究,调查,探究His research have been successful.Research workers are examing the probles.b) v. make researches into a problem , etcresearch into5 benefita) n. advantage ; profit ,helpDid you get much benefit from your holiday? The book wasnt of much benefit to me.b) v. do good toThe new railway will benefit people here.The sea air will benefit you.6 liea) make a statement that one knows to be untrue ( lied , lied , lying)He lied to me.He is lying.b) 卧 , 躺 ( lay, lain ,lying)Dont lie in bed all morning.He lay on the grass enjoying the sunshine.7 combine: join together, posses at the same timeWe cant always combine work with pleasure.Useful expressions1 be tired of :对厌烦, 对厌倦I am tired of living abroad.The boy is tired of eggs.2 throw away: lose by foolishness or negletI must have throw away the theatre tickets by accident.He threw away the chance of a good job.3 get away with : not be punished for sth; steal sth. and escape with itHe couldnt have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies.They got away with damaging the car.Thieves robbed the bank and got away with a lot of money.4 get rid of/ be rid of : become /be free ofWe were glad to be rid of our overcoats.These shoes are difficult to get rid of. 5 earn ones living:6 be inbet:the state of owingIm in debt at the moment , but hope to be out of debt when I get paid.I am in your debt, John.111


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