高一英语同步练习:高效测评卷(三)Unit3《Travel Journal》(人教版必修1福建专用)

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高一英语同步练习:高效测评卷(三)Unit3《Travel Journal》(人教版必修1福建专用)_第1页
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高一英语同步练习:高效测评卷(三)Unit3《Travel Journal》(人教版必修1福建专用)_第2页
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高一英语同步练习:高效测评卷(三)Unit3《Travel Journal》(人教版必修1福建专用)_第3页
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111高中新课标配套测评卷福建卷英语R教必修1卷(三)Unit 3Travel journal学校:_班级:_姓名:_考号:_第卷 (选择题,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1Whats the weather like now?AHot.BCold.CWarm.2What is the woman doing?AShe is doing her homework. BShe is watching TV.CShe is playing the piano.3What will the man do this afternoon?AGo to have classes. BGo shopping with the woman.CGo to see a movie with the woman.4Where does the conversation probably take place?AIn a park. BOn the street.CIn a store.5What does the woman mean?AThe man should return the book in a week.BThe man doesnt have to return the book.CThe man can keep the book for two weeks.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段对话,回答第6至8题。6What time is it now?A930. B940. C950.7Where will the man go?AHis office. BA meeting hall.CThe center of the city.8How will the woman go to the meeting?ABy taxi. BBy car. CBy subway.听第7段对话,回答第9至11题。9Why is the man going to Shanghai?AOn business. BTo get married.CTo attend a wedding.10How old is the man now?A27. B28. C30.11What can we learn about the man from the dialogue?AHe hates his job very much. BHe often travels for business.CHe is looking for a new job at present.听第8段对话,回答第12至14题。12Whats the relationship between the two speakers?AGrandpa and granddaughter. BFather and daughter.CTeacher and student.13When was the first bicycle invented?AIn 1719. BIn 1790. CIn 1799.14What will the woman do this afternoon?AGo to buy a bicycle. BLearn to ride a bicycle.CGo to visit her aunt.听第9段对话,回答第15至17题。15What happens to the young couple in the womans book?AThey find they dont love each other.BThey find they got married too early.CThey find it is hard to get along well with each other.16Whats the end of the story written by the woman?AThe young couple decide to take a short break from their marriage.BThe young couple decide not to give up their marriage.CThe young couple choose to divorce.17What do we learn about the woman from the dialogue?AShe has been divorced. BShe is crazily in love.CShe is working in a company now.听第10段独白,回答第18至20题。18What is the speaker mainly talking about?AThe development of hotels.BThe purpose of building hotels.CWhat the first hotels looked like.19Where were the first hotels built?AIn the centers of large cities.BAlong the road.CNear train stations.20What can we learn from the text?AMotels are mainly built in the centers of big cities.BCity hotels dont have parking space for car travelers.CMotels are mainly built for car travelers.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21Mary has invited me to her birthday party this evening,Mom._ABest wishes.BHave fun.CGood luck. DHappy birthday!22Lillys fond of_travelling and she always keeps_travel journal of what she does each day during her trip.Athe;the B/;the Cthe;a D/;a23Why not join us in the game?Id love to,but Mother insists that I_all my homework first.Afinish Bwill finishCmust finish Dhave finished24Being a_person,Aunt Li wouldnt let anyone or any difficulty stop her.Astubborn Breliable Cdetermined Dconcerned25Do you often cook at home,Lucy?No.It is my husband_does most of the housework.Athat Bwhom Cwhat Dwhich26Rather than_computer games at home,I prefer_some reading in the school library.Aplaying;to do Bplay;to doCplaying;doing Dplay;doing27Doctors_the old man not to smoke so much,but he just couldnt give it up.Apersuaded Bpromised Caccepted Dadvised28My parents and I_to Shanghai for the World Expo this weekend.Im looking forward to it.Afly Bare flying Chave flown Dwould fly29_he starts to do something,he wont stop until it is finished.AThough BSince CUnless DOnce30The manager of the company told us that was their final decision and that we had to_.Agive in Bgive offCgive back Dgive away31We must keep on learning if we want to keep up with the_of the changing times.Aschedule Bjourney Cpace Dtransport32I dont_the price,as long as the house is in good condition.Alook up Bcare aboutCtake care of Dtake a look at33Its time for us to change our attitude_the boy.Yes.He is no longer a lazy student.Awith Bfor Con Dto34Although he wasnt feeling well that morning,he went to work after breakfast_.Aas usual Bat midnight Cas well Dat present35We_each other ever since we graduated from high school in the 1990s.Adidnt see Bwouldnt seeChavent seen Dhadnt seen第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Im an American.Years ago,I traveled to the north of Thailand.I_36_the heat,the noisy streets,the busy markets and the smell of Thai dishes.I enjoyed my_37_ there very much.However,there is one thing that I wish I hadnt done.One day,I set off from my hotel to a temple that_38_me.It was a very_39_day.As I walked past some buildings,I glanced between two_40_buildings.There,an old woman in traditional clothing_41_on the dusty rubble (碎石)The terrible thought crossed my mind that she might be_42_.Feeling quite helpless,I_43_her.Her face was sunkissed.She looked quite beautiful but very ill.I_44_reached into my pocket to find some_45_.Then I pushed it into her hand.It was enough for her to_46_for a few months.At this moment,she opened her large,brown eyes and_47_the prize Id given her.I felt like the“_48_stranger”_49_a common language,she looked at me with the wisdom and pity that could burn into a soul.She weakly_50_the money.She stood up and walked away.I was_51_,with the money in my hand.It took me at least a kilometer of walking to_52_I was quite the fool.She didnt need money._53_she needed shade,a bottle of water or just some comfort.She was the one who taught me a good_54_.That evening,I sat thinking over my “kindness”This beautiful woman made me know that not everyone would_55_someone elses money.We should be kind to others,but we should choose the right way.36A.preferred Bloved Cexpected Ddisliked37A.style Bstay Cidea Dway 38A.bored Bscared Cneeded Dinterested39A.cold Bwarm Ccool Dhot40. Abeautiful BunfinishedCwonderful Dcommon41A.lay Bsat Cstood Dwalked42A.hungry Bdead Cthirsty Dsleepy43A.went up to Blooked down uponCran away from Dtook care of44A.strangely BluckilyCunwillingly Dimmediately45A.fruit Bpaper Cmoney Dfood46A.live Bwork Csee Dwear47A.looked for Btook awayCwent through Dlooked at48A.careful Bkind Cexciting Dpretty49A.Without BWith CLike DFor50A.watched out Bthrew awayCput away Dpushed back51A.high Bexcited Chappy Dsurprised52A.show Bremember Crealize Dtell53A.Finally BSometimes CUsually DMaybe54A.word Blesson Csaying Dthought55A.accept Bhide Cconsider Drefuse第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AMy dad,Greg Newman,had wanted to be a race car driver,but things didnt work out for him.So I guess having a son who could become a race car driver was the next best thing.Dont get me wrongDad didnt push me into racing.In fact,when I was about 10 years old,my dad was afraid that driving a car wasnt my dream.So he took the racing away from me.I wasnt very happy with that decision.It wasnt long before Dad realized that racing was what I loved.At four,Dad bought me my first Quarter Midget (袖珍赛车) and thats really where it started for us.Back then,Dad coached me.He would stick out (伸出) his foot in the path of the race car,and then tell me to exactly hit his foot.By repeating this again and again,Dad believed that I would be faster and sharper on the race track.Dad worked really long hours at his car repair business to make money so that I could race each weekend.I can remember that every night before he turned off the lights in the garage,Dad would tell me:“Dont forget to kiss your race car good night.” He was trying to teach me that if I show respect,its returned.He wanted me to show thankfulness and respect for my race car and for all the hard work that we and many others had put into the dream.My dad,my mom and my sister gave up a lot of things to help me race.For us,there was no better moment than winning the 50th running of the Daytona 500 in 2008.That evening in February 2008,I knew I had gotten a good push.I could hear the excitement.My father couldnt speak a word,and when he got to Victory Lane (车道),he nearly knocked me over and gave me such a big hug.56Why did Greg Newman stop his son to race when his son was 10 years old?ABecause he thought racing was dangerous.BBecause he worried that his son didnt like racing.CBecause he didnt want his son to fail like he did.DBecause he couldnt afford the money.57Why did Greg Newman let his son hit his foot?ATo improve his sons skill. BTo help his son to be braver.CTo have fun with his son. DTo make his son more careful.58Greg Newman asked his son to kiss his race car good night to_.Aget help from his familyBtreat the race car as a personCfeel grateful that he could follow his dreamDdevelop a close relationship with his race car59In the 50th running of the Daytona 500,Greg Newman couldnt say anything because he was_.Adisappointed Bsurprised Csad DexcitedBRobert Todd Duncan was born in 1903 in the southern city of Danville,Kentucky.His mother was his first music teacher.As a young man,he continued his music study in Indianapolis,Indiana.In 1930,he completed more musical education at Columbia University in New York City.Then he moved to Washington.For fifteen years,he taught music at Howard University in Washington.At that time,not many black musicians were known for writing or performing classical music.Teaching at Howard gave Duncan the chance to share his knowledge of classical European music with a mainly black student population.He taught special ways to present the music.These special ways became known as the Duncan Technique.Besides teaching,Duncan sang in several operas with performers who were all black.But it seemed that he always would be known mainly as a concert artist.However,his life took a different turn in the middle 1930s.At that time,the famous American music writer George Gershwin was looking for someone to play a leading part in his new work Porgy and Bess.The music critic (评论家) of the New York Times newspaper suggested Todd Duncan.Duncan had almost decided not to try for the part as he knew it would not be easy to get it.But he changed his mind.He sang a piece from an Italian opera for Gershwin.He had sung only a few minutes when Gershwin offered him the part.He became famous because of the part in Porgy and Bess.Todd Duncan gained fame as an opera singer and concert artist.But his greatest love in music was teaching.When he stopped teaching at Howard,he continued giving singing lessons in his Washington home until the week before his death.60What is this passage mainly about?AWhat Robert Todd Duncan loved most.BHow Robert Todd Duncan became famous.CRobert Todd Duncan and his works of music.DA brief introduction to Robert Todd Duncan.61According to Paragraph 2,while teaching at Howard University,Duncan_.Afound special ways to present musicBopened doors for other black classical singersChad the chance to know many famous black musiciansDbecame known for writing and performing classical music62What happened to Duncan in the middle 1930s?AHe gave up teaching at Howard University.BHe was introduced by the New York Times in detail.CHe was asked to be in charge of the opera Porgy and Bess.DHe was given a big opportunity to become an opera singer.63We can infer that Robert Todd Duncan didnt at first want to try for the part mainly because_.Ahe was too busy to do itBhe was not interested in itChe was not confident enoughDhe didnt want to become famousCTo see the world is one thing;to have someone to share it with is another.Indeed,travel becomes more interesting when you have a travel partner.A travel partner can be a close friend,a family member,a pal youve met online,or a business friend.You can have someone to talk toTraveling alone is fun,but wouldnt you feel lonely?Having a travel partner can remove the feeling of loneliness.This is especially true if you can get a travel companion who is very familiar with the place youre traveling to.You dont have to ask any information from the locals,and you can increase the time you spend in the country._One of the major headaches in traveling is the costs involved.You cant simply ignore the rising price of hotels or plane tickets.You should also think about your daily needs,such as your food.Of course,you cant simply go back without bringing any souvenirs (纪念品) to your friends and family.All these can ruin your budget.However,when you have a travel friend,you can have someone to share the expenses with.You can meet a good friendHaving a travel mate is a good way of meeting a new friend or even a lifelong partner.You can never count the number of couples who actually found their way into each others heart while traveling together in another country. You can have someone to watch out for you When youre in a foreign land,youll never be really safe.You dont know the rules as well as the culture of the people.A travel mate will be perfect to remind you of your duties in the country and to watch your back just in case you get lost.So why dont you find a travel companion now?Lets find out how .64. Whats the authors purpose in writing this passage?ATo introduce a travel company.BTo encourage us to have a travel partner.CTo explain how to be a perfect travel partner.DTo tell an interesting experience with a travel partner.65Whats the best title for the 3rd paragraph?AYou can have someone to share the expenses with.BYou can know the local culture well.CYou can enjoy food with your partner.DYou can save money by bargaining together.66Which of the following statements agrees with the authors opinion?ATraveling alone is not fun.BBuying souvenirs isnt necessary.CMany people fall in love when traveling.DIts better to choose a stranger as a travel partner.67The following paragraph will probably talk about_.Ahow to get along with a travel partnerBhow travel can benefit peopleCwhat we can learn from travelDhow to find a travel partnerDPeople who like travelling have their reasons.They believe that travelling can help them expand their field of view,especially in the geographical and historical sense.They also think that touring will give them more chances to enjoy different kinds of food and experience new things that would never be brought by other activities.But those who dislike travelling also have some reasons.Travelling,in my opinion,does more good than harm.Most importantly,it broadens (使扩大) our mind.We can get in touch with other civilizations (文明),cultures,customs and ideas.Through history,most people travelled because of necessity (必要性)not for pleasure.People travelled just in order to remain alive.They searched for food to eat or places to live in.They sometimes ran away from enemies.This is not to say that no one ever travelled just for the fun of it.In ancient times,for example,rich Romans travelled all the way to Greece to take part in the Olympic Games,and festivals.Of course,some people decided to travel just out of curiosity (好奇心)They wanted to find out what it looked like beyond the horizon (地平线)Also business travel has been going on for centuries.Traders could not only make money but also learn to speak several languages and be introduced to different cultures.So,travelling does enrich our mind and draw new ideas to us.There is no doubt that we can get much from it.68The underlined word “expand” in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by “_”Awiden Bprotect Close Ddecide69According to the passage,in the past most people travelled_.Afor fun Bfor knowledgeCto get experiences Dto make a living70Whats the main idea of this passage?ADifferent kinds of travelling.BTravelling enriches our mind.CWays to enjoy yourself while travelling.DThe advantages and disadvantages of travelling.EWe will be traveling to the Presidio in San Francisco to visit the newly opened Walt Disney Family Museum.There are countless art exhibits and even a model of an early Disneyland Park.We will enter the museum at the same time and then each family is free to enjoy the art exhibits in the museum.Lunch will be on you,so bring a lunch or bring money for the Museum Caf.For those of you who are interested in exploring the Presidio,there is a free Presidio bus.The Walt Disney Family Museum is a mustsee for anyone who likes Disneyland.Here are the details:Date:March 22,2011Time:930 am to 400 pmLocation:Presidio,San FranciscoCost per person:$35 (Adult) / $25 (Aged 617) / $10 (Children under 6 years)A registration (登记) fee covers roundtrip bus transportation to and from Alameda and admission into the Walt Disney Family Museum.New pickup location:Bayport Recreation Center,Jack London Avenue.(Parents must be around children on trip.Please check in at least 15 minutes before settingout time.)Click here to download the “Walt Disney Family Museum”flyer (PDF,245Kb)Its easy to register!You may register:In person or by mail at:Alameda Recreation and Park Department (2226 Santa Clara Avenue,Alameda,CA 94501)Phone registrations with MasterCard or VISA will be accepted for people 18 years old and over (5107477529)Fax form with MasterCard or VISA to (510)7477566.Save time and register online at www.arpdeplay.com.Registration deadline:March 7,201171.Besides a registration fee,visitors may also need to pay for_.Athe transportation to AlamedaBthe admission fee into the museumCthe transportation from AlamedaDtheir lunch inside the museum72How much will a couple have to pay if they take part in the activity with their 4yearold daughter?A$60. B$70. C$80. D$95.73What can we infer from the passage?AA single child can not take part in the activity.BThe Walt Disney Family Museum has a long history.CThe Walt Disney Family Museum is not popular.DThe Walt Disney Family Museum is mainly for adults.74Which of the following statements is WRONG about the registration?APeople can register online.BPeople can register by mailCPeople can go to register in person.DPeople of all ages can register by phone.75This passage is most probably taken from a_.Anewspaper Bmagazine Cwebsite Dradio program第卷 (非选择题,共35分)第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)(龙岩市20102011学年度高一第一学期期末)I went to the Summer Palace last week.At the gate I_(碰巧) to meet some young American tourists.76._I greeted them and introduced myself in_and 77._then we began to chat.I got to know that they were college students_(旅游) in China.Most of them were78._ f_of Chinese medicine.They were busy 79._


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