高一英语同步练习:4.3 Unit4《Earthquakes》(人教版必修1福建专用)

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高一英语同步练习:4.3 Unit4《Earthquakes》(人教版必修1福建专用)_第1页
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高一英语同步练习:4.3 Unit4《Earthquakes》(人教版必修1福建专用)_第3页
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111.单项填空1Lets send our congratulations to him_passing the test.AforBtoCon Dwith解析:考查介词。congratulations to sb.on sth.为某事向某人祝贺。 答案:C2_from the number of the cars,he thought,there were still many people at the club.ATo judge BJudgedCJudging DHaving judged解析:judging from/by.由判断,根据判断,是固定短语。答案:C3The Chinese are_the 29th Olympic Games held in Beijing in 2008.Aproud of Bproud inCpride in Dpride of解析:be proud of和take pride in均为固定短语,意思是“为感到骄傲”。答案:A4_foreigners come to our school for a visit every year.AA great number BA good many ofCA great deal DA great many解析:a great number后面应先加介词of,再加可数名词;a good many也可为a great many,可直接修饰可数名词,不加介词of;而a great deal后也要先加介词of再加不可数名词。所以选D。答案:D5Luckily,the traffic accident didnt do_either of the cars.Amuch damage in Bmany damage inCmuch damage to Dmany damages to解析:damage是不可数名词,故不能用many修饰。do damage to意思是“对造成危害”。答案:C6The_boy whose mother was lost in the disaster is looking for her now.Afrightened BfrighteningCfrighten Dscaring解析:形容人时通常用frightened表示“害怕的”。答案:A7Mary_her great sadness when she learned that the earthquake left her hometown in ruins.Aexpressed BjudgedCsuggested Dtold解析:考查动词辨析。express ones sadness意为“表示难过”,符合题意:听说震后家乡成为一片废墟,Mary非常难过。答案:A8_I explained on the phone,your request will be considered at the next meeting.AWhen BAfterCAs DSince解析:as I explained on the telephone正如我在电话上解释的。答案:C9Alice,_on your wonderful performance!Ill treat you to cold drinks.Acongratulation Bgood luckCcongratulations Dgood lucks解析:congratulation表口头祝贺一般用复数,故排除A项;而luck为不可数名词,故排除D项;从语境可看出是在演出之后了,故排除B项。答案:C10The street was named after a great man_his great contributions to the city.Ain honour of Binstead ofCin case of Din need of解析:in honour of是固定词组,意为“为了纪念”。答案:A11_of the land in this area_covered with trees and grass.ATwo fifth;is BTwo fifth;areCTwo fifths;is DTwo fifths;are解析:本题考查分数表达及分数作主语。“五分之二”应为two fifths,也就是当分子大于1时,分母的序数词要变复数,所以排除A和B项。当数词作主语时谓语动词要根据其后所跟的名词或代词来确定,land为不可数名词,所以选择C项。答案:C12The people there were greatly_to see everything changed overnight.Afrightened BshockedCinterested Dmoved解析:句意为:看到在一夜之间所有的一切都改变了,那里的人们感到非常震惊。根据句意,B项为正确答案。shock意思是“(使)震惊;震动”。答案:B13The_news made all of them_to death.Afrightening;frightened Bfrightened;frighteningCfrightening;frightening Dfrightened;frightened解析:句意为:这个令人恐惧的消息把他们所有人吓得要死。frightening令人恐惧的;frightened受惊的;受惊吓的。答案:A14What is your plan for the holiday,Paul?Ill go on a trip to Yunnan Province with my family._.AHave a nice time BGood luckCCome back soon DCongratulations解析: 听到对方要与家人去云南旅游,应当表示祝福。A(祝你们)玩得愉快,符合语境。B(祝你们)好运;C快点回来;D祝贺你们。答案:A15Imagine you are outside when_earthquake comes.What should you do?Go to_open space away from buildings or trees.Athe;the Bthe;anCan;the Dan;an解析:考查冠词。根据题意可知,earthquake和space都不表示特指,所以用不定冠词。答案:D.阅读理解Im lying on my back in my grandfathers orchard (果园),looking up at the branches above me.It is one of the last days of summer.Already the days are shorter and the nights are cooler.Some kinds of apples are already ripe (成熟的)Others will be ready to pick soon.I think of my grandmothers apple pie,and how I used to make it with her.She died last year,before the apple harvest,and I have not had her pie since.I really miss her.I hear bees busily humming about,visiting the late summer flowers.The gentle hum of their wings nearly sends me to sleep.The sky is as blue as my grandfathers eyes.Above me,big white clouds race across the sky like pieces of cotton blowing in the wind.School starts in another week,and time seems to have slowed down.“Sophie!” calls my grandfather.“Is that you?” I stand up,take his hand,and tell him all about my day as we walk through the orchard.We talk about apples,and bees,and Grandma.He tells me that he misses her too.He puts his rough,brown farmers hand around my shoulder and pulls me close.“You know,Sophie,” he says,“I spent the morning in the attic (阁楼),and youll never guess what I found.Its the recipe (烹饪法) for Grandmas apple pie.I used to help her make it sometimes.I cant do it all alone,but you used to help her too.Maybe between the two of us,we can work it out.Want to try?”“But it wont be the same without Grandma,” I tell him.“Thats true,” he says,“but nothing_is_the_same_without_Grandma.Still,I dont think that she would want us never to have another apple pie.What do you say?” I nod yes,and we walk towards home .towards an afternoon in the farmhouse kitchen,making Grandmas famous apple pie.语篇解读Sophie在果园里看到枝头的苹果,想起了她的奶奶,想起了奶奶做的苹果派。她的爷爷找到了她奶奶制作苹果派的方法,他们祖孙俩一起学做苹果派。苹果派寄托了Sophie和爷爷对奶奶的深切怀念 1We learn from the passage that Sophie_.Alikes to watch clouds in the atticBcomes to the orchard after schoolCenjoys Grandmas apple pie very muchDpicks many apples in the orchard解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的I think of my grandmothers apple pie及and I have not had her pie since和文末的making Grandmas famous apple pie可知,Sophie很喜欢奶奶做的苹果派。答案:C2Sophies grandfather spent the morning in the attic_.Alooking for Grandmas recipe for apple pieBhelping Sophies grandmother make apple pieCtrying to make apple pie all alone for SophieDtalking about apples,and bees,and Grandma with Sophie解析:细节理解题。第四段第二、三句话表明,Sophie的爷爷找到了奶奶做苹果派的烹饪方法,故答案为A。答案:A3Both Sophie and her grandfather used to_.Ahelp Grandma make apple piesBspend summer afternoons in the orchardCenjoy fresh fruit in the farmhouse kitchenDwalk alone among the apple trees解析:细节判断题。根据第四段爷爷说的话I used to help her make it sometimes及I cant do it all alone,but you used to help her too可知,过去Sophie和她的爷爷都常帮助奶奶做苹果派。 答案:A4The underlined part in the last paragraph shows_.Ahow much Sophies grandmother loved SophieBhow much Sophies grandfather likes apple piesChow much Sophie loves her grandfathers orchardDhow much Sophies grandfather misses Grandma解析:句意理解题。nothing is the same without Grandma的字面意思是:没有奶奶,什么都变得不一样了。这句话表明了Sophie的爷爷对奶奶的怀念。答案:D5Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?AMy grandfathers orchard BMy grandmothers apple pieCA morning in the attic DThe last days of summer解析:标题归纳题。本文的大意是:Sophie在果园里看到枝头的苹果,想起了她的奶奶,想起了奶奶做的苹果派。她的爷爷找到了她奶奶制作苹果派的方法,他们祖孙俩一起学做苹果派。苹果派寄托了Sophie和爷爷对奶奶的深切怀念。故选B。答案:BFarah was sitting in the kitchen going over the party list with her mother.The exams were over and Farah wanted to invite her friends for a party.“Farah,arent you going to invite Hafsa?” her mother asked.Hafsa had been her best friend since childhood.“Mother,you know I am now a part of Purple Girls Club and we have some rules about people we can be friends with,” Farah answered.“Really?And what are the rules?” her mother asked.“Well,only very pretty girls can be part of our group.And Hafsa is so .you know .dark.”“I cannot believe it,” her mother said angrily.As Farah left the kitchen,her father called her from the living room.Farah went to her father and paled when she saw the exam report in his hands.“Farah,what has happened to your grades?You have failed in Mathematics,” her father said.Farah had no answer.The truth was that the activities of Purple Girls Club left her with very little time for studies.“Farah,it says that you can take part in supplementary exams (补考)If your grades dont improve then,Ill cancel (取消) your trip to Spain.”Farah went to her room and called Gina,the leader of Purple Girls Club.“Gina,can you help me to complete my notes before the exams?”Gina laughed.“Exams?Who cares about exams?”One by one,she called her friends in the club but no one seemed to care or wanted to help.Farah knew Hafsa would help her.Farah also knew Hafsa had been hurt by her,but Hafsa said,“If you need any help,just let me know.We can study together till your exams.”Next Monday,as two friends entered the school together,Gina called out.“Farah,you know our rules.You cannot be friends with those who do not belong to our club.”“Gina,I have a new rule about friendship,” Farah replied.语篇解读Farah参加了一个都是漂亮女孩子的团体,为此抛弃了多年的挚友Hafsa,但是当Farah需要帮助的时候,只有Hafsa愿意提供帮助。 6After Farah became a member of Purple Girls Club,she chose a friend according to a persons_.Alooks Busual activitiesCgrades Dfavorite colors解析:细节理解题。结合文章的pretty girls及And Hafsa is so.you know.dark可知,Farah加入Purple Girls Club之后,是根据人的长相选择朋友的。故答案选A项。答案:A7Farah became pale after going to her father because_.Ahe didnt allow her to go to SpainBshe didnt do well in her examsCshe had to leave Purple Girls ClubDhe asked her to improve her grades解析:细节理解题。从Farah看到父亲手中的成绩报告单脸色的变化,及父亲对她的质问可知,她考试没有考好。故答案选B项。 答案:B8Which word can best describe Hafsa?ASilly. BBeautiful.CRude. DKind.解析:推理判断题。由文章的If you need any help,just let me know可知虽然Farah伤了Hafsa的心,但是在看到朋友需要帮助的时候,她还是伸出了援助之手。故答案选D项。 答案:D9From the passage,we can know that_.AHafsa is a member of Purple Girls ClubBGina will help Farah with her examsCGina doesnt care about examsDFarah would like to invite Hafsa to the party解析:细节理解题。由第三段到第五段Farah说的话可知,她参加了成员都是漂亮女孩的Purple Girls Club,并不打算邀请Hafsa参加她组织的聚会,因此A、D错误;由倒数第五、六段可知,Gina对考试满不在乎,也不会帮助Farah通过考试,C正确。答案:C10What lesson can we learn from the passage?AA friend in need is a friend indeed.BA perfect friend will never be found.CBe slow in choosing a friend.DFriendship can be developed easily.解析:推理判断题。Farah参加了一个名为Purple Girls Club的小团体,在这个团体里都是漂亮的女孩,Farah为此抛弃了自己多年的挚友Hafsa,但是当Farah需要帮助的时候,只有Hafsa愿意提供帮助,这个故事说明了患难之交才是真朋友。答案:A111


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