Unit 5《Canada》同步练习(新人教版必修3)

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Unit 5《Canada》同步练习(新人教版必修3)_第3页
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111Unit 5 Canada“The True North 基础知识复习巩固练习一、 单项选择1. It is still unclear _ the newest type of car will be on sale and _ it will cost. A. that, how muchB. when, how muchC. that, whatD. what, what2. Rather than _ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _ a bicycle. A. ride, rideB. riding, rideC. ride, to rideD. to ride, riding3. With a lot of difficult problems _, the newly-elected president is having a hard time. A. settledB. settlingC. to settleD. being settled4. -How was it _ he _ to get the information? -Oh, a friend of his helped him. A. that, triedB. that, managedC. which, managedD. that, succeeded5. The father as well as his three children _ skating on the frozen river every Sunday in winter. A. is goingB. goC. goesD. are going6. Mr. Taylor has _ 8-year-old daughter who has _ gift for painting. She has won two national prize. A. a, aB. an, theC. an, aD. the, a7. The population of our city is _ than that of Qingdao. A. largerB. largeC. more largerD. more8. It took me a few weeks to get used to the new _. A. surroundB. surroundingsC. surroundingD. surrounds9. Some measures have been _ to stop the matter _ getting worse. A. made, /B. taken, /C. got, fromD. given, from10. _ no bus, we had to go home by taxi. A. There wasB. There beingC. It wasD. It being11. The manager asked the question _ I would like to be his secretary. A. ifB. whetherC. thatD. how12. _ is a fact _ English is being accepted as an international language. A. It, thatB. That, thatC. It, whichD. As, that二、 选词填空 rather than settle downhave a gift foras well as thousands ofso that go on a tripmanage tocatch sight ofdream of at dawnin the distance1. The students _ the teachers had a good time at the party.2. Were thinking of _ to the mountains.3. _ allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.4. There were _ people at the concert.5. Everyone says he _ poetry.6. Shelia _ her own face in one of the windows.7. He _ as a farmer with a family in America.8. We _ finish our task within an hour and then went to the cinema.9. The scenery is _ special _ it left a lasting impression on everyone present.10. The building looks like seashells _.三、 完成句子1. 在加拿大旅行之后,他们决定在那边定居。After they _ Canada, they _ there. 2. 昨天我去看电影了,我看的电影给我留下深刻的印象.Yesterday I went to the movie and the film I saw _3. 我很惊讶的发现,昨天晚上他不是忙于写信,而是看报纸。I was _ to find last night that he was _ a letter _ newspaper. 4. _(据我所知), nothing like this have ever happened before.5. Im always _(梦想游览) the Great Wall.6. 她整晚都在和朋友聊天She _ the whole night _ her friends.7. _ (围着) some students, the teacher is telling some interesting stories.8. _(谁去出国) required consideration.9. 因为学习努力,他设法通过了考试。_hard work, he _ the exam.10. If you _(看见)the murderer, please call the police.四、 单句改错1. We should take measure to prevent pollution in our city.2. She has a gift at learning languages.3. The boy fell in love with the girl at the first sight.4. I think it is a traditional for parents to give their children lucky money in red paper.5. My father will on a trip to New York next week.6. What were you chat to him about just now?7. He would stay at home rather than going to school.8. The Arctic Ocean is considered to be a north part of the Atlantic Ocean.9. I managed getting in touch with the lady in charge of this project.10. Word came which the president would inspect the army.五、 单词拼写:1. The m_ leaf is to Canada what the giant panda is to China.2. She grew up in a w_ family, which resulted in the fact she cared little about money.3. My neighbors were taking a three-week t_ of Europe, so I was expected to take care of their dog those days.4. With the development of science, it became possible for astronomers to measure the d_ of stars form the earth.5. The evidence c_ what I put forward at the meeting.6. The s_ in front of us reads, “No Parking” in French.7. The postman has to get up before d_ every day in order to deliver the letters in time.8. More and more people prefer to live outside the city rather than live d_.9. He managed to understand the t_ of the local people when he paid a visit there.10. Im not quite sure, but there are a_100 people invited to the party.Exercise of Unit 5 Canada一、完形填空Canada is a good example of the way peoples of different ways of life and different languages can live side by side under one government. The population of Canada has _1_ from 11,5 million in 1941 to 25 million in 1980. There are many Indians, Pakistanis and Chinese, and also _2_ from the USA, among the immigrants who are pouring into Canada now. Some Canadians are afraid that _3_ Canada will have more _4_ citizens that white. All Canadian children have to learn both _5_ and English at school, but Francophones and Anglophones do not enjoy learning each others language. The Canadian government is more British in style than American, _6_ that it is a federal government. The head of government is the _7_, often called “PM”, as in Britain.Canada now _8_ to the Commonwealth of Nations. It has a new _9_ flag which has _10_ red bands at either end with a _11_ maple leaf in the middle. The maple tree is the national tree of Canada. In the _12_ leaves turn a brilliant red and orange.Queen Elizabeth is still Queen of Canada. She is head of the government, as in Britain, but has a Government General to _13_ her. She is still quite popular _14_ Anglophone Canadians, _15_ she is more popular in the USA.1. A. risenB. raisedC. addedD. decreased2. A. blacksB. yellowsC. ScotsD. Inuit3. A. before longB. long beforeC. long agoD. long after4. A. colorB. coloredC. colorfulD. coloring5. A. GermanB. FrenchC. SpanishD. Swiss6. A. besidesB. exceptC. includesD. beside7. A. PresidentB. KingC. Prime MinisterD. Queen8. A. refersB. belongsC. connectsD. joins9. A. internationalB. countryC. nationD. national10. A. fourB. threeC. fiveD. two11. A. purpleB. greenC. blueD. red12. A. springB. summerC. winterD. fall13. A. insteadB. representC. cooperateD. neglect14. A. atB. inC. withinD. among15. A. butB. thereforeC. althoughD. since二、阅读理解Japan is made up of several islands that lies off the coast of Asia. People came to live in Japan from nearby countries, such as China and Korea. From these older countries, Japanese borrowed ideas, inventions and habits.For many years, Japanese built buildings like in China. They dressed like Chinese. From China came their way of writhing and their habit of drinking tea.In more recent time, Japanese have borrowed from the United States. They have a government like ours. They do much work in science, as we do. Baseball is a favorite sport in Japan, just like it is here.Things changes when they came to Japan. Japanese improve on almost everything they borrowed. The art of garden making came from Korea and China, but Japanese gardens are special. Each garden has a waterfall, a pool and small bridges. There are few flowers in Japanese gardens. But the gardens are green during all season for there are many evergreens there. Japanese gardens have a different kind of beauty.1. In this passage the words “ just as it is here” means _.A.just as it is in ChinaB. just as it is in United States C. just as it is in AsiaD. just as it is in Japan2. Why do Japanese change things they borrowed? A. They dont like the way they are.B . They try to make them better. C. They want visitors to like them.D. They want to be different from others.3. From this passage we see that _. A. there are many flowers in Japanese gardens. B. Japanese gardens are full of life all the year C. Japanese gardens are different but not very beautiful D. Japanese gardens are not of many islands4. The first paragraph tells us that _.A. people from many countries came to live in Japan. B. Japan is much older than KoreaC. Japanese borrowed ideas from China, Korea and other nearby countries.D. many Japanese came from the United States5. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Japanese invented the habit of drinking tea. B. Japan and China have many things alike. C. People in the United States like playing baseball. D. Japan is made up of many islands.三、短文改错 Canada, with the capital Ottawa, is second largest country in the world. Inuit, come from Asia, begin to live in Northern Canada 4,000 years ago. Today there are 25,000 Inuit at all. They live on fish and meat. They live in settlements. They build round house with blocks of snow. They have furs and skins of seals which they catch for their clothes and shoes. They always travelled around with sleighs which are pulled by teams of dogs. The government is started a new school project in the hop of keep the way of Inuit life. School children will visit to Inuit village and will learn how to fish, how to carve bones and how to make clothes like the Inuit does.基础巩固练习答案:单项选择:BCCBC AABBB BA选词填空:as well as, going on a trip, Rather than, thousands of, has a gift for, cought sight of, settled down, managed to, so that, in the distance完成句子:1. took a trip to, decided to settle down 2. made a deep impression on me 3. surprised, busy writing, rather than, 4. As far as i know 5. dreaming of visiting 6. spent, chatting with/to 7. Surrounded by 8. (The question) who should go abroad 9. Because ofmanaged to pass 10. caught sight of单句改错:1. measure-measures 2. at-for 3. the去掉, 4. traditional-tradition 5. will后加 go或者on改成take/make 6.chat-chatting 7. going-go 8. north-northern 9. getting-to get 10. which-that单词拼写:maple, wealthy, trip, distance, confirmed, sign, dawn, downtown, traditions, about/approximately完形填空:AAABB BCBDD DDBDC阅读理解:BBBCA短文改错:Canada, with the capital Ottawa, is second largest country in the world. Inuit, come from Asia, 加the到second前 comingbegin to live in Northern Canada 4,000 years ago. Today there are 25,000 Inuit at all. They live on fish began inand meat. They live in settlements. They build round house with blocks of snow. They have furs and housesskins of seals which they catch for their clothes and shoes. They always travelled around with sleighs travelwhich are pulled by teams of dogs. The government is started a new school project in the hop of keep has keepingthe way of Inuit life. School children will visit to Inuit village and will learn how to fish, how to carve 去掉bones and how to make clothes like the Inuit does. do111

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