Unit 6 Section B 3a-SelfCheck

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Unit 6 Section B 3a-Selfcheck. 教学准备1教师: 录音机、磁带和课件。2学生: (1)把本单元所有表示食物的单词按多种方式分类。(2)调查家人喜欢和不喜欢的食物、运动和颜色。(3)复习名词变复数的规则。. 教学目标1单词: 本单元所有单词2句型: Do you like bananas? Yes, I do./No, I dont.Does she like tomatoes? Yes, she does, /No, she doesnt.I like fruit, but I dont like vegetables.She likes bread, but she doesnt like salad.What.do you like? I like.What do you like for breakfast? I like.for breakfast.3通过本课学习, 学生能够把所学食品名词进行分类, 会使用动词like询问对方喜欢与不喜欢的食物;学会谈论自己与他人的早、中、晚餐喜欢吃的食物;学会营养配餐并能够制作购物单和调查表。4讨论美食, 享受生活美味, 提倡健康、合理膳食, 同时使学生通过了解他人的饮食习惯, 学会关心他人。. 教学重点1食物的分类。2一般现在时第三人称单数作主语时, 动词like的变化。3一日三餐的营养搭配。4名词变复数的规则。. 教学难点1一般现在时中like的各种句型, 及主语是第三人称单数时, 动词like的各种句型。2用like 进行关于食物喜好及一日三餐营养搭配的写作训练。. 教学步骤Step 1: Leadin建议1: 教师播放歌曲甜苹果, 目的是调动学生的积极性。然后引出“An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.”说明苹果的营养价值高。由此, 告诉学生为了健康我们要多吃蔬菜和水果, 多吃健康食品。让学生把我们所学的食物名词进行分类。这样做的目的一是复习所学的单词, 二是引导学生要养成健康饮食的好习惯。For example: Healthy foodUnhealthy food建议2: 播放一段采访关于学生平时喜欢吃什么食物的视频, 导入我们的第一个任务, 复习学过的表示食物的名词。由大家最熟悉的话题引入要复习的单词, 可以使学生快速地进入到一个轻松愉快的学习氛围中来。For example: T: From the video frequency, we can know different students like different food. What food do you like?S1: I like.S2: I like.建议3: 和学生玩一个复习单词的游戏, 学生看图片, 图片上是食物的一部分, 让学生猜是什么食物, 看谁说得又快又好。目的是复习上几节课所学过的表示食物的单词, 通过比赛可以调动学生的主动性, 起到在娱乐中复习的效果。For example: T: Look at the picture and speak out the words as quickly as you can.Ss: OK.T: Ready?Ss: Yes.T: Whats this? /What are these?Ss: Its./They are.建议4: 把所学的单词和句型编成歌谣, 让学生大声读出来并配以动作, 画线部分可以用所学的单词替换。这样既及时复习了单词和句型, 又活跃了课堂气氛。For example: Do you like apples? Yes, I do. I like apples.Do you like salad? No, I dont. I dont like_salad.Does he like chicken? Yes, he does. He likes chicken.Does she like_bread? No, she doesnt. She doesnt like bread.Step 2: Present the new sentences建议1: 通过播放歌曲“What do you have for lunch? ”来复习所学的一日三餐吃什么的表达法, 可以充分调动学生的积极性, 为下一步的学习做好铺垫。For example: T: This is a nice song. We have three meals a day, yes?Ss: Yes.T: What are they?Ss: They are breakfast, lunch and dinner.T: Very good. I like eggs for breakfast. Do you like eggs for breakfast?Ss: Yes, I do./No, I dont. I like bread.然后教师让学生与同伴之间像下面这样进行对话(画线部分可以用所学的词替换): S1: Do you like eggs_for_breakfast?S2: No, I dont. I like bread.建议2: 教师用多媒体出示自己吃早饭的照片, 然后说自己早饭喜欢吃鸡蛋, 问学生们早餐是否喜欢吃鸡蛋。引入要学的3a部分。用教师自己的喜好来引入要学的内容以激发学生的学习兴趣。For example: T: Look at the picture. Im eating breakfast. What do I like for breakfast?Ss: You like eggs for breakfast.T: Yes, very good. What about you? Do you like eggs for breakfast?Ss: Yes. I do./No, I dont. I like bread.然后让学生与同伴之间像下面这样进行对话(画线部分可以用所学的词替换): S1: Do you like eggs for breakfast?S2: Yes. I do./No, I dont. I like bread.建议3: 教师播放一所学校餐厅吃早饭的视频, 视频中同学们都在吃鸡蛋。然后问学生: “这些学生早餐吃什么? 你们喜欢早餐吃鸡蛋吗? ”从而引入要学的内容。用学生非常熟悉的场景导入新课显得自然且有感召力, 容易让学生参与进来。For example: T: Look at the video frequency. What do they eat for breakfast?Ss: Eggs.T: Yes, very good. Do you like eggs for breakfast?S1: No, I dont. I like bread.Step 3: Practice the new sentences 建议1: 教师可以让学生与同伴之间练习对话。For example: S1: Do you like eggs for breakfast?S2: Yes. I do./No, I dont. I like bread.建议2: 教师可以让学生争当小记者, 去采访班里的同学。这样既能使学生练习目标语言, 又能锻炼学生的胆量和自信心。For example: S1: Im a reporter from CCTV. Can I ask you a question?S2: Sure.S1: Do you like eggs for breakfast?S2: No, I dont. I like bread.Step 4: Task 3a建议: 教师让学生利用所学的句型完成下面的表格,填写自己和同伴喜欢和不喜欢的食物, 然后作报告。For example: BreakfastLunchDinnerI likeI dont likeMy partner likesMy partner doesnt like像下面这样作报告(画线部分可以替换成lunch或dinner): I like.for breakfast. I dont like.for breakfast.My partner likes.for_breakfast. My partner doesnt like.for breakfast.3b建议: 教师让学生完成3b, 使所学内容从练习口头表达能力过渡到练习书面表达能力, 进一步使所学知识得到巩固和提高。For example: Write about what you and your partner like and dont like for breakfast, lunch and dinner.写出你和同伴一日三餐喜欢吃什么、不喜欢吃什么。For breakfast, I like _, but I dont like _.For lunch, _.And for dinner, _.For breakfast, _ likes _.For lunch, _.And for dinner, _.Step 5: Present the new sentences建议: 教师把以前所学的单词集中在今天所学的句型中, 询问个别学生, 既是学习也是复习。For example(画线部分可以替换): T: What food do you like and dislike?S1: I like_fruit and vegetables. I dont like salad or chicken.T: What sports do you like and dislike?S1: I like soccer and basketball. I dont like_tennis or pingpong.T: What colors do you like and dislike?S1: I like green and red. I dont like_black or yellow.Step 6: Practice the new sentences建议1: 教师让学生与同伴之间练习对话。For example(画线部分可以替换): S1: What food do you like and dislike?S2: I like_fruit_and_vegetables. I dont like salad_or_chicken.S1: What sports do you like and dislike?S2: I like soccer_and_basketball. I dont like_tennis_or_pingpong.S1: What colors do you like and dislike?S2: I like green_and_red. I dont like_black_or_yellow.建议2: 教师可以让学生争当小记者, 去采访班里的其他同学。这样既能使学生练习目标语言, 又能锻炼学生的胆量和自信心。For example(画线部分可以替换): S1: Im a reporter from CCTV. Can I ask you some questions?S2: Sure.S1: What food do you like and dislike?S2: I like fruit_and_vegetables. I dont like salad_or_chicken.S1: What sports do you like and dislike?S2: I like soccer and basketball. I dont like_tennis_or_pingpong.S1: What colors do you like and dislike?S2: I like green_and_red. I dont like_black_or_yellow.Step 7: Task教师让学生完成Activity 3, Self Check: 调查你父母喜欢或不喜欢什么样的食物、运动和颜色。先口头完成下面的对话, 再写出书面文字。S1: What food does your father like and dislike?S2: He likes _, but he doesnt like _.S1: What food does your mother like and dislike?S2: She likes _, but she doesnt like _.S1: What sports does your father like and dislike?S2: He likes _, but he doesnt like _.S1: What sports does your mother like and dislike?S2: She likes _, but she doesnt like _.S1: What colors does your father like and dislike?S2: He likes _, but he doesnt like _.S1: What colors does your mother like and dislike?S2: She likes _, but she doesnt like _.Report like this: My father likes _, but he doesnt like _.My mother likes _, but she doesnt like _.Step 8: Write a passage建议: 教师让学生运用本单元所学的单词及句型来写一篇关于自己及家人对食物的喜好和一日三餐喜欢什么、不喜欢什么的短文。目的是让学生把所学的内容运用到实际生活中来, 体现学英语的最终目的。For example: In my family, I like bananas, strawberries and chicken. I dont like salad or vegetables. For breakfast I like milk and hamburgers. For lunch, I like chicken and rice. And for dinner, I like tomatoes and carrots. My mother likes vegetables and my father likes chicken. For breakfast, they like eggs. For lunch, they like salad, chicken and rice. They like carrots and bananas for dinner.Step 9: Task建议: 教师让学生把所学的名词按可数名词与不可数名词进行分类, 然后把可数名词变成复数形式, 进而复习名词变复数的规则。For example: 可数名词不可数名词名词变复数: s的有_。es的有_。将y变为ies的有_。Step 10: Summary本节课我们主要学习了Section B 3aSelf Check的内容, 基本上是对整个单元内容的复习与巩固。我们从词汇、句型和语法等多方面对本单元进行了全面的复习, 同时也让我们的学习上升了一个台阶, 把所学的内容运用到我们的生活实际中来。Step 11: Homework写一篇英语短文: 内容是关于你的同伴喜欢或不喜欢什么食物、运动和颜色以及他或她的一日三餐的喜好。板书设计Unit 6 Do you like bananas?Section B 3aSelf CheckDo you like eggs for breakfast?Yes. I do./No,I dont. I like bread.可数名词不可数名词6网资源www.wang26.cn


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