Unit 1《Cultural relics》文字素材4(人教版必修2)

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Unit 1《Cultural relics》文字素材4(人教版必修2)_第1页
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111人教版新课标高一必修2 Unit 1 Cultural Relics-重点词汇补充归纳1.survive (in) the terrible car crash在那可怕的撞车事故中生还 survive (after) the storm暴风雨后残留下来2. search (through/into) some place for (after) sth e.g. He searched through all the drawers for the key. 他搜遍所有的抽屉找钥匙。search ones face观察脸色search ones heart扪心自问 in search of 寻找Search me!我不知道!search out 搜/找出 make a search for搜索,追求 in (ones) search for寻找3. serve the people heart and soul全心全意为人民服务 serve to do对做有用 e.g.This agreement will serve to promote the trade between China and France.这项协议有助于促进中法两国之间的贸易。 The cake served ten people. 这蛋糕够十个人吃。 Is this money enough to serve your needs? 这些钱够你用么? work as 干工作 He works as a guide. act as 担任职务 I acted as a simultaneous interpreter. 我担任同步翻译。 4. a lighted candle 点燃了的蜡烛 light (up) a fire/a match/a lamp/the gas/the cigarette 生火/划亮火柴/点灯/点煤气/点烟 e.g. The match wont light.这根火柴划不着。A smile lit up her face. 她一笑,表情为之开朗。Streets lit up by electricity. 灯火通明的街道。/被电灯照亮的街道。 5. do/work wonders 有惊人的效果,产生奇迹 6. no more than=only, just 仅仅,只不过not more than 不多于 e.g. The theatre was no more than a painted barn. 那戏院只不过是漆了油漆的库房而已。 He is no more a good player than I am. 他和我一样都不是好球员。 Her performance was more than good; it was perfect. 她的表现很好,可以说很完美。 The result was much more than he imagined. 结果远超过他的想象。 7. look in the fridge/cupboard 向冰箱/碗橱内探视8. be closely connected with 与关系密切 9. the UN peace-keeping force 联合国维和部队10. the Terracotta Warriors 秦始皇兵马俑11. in/at a trial 在审判中 12. in my opinion 依我看 give your opinion 发表你的看法13. by the light of the moon=by moonlight=in the moonlight 在月光下14. for oneself 亲自,独自,为了自己 e.g. Do it for yourself. 你自己做。 Think/judge for yourself 自己去思考,判断15. be oneself 身心正常 e.g. Im not myself today. 我今天不太对劲。16. beside oneself 忘我,发狂 e.g. She was beside herself with sorrow. 她悲伤得要发狂。17. by oneself 独自一人(alone)独立/自动地e.g. The machine runs by itself. 这机器自动运转。18. in oneself 本身 e.g. Modern technology is not dangerous in itself. 现代科技本身并不危险。19. in turn(s)=by turns 依次,轮流 take turns (in/at) doing/to do20. do with (与what连用;deal with 与how 连用) 处理,处置 e.g. He didnt know what to do with the property(财产)his father had left.对待(某人)以.将就放置What have you done with the papers? 你把文件放哪儿了?(5)忍受 (常用否定句) 21. returnto 把归还给 22.agree with sb. on /about that matter/doing/what sb.said(wrote)ones idea(opinion/view/method/way) agree to ones plan/suggestion/ones advice/proposal(建议)/arrangement(安排)/ones request for对的需求agree on a plan/project/cease-fire (停火)/the date and place for a meeting (主语为双方) 就.达成一致 23.agree with 与相符,适合(谁)e.g. (1)His story agrees with the facts. (2)The hot weather doesnt agree with her. (3)Milk/Mutton(羊肉) doesnt agree with him. 24. have/hold (举行) a hot/heated(热烈的) class debate/discussion/argument(辩论) 25. take notes of (a note of)=keep a record of 记录下 26. take a class note 进行班级投票 27. sum up 总结,合计 to sum up 总之 sum up to 共计为 28.provide sth. for sb. 向提供=provide sb. with sth. provide for/against 预防 provide for (a large family/children) 养活,抚养 29. classify 把.分类(级) classifying words 词语分类 30. think up/of/out/come up with 想出 31. give evidence for/against sb. 提供对有利/不利的证据/作为支持/反对 call sb. in evidence 传作证 give false evidence 作伪证show evidence of 有的痕迹 on evidence 依据证据 a piece of evidence 一项证据 32. put (out) to sea 出航,离港出海 33. succeed to the crown 继承王位 34. for sure/certain 确切地 35. live/be far away from 住的地方,离很远 a village far away=a faraway village 遥远的村庄far from 一点也不 e.g. Im far from (being) happy in my present job. 我对自己目前的工作一点也不满意。“Are you cold?” “Far from it!”36. the Dutch 荷兰人 go Dutch 各付各的钱 beat the Dutch 做使人惊叹的事37. have/show respect for 尊重 38. so much the better/worse 那样的话更好/糟39. take a photo/picture of 为拍照 have a picture taken with sb. 和合影40. sign the book for sb. 在书上为签名sign up for=enter (for) 报名参加41. apply to 适合,适用于 be applied to=apply oneself to 专心于42. put up poster on protecting threatened buildings 张贴宣传画,保护危楼43. be built of clay bricks 由土砖建造44. the Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院 the Eiffel Tower 艾菲尔铁塔 the World Heritage List 世界文化历史遗产名录 45. be made out of 由制造 46. consist of=be made up of 由组成 47. nothing but=only 48. charge sb. for (doing) 由向收费 49. Opinions are divided on the question. 对该问题仁者见仁,智者见智 50. in one/a word=all in all 总之 51. insist on (ones doing)+n. 坚持 52. by design=on purpose 故意 by chance=by accident 偶然 53. take a fancy to 爱上(好) take/catch ones fancy 投合的心意to ones fancy fancy sb. to be 想像是.fancy sb. doing 想像干(真想不到谁会干)Fancy running into you! 真想不到会遇上你! 54. It is worth a lot/much more/nothing/a fortune 值得多/远不止/一文不名/价值连城 It is well worth a visit/a try/a look/the effort/the trouble/ notice/hard work/it/ones while或the time(money)很值得一看/一试/花功夫/麻烦/注意/辛苦/是值得的/值得某人花时间或钱一做55. have a sound sleep=be fast/sound asleep 睡得香56. take in 收进 take the washing in 把洗好的衣服收进来吸进(空气,水) take in a deep breath 深吸一口气 留住宿 包含 理解欺骗 改小衣服(let out 放大) 订阅(报纸) 观赏 57. dig into 开始吃 详细调查,苦读 (见课后练习Big Feng) 58. puton hold 把暂放一边 (同上)59. 新学案生词呈现I. Page 102 背景材料B: 1). consist of = be made up of 由组成2). carved雕刻的3). panel壁板 4). back 后退,支持,援助 5). craftsman 工匠,技工 6). catacomb地下墓穴 7). trace 痕迹 8). chaos 混乱 be in chaos一片混乱 9). collapse 崩溃,瓦解II. 完形: 1). Egypt 埃及 2). floodvt. 淹没vi.泛滥成灾 3). Abu Simbel 阿布 辛布寺4). drown vi.vt. 淹死,淹没drown oneself in the lake 投湖自杀 a drowning person一个溺水者 The man (was) drowned in the river。 5). presentvt. 赠送,颁发(奖品) present sht to sb 向提出,交出,显示(表情) present a report present a calm face神色安详 引起问题 present problem 陈述意见present ones views 介绍present sb to上演(戏剧) present sb as 使演出. 阅读1)rise up起义 2)historian历史学家3)magnificent宏伟的(建筑),壮丽的,豪华的(衣服),极好,快乐的have a magnificent night4)come into existence being产生,出现,形成5)go upstream 逆流而上 6)rail横木7)a household name家喻户晓的名字8)worship崇拜 9)mustsee必看之物10)compareto 把比作 comparewith 把同相比 compare to/with 与相比(作状语)111

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