2013届高三英语一轮复习课时作业27:Unit 2《Poems》(新人教版选修6)

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111.多项选择1We should adopt _ methods to deal with some incidents.You know,anything could occur in that situation.I got it.Thank you for reminding me.Aflexible BtypicalCpositive Dconcrete解析考查形容词辨析。flexible 灵活的。句意:“我们应该采取灵活的方法处理一些事件。你知道,在那样的情况下,任何事都可能发生的。”“我知道了。谢谢您的提醒。”typical 典型的,有代表性的;positive 积极的,肯定的;concrete 具体的。答案A2There has been an increase in the technical cooperation and cultural _ between China and other countries in the past ten years.Achange BtradeCbargain Dexchange解析考查名词辨析。exchange 交流。句意:近十年来中国与其他国家之间的技术合作和文化交流已增加。change 变化,更换,零钱;trade 贸易,买卖,商业,交易;bargain 便宜货,协议,交易。答案D3Although her grandma had been ill for a long time, it still came as a shock when she _ died.Aslightly BapproximatelyCeventually Ddirectly解析eventually 意为“最后,终于”。句意:虽然她奶奶病了很长时间,但是最后她死时,仍让人感到震惊。slightly 稍稍,轻微地;approximately 接近,大约;directly 直接地。答案C4The companys head office is in New York, and it has_ all over the world.Abranches BsectionsCdepartments Dpatterns解析根据题意及 head office (总部)可知选 branch (分支,分部,分店)。section 部分,节;department 部门,处,系;pattern 模式,式样。答案A5The soldiers are afraid that they will soon _ oil and food if they are still surrounded.Arun out Brun out ofCrun across Drun away with解析及物短语动词 run out of 意为“用完”。run out 意为“用完”,是不及物短语动词;run across 偶然遇见;run away with.与一起跑掉。答案B6The speaker talked about sports in general and about football _.Ain a word Bin particularCin return Din demand解析in particular 意为“尤其,特别”。句意:总的说来演讲者的话题是运动,尤其集中在足球上。in a word 总之;in return 作为回报;in demand 有需要。答案B7Was she badly hurt?Yes, each time she moved her leg, she _ a cry.Abroke out Btried outClet out Dkept out解析let out 意为“发出,放走”。句意:她每动一下腿,就叫一声。break out 爆发,发生;try out 尝试;keep out 使不进入。答案C8China has_into a powerful country.Atransported BtransformedCtranslated Dtransferred解析transform 转变,改变。句意:中国已转变为一个强国。答案B9Nowadays sending emails to each other is a way many a student _ what they think.Aconveys BconveyCaccount Daccounts解析句意:现在互发电子邮件是许多学生表达他们所想的一种方式。convey 传达,表达;account 认为。“many a(n)可数名词单数”表示复数意义,但作主语时,谓语动词用单数。答案A10Im sure David will be able to find the libraryhe has a pretty good _ of direction.Aidea BfeelingCexperience Dsense解析have a good idea of 对非常了解;feeling 感觉;experience 经验,经历。应选 sense“感觉”,此处指“方向感”。答案D.完形填空(2011江西高考)What a busy day! The three boys were fed, bathed and changed into their nightclothes.Mary had _1_ them a story and finally they were asleep.“Babysitting (照看) the three boys aged eight, six and four is extremely _2_,” she thought.“Sleep,” she considered, “if only I could!” But she had difficult homework to complete.Leaning back, she _3_ her feet onto the sofa to get comfortable.Whoever said babysitting was a(n) _4_ way to make money obviously hadnt met the three boys, she thought.The television was on, the room was warm, and the lights were dim.Marys _5_ felt heavier and heavier.I mustnt sleep, she thoughtwhich was _6_ what she did, of course.Strangely enough, she soon _7_ that she was a worldfamous chef (主厨)She made a _8_ and wore diamonds and designer clothes.Most days she relaxed by the pool, meeting the rich and famous or _9_her favorite hobby.She _10_ took the leading role in her own TV show.That is, until she became too _11_.“I am definitely the best in the world,” she thought, as she prepared a tasty chicken dish.But _12_ seemed to go right.She spilt the flour, she dropped an egg and she cut her finger.Despite all the troubles, she _13_ to get the chicken into the stove.Soon, smoke blanketed the room.The chicken was on fire._14_ set in, but Mary could not runshe was _15_ to the spot.She tried hard to move, but could not, _16_ a sharp sound awoke her. She got shocked and confused_17_ was pouring from the kitchen.Rushing to investigate, she was met by three _18_ little faces and some very burnt bread.“Sorry, we were hungry and you were _19_, so we tried to make some bread.” explained a boy.Relieved, Mary made them a snack and sent them back to bed.She _20_them never to fall asleep on the job again!1A.given BwrittenCtold Dtaught2A.successful BhelpfulCtiring Dsurprising3A.shook BputCbent Dkept4A.difficult BboringCimportant Deasy5A.eyes BmindCheart Dlegs6A.nicely BexactlyCcuriously Dcarelessly7A.realized BremindedClearnt Ddreamt8A.decision BfortuneCbusiness Dplan9A.cooking BreadingCrunning Dbabysitting10A.just BeverCeven Donly11A.selfish BproudCstubborn Dsensitive12A.everything BsomethingCanything Dnothing13A.tried BarrangedCmanaged Dprepared14A.Panic BPainCNoise DStress15A.frozen BdraggedCpushed Dbrought16A.because BuntilCas Dunless17A.smoke BlightCwater Dfire18A.cheerful BstrangeCguilty Dconfident19A.busy BhungryCworried Dasleep20A.promised BallowedCexpected Dpersuaded答案与解析语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,记叙了作者当保姆照顾三个男孩的经历。照顾三个男孩非常累,尽管作者一再提醒自己,还是在沙发上睡着了,同时还做了一个梦,梦到自己成了世界有名的主厨,在做一只美味的鸡,可是鸡却着火了!作者醒来,原来是三个孩子饿了,到厨房里去做面包,却把面包做糊了。作者给他们做了点心,并又哄他们入睡,且答应他们不会在工作时睡觉了。1C 她给他们讲故事。tell sb.a story,“给某人讲故事”。2C 这段开头就说的是 What a busy day,接下来描述给他们喂饭,洗澡,换睡衣,哄他们睡觉,故照顾这三个男孩很累人。3B 她把脚放在沙发上。shake 摇;put 放;bend 弯曲;keep 使保持某种状态。4D 不管是谁,只要他说照看小孩是一种容易的挣钱方法的话,他肯定没有遇见过这三个小孩。5A 因为很累,很想睡觉,所以眼睛变得越来越沉。6B 她想她绝对不能睡觉,当然,她正在这么做。nicely 漂亮地;exactly 确切地;curiously 好奇地;carelessly 粗心地。7D 很奇怪的是,她突然梦到她是世界著名的大厨。realize 意识到;remind 使想起;learn 得知;dream 梦见。8B 根据后文所说的她戴着钻石,穿着名牌服装可知她发了财。make a fortune 发财。9B 大部分时间她都在池塘边放松,会见有名的富人或者读书这是她的爱好。10C 她甚至在自己的电视剧里担任主角。just 仅仅;ever 曾经;even 甚至;only 仅仅。11B 根据后一句 I am definitely the best in the world 可知她处于一种很自傲的状态中。12D 但是没有任何一件事在往好的方向发展。13C 尽管发生了一切不好的事情,但是她还是成功地把鸡放进了炉子里。try to do sth.,“试图做某事”;arrange to do sth.,“安排做某事”;manage to do sth.,“成功地做成某事”;prepare to do sth.,“准备做某事”。14A 鸡烧糊了,窜出了火苗,满屋子都是烟,人的情绪自然会很慌张。15A 她不能动她像一块冰块一样站在原地无法动弹。16B她很努力地尝试,但是无法动弹,直到一阵刺耳的声音将她惊醒。此处是 not.until 句型。17A 从后文可知,三个孩子在厨房里烤面包,而且烤糊了,故烟从厨房里冒出来。18C 根据后文的 sorry,可知孩子们很内疚。19D 我们很饿,你又睡着了。20A 她向他们许诺她再也不会在工作的时候睡觉了!promise sb.(not) to do sth.,“向某人许诺(不)做某事”。.阅读理解The seventh game of any playoff series is always special, win or lose.It always has an edgeofyourseat, heartinyourthroat intensity unlike any others.One play, one shot or one save may make all the difference. But there are other things that make our games and sports so special. For example, where we play our sports is often one of the best things about the games.Think of it: What is as perfect as a fresh sheet of ice after the Zamboni machine (赞博尼磨冰机)has made its final pass and left the surface as smooth as glass? Or a swimming pool on a summer morning, clear and calm, before the first swimmer has broken the water? To me a freshly mowed and lined soccer field is as beautiful as any painting.So is a golf course in the early morning, or in the evening when the sun is setting. The stuff we play with is wonderful, too.Is there anything that feels as good in your hand as a brandnew baseball? Or a nice leather football? Grab hold of either,and you just have to play a game of catch. The clothes are good too.Sports uniforms are much more colorful and comfortable than regular clothes.Maybe thats why so many kids stay in their sports uniforms long after their games are over. No shoes feel better on my feet than my golf shoes.Maybe thats because I know I am going to have fun whenever I put them on. We talk so much about winning in sports.But if you are the kind of kid who is happy only when their team wins, then sports will let you down.After all, no team or player wins all the time. But if you can learn to enjoy the parts of sports that have nothing to do with winning or losingthe feel of a favorite bat or a stick in your hand, or how your heart beats when you put on your uniform and run onto the fieldthen sports will always be fun, whether you win or lose.1Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the phrases “edgeofyourseat, heartinyourthroat” in Para.1?AUncertain. BScared.CNervous. DEnthusiastic.2According to the writer,people are advised_.Anot to play a game of catchBto wear sports uniforms longCnot to talk about winning in sportsDto have fun in sports3Sports uniforms, as well as sports shoes, are mentioned in the text_.Aas an example of the special feeling of sportsBas comfortable sportswearCas particular desire of childrenDas the most favorite of sportsmen4Which would be the best title for the passage?AWhether You Win or Lose BMany Joys of SportsCWinning in Sports DGames and Sports答案与解析语篇解读体育比赛有输有赢,输了的时候我们难免会伤感,但是除了输和赢之外体育比赛还有很多乐趣。作者以饱满的热情告诉我们,体育比赛的乐趣在于享受比赛的过程,在我们穿上比赛制服的那一刻,在我们拿着崭新的垒球的那一刻1C猜测词义题。文章开头说,比赛中的加时赛总是很特别的,一个射门就意味着完全不同的结果。因此看这样的比赛的时候,你会坐不住,心都提到嗓子眼儿了。因此这两个词组说明观众为赛场的牵一发而动全局的形势而“紧张”。2D推理判断题。作者在讲述赛场上剑拔弩张的紧张气氛后说,任何比赛都有输赢,我们要学会享受比赛中与输赢无关的东西,比如拿着你心爱的球拍或球棒,穿上比赛的制服驰骋赛场,这些才使得体育运动成为一种乐趣,由此判断选D。3A推理判断题。作者用大量的篇幅叙述什么才是体育比赛中真正的乐趣,比如比赛场地,运动器械以及比赛时所穿的衣服和鞋给人带来的舒适感觉等,这些都作为例子来阐述作者对体育运动的真谛的感悟:体育运动的乐趣不在于结果,而在于享受其乐趣。4B主旨大意题。全文叙述作者对体育运动的感悟:体育比赛的乐趣不在于结果,因为任何比赛都有输赢,都难免会让人觉得沮丧,其乐趣在于运动本身。因此本文的标题应该是B项。.完成句子1Liu Xiang_in hurdle race in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,but unfortunately his foot was hurt badly. (win)刘翔本可以在2008年北京奥运会跨栏项目中获得世界冠军,但不幸的是他的脚严重受伤了。2Jack_his new car,which he had been dreaming of for ten years.(try)杰克迫不及待地试驾他的新车,这一刻他已经梦想十年了。3I have to draw some money from the bank before our money_.(run)在我们的钱用完之前我得从银行取出些钱。4I have offered to paint the house_a weeks accommodation.(exchange)我答应粉刷这座房子以换取一个星期的膳宿。5_that late movie last night,you would not be so sleepy now.(watch)如果你昨晚没看电影到那么晚,你现在也不会这么瞌睡。6It is said that many a student_freely in Mr Lis class.(convey)据说在李老师的课上许多学生自由地表达他们所想的。7The doctor insisted that the patient_as soon as possible.(operate)医生坚持病人尽可能快地动手术。8In the past ten years the country_an advanced industrial power.(transform)在过去的十年,这个国家已经变成了一个先进的工业化强国。9With_,it will be easy for him to finish the task on schedule.(choose)有许多方法可供选择,对他来说按时完成任务是很容易的。10The committee_five famous scientists put forward a valuable plan at the end of the conference.(make)由五位非常著名科学家组成的委员会在会议结束时提出了一个非常有价值的计划。答案1could have won the championship2could hardly/not wait to try out3runs out4in exchange for5If you hadnt watched6conveys what they think7(should) be operated on8has been transformed into9many ways to choose from10made up of111


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