高一英语外研版必修4单元自主测评 Module 1《Life in the Future》 (4)

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111高一英语单元自主测评(4).单项填空1Have you_food?Yes,our food_,so we must buy some immediately.Arun out of;has run outBrun out;has run out ofCrun out;has run out Drun out of;has been run out2Jenny likes_music,but she doesnt like_sports.A/;/ B/;theCthe;the Dthe;/3Is it true that the writer has passed away?It might be.I dont know it_.Aof sure Bfor sureCof course Dcertainly4There was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that we_gave up.AeventuallyBunfortunatelyCgenerously Dpurposefully5Peoples political beliefs are often _ by what they read in newspapersAmade BproducedCshaped Dtook6Henry,_ the light is _ when you leave the lab.All right.Abe sure;turned on Bmake sure;turned offCsure;turning off Dmake sure;turning off7Is it true Jack _?Exactly.He damaged a very expensive machine.Agot fired Bgot a fireCget fired Dfired8It is difficult to _ what the longterm effects of the accident will be.Aensure BpredictClook forward to Dunderstand9 _ that middle school _ Beijing Normal University?As far as I know,it is.ADoes;belong to BIs;belonged toCDoes;attach to DIs;attached to10Earth Day is celebration of life and our planet.It is a reminder that we need to _ the world we live in and that we should learn to respect life and nature.Acare about Bthink ofCrefer to Dwatch out11_everybody knows about it,I dont want to talk any more.AFor BEvenCSince DHowever12The design had to be given up at last.I know.Even experienced designers _ make mistakes.Acan Bought toCmust Dneed13Can the project be finished as planned?Sure,_ it completed in time,well work two more hours a day.Ahaving a day Bto getCgetting Dget14With a lot of difficult problems_,the newlyelected president is having a hard time.Asettled BsettlingCbeing settled Dto settle15Its a good idea.But whos going to_the plan?I think Tom and Greg will.Aset aside Bcarry outCtake in Dget through.完形填空In the doorway of my home,I looked closely at my 23yearold son,Daniel.In a few hours he would be flying to France to _1_ a different life.It was a transitional (过渡的) time in Daniels life.I wanted to _2_ him some words of significance.But nothing came from my lips,and this was not the _3_ time I had let such moments pass.When Daniel was five,I took him to the bus stop on his first day of kindergarten.He asked,“What is it going to be like,Dad?Can I do it?” Then he walked _4_ the steps of the bus and disappeared inside.The bus drove away and I said nothing.A decade later,a similar _5_ played itself out.I drove him to college.As I started to leave,I tried to think of something to say to give him _6_ and confidence as he started this new stage of life.Again,words _7_ me.Now,as I stood before him,I thought of those _8_ opportunities.How many times have I let such moments _9_?I dont find a quiet moment to tell him what he has _10_ to me.Or what he might _11_ to face in the years ahead.Maybe I thought it was not necessary to say anything.What does it matter in the course of a lifetime if a father never tells a son what he really thinks of him?_12_ as I stood before Daniel,I knew that it did matter.My father and I loved each other.Yet I always _13_ never hearing him put his _14_ into words.Now I could feel my palms sweat and my throat tighten.Why is it so _15_ to tell a son something from the heart?My mouth turned dry,and I knew I would be able to get out only a few words clearly.“Daniel,”I said,“if I could have picked,I would have picked you.” Thats all I could say.He hugged me.For a moment,the world _16_,and there were just Daniel and me.He was saying something,but tears misted my eyes,and I couldn t understand what he was saying.All I was _17_ of was the stubble (短须) on his chin as his face pressed _18_ mine.What I had said to Daniel was _19_.It was nothing.And yet,it was _20_.1.A.experienceBspendCenjoyDshape2A.showBgiveCmakeDinstruct3A.lastBfirstCveryDnext4A.upwardBintoCdownDup5A.signBsceneCsceneryDsight6.A.interestBinstructionCcourageDdirection7A.failedBdiscouragedCstruckDtroubled8A.futureBembarrassingCobviousDlost9A.last BpassCfly Dremain10A.countedBmeantCvaluedDcared11A.think BwantCexpect Dwish12A.ButBAndCInstead DSo13A.wonderedBregrettedCmindedDtried14A.views BactionsCfeelings Dattitudes15A.important BessentialChard Dcomplex16A.disappearedBchangedCprogressedDadvanced17A.sensitiveBconvincedCawareDtired18A.by BagainstCon Dwith19A.clumsy BgentleCabsurd Dmoving20A.noneBallCanythingDeverything.短文填空For several years,Americans have enjoyed teleshoppingwatching TV and buying things by phone.1._In a number of European countries,people can turn on their TVs and shop for clothes,jewelry,food,toys,and many other things. 2._For example,the biggest Swedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in 15 European countries,and in one year it made $100 million.In France there are two teleshopping cannels,and the French spend about $20 million a year to buy things through those channels.In Germany,until last year teleshopping was only possible on one channel for 1 hour every day.Then the government allowed more teleshopping.Other channels can open for telebusiness,including the largest American teleshopping company and a 24hour teleshopping company.3._Some people like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without leaving their homes.With all the problems of traffic in the cities,this is an important reason,but at the same time,other Europeans do not like this new way of shopping.4._Many Europeans usually worry about the quality of the things for sale on TV.Good quality is important to them,and they believe they cannot be sure about the quality of the things on TV.5_They will have to be more careful about the quality of the things they sell.They will also have to work harder to sell things that the buyers cannot touch or see in person.ANow teleshopping is starting in European. BThey call teleshopping “Junk on the air”CTeleshopping is becoming popular in Sweden.DGerman businesses are hoping this new teleshopping will help them sell more things.EThe need for high quality means that European teleshopping companies will have to be different from the American companies. FTeleshopping is popular among people. GGerman teleshopping business is controlled by America.短文改错(辽宁省抚顺二中2010届高三第一次月考)I am good at all the subjects,and always ready help others. At school I get along well with my classmates. Therefore,I have a problem that troubles myself all the time. Its the relationship among my desk mate and me. He is a hardworking student,who keeps school rule well. But hes a person with few words. Whats more,he got angry easily. I dont know what to deal with him. Maybe its why weve seldom sat down to exchange our feelings or thoughts. I value our friendship. I hope we can know more about with each other and understand each other better. I do hope we will be close to each other than before.单项填空1Arun out为不及物动词短语,run out of为及物动词短语。2A考查冠词的用法。句中的music是不可数名词,表示泛指,其前不用冠词;sports体育运动,其前也不用冠词。3Bfor sure肯定地,有把握地。of course和certainly意为“当然”,不符合句意。4A句意为“在休息期间有那么多的人排队买咖啡,所以我们最终还是放弃了”。eventually最终;unfortunately不幸运地;generously慷慨大方地;purposefully有目的地。5C句意为:人们的政治信仰常常是在他们所读报纸的影响下形成的。make 做,使;produce 生产;shape 使成型,塑造;take 拿走。6BA项中的turned on 与题意不符;C项中 sure 不能引导祈使句;D项中的 turning off 与语态不符。7A句意为:杰克被解雇了是真的吗?Jack 与 fire 是被动关系,get 充当系动词,构成被动语态。8Bensure 确保;predict 预言,预料;look forward to 盼望;understand 理解,弄懂。句意为:很难预测这次事故会有什么样的深远影响。9D从答语 it is 知道上文助动词为 is,而 belong to 无被动语态。句意为:那所中学附属于北京师范大学吗?据我所知,是的。10A后一句的句意为:这提醒我们要关注我们所居住的世界,而且我们应该学会尊重生命和自然。care about 关注。11C由题意看出,所填选项表示原因,可排除B、D,因为even不能当连词用,however表示让步,意为“无论,不管”,这样只能在A、C之间选择,A项引起的句子不能位于句首,所以不能选。since表示已知的原因。12Acan 表示理论上的可能性,意思为“可能,有时会”。13B动词不定式短语作目的状语,表示“为了”。well work two more hours a day 说明每天加班两小时的目的是及时完成这个项目。14D由题意可知,问题还没有解决,而是“有待于解决”,故用动词不定式表示将来。15B本题考查短语辨析。carry out a plan执行计划;set aside把置于一旁;take in吸收,欺骗;get through通过,穿越。.完形填空【语篇解读】父爱无语。离别时作为父亲的“我”该向儿子说些什么呢?简短而又略显不得体的话“假如让我选择的话,我会选择你”让儿子深深地懂得了父子情深。1A体验一种不同的生活。experience有“经历、体验”的意思。enjoy意为“享受”,不符合语境。2B“我想给他一些有重要意义的话语。”故用give。其他选项不符合语境。3B根据下文判断这不是“我”第一次让这种时刻溜走。4D根据情景判断,表示“上车”,所以用up。5Ba similar scene类似的一幕 (情景)。6C根据所填词的并列项confidence及下文as引导的句子可以判断,此处作者想说点什么以给儿子勇气和信心。故C项符合语境。7AWords failed me相当于“I couldnt express how I felt.”,意为“我说不出话来”。8D根据上下文可知,作者在回忆那些已经失去了的机会。9B根据第一段最后一句可知答案。pass在此处指 (时间)流逝。10Bmean意味着。本句的意思为“我无法找到一个安静的时候来告诉他他对我来说意味着什么”。11Cexpect预料,预计。think后面不能接动词不定式;want和wish表示主观上的意愿或希望12A上文的言下之意是这件事情不重要,这样本句和上文构成转折关系,所以用But。13B作者对没有听到父亲对他表达爱的话而感到遗憾,所以用regret。14C把情感 (feelings)通过语言 (words)的形式表达出来。15C根据上文判断,作者不知道为什么向儿子说一些肺腑之言如此困难。hard困难的,符合语境。essential必不可少的;complex复杂的。16A根据下文的there were just Daniel and me判断本句表示世界消失 (disappear)了。17C“我”能感觉到的是be aware of感觉到,意识到;be convinced of相信,确信;be tired of对厌倦。sensitive敏感的,常用be sensitive to意为“对敏感”。根据语境可知C项正确。18B根据语境“他的脸贴着我的脸”可知,press against“使贴着”符合语境。19A根据下文It was nothing可知答案。clumsy笨拙的;gentle温柔的;absurd荒唐的;moving感动人的。20D本句和上句构成转折关系 (and yet相当于however),所以填everything和nothing相对应。.短文填空1A2.C3.D4.B5.E.短文改错I am good at all the subjects,and always ready help others.At school I get along well with my classmates.Therefor,I have a problem that troubles mysel all the time.Its the relationship amon my deskmate and me.He is a hardworking student,who keeps school rul well.But hes a person with few words.Whats more,he go angry easily.I dont know wha to deal with him.Maybe its wh weve seldom sat down to exchange our feelings or thoughts.I value our friendship.I hope we can know more about with each other and understand each other better.I do hope we will be clos to each other than before.111

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