高一同步学案外研版必修1《Module 3 Music》

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111辽宁省大连市第24中学高一同步学案 必修1 Module3 My First Ride on a Train话题 1. Describe your first ride on a train (描述你第一次乘火车旅游) 2. Talking about a trip you made to a tourist spot (谈论你到一个旅游景点的观光旅行) 3. Writing about ones experience (写一篇自己的经历)功能 Being polite (讲礼貌)须掌握的语法:1. The ed form as the attributive (过去分词作定语) 2 Past tense time expressions (一般过去时)须掌握的句型: 1. Would you mind doing? 2. The fact is that .3. What do you think of ? 4. Is that right? 书面表达实践:Write a diary about a visit to a place of interest (写一篇关于游览参观的日记)第一课时词汇须掌握的单词:1. 距离 n. _ 2. 被遗弃的 adj. _ 3. 专家 n. _4. 产品 n. _ 5. 风景,景色 n. _ 6. 土壤 n. _7. 旅程 n. _ 8. 训练 vt. _ 9. 使吃惊 vt. _10. 面试,面谈 n. _ 11. 大事件;比赛项目 n. _12. 疲惫不堪的 adj. _ 13. 仪式 n. _ 14. 半夜 n. _15. 海滨 n. _单词拼写1. At Marys wedding c_ held the other day, I met a friend of mine.2. They have been married for 60 years. We are going to hold a party to celebrate their d_ wedding.3. He aimed at the wolf and s_ it.4. It is said that there is a football match between China and Japan in the s_.5. The children are taken good care of in the k_. 6. Camels are much better than horses for traveling in the _(沙漠) areas.7. From here to the station, it is a long _ (距离)for the woman with a child in her arms.8. Alice Thompson comes from Sydney, which is an _(澳大利亚) city.9. The students who take part in the activities can get _(纪念品) 10. He has _(面谈) a lot of people for the job.词汇拓展:1. distance_(adj.) 2. abandoned _(vt.) 3.expert_(adj.) _ (同义词) 4.frighten _ (adj.) _ (adj.) 5. product _ (n.) 6. interview _ (vt.)_会见者_被接见者 7. exhausted _(vt.)8. downtown _(adj.) 城镇住宅区的 9. journey _ (vt.) 10. train _ (n.)须掌握的短语:1. know _ 知道,了解 2. get _ 下车 3. get _ 上车 4. get _ 进入 5. get _ 避免;摆脱 6. come _ 来自;出生于 7. in the _ of 在的中间 8. be _ for 是的缩写/简称 9. a long _ ago 很久以前 10. not _ 不再 11. out of _ 过时 12. for _ time 第一次 13. take _ (飞机)起飞 14. refer _ 查阅,提到,谈到 15. on _ 在途中,接近独立完成的作业: p80-p81 exercises 4-6 (vocabulary)第二、三课时课文理解及配套练习课文理解:1. Where does the writer come from? A. China. B. America. C. Sydney. D. Austria.2. How was the scenery for the writers journey? A. Dull scenery. B. Different from area to area. C. The same as in Sydney. D. Very colourful. 3. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Horses were much better than camels for traveling a long distance. B. The government passed a law to protect the camels. C. The author read books and listened to English cassettes during the journey. D. They got on in Sydney and got off in Alice Springs.4. Why is the train called the Ghan? A. For many years, Australians used trained camels which were bought from Afghanistan as their main transportation. B. Ghan is short for Afghanistan. C. Camels were much better than horses for traveling in desert. D. In honor of the camels.佳句背诵:1最近我第一次乘坐长途火车。2我们吃的美味饭菜是由由烹饪大师们做的!3旅途开始的几百公里,景象多姿多彩。4它好象来到了另一个时代的某地。5我们看到被遗弃的100年前建造的农庄。6星星闪着如钻石般的光芒。7Ghan 是阿富汗的缩写。8对于长途旅行而言,骆驼比马匹要好得多。9世界上最快的超速磁悬浮列车奔驰在上海浦东机场与上海市中心商业区的龙阳车站之间。10火车以每小时400千米的速度运行,在8分钟之内可以完成30千米的行程。知识点配套练习:1. (1)The waterfall may be heard _ (两英里外).(2)Because he called me _ (在很远处), I didnt hear him clearly. 2. You can see a church _. A. for the distance B. in the distance C. from the distance D. for a distance 3. 翻译句子: (1) I could make out three figures moving in the distance. (2) We saw light in the distance. (3) 保持适当车距!4. (1)翻译句子:尽管有雾,飞机照常起飞。(2)The new dictionary _ ( 已深受欢迎).(3) If good care is _ him, he will recover from the illness soon. A. spent B. taken of C. made D. used for 5. 翻译句子:(1) 每天早晨他六点起床。(2) 昨天他下了公共汽车进了一辆小汽车。(3)After a long time of hard work, he _(终于改掉了吸烟的坏习惯).6. 用match, suit, fit 填空 (1) No one can _ her in tennis. (2) Does the time _ you?(3) The new coat _ her well. It is neither too big nor too small. (4) Which day _ you, Saturday or Sunday?(5) This pair of shoes _ well. (我穿不合适)(6) Have you got any material to _(配这件衣服)?7. No matter how much money you have, it can not _ a healthy body. A. match B. fit C. defect D. compare 8. 翻译句子:(1) 在他很小的时候,他父母就遗弃了他。(2) 鲁迅先生早年弃医学文。 9. 翻译句子:(1) 他是开车方面的专家。(2) 专家们下午要来我们学校参观。10. It is known to us that it takes years of _ practice to gain _ skills of _ expert. A. /; the; an B. /; the; the C. the; the; an D. a; /; the 第四课时写作美文背诵:Be ThoughtfulBeing thoughtful simply means thinking of others before yourself. What you say or do will have an effect on others. So it is important that you think before you say or do anything. In this way, you can avoid hurting others feelings. Moreover, a thoughtless act or remark can spoil a perfect relationship. Remember these rules, if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything. Likewise if you think what you do will hurt others, dont do it. After all, what goes around comes around.feeling 感觉 feelings 感情likewise同样地 =by the same tokenWhat goes around comes around. 种什么因,得什么果。What是复合代词=the things which “所东西”Eg:What you ordered is not available.你所点的东西卖完了。What the child needs is love. 孩子所需要的是爱写作指导:英语游记的写作:游记,顾名思义,就是记游。也就是对一次出行、游览、参观等的记录。1游记是描写旅行见闻的一种散文形式。2游记的分类:1、以记录行程为主的是记叙型游记;2、以抒发感情为主的是抒情型游记;3、以描绘景物、景观为主的是写景型游记;4、通过记游来说明一个道理的,是说理型游记。3游记的写作方法:一定要注意以下几点: 1、根据游记中的线索:最常用的写作顺序可能就是行踪了。即按照游览的先后次序来写。 2、写清游记中的主体:主体指的是做这件事的人或集体。既然是游,就一定有游的主体。在游记的写作中,如果缺少了人,就与说明文或写景散文差不多了。 3、游记中的写景:对景物的描写也是游记的一个重要组成部分。人是主体,景是客体。 4、地点:在写游记时,一定要注意说明游览或参观的地点 5、要分清主次:重要的行程、有特色的景观、对表现文章主体有重要作用的事物等,要重点描写,其它的则应该一笔带过,或者干脆略去不写。这样写出的文章,才会主次分明,主题突出,玲珑有致。习作练习:谈论一下你以前到过的一个旅游景点,如何到达那里的,在那里做了什么,你喜欢这个景点的什么,和你在那里时所发生的事情。要求:100字左右。答案第二、三课时课文理解及配套练习课文理解: 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. A佳句背诵: 1. Recently I had my first ride on a long-distance train. 2. We ate great meals cooked by experts! 3. For the first few hundred kilometers of the journey, the scenery was very colourful. 4. It looked like a place from another time. 5. We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago. 6. The stars shone like diamonds. 7. Ghan is short for Afghanistan. 8. Camels were much better than horses for travelling a long distance. 9. The fastest train in the world, the Transrapid Maglev, runs between Shanghais Pudong Airport and Longyang Station in downtown Shanghai. 10. Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometres pre hour, the train can complete the 30-kilometre journey in eight minutes. 知识点配套练习:1Answers: (1) at a distance of two miles (2) in the distance 2Answer: B 3Answers: (1) 我能看见远处有三个人影在走动。(2) 我们看到远处有灯光。(3) Keep a safe distance between cars! 4Answers: (1) The plane took off as usual despite the fog. (2) has really taken off (3) B5Answers: (1) He gets up at six oclock every morning. (2) He got off a bus and got into a car yesterday. (3) got out of the bad habit of smoking at last6Answers: (1) match (2) suit (3) fits (4) suits (5) doesnt fit me (6) match this dress 7Answer: A 8Answers: (1) When he was young, his parents abandoned him. (2) Lu Xun abandoned medicine for literature in his early days.9Answers: (1) He is an expert at driving. (2) The experts will visit our school this afternoon. 10Answer: A 111


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