高一英语备课《Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits》-grammar学案2 外研版必修2

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高一英语备课《Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits》-grammar学案2 外研版必修2_第3页
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111M1 Our Body and Healthy Habits-grammar学案nouns used as verbs名词转化为动词学习目标:1.通过学习掌握名词转化为动词的基本用法。 2.通过训练能熟练运用转化规律来进行词类转化。学习程序:【合作探究】很多表示物件、身体部位或某类人的名词可以用作动词,某些抽象名词也可用作动词。名词和动词在转化时,有时不改变意思,有时意思也相应地变化,在学习的过程中注意记忆总结。 1 名词和动词在转化时, 有时不改变意思,有时也相应地变化。eye n. 眼睛 .(用眼睛看)注释,端详 ship n. 船, v. 用船装 help v. 帮助 n. 帮助 love v. 爱 n. 爱picture 能画, 照片 v. 用图表示,描述2 有些名词和动词在转化时会发生元音改变或词尾变化blood-bleed sell-sale sing- song advise-advice bathe- bath believe- belief e.g.We ship grain to Africa.我们把谷物运往非洲。These desks and chairs are coated with dust. 这些桌椅落上了灰尘。We lunched together.我们一起吃了午餐。3 Look at the verbs in bold. What are the nouns of these verbs?A. When Zhou Kais mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously.B And Im not overweight so I never have to diet4 1) She mothered the orphan他慈母般地照顾这个孤儿。He wolfed his meal. 他狼吞虎叨地吃饭2)Tom braked the car.汤姆刹了车。My mother is knifing a piece of meat. 母亲在切一块肉。His job is to milk the cows. 他的工作就是挤奶。3)He is busy bottling wine. 他正忙于把酒装瓶。They canned apples 他把苹果放在了罐子里。4) Will you please mail the letter? 你送这封信,好吗?5) They wintered in the south. 他们在南方过的冬。They are going to honeymoon in America 他们打算去美国度蜜月。6)Dont sir me so much不要这么先生、先生地叫我。【当堂训练】1 Complete the sentences using the words as verbs.finger hand house mother tasteExample: Stop mothering me! Im not a child.1. This apartment _ six people and a dog.2. She _ the silk gently.3. It _ really delicious.4. Can you _ me those papers?Suggested answers:houses fingered tastes hand2Complete the following sentences 1. Did you _(预定)a seat on a plane yesterday?2. Please _ (递)me the book.3. They _ (取名)their dog Bob.4. She _(护理;照顾)her aged mother every day.Key for reference1. book 2. hand 3. named 4. nurses【Homework】Revision what we have learned.111

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