英语新人教版必修三《Unit 2 Healthy eating》 学案(1)

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111一:学习目标一)能够掌握文中的词汇,词组(中译英):1.跟上 2. 有时,时时 3. 选择 4. 对有好处 5. 以那种方式 6. 正如,像 7. 为做准备 8. 以为基础 9. 对仔细 10. 避免做 11. 增加体重 12. 从中挑选 13. 出毛病 14. 提建议 15. 以的量16. 对紧张 17. 大量 18. 有点儿 19. 减轻体重 20. 即使 21. 代替,作为替换 22. 一条 23. 使某人继续做 24. 确保 25. 保持健康 26. 用正确的顺序 二: 问题与例题Questions:1.How many meals do you eat every day? 2. Which meal do you think is the most important? Why?3.What kind of snacks do you eat?4.Which of the following gives you the most energy: a banana, a soft drink, a bar of chocolate?1. Scanning : True or False1.Choosing what to eat is an easy thing . 2.Traditional diets have a lot of fat and calories for 21st-century person. 3.Protein is good for our bones. 4.We can get carbohydrates and fuel from rice. 5.Although vegans do not eat any animal products at all, they still eat some yoghurt or eggs. 6.Organic vegetables contain some chemicals which is bad for peoples health 7.We can get some information about what we can eat from magazine or TV. .2. SkimmingAsk the Ss to read the passage more carefully and find the topic sentence for each paragraph.1. Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 . Para 53. Discuss the following questions in groups:1. How have our eating habits changed? Why? Try to think of as many examples and reasons as possible.2. List the examples and the reasons why people eat or dont eat certain kind of food.3. Why do people go to fast food restaurants?4. Why is it not good to eat too much sugar and fat?5. Why are crash diets and supplements so popular?6. Shall we follow the advice that many companies and stores offer?7. What can we do to keep a balanced diet?4. Interview . Ask the students to scan the text and fill in the following form. The students should have a free discussion and finish the work.FoodNutrientFunctionProteinEggs, milk and other dairy productsVitaminsHelp keep body functioning well 三。目标检测:Word spelling(单词拼写)1. Ive got a terrible p_ here Ouch!2. The two nurses are very kind and patient. They look after their p_ very carefully.3. We must be careful with our diet if we want to keep up with the high p_ of modern life.4. Vegetables are good because they contain plenty of v_.5.When playing football ,you might be using 400_(卡)an hour.配餐作业:一基础题 A组题1.听写学习目标中的重点词汇2. 阅读课本短文“DONT BE A MOUSE POTATO” on Page74 and do exercises二.巩固题 B 组题 1.用must, have to, should, ought to, may, can或其否定式填空,有的不止用一次。1.You ought to buy a bowl; prices _ go up.2.He _ be used to living without a car,isnt he?3.He _ wait outside because he left his key in the office.4.Notice in cinema: Exit doors _ be locked during performances.5.- _ I finish the translation within two hours?-No, you neednt. You _ hand it tomorrow morning. 6.-What _ it be? -It _ be a mailbox, for it is moving. It must be a car.7.-Must we hand in our exercise-books now? -No, you dont _ .8.-Is John coming by train? -He _ , but he may not. He likes driving his car.9.You _ judge a stranger always by the clothes he wears.10.We _ make a greater contribution to our motherland. 2.阅读理解:Because of the fast pace of American life, many family do not have time to have dinner together at the family table every evening. Many women have jobs. They dont always have time to make dinner, or they dont want to. The most popular type of restaurant serves fast foods, such as hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, fried chicken and so on. Why are fast food restaurants so popular? First, they are really fast. You dont need to wait more than a minute or two for your food. They are also easy to use. You may dress informally, and in some places you can even order from your car and drive away with your food without going into the restaurant. Finally, fast food restaurants are inexpensive. You can buy a complete meal in some fast food restaurants for less than two dollars. 1. In the writers opinion, the fast food is . A. expensive B. not good C. too slow D. Popular2. The passage tells us that in America. A. women have to work B. women dont prepare dinner C. people dont have dinner at home but at the restaurant D. Americans often eat outside in the evening3. The word “pace” means in the first sentence.A. speed B. competition C. success D. Progress4. We learn from the text most Americans . A. never eat dinner at home B. hate the fast foodC. enjoy the fast food D. like the fast food as Chinese5. Which is not true according to this passage?A. Fast food is cheap in America. B. Many fast restaurants are in America. C. Driver can never go into the fast food restaurants. D. Driver neednt get off to buy fast food. 三. 提高题(C 组题)完型填空:Todd was working at his gas station(加油站)at night when he heard over the radio that a 1 in Long Island has been2 by an armed man who had killed the night guard and got away with $ 150 000.“One hundred and fifty thousand,”Todd whistled.“Heres a fellow who just 3 into a bank and helps himself to so much money.”Todd thought of the 4 with which he managed to get the amount of money he 5 to start his gas station.So many papers to6 ,so much money to pay back.The news 7 ,“Twenty minutes later, the gunman had 8 a car for a ride,and then pushed out the driver.He was possibly 9 the Southern State parkway in a white Ford.License plate(车牌)number LJR 1939.The 10 of the announcer continued:“ 11 out for white cars.Dont pick up 12 ,and all you folks in gas stations better not do service to a white Ford ear.”Todd stood up and 13 to see out into the cold night.It was dark but Todd 14 the Southern State Parkway was out there.Just then,Todd saw the headlights coming at him and a car pulled in for 15 .There it was,a white Ford.He saw the 16 ,LJR 1939. “What should I do?” Todd had to make a quick 17 .“Yes,sir?”Todd 18 while making up his mind for sure.“ 19 her up,” the man said sounding like any other 20 .When the tank(油箱)was full,Todd quickly turned and pointed a gun at the man.“Hands up and get out!”1 .A.store B.bank C.stationD.house2. A.searched for B.held up C.taken overD.broken into3.A.walks B.looks C.marchesD.drives4.A.satisfaction B.difficulty C.easyD.happy5.A.saved B.made C.offeredD.needed6.A.collect B.prove C.signD.write7.A.continued B.lasted C.spreadD.arrived8.A.bought B.borrowed C.stolenD.stopped9.A.calling from B.from C.heading forD.looking for10.A.news B.warning C.adviceD.voice11.A.Look B.Run C.CallD.Set12.A.guests B.strangers C.prisonersD.passengers13.A.tried B.decided C.hopedD.happened14.A.considered B.knew C.recognizedD.learnt15.A.directions B.repairs C.gasD.parking16.A.mark B.number C.signD.name 17.A.decision B.call C.movementD.remark18.A.wondered B.stopped C.waitedD.asked19.A.Cover B.Fill C.CheckD.Tie20.A.visitor B.robber C.driverD.rider111


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