高中英语 unit3《Travel journal》素材2(人教版必修1)

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111Travel journal同步素材(人教新课标高中英语必修1Unit 3)1.spend, cost ,take ,pay 的用法区别Pay 花钱常用句型为Sb. pay some money for something.Cost“花费“主语是物Sth. cost sb. some money/timeTake 表花费时其主语一般为一件事It takes some time to do sth.2. ChooseChoose sb. Sth.Whom shall we choose for our school football teamleader? 我们选谁当学校足球队长。Choose sth. for sb.Choose to do决定;拿定主意 He chose not to go home.N, choiceat ones own choice随意挑选, 自由选择have no choice but 后跟动词不定式非.不可 除.之外别无他法make a choice选择make choice of挑选, 选择, 选定 make ones choice任意挑选take ones choice任意挑选of choice精选的, 特别好的of ones choice3.Fare运费;车费a bus fare公共汽车费 a taxi fare 出租汽车费 (出租汽车中的)乘客4. expense n. 花费;支出expense account支出帐目What are the expenses of moving house?搬家的花销是多少?A motorcycle can be a great expense.买一辆摩托车可能要花很多钱。The expenses foot up to $50.费用共计五十美元。5.since prep. 自. 以来, .以后since liberation解放以来conj.从.以来; .以后因为; 既然; 鉴于We have both changed since we parted.分别以来我们彼此都变了。It was three years since we had been there.我们在那儿已呆了三年。S-that is so, there is no more to be said.既然如此, 再没什么可说的adv.和完成时连用(=since then)以后, 后来, 以来以前(=ago)I have not seen him since.(那时)以后我没见到过他。It is two years since (we parted). (We parted two years since ago). 我们是在两年以前分别的。 At first he refused but sincehas accepted.他最初拒绝, 但后来接受了。Phaseever since从那时起, 一直到现在long since好久以前, 早已not long since就在不久since then其后, 从此一直6. Dream n.梦梦想, 幻想, 空想理想, 愿望(of)梦一般美妙的人事物, 美景have a bad dream做恶梦 awake from a dream 从梦中醒来a fond dream黄梁美梦His dream of being a doctor has come true.他当医生的愿望实现了。The girl is a perfect dream.这个女孩子太美vi.(dreamed dremt, dreamt )做梦, 梦见, 梦到 (of, about) 幻想, 梦想; 想象 向往, 渴望(of常与 not, little, never 等连用(没有, 很少, 决没有)想到I never dreamed of meeting you here.我绝对未想到在这里遇到你。Little did I dream of succeeding so well.我做梦也想不到如此圆满的成功。7. Agree vi. (agreed, agreeing) 同意; 赞成;答应I quite agree with what you say.你所说的我很赞成。意见相合We agree on this count.在这一点上,我们的意见一致。Phaseagree on(日期价格条件等)对.达成协议; 对.取得一致意见We agree on this count.agree upon 对.达成协议; 对.取得一致意见agree to sth.(建议 计划 注意)同意某事 She agreed to my idea.agree with 同意.的意见; 与.一致; 对.适合Spicy food does not agree with me.agreement一致;同意 协议;契约They have made an agreement about the plan.他们在这个计划上意见一致了。His opinion is in agreement with mine.他的意见和我的一致。Phase arrive at an agreement 达成协议; 取得一致意见come to an agreement 达成协议; 取得一致意见reach an agreement 达成协议; 取得一致意见make an agreement 达成协议; 取得一致意见by agreement 同意, 依约gentlemans agreement 君子协定in agreement with 符合., 照., 同意, (和).一致make an agreement with 与.达成协议8. Persuade/advise vt. -suaded, -suading (常与of, that连用)劝说;使相信(常与to连用)说服;劝诱He persuaded her to go to school, even though she did not want to.即使她不想去上学,他还是说服她去。9. 作为连词 although和 though通常可以互换使用: Although(或 though) 尽管她微笑着,她却在生气。Although常放在从句的开头(如前面例句),而 though可以出现在其它位置,当用来连接词语或短语时更为常用,如 尽管穷一些却更有头脑或在下面这种结构中 尽管(不用 although) 我很喜欢歌剧,我也不愿这个周末一直坐等到打铃 散场。【说明】主句中不能再用连接词 but, 但可用副词yet, nevertheless 等。另外, 在多数情形下, 可与 though 通用, 也可简写为 altho 但在正式文件中, 不宜简写Though born in China ,yet he is famous for his stories about New York city(二者引导让步状语丛句时主语一致时且丛句有be时可省略主语和be)He is better, though not yet curedThough 引导让步可时刻倒装A child though he is ,he knows a lot about space and satellite .10. insistvi., vt.(常与on, that连用)主张;坚持to insist on the importance of being punctual强调遵守时间的重要We insist on / upon self-reliance.我们坚持自力更生。坚持要求I insist on your being there.(-on ones doing something)我坚持要你在那里。We all insist that we not rest until we finish the work.大家都坚决要求不完工就不休息。11.properly adv. 适当地;正确地You havent done the job properly youll have to do it again.你没有做对这件工作,你得重做。真正地 完全地;彻底地behave properly 举止正当 properly speaking (=speak properly) 严格地说adj. proper正当的;适当的do sth. in the proper way以适当的方式做某事合乎礼节的;合乎体统的You arent wearing proper clothes for this hot weather.12.Change ones mindPhrase about mindcall to mind回忆起;记起 have a good mind to 非常想;极有意 in ones right mind不疯的;神志清醒的 make up ones mind决心;决定put sb. in mind of sb. or sth.使想起;提醒(某人)speak ones mind直言不讳to ones mind依(某人)之意13. determine v. 决定, 确定, 测定, 使下定决心, be determined to do sth. 决心做某事determine on 决定determine upon 决定 determine sb. against sth.使 某人决定不做某事determine sb. to do sth.使某人决定做某事Have experience in/at doing sth.Know from experienceLearn from experienceBe experienced at/in 在某方面有经验Experience 当经历讲时为可数 当经验感受时为不可数111


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