2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业21《Unit 1 Great scientists》(新人教版必修5江西专用)

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业21《Unit 1 Great scientists》(新人教版必修5江西专用)_第1页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业21《Unit 1 Great scientists》(新人教版必修5江西专用)_第2页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业21《Unit 1 Great scientists》(新人教版必修5江西专用)_第3页
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111课时作业(二十一)必修5Unit 1 Great scientists限时:30分钟.单项填空1Daddy, look! Why _ rainbow is like a bow?Oh, it is apologizing to _ angry sky.Athe; an Ba; /Ca; an Dthe; the2What he says makes no _ to me.Acare BsenseCinterest Dmeaning3With water _ constantly, the brave soldier jumped into the river to save the drowning villager.Ato rise Brising Crisen Drose4Can you work out the problem?I cant _ you explain how to do it.Abut for Bexcept Capart from Dunless5The State Council has _ a new economic policy on the benefits of the farmers.Aput up Bput forwardCput off Dput out6The best way _ spoken English is to speak more every day.Aof learning Bto learningCin learning Dabout learning7I feel it is your husband who _ for the spoiled child.Ais to blame Bis going to blameCis to be blamed Dshould blame8_ he came in, I recognized him.AThe moment BShortlyCSoon DBefore long9You should read the _ in the car repair manual(手册) carefully before you start.Ainstructions Bconstructions Cintroductions Dexplanations10The Prime Minister _ by saying that he was satisfied with his visit in China.Aconcluded BconductedCconsidered Dconfused11Dont stop _ you meet with a word you dont understand.Aat the time Beach timeCby the time Dsometimes12The police are searching everywhere for Mr.James, who they think is_ to the crime.Alinked Bworried Cunited Dmixed13_of being involved in the attempted murder, she was questioned by the police.AConvinced BSuspectedCCharged DConfirmed14_ you eat the correct foods_ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.AOnly if; will you BOnly if; you willCUnless; will you DUnless; you will15Mom, Im so tired. I cant walk any further._, my dear. You can make it.ACome on BNo worryCThats impossible DNo problem.完形填空John and Mary had a nice home and two lovely children, a boy and a girl. John had a good _16_ and had just been asked to go on a business trip to another city and it was _17_ that Mary needed an outing and would go along too. They _18_ a reliable woman to care for the children and made the _19_, returning home a little earlier than they had planned._20_ they drove into their home town, they found a home in flames. Mary said, “Oh well, it isnt our fire; lets go home.”_21_ John drove closer and exclaimed (惊叫), “That home belongs to Fred Jones who works at the plant. He wouldnt be _22_ work yet. Maybe there is something we could do.”John drove up and they were both _23_ to see the whole house in flames. A woman on the lawn was in hysterics _24_, “The children! Get the children! They are in the basement.”_25_ Marys protests (反对), John grabbed the water hose and soaked (浸湿)his clothes, put his wet handkerchief on his head and _26_ for the basement which was full of _27_. He found two nearly suffocated (窒息的)children and after carrying them to safety, he asked how many more children were _28_ there. They told him two more and Mary _29_ his arm and screamed, “John! Dont go back! Its _30_! That house will cave in any second!”But he shook her off and went back by _31_ his way down the smokefilled hallway and into the room. It _32_ a long time before he found both children and started back and at last when they came out into the_33_ and fresh air, he found that he had just _34_ his own children.It turned out that the babysitter had _35_ them at this home while she did some shopping.16A.job Bfamily Cwife Dboss17A.known Bbelieved Cdecided Dhoped18A.asked BhiredCintended Dreminded19A.preparations BpromiseCdecision Dtrip20A.Before BAs COnce DSince21A.And BSo CNow DBut22A.off Bon Cout of Dat23A.heartbroken BconsciencestrickenChorrorstricken Dpovertystricken24A.coughing BscreamingCwhispering Dweeping25A.Apart from BIn case of CInstead of DIn spite of26A.reached BsearchedCdashed Dsent27A.smoke Bdarkness Cchildren Ddanger28A.up Baway Cout Ddown29A.pulled Btook Cgrabbed Dheld30A.dangerous Buseless Cover Dstupid31A.pushing Bfeeling Cjumping Dmoving32A.meant Bspared Cspent Dseemed33A.shade Bsunlight Cshadow Dcrowd34A.helped BfoundCrecognized Drescued35A.left BchargedCremoved Dforgotten.阅读理解Elizabeth Blackwell was born on February 3, 1821 in Bristol, England. Her father was a rich sugar businessman at the time. Because her parents thought boys and girls should be equal, Elizabeth received the same education as her brothers. In 1832, her fathers business was destroyed by fire, so her family moved to New York City. But her fathers business there failed. Then in 1837, the family moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. Not long after, her father died. After her fathers death, Elizabeth, at the age of 16, had to go to work.When she was 24, she visited her dying friend Mary. Her friend said, “Youre young and strong, you should become a doctor.” That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. But she knew this was what she was going to do.After several rejections from medical schools, she finally was accepted by Geneva Medical College. By studying hard, she graduated successfully in 1849.After graduating from medical school, she went to Paris to learn more about medicine. She wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye problem forced her to give up the idea. When she returned to America in 1851, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. In 1857, Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children. Besides, she also set up the first medical school for women in 1868, where she taught the women students about disease prevention. It was the first time that the idea of preventing disease was taught in a medical school.Elizabeth Blackwell started the British National Health Society in 1871, which helped people learn how to stay healthy. In 1889, Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman doctor in the United States. Most importantly she fought for the admission of women to medical colleges. Elizabeth Blackwell died on May 3, 1910, when she was 89.She opened a world of chances for women. She always fought for what was right in all her life. In 1949 the Blackwell medal was established. Its given to women who have excellent achievements in the field of medicine. Shell always be remembered as a great woman. 36According to the passage, Elizabeth Blackwell _. Areceived bad education in her childhood Bspent a happy and lucky childhood Cmoved to America with her family at eleven Ddecided to be a doctor due to her fathers death37Elizabeth Blackwell could not become a surgeon because _. Ashe was a woman Bshe had a serious eye problem Cshe went to Paris for further education Dshe didnt go to medical school38Elizabeth Blackwell opened her first hospital for woman and children _. Aeighteen years after her father died Bseven years after returning to America from Paris Cten years before setting up her first medical school Deight years after graduating from medical school39Elizabeth Blackwell spent most of her life in _. Athe US. BParis CEngland DGeneva40Which of the following is not TRUE about Elizabeth Blackwell? AShe built the first hospital for women and children with others. BShe became the first woman doctor in the US. CShe set up the first medical school for women in the world. DShe built a medal for women with excellent achievements in medicine.课时作业(二十一).1.D考查冠词。句意:“爸爸,看!为什么彩虹像一张弓?”“哦,它正向生气的天空道歉。”天空和彩虹都是双方知道的事,故均用定冠词the。2B考查固定搭配。句意:他所说的对我来说没有意义。make no sense为固定搭配,意思是“没有道理;没有意义”。3B考查“with宾语宾语补足语”的用法。句意:随着水位的不断上升,这位勇敢的士兵跳进水里救起那位溺水的村民。water与rise之间存在主动关系,且指水位正在不断上升,故选B项。4D考查连词。句意:“你能算出这道题吗?”“我不能,除非你解释怎么做。”A、B、C三项后不接句子。unless是从属连词,引导条件状语从句,故选D项。5B考查动词短语辨析。句意:国务院已经提出了一项有利于农民利益的新经济政策。根据句意可知此处表示“提出一项新的经济政策”,所以用put forward。6A考查way后接定语的形式。句意:学习英语口语的最好方法是每天多说点。the way of doing/to do sth.是固定短语,意为“做某事的方法”。7A考查动词的语态。句意:我觉得是你的丈夫宠坏了孩子。be to blame没有被动形式。 8A考查时间状语从句。句意:他一进来,我就认出他了。the moment在此相当于连词,引导一个时间状语从句,意为“一就”。9A考查名词辨析。句意:在你开始之前,你应该仔细读汽车修理手册的说明。instruction “说明,操作指南”常用复数形式。construction “建筑物”;introduction “介绍”;explanation “解释”。10A考查动词辨析。句意:总理最后说他在中国的参观非常满意。conclude “结束,终止”;conduct “指挥”;consider“考虑”;confuse “困惑;迷惑”。11B考查时间状语从句。分析句式结构可知此处缺少连词连接两个句子,仅by the time和each time可以后接从句。再根据句意:每当你遇到不懂的单词时都不要停下来,故选B。12A考查动词辨析。句意:警察正在到处寻找被认为和这项犯罪活动有牵连的詹姆斯先生。be linked to意为“与有关”; worried意为“担心的”;united意为“联合的;团结的”; mixed意为“混合的”。13B考查动词辨析。由下文的“她被警方询问”可以看出,是因为她被怀疑(suspect)卷入了那起谋杀未遂案。suspect sb. of doing sth.“怀疑某人做了某事”,故这里应用过去分词作原因状语。convince “使信服”;charge “指控”; confirm “证实”。14A考查倒装。only if意为“只要,只有”,其置于句首,主句部分倒装。15A考查交际用语。句意:“妈妈,我很累。我不能再走了。”“加油,亲爱的。”你可以做到。come on意为“加油;振作起来;前进;随后跟上;快点;赶紧”,在此表示鼓励孩子加把劲,符合句意。其余三项不合语境。.本文主要讲述了玛丽和约翰出差在外,把两个孩子托付给保姆。回家时发现弗雷德琼斯的房子着火了,而他在工厂上班,应该还未回家,于是他们过去帮忙。约翰不顾妻子的反对,冒着生命的危险到地下室救小孩,最后抱上来的两个小孩竟然是自己的孩子。16A由下文可知他被派去出差,又与前文的好家庭相对,可知此处应该说的是好工作,故选A项。17C并决定(decide)妻子也需要一起去。其余三空不合语境。18B夫妻俩要离开,应该会雇用(hire)一个人照顾孩子。intend意欲,打算;remind使想起。19D与前文的“had just been asked to go on a business trip”相呼应,可知他们应该因公外出了,故选D项。20B当他们开车回家时,发现一幢房子着火了。as意为“当时”,引导时间状语从句,故选B项。before在之前;once一旦;since自从以来,均不合语境。21D与前面的“准备回家”构成转折关系,意为“但当约翰的车开近一些时,他惊叫道”。22Abe off work为固定搭配,意为“下班”。句意:他按理来说还未下班。23C当他们开车过去时,他们都吓坏了,发现整栋房子都在火焰中。horrorstricken意为“吓坏了的”,符合语境。heartbroken心碎的;consciencestricken内疚的;povertystricken非常贫穷的。24B这种情况下,草坪上一位妇女应该是正歇斯底里地大叫,scream意为“(因伤痛、害怕、激动而)尖叫,大声叫”。cough咳嗽;whisper低声说;weep哭泣。25D尽管玛丽反对,约翰抓过水管,浸湿衣服,把湿手帕盖在头上in spite of意为“尽管”,符合句意。apart from除此之外;in case of万一;instead of代替。26C紧急情况下,约翰应该是冲到了地下室。dash意为“冲,猛冲”,符合句意。27A发生了火灾,地下室里应该是充满了烟(smoke)。28D从地下室救上两个孩子后,他应该是问下面(down)还有没有孩子了。29C这么危险的情况下以及由后文玛丽所说的话可知,她应该是抓住(grab)他的手臂,不想让他再冒险下去救人了。30A由后一句“那房子随时会坍塌”,可知此时应该是危险的(dangerous)。31B在浓烟滚滚的屋子里,他应该摸索着走,feel ones way意为“摸索着走”,符合句意。32D在他找到孩子并返回之前仿佛(seem)是一段漫长的时间。mean打算,意味;spare节省,抽出(时间);spend花费。33B最后当他们出来到了阳光(sunlight)和新鲜空气里34D他发现他正好救了(rescue)自己的孩子。recognize认出,察觉。35A原来是临时保姆在去购物时把他们托付到这一家。leave在此意为“交托”。charge索价,控诉,使充电;remove移走,开除;forget忘记。.本文讲述了美国伟大女性伊丽莎白布莱克韦尔不平凡的一生。36C细节理解题。Elizabeth Blackwell生于1821年, 根据第二段In 1832, her fathers business was destroyed by fire, so her family moved to New York City可知,她11岁的时候随家人搬迁到美国,故选C。37B细节理解题。根据第五段She wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye problem forced her to give up the idea.可判断选B。38D推理判断题。Elizabeth Blackwell从医学院于1849年毕业,1857年建立第一家妇女儿童医院,时隔8年,故选D。39A细节理解题。由全文可知,Elizabeth Blackwell生于英国,但11岁就随家人搬迁到美国,随后基本上在美国生活,故选A。40D细节理解题。根据最后一段In 1949 the Blackwell medal was established. Its given to women who have excellent achievements in the field of medicine.可知,布莱克韦尔奖是在Elizabeth Blackwell去世39年后才设立的,故D项不符合文意,故选D。111


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