2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业21:Unit 1《Great scientists》(人教版必修5湖北专用)

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业21:Unit 1《Great scientists》(人教版必修5湖北专用)_第1页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业21:Unit 1《Great scientists》(人教版必修5湖北专用)_第2页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业21:Unit 1《Great scientists》(人教版必修5湖北专用)_第3页
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111课时作业(二十一)必修5Unit 1 Great scientists限时:30分钟.多项选择1The traffic slowed down because of the heavy snow in Yushu county, presenting a new _ to the recovery from the earthquake.Asuffering BdisasterCchallenge Ddamage2Helen devoted herself _to her research and became a top scientist in the field of applied physics.Aseriously BextremelyCentirely Dstrictly3Take care during the holidays! Drinking too much can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.Acontribute to Brelate toCattend to Ddevote to4As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine,we must send for an engineer to_the problem.Ahandle Braise Cface Dpresent5We were all very much attracted by the beautiful scenery_we set foot in the village.Aquickly BsuddenlyCfinally Dimmediately6You should _ the whole affair, but dont judge it only by your experience.Aanalyze BresembleCconcentrate Dsubstitute7_of being involved in the attempted murder, she was questioned by the police.AConvinced BSuspectedCCharged DConfirmed8She always has so many things to_when she comes back to the school after a vacation.Aadd to Bcontribute toCattend to Dappeal to9Mary thought highly of the painting,but to Mr Smiths _ eye,the painting was terrible.Aeager Bextra Cexact Dexpert10The workers will go on strike if the demands they _ are turned down.Aput aside Bput throughCput forward Dput away.完形填空John and Mary had a nice home and two lovely children, a boy and a girl. John had a good _11_ and had just been asked to go on a business trip to another city and it was _12_ that Mary needed an outing and would go along too. They _13_ a reliable woman to care for the children and made the _14_, returning home a little earlier than they had planned._15_ they drove into their home town, they found a home in flames. Mary said, “Oh well, it isnt our fire; lets go home.”_16_ John drove closer and exclaimed (惊叫), “That home belongs to Fred Jones who works at the plant. He wouldnt be _17_ work yet. Maybe there is something we could do.”John drove up and they were both _18_ to see the whole house in flames. A woman on the lawn was in hysterics _19_, “The children! Get the children! They are in the basement.”_20_ Marys protests (反对), John grabbed the water hose and soaked (浸湿)his clothes, put his wet handkerchief on his head and _21_ for the basement which was full of _22_. He found two nearly suffocated (窒息的)children and after carrying them to safety, he asked how many more children were _23_ there. They told him two more and Mary _24_ his arm and screamed, “John! Dont go back! Its _25_! That house will cave in any second!”But he shook her off and went back by _26_ his way down the smokefilled hallway and into the room. It _27_ a long time before he found both children and started back and at last when they came out into the_28_ and fresh air, he found that he had just _29_ his own children.It turned out that the babysitter had _30_ them at this home while she did some shopping.11A.job Bfamily Cwife Dboss12A.known Bbelieved Cdecided Dhoped13A.asked BhiredCintended Dreminded14A.preparations BpromiseCdecision Dtrip15A.Before BAs COnce DSince16A.And BSo CNow DBut17A.off Bon Cout of Dat18A.heartbroken BconsciencestrickenChorrorstricken Dpovertystricken19A.coughing BscreamingCwhispering Dweeping20A.Apart from BIn case of CInstead of DIn spite of21A.reached BsearchedCdashed Dsent22A.smoke BdarknessCchildren Ddanger23A.up Baway Cout Ddown24A.pulled Btook Cgrabbed Dheld25A.dangerous Buseless Cover Dstupid26A.pushing Bfeeling Cjumping Dmoving27A.meant Bspared Cspent Dseemed28A.shade Bsunlight Cshadow Dcrowd29A.helped BfoundCrecognized Drescued30A.left BchargedCremoved Dforgotten.阅读理解Les Paul is one of the most influential people in modern popular music. He was a skillful guitarist who played an energetic mixture of jazz and country songs. He was also an inventor. The electric guitar and recording devices he created changed the sound of popular music and greatly influenced rock and roll. Les Paul is best known for creating one of the first solidbody electric guitars and the eighttrack recording device. He also perfected new recording methods to give special effects to his music. Les Paul was born Lester William Polfuss (POLLfuss)in 1915 in Waukesha, (WAHkuhshaw)Wisconsin. By the age of nine, he had taught himself to play the harmonica and had built a radio. He also learned to play the guitar and banjo. He could not read music, but he could play music that he heard. And he had a good sense of musical structure. Les Paul was soon performing in country bands in the Midwest. He left high school to perform full time on radio shows. He performed using the names “The Wizard of Waukesha”, “Hot Rod Red” and “Rhubarb Red”. He also started playing music influenced by great jazz guitarists including Django Reinhardt. By 1937, he had formed the Les Paul trio. He moved to New York City the next year. Les Paul played with many famous performers including the popular singer Bing Crosby. Around 1941, Les Paul invented his famous guitar. He wanted to make an instrument that could play a note longer than notes played on a traditional acoustic guitar. He developed a new kind of electric guitar that had a solid body. On an acoustic guitar, the strings vibrate and the hollow part of the instrument, or the sound box, also vibrates. Les Paul wanted an instrument in which only the strings vibrated. In the 1970s, Les Paul made two records with the country guitarist Chet Atkins. One was called “Chester and Lester”. It won a Grammy Award in 1976. Starting in the early 1980s, Paul began playing in jazz clubs in New York City. He kept on performing weekly until a few months before his death.31Which of the following shows the right order of Les Pauls experience?a. He moved to New York.b. He had taught himself to play the harmonica.c. He performed full time on radio shows.d. He began playing in jazz clubs in New York City.e. He invented his famous guitar.Aabcde Bbcade Cbcdea Dbcaed32According to the passage, the author develops the passage _.Ain order of time Bin order of importanceCby giving examples Dby listing reasons33Which of the following best describes Les Paul?AHe is a creative man. BHe is a lazy man.CHe is a naughty man. DHe is a crazy man.34Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AHe influenced Django Reinhardt.BHe had no good sense of musical structure.CHe could play and read music when he was a child.DHe made two records with Chet Atkins in the 1970s.完成句子阅读下列各小题,根据每句后的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。35I disagree that only when people have enough to eat and plenty to wear_to talk about environmental protection.(make)我不认为只有在人们解决温饱问题之后再谈论环境保护才有意义。36When I open the door, I find my father sitting in his chair, completely_a magazine.(absorb)我推开门,看见父亲坐在椅子上,完全专注于一本杂志。37I feel it is you rather than the boy who _being late for the speech.(blame)我觉得是你而不是那个男孩该为演讲迟到负责。38The man, _the jewels of the shop, was missing last night, although he was watched over by the police.(suspect)虽然在警察的看管下,那个被怀疑偷了商店珠宝的男人昨晚还是不见了。39Oh, doctor, the wound on my leg is infected.You really shouldnt have left it_the air.(expose)“医生,我腿上的伤口感染了。”“你确实不应该让它暴露在空气中的。”40A cloud of dangerous virus floated around and found its victims and soon_died.(affect)一股危险的病毒到处漂浮,找到了受害者,被感染的人很快就死去了。41I always have so many things_when I come into the office after a trip abroad.(attend)每次出差回到办公室,我总是有一大堆事情要处理。42_ the Science Museum, remember to take a ride in the space gallery. It is really thrilling.(time)下次你参观科技博物馆的时候,记得去乘坐一下太空舱,真是太令人兴奋了。43John Snows suggestion after his careful investigations_was finally adopted.(examine)在仔细调查之后,约翰斯诺提出的水源必须要检查的建议最终被采用了。44When he set off on his adventure, he was not quite aware of all the challenges_.(face)当他开始他的冒险旅程时,他并没有弄明白自己将会面临的所有挑战。答案课时作业(二十一).1.C考查名词词义辨析。challenge“挑战”。句意:由于玉树县的大雪,交通减缓了,这对灾后重建是一个新的挑战。suffering痛苦,苦难; disaster灾难;damage损坏,破坏。2C考查副词词义辨析。seriously严重地,危险地;extremely极端,极其,非常;entirely全部地,完全地;strictly严厉地,严格地。根据句意“海伦将全部精力投入到研究中,后来在应用物理学领域成了优秀科学家”可知本题选C。3A考查动词短语辨析。句意:假期期间注意点!喝得过多会引起心脏病和高血压。根据句意可知所选的词词义相当于cause,故选A。contribute to有助于,促进,加剧;relate to涉及,与有关;attend to照顾,护理,专心于;devote to献身于,专心于。4A考查动词词义辨析。句意:因为这儿没人知道机器出了什么故障,我们必须派人去请一个工程师来解决这个难题。handle处理,解决;raise提出;face正视;present介绍,呈现,呈递。由句意可知A项正确。5D考查副词词义辨析。immediately除作副词“马上,立即”讲外,还可作连词,意为“一就”,相当于as soon as,引导时间状语从句。句意:我们一踏进这个村庄,就都被它美丽的景色所吸引。6A考查动词词义辨析。句意:你应该分析整个事件,而不是根据经验作出判断。analyze 分析;resemble相似,类似,像;concentrate集中,聚集;substitute用代替。7B考查动词词义辨析。由下文的“她被警方带去询问”可以看出,是因为她被怀疑(suspect)卷入了那起谋杀未遂案。这里是过去分词作原因状语。convince说服;charge指控;confirm证实。8C考查动词短语辨析。句意:当她每次过完假期返回学校时,总有很多事要处理。attend to处理。add to增加;contribute to起作用,导致;appeal to恳求,请求,吸引。9D考查形容词词义辨析。玛丽高度赞扬这幅画,但以史密斯先生内行的眼光(expert eye)看,这幅画糟透了。10C考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果工人们提出的要求被拒绝的话,他们会继续罢工。put forward提出(主意、计划等),符合语意。put aside把放在一边;put through接通电话;put away把收起来。均不符合语意。.本文主要讲述了玛丽和约翰出差在外,把两个孩子托付给保姆。回家时发现弗雷德琼斯的房子着火了,而他在工厂上班,应该还未回家,于是他们过去帮忙。约翰不顾妻子的反对,冒着生命的危险到地下室救小孩,最后抱上来的两个小孩竟然是自己的孩子。11A由下文可知他被派去出差,又与前文的好家庭相对,可知此处应该说的是好工作,故选A项。12C并决定(decide)妻子也需要一起去。其余三空不合语境。13B夫妻俩要离开,应该会雇用(hire)一个人照顾孩子。intend意欲,打算;remind使想起。14D与前文的“had just been asked to go on a business trip”相呼应,可知他们应该因公外出了,故选D项。15B当他们开车回家时,发现一幢房子着火了。as意为“当时”,引导时间状语从句,故选B项。before在之前;once一旦;since自从以来,均不合语境。16D与前面的“准备回家”构成转折关系,意为“但当约翰的车开近一些时,他惊叫道”。17Abe off work为固定搭配,意为“下班”。句意:他按理来说还未下班。18C当他们开车过去时,他们都吓坏了,发现整栋房子都在火焰中。horrorstricken意为“吓坏了的”,符合语境。heartbroken心碎的;consciencestricken内疚的;povertystricken非常贫穷的。19B这种情况下,草坪上一位妇女应该是正歇斯底里地大叫,scream意为“(因伤痛、害怕、激动而)尖叫,大声叫”。cough咳嗽;whisper低声说;weep哭泣。20D尽管玛丽反对,约翰抓过水管,浸湿衣服,把湿手帕盖在头上in spite of意为“尽管”,符合句意。apart from除此之外;in case of万一;instead of代替。21C紧急情况下,约翰应该是冲到了地下室。dash意为“冲,猛冲”,符合句意。22A发生了火灾,地下室里应该是充满了烟(smoke)。23D从地下室救上两个孩子后,他应该是问下面(down)还有没有孩子了。24C这么危险的情况下以及由后文玛丽所说的话可知,她应该是抓住(grab)他的手臂,不想让他再冒险下去救人了。25A由后一句“那房子随时会坍塌”,可知此时应该是危险的(dangerous)。26B在浓烟滚滚的屋子里,他应该摸索着走,feel ones way意为“摸索着走”,符合句意。27D在他找到孩子并返回之前仿佛(seem)是一段漫长的时间。mean打算,意味;spare节省,抽出(时间);spend花费。28B最后当他们出来到了阳光(sunlight)和新鲜空气里29D他发现他正好救了(rescue)自己的孩子。recognize认出,察觉。30A原来是临时保姆在去购物时把他们托付到这一家。leave在此意为“交托”。charge索价,控诉,使充电;remove移走,开除;forget忘记。.本文为一篇记叙文。主要讲述了一个在现代流行音乐中颇有盛名的人物Les Paul,他不仅能弹得一手好吉他,而且还是一位发明家。31D细节理解题。阅读全文可知答案为D项。由第六段第一句可知a项发生在1937年;由第四段第一、二句可知b项发生在他9岁时,也就是说在1924年左右;由第五段可知c项发生在他高中毕业后;由最后一段可知d项发生在1980s;由第七段可知e项大约发生在1941年。32A文章结构题。综观全文可知答案为A项,即本文主要是以时间为序来组织材料的。33A推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句,第三段第一句,以及倒数第二段第一句可知,他是一个富有创造力的人。34D细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句可知D项正确。由第五段最后一句可知A项有误;根据第四段最后一句可知B项有误;根据第四段倒数第二句可知C项有误。.35.does/will it make sense36absorbed in37is to blame for38(who was) suspected of stealing39exposed to40the affected people41to attend to42Next time you visit43that the water resources should be examined44(which/that) he was faced with课时作业(二十二)111


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