高中英语 Module4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》 pronunciation,speaking&writing教案2 外研版必修1

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高中英语 Module4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》 pronunciation,speaking&writing教案2 外研版必修1_第1页
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高中英语 Module4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》 pronunciation,speaking&writing教案2 外研版必修1_第3页
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111Module4 A social survey-my neighbourhood Pronunciation,speaking&writing教案Teaching content and aims:Ask the Ss to understand which words should be stressed.Elicit the usage of and & but.learn some daily expressions about showing position and direction.Teaching design:Task 1: Learn which words should be stressed.Pre-task: Revision Revise the present perfect tense and check the homework.Cycle-task:Activity 1: Individual work Listen and underline the stressed words in each sentence. 注意:句子中比较重要的词应该得到重读,其他的词则可以读得轻些,这就是所谓的句子的重音。通常句子中比较重要的词有名词、动词(除to be,to have,助动词和情态动词外)、形容词、副词、数词、疑问代词和指示代词、疑问副词、名词性物主代词、反身代词等等。而冠词、连词、介词和人称代词等一般不重读。e.g. We want to go home at night.Activity 2:Work in pairs.Read the extract, stressing the underlined words.Task 2: Learn to use and & but.Activity 1:Writing A. Elicit the usage of and & but according to the sentence from A Lively City.You know, Ive seen quite a lot of China, and Ive visited some beautiful cities, but this is one of the most attractive places Ive been to.注意:句子中的and 和but 是连词的一种并列连词。And 是表示平行或对等关系的并列连词,连接的两个成分对等且意义一致;but是表示转折关系的并列连词,连接的成分对等但意义相反。e.g. Study hard, and youll succeed.(and 表示顺承)I would like to have gone there, but I had an unexpected visitor.(but表示转折)B. Fill in the blanks using “and ”, “but ”. 1.Hes a nice boy,_ hes clever,_ hes very lazy.2.Its a fast car, _ its strong, _its very ugly.3.Its a nice house, _ its got big room, _ its on a noisy street.C. complete the paragraph on page 37 with and or but.a. Have the Ss complete the gaps individually.b. Put the students in pairs to compare their answers.c. Call back the answers from the class.Task 3: Learn the daily expressions about showing position and direction.Activity 1: Individual workAnswer the questions in activity 1 on page 38. Work in pairsPrepare a short dialogue.( Suppose youve just moved to Student Bs neighbourhood. Ask him/her questions about it and ask for direction.Post-task: Show the dialogue before the class.Summary and questions: Recall we learned today and unsolved questions.Homework: Do the exercises 5,6 and 7 on page 86Feedback:111

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