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姓名 班级_ 座位号 装订线内不要答题湖南株洲芦淞区小学英语五年级下册期末试题(时间:60分钟 满分:100分)听力部分(50%)一、听句子,请选出你所听到的图片。(12%) 二、听句子,请选出你所听到的内容。(10%) ( )7.A.June B.January C.May ( )8.A.evening B.eleven C.eighth ( )9.A.climb B.clean C.cook ( )10.A.swimming B.sleeping C.listening ( ) sports the piano C.plant trees三、听对话,用字母A-F给下列图片排序。(12%)四、听对话,根据录音内容判断下列句意的正“T”误“F”。(6%)( )18.Its August 27th today.( )19.Lily is watching TV.( )20.Wendy often goes to bed at 9:30.( )21.Lindas favourite season is winter.( )22.Wendy sometimes plays the pipa in the evening.( )23.Uncle Larry is having a PE class.五、听长段对话,将方框内短语的编号写在Amy时间表内的相应横线上。(5%)A.go home breakfast lunch TV E.go shoppingAmys Timetable on Sunday Morning6:307:208:2011:0011:4012:00get up24. 25. 26. 27. 28. This is my family birthday chart.Look!My fathers birthday is on 29. 9th.It is in 30. .The weather is usually very hot.My mothers birthday is on March lst.We often go out to 31. kites.My birthday is on October 3rd. It is in 32. .The weather is sunny and cool.We often have a 33. .I love my family!六、听短文,在横线上填写所缺的单词。(5%)读写部分(50%)一、根据所给单词的类别,在横线上写出一个同类的单词。(6%)onethree38. greenblack37. pencilbook36. jumpwalk35. Chinesemaths34. swimmingclimbing39. 二、选择最佳答案,将其序号填入题前括号中。(5%)( )40.March 8th is the .A.Womens Day B.National Day C.Teachers Day( )41.How many seasons are there in a year in Zhuzhou? .A.Four B.Seven C.Twelve( )42.Look!The elephants drinking C.are( )43. is the second month(月份) in a year.A.January B.February C.May( )44.Its a kind of(一种) food.Its sweet.Bears like it very much.What is it?A.Fan. B.Crayons. C.Honey.三、读一读,根据图片内容判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。(6%)( )45.We can see nine students in the picture.( )46.Amy is drawing a picture.( )47.Mike is playing chess with Zhang Peng.( )48.Chen Jie is reading a book.( )49.Miss White is near the teachers desk.( )50.John is cleaning the blackboard.四、从方框内选出最佳选项补全对话,将其编号写在相应横线上。(5%) Lily:Hello!This is Lily.Mike:51. Can I ask you some questions?A.Because I can play in the snow.B.Whats your favourite season?C.I like winter.D.What do you often do in spring?E.Hello,Lily!This is Mike. Lily:Sure. Mike:Which season do you like best,Lily? Lily:52. Mike:Why do you like winter? Lily:53. Mike:I dont like winter.Its too cold. Lily:54. Mike:I like spring.Its sunny and warm. Lily:55. Mile:I often go on a picnic.五、读一读,将答句的编号写在相应问句前的括号内。(10%) ( )56.What are the tigers doing? A.Its on April lst. ( )57.Where are you from? B.Because I can see many flowers. ( )58.How much are the shoes? C.Theyre fighting. ( )59.Why do you like spring? D.Im from Zhuzhou. ( )60.When is it? E.They are 99 yuan.六、根据短文内容,判断句子的正(T)误(F)。(6%) Its a sunny day.Some students are on a beautiful farm.There are many yellow flowers on the farm.Lily is watering them.She likes flowers very much.Near the river,there are some big trees.Ben is climbing the tree.He likes listening to music in the tree.There are some cows under the trees.The cows are eating grass.John and Mary are picking strawberries in the field.How happy they are! ( )61.There are three students on the farm. ( )62.Lily is watering the red flowers. ( )63.There are some big trees near the river. ( )64.Ben is listening to music under the tree.( )65.The cows are eating big trees.( )66.Mary is picking strawberries with John.七、连词成句。(要给每个句子加上标点符号哦)(6%),When,birthday,your 68.can,I,swim,lake,in,the 69.writing,an,He,is,email 八、小练笔。假设你是Art Club(艺术俱乐部)中的一员。请依据提示,用至少5个英语句子介绍你一天的活动安排(开头已给出,不计入句数)。(6%)答案听力部分(略)读写部分一、示例:34.English 36.ruler 38.five 39.walking二、40-44 AACBC三、45-50 FFTTTF四、51-55 ECABD五、56-60 CDEBA六、61-66 FFTFFT七、67.When is your birthday?68.I can swim in the lake.69.He is writing an email.八、略五年级英语 第5页 共4页


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