英语课件:人教版必修三 Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”Unit5Section Ⅲ

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英语课件:人教版必修三 Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”Unit5Section Ⅲ_第1页
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英语课件:人教版必修三 Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”Unit5Section Ⅲ_第3页
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Section Learning about Language & Using Language,重点难点探究,速效提能演练,预习多维感知,Section ,预习多维感知,.Read the passage and choose the best answer. 1What is the main idea of this part? AThe whole travel in Canada of the cousins. BWhat they have done and seen during the trip in Toronto and Montreal. CThe cousins feelings about Canada. DThe delicious food and beautiful sights in Toronto and Montreal.,2Which city is the wealthiest one in Canada? AToronto. BMontreal. CVancouver. DCalgary. 3What have the cousins not seen in Toronto? AThe tall CN Tower. BThe misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara. CThe covered stadium. DThe broad St Lawrence River.,4What are the things that show Montreal is a French city? Cantonese food French language culture and traditions good bread A B C D,5If you want to enjoy Cantonese food,which city will you prefer? AToronto. BMontreal. CVancouver. DCalgary. 答案:15.BADDA,.Read the text(P38)carefully and fill in the blanks. Toronto: Went up the tall 1._. Saw the great Niagara Falls. Saw the covered 2._. Had dinner in 3._ Chinatown.,Montreal: Went downtown and spent the afternoon in 4._ and workplaces. Sat in a buffet restaurant. Looked over the broad 5._. 答案:1.CN Tower 2.stadium 3.downtown 4.shops 5St Lawrence River,1The next morning the bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red,gold and orange,and there was frost on the ground,confirming that fall had arrived in Canada. 第二天早上,在她们的车窗外到处是灌木丛和枫树,挂满朱红、赤金和橘黄色的叶子,地面上覆盖了一片薄霜,表明秋天已经来到加拿大。,重点难点探究,本句是一个并列句,现在分词短语“confirming that fall had arrived in Canada”在句中作结果状语。 品味经典 The expression on her face confirmed our fears. 她脸上的表情证实了我们的忧虑。,The new evidence has confirmed the witnesss story. 新证据证明了目击者的说法。 Could you confirm the dates we discussed? 你能批准我们讨论出的日期吗? 自我探究 confirm vt.证实,证明;批准。,归纳拓展 confirm sth. 证明,确认某事 confirm that从句 证实 It has been confirmed that. 已确定 Has everyone confirmed that they are coming? 是不是他们每个人都一定会来?,牛刀小试 翻译句子 (1)我们的结果证实你们是对的。 _ (2)已经确定我们下周将举行运动会。 _ 答案:(1)Our results confirmed that you are right. (2)Its been confirmed that well have a sports meeting next week.,2 In the distance,they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls,which is on the south side of the lake. 远处,她们可以看到在湖的南边尼亚加拉大瀑布上方升腾着的雾霭。 品味经典 They saw a few houses in the distance. 他们看到远处有几所房子。 The mountain in the distance appears greener than it was before. 远山看上去比以前更绿了。,自我探究 in the distance在远处。 归纳拓展 distance n.C,U距离;远方 at a distance 隔一段距离;距离稍远 at a distance of 在远的地方 keep a safe distance 保持安全距离,distant adj. 遥远的;远亲的;冷漠的),The picture looks better at a distance. 这幅画远点看更佳。 The pyramids are visible at a distance of several kilometers. 一座座的金字塔在数公里远的地方就可以看到。 He took a distant attitude towards me. 他对我很冷淡。,【助记】 in the distance与at a distance,牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)(2011年泰安检测改编)It is said that the mountain is more beautiful _ (在远方) 答案:in the distance,短语填空 (2)It is a very beautiful house,especially _. (3)You can see a tower _ 30 miles. (4)She watched the train until it was only a dot _. 答案:(2)from a distance (3)at/from a distance of (4)in the distance,3As they sat in a buffet restaurant looking over the broad St Lawrence River,a young man sat down with them. 当她们坐在一家自助餐厅里眺望广阔的圣劳伦斯河时,一个年轻人坐到了她们的身边。 品味经典 The river grows broader as it nears the sea. 那条河越接近大海时越宽。,He has a broad knowledge of history. 他具有广博的历史知识。 There is broad support for the Governments policies. 政府的政策得到了广泛的拥护。 自我探究 broad adj.宽的;宽阔的;广泛的。,归纳拓展 broaden vt.(使某物)加宽;变宽 broadly adv.大体上说来,总体上来讲 broadminded adj. 心胸开阔的;度量大的 You should broaden your experience by traveling more. 你应该多到各地走走以增长见识。,易混辨析 broad,wide (1)两词都是“宽的”含义,常可互换。 (2)但两词还是各有侧重: broad着重指幅面的宽广;此外还修饰背、肩、胸等“宽阔”。 wide着重指从一边到另一边的距离;此外还修饰口、眼睛的“大”。,wide还可以作副词,意为“广阔地,广大地”,副词 widely意为“广泛地”,是抽象的“广”。 broad的动词为broaden,wide的动词为widen,两者没有大的区别。 The river is 300 feet wide/ broad.这条河有300英尺宽。,【助记】 The man with broad shoulder stared at the boy with wide eyes. 那位宽肩膀的人睁大眼睛看着那个男孩。,牛刀小试 用broad和wide填空 (1)You can see some sheep on the _ grassland. (2)The door is three feet _. (3)He is a tall man with _ shoulders. (4)We should have a _ heart in the face of life.,(5)The doctor asked him to open his mouth _. 答案:(1)broad (2)wide (3)broad (4)broad (5)wide,4That night as the train was speeding along the St Lawrence River toward the Gulf of St Lawrence and down to the distant east coast,the cousins dreamed of French restaurants and red maple leaves. 那天晚上,火车沿着圣劳伦斯河疾驰,朝圣劳伦斯湾驶去,一直开到远方的东海岸,表姐妹两个做梦都在想着法国的餐馆和红色的枫叶。,品味经典 She dreams of running her own business. 她梦想着自己开业做生意。 It was the kind of trip most of us only dream about. 这是我们大多数人只能梦想的旅行。 自我探究 dream of/about梦想;想。,归纳拓展 dream a good dream 做一个好梦 dream up 虚构出,凭空想象 beyond your wildest dreams 做梦也想不到,牛刀小试 完成句子 我从来没想到我会有这么好的机会。 I _ such a good chance for me. 答案:have never dreamed of there being,5terrified adj.恐惧的 品味经典 The child was terrified of being left alone in the house. 那孩子因一个人留在家里而害怕。 They were terrified by/at his sudden appearance. 他的突然出现把他们吓坏了。,自我探究 terrified adj. 恐惧的;受惊吓的。 归纳拓展 (1)terrify vt.使恐怖;恐吓 terrify sb.into doing sth.吓得某人做某事 (2)be terrified at/with. 被吓一跳 be terrified of 害怕 terrifying adj. 可怕的;令人恐怖的 terrible adj. 可怕的,恐怖的,极坏的,terribly adv. 极端地,非常地 terror n. 恐惧、恐怖 The thunderstorm terrified the child. 雷雨把那个小孩吓坏了。 That must have been a terrifying experience for you. 对你来说那一定是一次非常可怕的经历。,牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)他们恐吓她,使她交出了保险柜的钥匙。 They _ handing over the key to the safe. (2)他很害怕死于枪战。 He _ being killed in a gun fight.,(3)那样的事令人感到恐怖。 That sort of thing _ people. 答案:(1)terrified her into (2)was terrified of (3)terrifies (4)(2011年上海交大附中检测改编)这是一个令人恐惧的经历,过后每个人都很吃惊。 It was a really _ experience.Afterwards everybody was very _. 答案:terrifying;shocked,6pleased adj.高兴的,满意的,愉快的 品味经典 The boss should be pleased with you. 上司应该对你满意了。 Im really pleased that youre feeling better. 你觉得好些了,我真高兴。 Im pleased to hear youve been promoted. 听说你高升了,我很高兴。,归纳拓展 (1)be pleased with sb./sth. 对某人/某事满意 be pleased that 对高兴 be pleased to do sth.高兴做某事 (2)pleasing adj. 使人愉快的,惬意的 pleasant adj. 令人愉快的,惬意的,舒适的 pleasure n. 高兴,愉快,for pleasure 娱乐 Its a great pleasure for sb.to do sth. 某人干某事很高兴 Its a/my pleasure./My pleasure. 不客气,不用谢。 with pleasure 非常愿意地,Thanks for doing that. 这事劳您大驾了。 Ita/my pleasure. 不客气。 Will you come? 你愿意来吗? With pleasure. 非常愿意。,牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)请把窗户关上好吗?我很乐意。 Could you be so kind as to close the window? _(我很乐意) 答案:With pleasure,(2)Im very _(很满意) my own cooking.It looks nice and smells delicious. Mm,it _ (气味的确好) 答案:pleased with;does have a pleasant smell (3)男孩对那个令人高兴的消息感到高兴。 The boy _ the _ news. 答案:was pleased with;pleasing,7impress vt. 使(某人)印象深刻;使(某人)铭记;压印 品味经典 The book impressed a lot of people. 那本书给很多人留下了深刻的印象。 She impressed me as a woman of great kindness. 在我印象中,她是一位非常仁慈的女性。,归纳拓展 impress.on. 把印在上 impress sth.on sb.impress sb.with sth.使(某人)铭记 be impressed by/at/with. 留下印象 be impressed on ones mind/memory 被印在脑海里 impression n. 印象;感想 have/leave/make a/an.impression on sb. 给某人留下的印象,The words “Made in China” was impressed on a metal plate. “中国制造”的字样压印在一块金属板上。 Father impressed on me the value of hard work./Father impressed me with the value of hard work. 父亲向我强调努力工作的重要意义。,Were impressed with the standard of the childrens works. 这些儿童的作品水平之高,给我们留下了深刻印象。 His words are strongly impressed on my memory. 他的话铭刻在我的记忆里。 The book left/made a deep impression on him. 这本书留给他深刻的印象。,牛刀小试 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)_(给我们印象最深的)about the book is its vivid language. (2)Father _(向我强调)the value of hard work. (3)Im sorry,I _(原以为)that you were the manager.,答案:(1)What impressed us most (2)impressed on me (3)was under the impression,用正确的介词完成句子 (4)I was deeply impressed _ his speech. (5)The book made a deep impression _ me. (6)Whats your first impression _ Beijing? (7)He impressed _ us the need for immediate action. 答案:(4)with/by (5)on (6)of (7)on,8Its too bad you cant go as_far_as Ottawa,Canadas capital. 很可惜你们不能一直走到加拿大的首都渥太华。 品味经典 The flood had come up as far as the house. 洪水一直涌到那幢房子处。,As far as I know,the whole thing should cost about 500 pounds. 据我所知的情况来判断,整件事应该要花大约500英镑。 自我探究 as far as远至;就而言。,归纳拓展 as far as the eye can/could see/reach 就视力所能及 as far as I can see/remember 就我所见/能记得 as far as I am concerned 就我而言 As far as I can see,youve done nothing wrong. 依我看,你没有做错任何事。 As far as I am concerned,you can do what you like. 就我而言,你可以做任何想做的事。,易混辨析 He has experience as well as knowledge. 他既有知识又有经验。 The matter is as good as settled. 这事几乎可以说解决了。,牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)(2010年高考上海卷改编)In ancient times,people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only traveled _(远至当地市场的地方) 答案:as far as the local market,(2)(2010年高考江西卷改编)Our holiday cost a lot of money. Did it? Well,that doesnt matter _(只要你们玩得开心) 答案:as long as you enjoyed yourselves,译文助读 “THE TRUE NORTH” FROM TORONTO TO MONTREAL The next morning the bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red,gold and orange,and there was frost on the ground,confirming that fall had arrived in Canada. Around noon they arrived in Toronto,the biggest and most wealthy city in Canada.,They were not leaving for Montreal until later,so they went on a tour of the city. They went up the tall CN Tower and looked across the lake.In the distance,they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls,which is on the south side of the lake.The water flows into the Niagara River and over the falls on its way to the sea.,They saw the covered stadium,home of several famous basketball teams.As they walked north from the harbour area,Li Daiyu said, “Lin Fei, one of my mothers old schoolmates,lives here.I should phone her from a telephone booth.”They met Lin Fei around dusk in downtown Chinatown,one of the three in Toronto.,Over dinner at a restaurant called The Pink Pearl,the cousins chatted with Lin Fei,who had moved to Canada many years earlier.“We can get good Cantonese food here,” Lin Fei told them,“because most of the Chinese people here come from South China,especially Hong Kong.Its too bad you cant go as far as Ottawa,Canadas capital.Its approximately four hundred kilometres northeast of Toronto,so it would take too long.”,The train left late that night and arrived in Montreal at dawn the next morning.At the station,people everywhere were speaking French.There were signs and ads in French,but some of them had English words in smaller letters.“We dont leave until this evening,” said Liu Qian.“Lets go downtown.Old Montreal is close to the water.”,They spent the afternoon in lovely shops and visiting artists in their workplaces beside the water.As they sat in a buffet restaurant looking over the broad St Lawrence River,a young man sat down with them.“Hello,my name is Henri.Im a student at the university nearby,”he said,“and I was wondering where you are from.”The girls told him they were on a train trip across Canada and that they had only one day in Montreal.,“Thats too bad,” he said.“Montreal is a city with wonderful restaurants and clubs.Most of us speak both English and French,but the city has French culture and traditions.We love good coffee,good bread and good music.”That night as the train was speeding along the St Lawrence River toward the Gulf of St Lawrence and down to the distant east coast,the cousins dreamed of French restaurants and red maple leaves.,多伦多蒙特利尔的 “真北方”列车 第二天早上,在她们的车窗外到处是灌木丛和枫树,挂满朱红、赤金和橘黄色的叶子,地面上覆盖了一层薄霜,表明秋天已经来到了加拿大。中午时分,她们来到多伦多加拿大最大、最富有的城市。她们要晚些时候才动身去蒙特利尔,因此就在多伦多市内游览了一番。,她们登上了高高的加拿大国家电视塔,俯瞰着下面的湖水。远处,她们可以看到湖的南边尼亚加拉大瀑布上方升腾着的雾霭。湖水流入尼亚加拉河,再经过大瀑布,流向大海。她们看到了加顶的大型运动场,那是几支著名的篮球队的驻地。当她们从港口区向北走的时候,李黛予说:“我妈妈的老同学林菲住在这里,我该到电话亭去给她打个电话。”,大约黄昏时分,她们在市区的唐人街见到了林菲,这是多伦多三个唐人街中的一个。在一个名叫“粉珠酒楼”的餐馆里用餐时,表姐妹和许多年前就移居加拿大的林菲闲聊了起来。林菲告诉她们:“我们在这里可以吃到很好的广东菜,因为这里的大多数中国人来自中国南方,尤其是香港。很可惜你们不能一直走到加拿大的首都渥太华。它在多伦多东北方约400公里,要去那儿花时间就太多了。”,火车在那夜晚些时候起程了,第二天黎明到达了蒙特利尔。火车站里,人们到处说的是法语。指示牌和广告也都是法文的,但有些标注了小字体的英文。刘倩说:“我们要到傍晚才动身,不如到市区去走走。蒙特利尔老区是在水边上的。”整个下午她们穿梭于布局可爱的商店,还拜访了水边工作坊里的艺术家。当她们坐在一家自助餐厅里眺望广阔的圣劳伦斯河时,一个年轻人坐在了她们的身边。,“你们好,我叫亨利,是附近大学里的学生。请问你们从哪儿来?”姑娘们告诉他,她们是坐火车来旅游的,要横穿加拿大,在蒙特利尔只待一天。他说:“这太糟糕了,蒙特利尔这个城市有极好的餐馆和俱乐部。我们大多数人既说英语也说法语,但是这座城市具有法国文化和传统。我们喜欢美味的咖啡和面包,还有好听的音乐。” 那天晚上,火车沿着圣劳伦斯河疾驰,朝圣劳伦斯湾驶去,一直开到远方的东海岸,姐妹两个做梦都在想着法国餐馆和红色枫叶。,速效提能演练,本部分内容讲解结束,点此进入课件目录,按ESC键退出全屏播放,谢谢使用,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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