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礼仪/辩论赛 英语辩论赛常用语汇编 以下是英语辩论时的一些常用语,同学们在准备辩论时要注意选择使用恰当的语言,希望对你有帮助!更能增加辩论时的效果哦! Ms Feng1.请求对方解释时Why do you think about that?Could you elaborate?Could you give (me) an example?Can you illustrate that?What evidence do you have?Could you explain it in more detail?Could you provide some details?Why do you think about that?Could you elaborate?Could you give (me) an example?Can you illustrate that?What evidence do you have?Could you explain it in more detail?Could you provide some details?2 表达自己看法时I think that . . .I dont think that . . .In my opinion . . .3.对自己的看法做出解释时Let me illustrate,For example,For instance,To give you an example,Let me give you an example,To elaborate,First, (second), etc.(These phrases can be followed by details, examples, elaboration, or a summary of your main points.)On the other hand,However,Yes, but . . .You may be right, but . . .I may be wrong, but . . .Correct me if Im wrong, but . . .4.开始一个对话时To begin with,We need to discuss . . .determinefind outLets start by (V ing)Well start by (V ing)The problem here is . . (.issue question)The important thing (here) is . . .The main thing we need to discuss is . . .Lets look at . . .It looks like . . .It appears that . . .5.询问对方意见时What do you think?How about you?How do you feel about that?Any ideas on that?6.做出回应时That sounds like a) good idea.Sounds good.The problem with that is . . .That raises the issue of . . .(brings up7.解释自己的观点时In other words,What I mean is . . .What Im trying to say is . . .What I wanted to say was . . .To clarify,8. 请求对方解释时What do you mean (by that)?What are you trying to say?What was that again?Could you clarify that?9.解释对方的观点时You mean . . .What you mean is . . .What youre saying is . . .(I think) what she means is . . .What hes trying to say is . . .If I understand you, (youre saying that . . . )If Im hearing you correctly,So, you think (that) . . .So, your idea is . . .10.查询对方是否明白自己的观点时Do you) know what I mean?Do you know what Im saying?Do you understand?Are you following me?Are you with me (so far)?Have you got it?Any questions?Got it?11.表示理解对方时I see.I understand.I get it./I got it.Gotcha. (Informal)12.表示不理解对方时I dont get it.(Im sorry.) I dont understand.What do you mean?Im not following you.I dont quite follow you.Im not sure I get what you mean.What was that again?13.关注问题的中心时What is the main problem?What is the real issue (here)?(I think) the major problem is . . .Our primary concern is . . .The crux of the matter is . . .(As I see it), the most important thing is . . .The main problem we need to solve is . . .We really need to take care of . . .It all comes down to this:14.寻求对方意见时What should we do about it?What needs to be done?What do you think we should do?What are we going to do about it?Do you have any suggestions?Any ideas?15.探究别的选择时Lets look at Option 1.What (do you think) about Plan B?How about the third alternative?Lets consider Bobs proposal.16.继续话题时Lets move on to Option 2.What about Plan C?Lets look at the fourth choice.How about Marys idea?Should we move on to the next point?Before we move on, we need to consider . . .


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