吉林省长岭县第四中学高三英语人教版《Unit 3 life in the future》课件(必修五)

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吉林省长岭县第四中学高三英语人教版《Unit 3 life in the future》课件(必修五)_第1页
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吉林省长岭县第四中学高三英语人教版《Unit 3 life in the future》课件(必修五)_第2页
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吉林省长岭县第四中学高三英语人教版《Unit 3 life in the future》课件(必修五)_第3页
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Reading: First Impressions,a. We were transported into the future by a comfortable time capsule. b. I arrived at Wang Pings home and everything in his house made me surprised. c. I won a travel to the year AD 3008. d. I have my first try to master a hovering carriage.,c-a-d-b,Read the text quickly, then put the following sentences into the correct order:,Go through the first two paragraphs quickly, then answer the following questions:,1. Why did I have the chance to travel to the year AD 3008? 2. What is a “time lag”? 3. How did I feel when I was in the capsule ?,4. Who guides my trip? 5. Why did my guide give me some tablets? 6. Who transported us to the future?,1. Why did I have the chance to travel to the year AD 3008? I took up the prize I won the year before. 2. What is a “time lag”? “Time lag means a person gets flashbacks from his previous(先前的) time period.,3. How did I feel when I was in the capsule ? The seats in the capsule are very comfortable. 4. Who guides my trip? My friend Wang Ping is my guide to the future.,5. Why did my guide give me some tablets? The tablets could help me feel less nervous and uncertain. 6. Who transported us to the future? Wang Pings parents company transported us to the future.,1. How did people travel in the year AD 3008? 2. Who drove the carriages? 3. How can people control the carriage?,Transportation,By a hovering carriage.,Computers.,By bending and pressing down on the driving stick strongly.,time capsule,seats in the capsule,comfortable,Read the text carefully and then fill in the blanks about the details of Li Qiangs future tour.,In _: The seats were _ and we slept after a calming drink. The capsule began sideways as we lay relaxed and dreaming.,comfortable,the time capsule,swinging gently,Please go through the third paragraph, then try to answer the following questions.,1. How did I feel as soon as I was transported to the future? I was hit by the lack of fresh air. 2. How did Wang Ping solve this problem? Wang Ping gave a mask to me and hurried me through to a small room nearby to have a rest.,Environment,3. What do you think has caused this kind of problem? Now we are causing more and more pollution to the nature, this will cause serious problems to the life in the future. This may be the cause of the lack of fresh air in the future.,new surroundings,lack of fresh air/the air is thin,people fly by in all directions,a hovering carriage,You can drive it swiftly by bending and pressing down on the driving stick strongly.,In the hovering carriage: It is driven by computer. By bending and _down in our seat, you can move swiftly. I lost sight of Qang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by _ .,in all directions,pressing,1. What did Wang Pings house look like? 2. What was the green wall made of? Whats the purpose of building this kind of green wall?,Daily life,Read fourth paragraph quickly, then answer the following questions:,1. What did Wang Pings house look like? His house is a large bright, clean room. It had a green wall, a brown floor and soft lighting.,2. What was the green wall made of ? Whats the purpose of building this kind of green wall? The green wall was made of trees. The leaves of the trees will provide much-needed oxygen to the house.,At home: It is a large bright clean room. It had a _ wall, a brown floor and soft lighting. The wall moved it was made of _! Their leaves provided the room with much-needed _. A table and some chairs rose from _ as if by magic. when Wang Ping _ a switch on a computer screen.,flashed,green,trees,oxygen,under the floor,Read the text carefully and choose the best answers. 1. According to the passage, why did Li Qiang take this future tour? A. Because he was curious about the year AD 3008. B. Because he won a prize last year which offered this trip. C. Because his parents were good friends with Li Mengxi. D. Because his parents offered him a lot of money.,2. What is the purpose of having the green tablets? A. To forget ones past experience. B. To help one fly to the future. C. To help one calm down. D. To provide one with much oxygen.,Listen to the tape of the passage carefully while reading the passage, please find out the main idea of the passage.,1.What s the main idea of the passage?,Its mainly about Li Qiangs future journey.,2.Now try to find out what happened to Li Qiang before, during and after the journey.,Now try to find out what happened to Li Qiang before, during and after the journey.,nervous,unsettled,time lag,time capsule,Confused,lack,ached,showed,green,brown,soft,Exhausted,fell,asleep,Whats the writers attitude towards the future, optimistic or pessimistic? How do you know?,Discussion 2,optimistic,pessimistic,We know that from the following sentences:,1. Worried about the journey, I was unsettle for the first few days. 2. At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate. 3. Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.,Pessimistic,Summary,Write down the main idea for each paragraph in your own words. Then add the important details.,Details: my prize, my excitement,Details: how I felt, the spaceship, the journey,Details: little oxygen, masks to provide oxygen, hovering carriage, how to drive them, a “time lag” moment,Details: appearance of house, trees as walls, where furniture stored, ate meal, prepared for sleep,Find out the Chinese meaning of the expressions,take up my prize rub my eyes to remind myself that be unsettled as a result, be similar to felt nervous and uncertain be understanding transport sb. into the future be comfortable,new surroundings be hit by the lack of fresh air as though hurry me though to a room in no time in all directions just at that moment catch sight of,Find out the Chinese meaning of the expressions,soft lighting much-needed flash a switch spread some food on the table,Find out the Chinese meaning of the expressions,Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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