Unit 1《Advertising》Project课件3(30张PPT)(牛津译林版必修4)

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Unit 1《Advertising》Project课件3(30张PPT)(牛津译林版必修4)_第1页
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Unit 1《Advertising》Project课件3(30张PPT)(牛津译林版必修4)_第2页
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Unit 1《Advertising》Project课件3(30张PPT)(牛津译林版必修4)_第3页
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Unit 1 Project Developing an ad campaign,Step One: Comprehension,1 What is an ad campaign? 2 What media can you use in an ad campaign? 3 What questions should we first consider?,Step One: Comprehension,1 What is an ad campaign?,An ad campaign is an organized programme of advertisements using various kinds of ads to reach a particular audience.,2 What media can you use in an ad campaign?,We can use different kinds of media, including newspapers, magazines, televisions, billboards, mailing, etc.,3 What questions should we first consider?,1 Who is the audience for your ad campaign? 2 What do you want your ad campaign to say? 3 How do you reach your audience?,ampaign,oal,arget,esearch,reate,essage,nformation,ppeal,eact,edia,cross,pproach,each,Detailed information:,Main idea of each paragraph,Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4,the definition of an ad campaign/what an ad campaign means,the target audience and how to determine the target audience,what the ad campaign says,how to reach the target audience,Step Two: Language Focuses,1 reach a particular audience.(line 2) Reach here means achieve. We can never reach perfection. You will know better when you reach my age. After a long discussion, we _ _ _ on what steps we should take in the next three months.(达成理解),reached,an,understanding,2 In order to determine(line 11) determine:decide firmly/find out We havent determined when to leave. Can you determine the meaning of the word? determine on/upon:resolve We determined on an early start. determine to do sth. He determined to learn French.,determined: adj.be to do sth. Im determined to succeed.,We _ _ _ adopt his suggestion. (决定),are,determined,to,3 appeal to the way(line 19) appeal to: V.(a) be attractive/interesting Eg. Do these paintings appeal to you? (b) make an earnest request 恳求/呼吁 Eg. The police appealed to the crowd not to panic. N. an appeal for help/ food The new fashion soon lost its appeal. The idea of working abroad never _ _ me.(吸引),appeals,to,4 be concerned with(line 23) be concerned with: be about Her latest article is concerned with Taiwan Issues. Mr Zhang is much concerned with the disabled. concern:V. affect The loss is serious for all concerned.,N. Its no concern of mine. What are your main concerns as a writer? as far as sb/sth. concerned: 就某人/事而言 We _ _ _ _ his safety. ( 都关心) -,are,all,concerned,with,5 what approach you want to (line 28) approach N. ways We can try a new approach to language teaching. N. coming near to At her approach the children ran off.,approach V. come near, get close to As you approach the town the first building you see is the church. I find him difficult to approach. Identify different meanings of approach.,a With the approach of night, it became colder and colder. b The approach to the city was blocked. c The time is approaching when they will leave for London. d Did he approach you about helping him with his homework?,=with the night falling down夜幕降临,=way to去城里的路,=coming near时间快到了,= go to找你,One t_ ad says Bright-Teeth fights bad breath! 2. Parents try to c_ their children of bad habits. 3. The discovery is hardly c_ by the press. 4. Where does the cooker c_ with the gas-pipe? 5. PSAs sometimes use attractive and o_ images and creative language to play tricks on people.,toothpaste,cure,commented,connect,original,6. They advertise for the c_ in the advertising department. 7. China has begun a n_ public service advertising campaign. 8. There are many ads dealing with large s_ issues. 9. The s_ for Project Hope is Project Hope-s_every child. 10. One of these PSAs is Smoking is c_ s_ slowly.,creatives,nationwide,social,slogan,schooling,committing,suicide,1. The money spent on e_ a black child was just one fourth of that spent on a white child. 2. Scientists have _(成功) in sending the sixth satellite into space. 3. We are all c_ for her safety. 4. Both secretaries and typists express their _(满意) with the product mad by Founder Computer Group Corporation. 5. Silvia c_ to work after she had had her baby.,educating,succeeded,concerned,satisfaction,continued,6. I cant i_ what Beijing is going to look like in a few years time. 7. I have _(决心) to catch up with the others in 3 months. 8. Today police began a _(活动) to reduce road accident. 9. The victims families have _ (上诉) to the Supreme Court to have a definitive answer. 10. Im surprised you f_ for that trick.,imagine,determined,campaign,appealed,fell,A_ are a good way to sell products or services. 2. They are also a good way to make people a_of the needs of others and the dangers around them. 3. Which advertisements make you think about problems in s_ or about people who need help? 4. Advertisements tell the c_truth. 5. Advertisements have some information to s_ with us.,Advertisements,aware,society,complete,share,6. Advertisements use p_language and exciting i_to encourage people to buy a product or service. 7. C_ advertisements are one of the two types appearing on all places. 8. Advertisements are paid to p_ products or service. 9. PSAs are intended to e_ people about health, safety, or any other issue which affects public welfare. 10. China has laws to protect people from ads that lie or try to make people believe untrue c_ about products or services.,persuasive,image,Commercial,promote,educate,claims,We _ them that we often do not even realize how frequently we come across ads in a day. 2. After I _ on advertisements, I have some very important information to _ you. 3. Ads uses persuasive language and exciting images to _ a product or service. 4. Commercial ads are charged while PSAs are _. 5. PSAs _educate people about health, safety, or any other social issue.,are so used to,do some research,share with,encourage people to,for free,are intended to,6. However, we must _ the methods used in advertisements to try and sell us things. 7. As you remember the words freshest food, you of course _ the food in the supermarket. 8. Not all ads _us though. 9. Thank you for offering me such useful advice and I_ it. 10. Many advertiser try to _ buying a product or a service.,be aware of,connect them to,play tricks on,am quite satisfied with,trick customers into,Step Three: Developing an ad campaign,*Planning Work in small groups. (2) Decide the subject of your ad campaign from the listed. (3) If you have your own idea,please get your teachers approval. Animal protection Anti-smoking Anti-drugs Anti-littering The subject of your ad campaign will be_.,*Preparing Discussion : who/what/how (2) Team work:,*Producing What should each member do? researcher-find inf. from various sources logo/slogan designer- made it attractive proposal writer- write a brief outline and plan some questions the whole team-work as a whole and everyone should contribute to the project,*Presenting Make your presentation clearly. Answer questions concerning your ad campaign. (3) Post your logo and slogan.,Lets enjoy it!,Homework,1 Finish Ex. B2on Page 91. 2 Preview the listening material on Page 96.,Thanks!,Bye-bye!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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