Module 4《Music》introduction,reading and vocabulary课件6(23张PPT)(外研版选修6)

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Module 4《Music》introduction,reading and vocabulary课件6(23张PPT)(外研版选修6)_第1页
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Module 4《Music》introduction,reading and vocabulary课件6(23张PPT)(外研版选修6)_第3页
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Module 4Music,The first period New words 1 relative n. 亲戚,亲属 adv._( 相对的,相关的) 相对论_ 亲属 _关系,关联_ 2 interpret v. 诠释,解释 _(n.) _(口译者,传译员) 3 be true of/for 与。情况相同 The music is dull and uninspiring, and the same is true of the acting. 翻译:_ 这里吃的东西很好,服务也不错 翻译: 这件事情适用于每个人._,relatively,relativity,relation,relationship,interpretation,interpreter,音乐沉闷枯燥,毫不动人,表现也是如此,The food here is good and the same is true of the service,It is true of everybody,拓展: True for = true of 符合于。 适用于。 true to sb.sth.忠诚的,精确的,逼真的 She has always been true to herself. 翻译_ 他信守诺言._- 4 characteristic n特征,特性,特质 One may have a character, but may have many characteristics, all of which constitute ones character. 翻译: 5 poetry n.诗歌 _n.诗 _ n. 诗人,他一贯坚持按照自己的信念办事,He was true to his word,一个人可能只有一种“性格”,但可能有多种“特征” 所有的这些“特征”便构成了一个人总的“品质”,poem,poet,bine. Combine with_ combine against _ 这两个组织联合起来反对政府 理论应与实际相结合 _ 7.ambition 志气,抱负 n. _ adj. 8. regarding prep. 关于 She has said nothing regarding your request. _ 拓展:Regardless adv.不管,不顾 天气非常恶劣,但我们并不理会照常进行 _,把。和。结合,联合起来反对,Theory should be combined with practice,ambitious,关于你的要求,她什么也没说,The weather was terrible but we carried on regardless,The two organizations combined against the Government,9 短语: 举办音乐会_ 赋予生命_ 与情况相同_ 与分享感受与想法_ 与进行来往_ 音乐大师_ 创作乐曲_,give concerts,give life to,the true of/ for be the same with,share feeling and ideas with,make contact with,music musician,compose music,The second period Reading and vocabulary Language Points: A Liu Fang is an international music star, famous for her work with traditional Chinese instruments .翻译: 2.In 1996,I moved to Canada with my husband and I have been living there since then There are many different pipa schools, and each one has its special way of interpreting the classical pieces.,刘芳是一位著名的音乐明星,以弹奏中国 传统乐器而闻名,96年我和丈夫移居加拿大,自此一直在那生活,琵琶流派很多,每个流派都有自己独特的诠释古典作品 的方式,4. The biggest challenge is to respect the traditions but to add my own style. The same is true of my second instrument. (1) be true of 符合,对适用=be true for- e.g.:对于其他各例而言,也是如此。 The same is true of other cases 5.tune 曲子,曲调 In tune with_ out of tune with _,最大的挑战是尊重传统并融入自己的风格 我的第二种乐器也是如此,与。协调,与。不协调,这适用于每个案例,6. Classical Chinese music is closely connected to Chinese poetry, so it isnt surprising that most classical pieces have poetic title. be closely connected to_ 我们现在所做的与我们的未来密切相关。 _ .7 In Chinese art, there are some empty spaces, which are very important. They give life to the whole painting and they allow people to come into the picture, like a dialogue.,中国古典音乐与中国诗歌关系很密切,因此很多古典音乐 作品都有着很诗意的标题就一点也不奇怪了。,与。紧密联系,What we are doing now is closely connected to our future.,在中国的国画中,留些空白,这些空白非常重要,它们给 整幅作品带来生机,也使得观众融入图画,就像与图画进行 对话。,8 Its the same with classical Chinese music. _ 9. I have had opportunities to make contact with other musical traditions and play with master musicians. have opportunities to_ 我们都拥有享受生命的权利和机会。 _ make contact with _ 其他与contact有关的短语 get in contact with _ keep in contact with _ lose contact with _,中国古典音乐也是一样,我就有机会接触到其他的音乐传统并和一些 音乐大师同台演出。,有机会做。,与。取得联系,与。接触,与。取得联系,与。保持联系,与。失去联系,We have opportunities to enjoy our lives and chances,10. I wish to continue working with master musicians from other traditions and to be able to compose my own music, using elements from different cultures. 翻译:,我希望我能继续和他们合作,并吸取 不同的文化要素,创作自己的音乐。,The third period vocabulary and reading language points 1 I push my way through the crowd and find a quartet of musicians playing a violin suite of classical music 试着从人群中挤过去 _ make ones way_ feel ones way_,我挤进人群,发现了一个四人乐队正在演奏古典 音乐小提琴组曲,Push ones way through,非常困难的前进,摸索着前进,2 a music man takes a place made vacant by an earlier musicians. _ made vacant=_ 在句中做_ vacant 空的,空缺的 It was a vacant film for vacant minds _ 3 The street musician is keeping alive a culture which has almost disappeared in our busy, organized, and regulated lives. Local people have tried many ways to keep their traditions alive. 翻译:,一位音乐人占据了早先另一位音乐家空出的地方,变得空白,后置定语,这是一部给没有头脑的人看的无聊影片,街头音乐家保持了一种文化的生机,而这种文化在我们 紧张忙碌,组织有序,一成不变的生活中几近消失。,当地人已经尝试很多方法来保持他们的传统富有生机,To live is not just to be alive, but to be alive is to live. _ 3 But street music gives life to everyone who listens and offers relief from the cares of the day. Those words have given life to this article. _ give ones life to_ all ones life_ bringto life_ full of life_ live a life_ relief 解除,减轻 on relief _ relief from sth._,一个人不是活才生,而是为了生才活。,街头音乐赋予了每位倾听者以生命,让人们减轻生活 的烦恼。,这些文字赋予了文章以生命,为做。而献出生命,终身,一生,使复活,充满活力,充满生机,过着。生活,接受救济,缓解。,4. it lifts the spirits of the passengers, who hurry past on their way to work. Lift the spirits_ give sb a lift _ On the/ones way to _ 5. relay. 转播,接力 by relay_ in /by relays_ 4 It only exists in the present, it has meaning in the context. It needs space. Exist n. 存在着,存活着 _,它提起了那些匆忙地赶去上班的过路人的精神,提起精神,让某人搭顺风车,在去。的路上,转播,轮流的,交替,它只存在于当下,也只有在情境中才具意义。它需要空间。,In existence,The fourth period Reading and practice Language points 1 One dozen beautiful young women, all in their twenties, take the stage and stand before a variety of ancient musical instruments. 查字典寻找dozen用法: In ones twenties_ a variety of_ 2 The moment they start to play, it is clear the members of twelve Girls Band are among the most gifted musicians in the world.,12位美丽的年轻女子,都是20多岁,她们登上舞台站 在各式各样的古典乐器前。,在某人20多岁的时候,各种各样的,他们一开始演奏就立刻证明了这个由12名女子组成的 乐队成员都是世界上最具天分的音乐家,A dozen of/ dozens of,the moment的用法: 他一见到她,就想起了以前在乡下的那些日子 _ gifted adj._ have/has a gift for_ He has a gift for music. _ 3 Drawing upon more than 1500 years of Chines music, Twelve Girls Band mixes this rich tradition with classical, folk and contemporary sounds. Writers often draw upon/on their imagination and experiences for the plot. _ Mix sth. with sth. sth. be mixed with Rain is falling, _with snow.,The moment he saw her, he thought of the days in the country,有天分的,具备。天赋,他很有音乐天赋,吸取中国1500多年的音乐文化,“女子十二乐坊” 将这浓厚的传统 与古典,民族与现代声乐巧妙融合,作家经常依赖他们的想象和经历来设置情节,mixed,4.signify v. 表示,表明,有意义 n.意义,含义_ adj. 意味深长的,重要的_ 4 Skilled multi-instrumentalists, they perform on traditional Chinese instruments. _ Skilled multi-instrumentalists, 在句中做_ 5 The group honors its musical heritage and shows a genuine love for all styles of music-from complex classical works to long-lasting pop tunes. Show a genuine love for 对-表现出真实的热爱。,significance,significant,她们是精通多种乐器的演奏家,原因状语,这支乐队尊崇自己的民族音乐遗产并且展现出对各种音乐 风格的真实热爱从复杂的古典作品到经久不衰的流行乐曲,The fifth period Cultural corner Language points 1 The Grammy Awards are presented every year in the music industry in the United States. _ present 授予,颁发 把某物赠给某人 present sb.with sth./ present sth to sb. The sword was presented by the family to the museum. Present adj. Did you see the present government leaders? _ Did you see the government leaders present? _ _,格莱美奖在美国音乐界每年都颁发,这家人把宝剑捐赠给了博物馆,你见到现政府的领导人了吗?,你见到到场的领导人了吗?,The girl present at the meeting was considering asking her father for the book that just had been presented to him as a birthday present. _ 2 -and are given for important achievements in recorded music._ 3 The award ceremony is usually held in Feburary. _ 4 There are 105 categories in the awards, and they cover 30 different types of music. _ Cover还有什么含义 5 In addition to the awards themselves, there are also Performances by famous artists at the ceremony. _ In addition to_ In addition _,出席, 赠与,礼物,被颁发以纪念音乐史上的重大成就,颁奖典礼通常是在二月份举行,该奖共分105种奖项,而且它们涵盖了30种不同类型的音乐,覆盖,包括,采访,除了大奖本身外,颁奖典礼上还有著名艺术家的表演,除了,另外, the shape of _ in the name of _ 7 However, some people think that the Grammys are not as important as they used to be. As they used to be 省略句,其中be 不可以省略, 若是其他动词则可以省略 翻译:中国不再是以前的样子了 _ 7 well-established artists _ 8 Therefore, the Grammys are not taken seriously, by some musicians of music fans. _ take-seriously_,以。的形状,以。的名义,China is not what she used to be,以建立名声的艺术家,因此,格莱美奖并不为某些音乐家或音乐迷看重,严肃考虑,Writing,为了丰富学生生活,你校学生会将举办一次主题为“English Music Week”的活动。请你以学生会的名义写一个书面通知(约100字)。有关内容如下: 时间:12月的最后一个星期 地点:届时通知 活动内容: 1.演唱英文歌曲; 2.器乐演奏:包括西方古典音乐和民间音乐 3.音乐知识竞赛:听英文歌曲片段,然后猜出处。 参加者请于12月20号之前报名,Dear students, The Students Union has decided to organize an English music week. It will be held in the last week of next month. The activities include sing English songs and playing the Western classical and folk music. Bring your own musical instruments, please. A music contest will be included, too. The students taking part in the contest will listen to part of an English song or a piece of Western music, and then guess where it comes from. If youd like to take part in the music week, please come and sign up for it before Dec. 20th. The place for the activities will be announced later. Come to the great fun! Students Union,Writing,Recently we did a survey of music. We not only found out when and why people listen to music, we also found out what their favorite music are, how long they have been listening to it and how they listen to music. According to the result of our survey, we have very similar music interests and habits. Most of our classmates like listening to music on their way to school and home.,In the evening or weekends, most of our classmates enjoy listening to music on TV, or on the MP3. Still some like listening to music while doing their homework. As for the reasons, there are some differences. About 70% of our classmates listen to music in order to get relax. You know we students have heavy study tasks and lots of homework to do. We dont have much fun except listening to music. Few students in our class listen to music in the morning to help them wake up. But I think thats a good idea to wake people up.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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