Module 1《Small Talk》课件5(38张PPT)(外研版选修6)

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Module 1《Small Talk》课件5(38张PPT)(外研版选修6)_第1页
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Module One,Reading,Module 1Small Talk,Read the passage and decide what kind of book it is from. Choose from this list.,skimming,an English teaching book A business course A book which tells you what to do at social events A book to help you prepare for a speaking examination,Answers to the questions above,Yes, they should prepare some topics to talk about. They are not impressive. Look at your watch; yawn ( sigh, look away, change the subject, finish other peoples sentences)? To show that your are listening. People like talking about themselves.,How to do small talk Dos and donts while listening Introduction to the body of the passage by asking questions The social rules,skimming,Part1 (pra.1-2) Part2 (pra. 3) Part3 (pra.4-7) Part4 (pra. 8),Try to find the main idea of each part:,1. informal adj.非正式的(反义词_) 1) 非正式谈话_ 2. serious adj.严肃的,认真的(副词_) 1)你这么说是开玩笑还是认真的? _ 2)认真对待._ 3. confidently adv. 自信地 4. lack v. 缺乏,缺少 1)He lacks courage to do it._ 2)lack sth.=_. 3)用做n。常于of搭配 lack of sth_ The plants died for lack of water._ Lack of fund forced the firm to closedown. _ 缺乏常识。_ 由于缺少经验,实验失败了。_,formal,an informal conversation,seriously,Are you joking or serious by saying so?,take sth seriously,be short of,缺乏某物,这些植物死于缺水。,缺乏资金使公司倒闭,Lack common sense,The experiment failed for lack of experience.,3. think of 想, 回忆起 e.g. I think hard but I think of nothing. think of 认为, 认定 think of sb. as 把某人看作 e.g. I think of him as a hardworking guy. think of 评价, 考虑 e.g. What do you think of it ? think highly/much of 高度评介很看重 think nothing/ little of 认为没什么,不重视 think about 思考. think over 反复思考, 熟虑 think out 想出,4. 环顾四周 照看照顾 回头看, 回顾 尊敬 鄙视 调查(案件) 小心,提防 浏览(书) 查阅(字典) 期待做某事 寻找,look around/about look after look back look up to look down on/upn look into the case look out for sth. look through books look up in the dictionary look forward to doing look for,4. In addition , = in addition to . It was a cold windy day. In addition , we lacked the money to buy the ticket. It was a cold windy day. In addition to that , we lacked the money to buy the ticket except besides= in addition, = in addition to except for = with the exception of.,你想交更多的朋友,但却缺少跟不认识的人交谈的自信吗?(P2) _ 5. advance adj.预先的,在前的 v. 推进,前进 n. 提前(词组_) advanced adj_ 1)我们应该提前制订计划。 _ 2) It helps if you do a little advance planning. _(P2) 6. nod v. 点头 他点头表示同意。_ 9. prize n. 奖品,奖金 他获得一等奖._ 10. application n. 申请 _ v.申请(词组_),Do you want to make more friends but lack the confidence to talk to people,in advance,高级的,先进 的,We should make plans in advance.,如果你预先做些准备,将会对你有帮助。,He nodded to agree.,He won the first prize.,apply,apply for,11. visa n. 签证 如果你要出国,你需要签证. 12. tidy v. 使整洁,整理 走之前一定记着整理房间. 13. favour n. 恩惠,照顾 词组:帮某人一个忙_ 喜欢,支持_ Could you do me the favor to return the books to the library? 16. certain pron. 某些,某个 1)由于某种原因,他不能来了. _,If you want to go abroad,you need a visa.,Do remember to tidy the room before you leave.,do sb a favor,do a favor for sb,in favor of,For some reason,he cant come.,7. Sure 肯定地, 毫无疑问地 make sure/ certain of ; 确保 be sure/certain to do sth. 一定会,17. reply n.回答,答复,回信(_) v.回答,答复(_) reply to a question=answer a question in reply to=in_ to=in_to作为对的答复 make a reply(to sb)_,in reply to,reply to sb/sth,answer,response,答复(某人),The second period,1.在社交场合:_ 2.在社交活动中:_ 3.impress v.给留下印象 1)be impressed with_ 2) make/leave a deep impression on sb _ 例:我对她的幽默感印象深刻。 她的幽默感给我留下了深刻印象。 4.prepare v.准备, 为做准备 1) Prepare sb. for sth._ prepare sb. to do sth._ be prepared for sth./to do sth._ 我们为未来做好了准备。_,at social occasions,at a social event,对印象深刻,给某人留下深刻印象,Im deeply impressed with her sense of humor.,Her sense of humor left a deep impression on me.,使某人为做准备,使某人准备做某事,为.做好了准 备,We are well prepared for the future.,1.Have you ever crossed the road to avoid talking to someone you recognize? 1)避免做._ 2. Do you want to make more friends but lack the confidence to talk to people you dont know? _ lack the confidence to do_ 3 And are you nervous about the idea of being at a social event in another country? _ be nervous about_ 他对这次考试很紧张,以至于觉都睡不好。_ 4. You neednt worry about situations like these if you have good social skills. _,avoid doing,你想交更多朋友,但缺乏与不认识的人交谈的自信吗?,缺乏自信做,对于在国外参加社交活动的想法,你会紧张吗?,对神经紧张,He is so nervous about this test that he cant sleep well.,如果你有好的社交技巧,你就不必为这样的情形担心.,5 It helps if you do a little advance planning. _ do an advance planning_ 6 Small talk is very important and prepares you for more serious conversations. _ 7.Be prepared! Have some low-risk conversation openers ready. .使.准备好_ 8. That way,you dont damage your confidence. 9.交流是个双向的过程-它涉及了说和听。 10.保持得体的目光接触_,提前做写准备,会对你有帮助的.,提前做计划,聊天是很重要的,它使你为更多的严肃谈话做准备.,有备无患!准备些低风险的开场白.,have/make/getready,那样的话,你不会破坏你的自信.,Communication is a two-way processit involves speaking and listening.,Keep good eye contact.,11.不要把目光从跟你说话的人身上移开. _ 12. You mustnt take flowers of a certain colour. 有位王先生在门口等你。 A certain Mr.Wang is waiting for you at the door. 由于某种原因,他出国了。 For some reason,he went abroad. a certain+n.(单数)=some+n.(单数) _ I read it in a certain magazine. _ Some boy is waiting for you at the gate. _,Dont look away from the person whos talking to you.,你不可以带某种颜色的花.,某个,我在某本杂志上读过.,某个男孩在门口等你.,The third period,1.she often put foot in it. 2. to be polite and not to embarrass people 3. because she didnt want to say her age. 4. she said she wasnt pregnant. 5.her advice was very insensitive as she told him that his wife was a fool and no one liked her. 6. she wanted to know how much it cost. 7. he thought th office would be quieter without him. 8. she thought he was ugly.,24. absence n. 缺乏,不存在 adj._(_) 1)The absence of air and water makes it impossible to live on the moon. 2)Im just taking his place in his absence._ 3)He is absent from school today._ 4)be absent from_ absent-minded_ 5)Ill be in charge of the company during his absence from ZiBo. 6)Ill be in charge of the company during his absence in Beijing._,absent,be absent from,缺席.,不在.,漫不经心的,他在北京期间,我将负责公司的工作.,26. coincidence n. 巧合 多巧的事啊!_ 28. mature adj. 成熟的,成年人的 29. awkward adj. 尴尬的,笨拙的 30. tease v. 戏弄,嘲弄 32. contradict v. 反驳,抵触,矛盾 不要和你父亲犟嘴. _ 33. pregnant adj. 怀孕 34. apology n. 道歉,致歉(动词_) 1)我为我所做的向你道歉。_ 2)为-向某人道歉 _ = make an apology to sb. for sth. 3)实在抱歉, 这么晚给您打电话。 _,What a coincidence,Dont contradict your father.,apologize,I apologize to you for what I have done .,Apologise to sb for sth,I apologize to you for phoning you so late.,35. cautious adj. 谨慎的,慎重的 1)对.很谨慎_ 2)留心,谨防_ 3)学生们在拼写时很谨慎,以免出错. _ 36. acquaintance n. 熟人 1)与某人有点头之交_ 2)结识某人_ I should be delighted to make his acquaintance. At the hotel, I made the acquaintance of a young American actor 37. messy adj. 棘手的,难办的 mess n.混乱,大杂烩(_) 1)P8.A man was going though a very messy divorce and was very depressed.She tried to cheer him up.,Be cautious about,Be cautious of.,The students are cautious of making mistakes in spelling.,Have a nodding acquaintance with sb.,Make the acquaintance of sb,In a mess,有位男士正经历一次棘手的离婚,非常沮丧。她尽力地让他高兴起来。,39. fool n. 傻瓜,笨蛋 v.愚弄,欺骗 make a fool of sb_. Dont be a fool!_ Dont be fooled by him._ 42. anyhow adv. 不管怎么说,无论如何 I will manage it anyhow (=anyway) 45. anniversary n. 周年纪念日 在周年纪念日_ 在结婚周年纪念日,他们举行了一个晚会. _ 47. interrupt v. 打断,愚弄某人,别傻了。,不要上他的当。,on the anniversaryof,They held a party on the anniversary of their wedding.,The fourth period,1.至少_, 最多_ 1 .Every time I open my mouth, I put my foot in it. _ 第一次见到他,我就爱上了他。_ 每一次迟到,他都要受到惩罚。_ 2 as a consequence, she made systematic mistakes every time she opened her mouth. _ as a consequence (of)= as a result (of) 由于生病,他缺席了会议。_ 他病了,因此,他没来出席会议。_,at least,at most,每次我一开口,就犯使人难堪的错误。,The first time I saw him,I fell in love with him.,Every time he was late,he would be punished.,结果,每次她一开口,就经常犯错误。,As a result of illness,he was absent from the meeting.,He was ill.As a result,he didnt attend the meeting.,3.On another occasion,she teased a typist,” whens your baby due?” 1)on another occasion_ 2)due_ The rent is due tomorrow._ The train is due to arrive at The delay is due to power failure._ 4 she was never cautious about other peoples feelings._ be cautious about_ 5 would rather+_或_ 我宁愿不说出实情。_ 我宁愿昨天没来。_ 父亲宁愿骑自车也不愿坐拥挤的公共汽车。,又一次,她取笑一位打字员,“你的孩子什么时候出生。”,在另一次,Adj 应到的,预期的,到期的,应支付的,租金明天该交了。,火车预计8点到.,延期是因为停电.,她从不关注别人的感受.,对谨慎,do,+that-从句(虚拟),I would rather not tell the truth.,He would rather he hadnt come.,My father would rather ride the bike than take the crowded bus.,6.增加体重_,减肥_ 在节食_ 7.The trouble with her was she said what she thought. 8.阻止某人做某事_ 鼓励某人做_ 9.She greeted the hostess. greet v. 致意,打招呼,迎接 他跑下楼来迎接我。 人们举帽向女王致意 。 她上前来跟我打招呼。 10.Do you remember the guy you were dating?what happened to him? date n.日期,约会(与某人约会_) v.与.约会.,put on weight,lose weight,on a diet,discourage sb from doing sth,encourage sb to do sth,He ran downstairs to greet me.,People raised their hats to greet the queen.,She came up to greet us.,make a date with sb,11.marry vi.结婚(他直到40才结婚_ Vt.与.结婚(与某人结婚_,_) Eg.Mary和John结婚3年了。 _,He didnt marry untill 40.,marry sb,be/get married to sb,Mary and John have been married for 3 years.,The fifth period,43. modest adj. 谦虚的,谦逊的,端庄的 modesty n _ Modesty makes one to go forward,while conceit makes one lag behind. 49. secretive adj. 秘而不宣的,隐藏的 50. violate v. 骚扰,妨碍,侵犯,违反 1)The country violated the international agreement. 53. successful adj.成功的 54. imagine v. 想象(+doing, 或 +to be.) 你能想象得到没有电的生活吗? _,谦虚,谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后.,Can you imagine living without electricity?,55. purpose n. 目的 词组:故意,特意_ 我是特意来看你的._ 56. circumstance n. 情形,情况 词组:在情况下_,on purpose,I came to see you on purpose.,under/in the circumstances,The sixth period,t,Making friends in the USA Language points 1 when someone talks, everyone is expected to listen, no matter how dull the person s speaking may be be expected to do 希望,要求,指望 苹果的产量明年可望翻一翻。 The production of the apple is expected to be double next year. 希望你尽最大努力学习。 You are expected to try your best to study.,1._对秘而不宣,对守口如瓶 2.敏感话题_ 对很敏感_ 3.But this doesnt mean you are close friends. 4.Many people are friendly and hospitable. 5. If you are aware of cultural differences,they may hesitate before they ask you similar questions.In face,its a sign that they dont wish to violate your private life. 6.如果你带头,他们会谈论更多的私人话题. _ 7. Isnt she wonderful for her age? 1)对于她的年龄来说,她看起来年轻多了. _ 2)Its very hot_March. B.for,be secretive about,be sensitive to,sensitive topics,If you take the lead,they will talk about more private matters.,She looks much younger for her age.,2 while few Americans will worry about the questions you may,particularly if you clearly show you are aware of cultural differences._ 3 In fact, its a sign that they dont wish to violate your private life._ that 引导_从句 Im glad to hear the news that you passed the driving test._ 4 Income is a very private matter,and youd do well to avoid asking how much people earn,although some people may not only be open about it,but show off their wealth. _,同位语,do well to do 做-明智(聪明) 在-方面做的 Do well in show off 炫耀 多数小孩喜欢在客人前炫耀自己。 Many childen like to show off before the guests. 5 But what we dont like is silence, and almost anything is better than the embarrassment of a quiet party and silent guests What we dont like , 是一个_主语_从句, 类似用法举例。,1.Its estimated that 80% of all conversation in English is small talk. eg.Its said that he is a promising singer.-改为: Its said that they have been traveling all over the world.- Its well-known that- Its reported that- Its believed that- 据报道,大火造成了3百万元的巨大损失 2. By continuing with the AAA model, the conversation continues._ continuing with =_ 不管发生什么,你都要继续自己的学习。_,He is said to be a promising singer.,They are said to have been travelling all over the world.,Its reported that the fire caused great losses of 3 million yuan.,go on with,No matter what will happen,you should continue with your study.,3. At this point,the AAA model stops. Because they used this very useful social technique, they found something they have in common at last._ 1)at this point_ 2)have-something/much/ little/ a little- in common with sb.)_ 3)我们彼此毫无共同之处。_ 4)in common with sb._ 5)和多数科学家相同,他也喜欢音乐。,这时,此时,与(没)有共同点,We have nothing in common.,与一样,In common with many scientists,he also likes music.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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