2013优化方案外研版英语必修5 Module 6《Animals in Danger》 Section Ⅳ

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Section Grammar & Writing,1.,2Which baby is Jack? 穿黑裤子的baby 是Jack. The baby whose trousers are black is Jack. The baby who is wearing black trousers is Jack.,复习定语从句,一、定义和结构 1在句中起定语作用, 修饰句中名词/代词的从句叫定语从句, 被定语从句所修饰的名词/代词叫先行词. 定语从句由关系代词或关系副词引导, 位于先行词之后. 2引导定语从句的关系词可分为关系代 词:who/whom/whose/which/that/as,关系副词:when/where/why 关系代词/副词既引导定语从句, 又在定语从句中充当一定的成分. The man who/that is standing in front of the classroom is our English teacher. 站在教室前面的那个人是我们的英语老师. This is the room where Lu Xun once lived. 这是鲁迅曾经居住过的房间.,二、关系代词和关系副词的判断 判断是用关系代词还是关系副词主要看关系词在从句中的作用, 即所作的句子成分. 1如果关系词在从句中作主语、宾语, 先行词为事物时用which, that, 先行词为人时用 that, who(whom); 如果关系词在从句中作前置定语, 无论先行词为人还是事物, 都用whose, 在从句中用作后置定语,用of which/whom. 2如果关系词在从句中作状语, 就用关系副词. 关系词在从句中作地点状语, 则用where; 关系词在从句中作时间状语, 则用when; 当先行词为reason, 且关系词在从句中作原因状 语, 则用why.,提示1)关系词that 既可指代物, 也可指代人. 在定语从句中作主语或宾语. 指人时, 相当于who 或whom. 关系词在定语从句中作宾语时, 常可省略. 2)如果介词位于关系代词前面, 指代物的关系词用which, 指代人的关系词用whom, 且不能省略.,三、只用that, 不用which的情况. 在定语从句中, which 和that在指代事物时, 一般可以互换使用, 但在以下情况宜用that, 而不宜用which. 1先行词为不定代词 all, much, something, everything, anything, nothing, none, the one等时,Theres nothing that can be said about it. 对于那件事没有什么可说的. 2先行词被all, only, any, few, little, no, just, very, one of等词修饰时 The only thing that we could do was to wait. 我们惟一能做的就是等待. 3先行词是序数词或被序数词修饰时,This is the third film that has been shown in our school this term.这是我们学校这学期放映的第三部电影. 4先行词是形容词最高级或被形容词最高级修饰时 The most important thing that should be done right now is how to stop him from going on.,应该马上做的最重要的事情是怎样阻止他继续干. 5先行词既有人又有物时 The writer and his novel that you have just talked about are really well known. 你刚谈到的那位作家和他的小说非常著名.,6当先行词是the way(方式)且关系词在定语从句中作方式状语时, 关系词为that 或in which 或省略关系词 I like the way (that/in which) he talks. 我喜欢他讲话的方式. 7当主句的主语是疑问词who 或 which时, 关系代词宜用that, 以避免重复 Which is the book that you like best? 哪一本书是你最喜欢的书?,四、定语从句中用which 而不用that的情况 1当关系代词的前面有介词时 A zoo is a park in which many kinds of animals are kept for exhibition. 动物园是饲养许多种动物以供展出的公园. 2在非限制性定语从句中 Crusoes dog, which was very old, became ill and died.,克鲁索的狗生病死了. 它非常老了. 3引导非限制性定语从句, 修饰前面整句话时, 用which He stole some money, which made his father very angry. 他偷了些钱, 这使他父亲很生气. 4先行词本身是that, 用which,Whats that which she is looking at? 她正在看的是什么? 5先行词是those 复数名词 A shop should keep a stock of those goods which sell best. 一个商店应该储备畅销的商品.,五、as 引导定语从句的用法 1as 引导限制性定语从句常用于 the same/such. as. 结构中. This is the same pen as I lost. 这支笔和我丢的那支是一样的. (注意:指同一类的两支) He is such a clever boy as everyone likes. 他是一个每个人都喜欢的如此聪明的男孩.,(注意:as 在定语从句中作宾语) 提示1)与 the same. that. 的区别 This is the same pen that I lost. 这就是我丢的那支笔. (注意:指同一支) 2与 such. that. (如此以至于)的区别 He is such a clever boy that everyone likes him.他是如此聪明的男孩, 以至于每个人都喜欢他.,(注意:that 引导结果状语从句, 不在从句中作句子成分). 3as 可引导非限制性定语从句, 修饰整句话或整件事.,辨析as 和which 引导非限制性定语从句,He was late again, which made his teacher very angry. 他又迟到了, 结果使老师非常生气. Jack, as you know, is an honest man. Jack is an honest man, as you know. As you know, Jack is an honest man. 正如你所知, 杰克是个诚实的人.,六、“介词关系代词”引导的限制性定语从句 1当关系词作介词宾语时, 如将介词置于关系词之前时, 用whom 指代人, 用which 指代事物. This is the school at which I used to teach. This is the school (which/that) I used to teach at.,这是我过去任教过的学校. That is the writer with whom I talked just now. That is the writer (whom/who/that) I talked with just now.那就是刚才和我谈话的那个作家.,2关系副词where, when, why 可替换成 “介词 which”, 介词取决于先行词及介词 which 在从句中的作用. why 可替换 for which. This is the house in which I lived two years ago.,This is the house where I lived two years ago. 这就是两年前我居住的那个房子. 3“不定代词或数词介词which/whom”引导的定语从句说明整体中的部分. Last week, only two people came to look at the house, neither of whom wanted to buy it. 上周只有两个人来看房子, 他们两个人都不想买.,4“the 名词 of which”可替换“whose 名词”, 引导定语从句. The house the windows of which were damaged has now been repaired. 窗子遭破坏的那所房子现在已经修好了.,七、one of the 复数名词后的定语从句中的主谓一致 one of the 复数名词后的定语从句中谓语通常用复数. 但当one前有 the only 等修饰时, 定语从句中谓语与one 保持一致, 用单数, 表示“惟一一个”. This is one of the best novels that were published last year.,这是去年出版的最好的小说之一. This is the only one of the best novels that was published last year. 这是去年出版的惟一一本最好的小说. 【提示】定语从句的引导词在从句中作主语 时, 定语从句中的谓语动词与先行词保持一 致.,.句型转换 把下列每对句子合并成含有定语从句的主从复合句. 1The fan is on the desk. You want it. _,The fan that you want is on the desk.,2The man is in the next room. He brought our textbooks here yesterday. _ _ 3The magazine is mine. He has taken it away. _ _,The man who brought our textbooks here yesterday is in the next room.,The magazine which he has taken away is mine.,4The play was wonderful. We saw it last night. _ _ 5She came into a big room. In the middle of it stood a large table. _,The play that we saw last night was wonderful.,She came into a big room, in the middle of which stood a large table.,6He used to live in a big house. In front of it grew many banana trees. _ _ 7Is that the woman? Her daughter is in my class. _,He used to live in a big house, in front of which grew many banana trees.,Is that the woman whose daughter is in my class?,.选用合适的关系词填空 1Its helpful to put children in a situation _ they can see themselves differently. 2Life is like a long race _ we compete with others to go beyond ourselves. 3I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, a city _ name will create a picture of beautiful trees and green grass in our mind.,where,where,whose,4My friend showed me round the town, _ was very kind of him. 5The man pulled out a gold watch, the hands of _ were made of small diamonds.,which,which,.单项填空 1(2011高考北京卷)Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, _, of course, made all the others upset. Awho Bwhich Cwhat Dthat,解析:选B. 考查非限制性定语从句. 第一个逗号后的非限制性定语从句中缺少主语, which 引导非限制性定语从句, 指代整个主句部分的内容. 选择which.,2(2011高考山东卷)The old town has narrow streets and small houses _are built close to each other. Athey Bwhere Cwhat Dthat 解析:选D. 此题考查定语从句的引导词. 关 系代词 that 代替先行词small houses, 在从句 中作主语. 句意为:这座古老的城镇街道狭 窄, 小房子挨得很近.,3(2011高考江西卷)She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction _ had taken more than three years. Afor which Bwith which Cof which Dto which 解析:选C. 考查定语从句. 先行词为museum, 在从句中充当定语, 博物馆的建造工程花费了超过三年的时间. 介词用of. 选C.,4(2011高考江苏卷)Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, _ the audience can buy icecream. Awhen Bwhere Cthat Dwhich 解析:选A. 考查定语从句. 句意:音乐会的两大构成部分中间有幕间休息时间, 在这段时间里观众可以去买冰激凌.,when 引导的定语从句修饰an interval, when 在从句中作时间状语. 首先解析句子结构, 判断从句类型, 题干说“在音乐会中间有间歇, 此时你可以买冰激凌. ”题干的前半部分完整无缺, 后半部分补充说明这个间歇你可以干的事, 所以这是一个非限制性定语从句, 先行词为interval, 非限制性定语从句的功能就是对先行词进行补充说明.,由于从句部分不缺少主干成分, 而且 interval 表时间, 所以正确答案为A. 5(2012温州十校联考)I got an email from Susan, _ said she was going abroad for sightseeing. Fantastic! Thats what she has been dreaming of.,Awhich Bshe Cwho Dit 解析:选A. 考查非限制性定语从句的关系 词. 此处which 代替 an email, which 作主语.,6(2011江西师大开学试题)Safety in school has been of great concern because of frequent reports about accidents _ students got injured or killed while in school. Athat Bwhen Cin which Dfor which 解析:选C. 考查定语从句的关系词. 此处 accidents 为先行词, in which 在定语从句中作状语, 相当于 in the accidents.,7(2012绵阳中学月考)You can use a larger plastic bottle, _ is cut off, _ as a pot to grow flowers in. Aof which the top; with its top Bwhose top; with its top Cwhose top; the top of it Dthe top of which; with its top,解析:选B. 考查定语从句及with 的复合结 构. 第一空是whose 引导的非限制性定语从 句; 第二空是with 的复合结构. 8(2012河南实验中学第一次月考)He made another wonderful discovery, _ of great importance to science. Awhich I think is Bwhich I think it is Cwhich I think DI think which is,解析:选A. 考查非限制性定语从句及插入 语. 此处 I think为插入语, which 是定语从句的关系代词. 9Students shouldnt be given so difficult a problem _ they can not work out. Athat Bwhich Cwhile Das 解析:选D. 在定语从句中, 当先行词被so/such 修饰时用 as 引导定语从句.,10The Beatles, _ many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool. Awhat Bthat Chow Das,解析:选D. 根据句子结构和意义可知空格处应选用一个非限制性定语从句的引导词; what 不引导定语从句; that 不能用于引导非限制性定语从句; 该定语从句中的引导词应作 remember 的宾语, 排除how.,说明文写作:介绍动物 写作要求 根据下面的提示写一篇介绍老虎的文章, 可以适当增加细节, 词数120左右. 老虎是猫科动物的一种, 肉食性动物. 它全身是黑黄相间的斑纹, 非常漂亮.,尾巴长而有力. 老虎生活在密林里, 以森林中 的小动物为食. 现在世界上老虎的数量非常 少. 我们必须尽全力保护老虎和它们的生存 环境. 注意:可以适当增加细节. 参考词汇:斑纹streak _ _,审题谋篇,词汇突破,cat,fierce,yellow and black streaks,thick forest,cut down,living condition,worse and worse,living space,do one best,写作要点 1老虎是一种大型猫科动物. A tiger _ big cats. 2老虎很凶猛, 以肉食为主. A tiger is very fierce and it _. 3老虎生活在密林中. Tigers _ the thick forests.,is a kind of,eats mainly meat,live in,4大量的森林被砍伐. Many forests _. 5它们应该有自己的生存空间. They should have _.,have been cut down,their own living space,佳作欣赏 A tiger is a kind of big cats, which looks like a cat, but much bigger than a cat. A tiger is very fierce and it eats mainly meat. It has yellow and black streaks all over its body and it looks very beautiful. Its tail is long and strong. Tigers live in the thick forests and small animals are tigers food.,During the past years, many forests have been cut down and therefore the living conditions of the tigers are becoming worse and worse. As a result, there are fewer tigers left in the world now. Tigers are the endangered animals of the world, so they should have their own living space.,We must do our best to protect the tigers and their living environment. 名师点津 【美文点津】 亮点一:布局谋篇上适当增加了细节, 使文章更加连贯, 流畅, 对老虎的描述给人一个清晰的印象.,亮点二:恰到好处地使用了定语从句, 并列句, 不定式作目的状语以及被动语态和比较结构. 亮点三:有效使用了一些连接成分, 如 as a result 使行文更为流畅.,【类文点津】 1描述动物的说明文写作技法 1)此类文章属于说明文的范畴, 以“说明”为主 要表达方式, 用来介绍动物的类属、生活习 性、生存状态、外貌特征等, 可对描述的对 象作总体概括介绍, 给人以直观的总体认识, 然后进行具体说明, 目的在于给人知识, 了解 此种动物.,2)此类文章多用一般现在时. 3)此类文章应合理安排结构, 注意行文的条理清晰, 在动笔之前要想好描述顺序, 句与句之间怎样链接, 段与段之间怎样联系. 4)此类文章结尾一般是自然结束, 清楚明了. 2常用句式 The snake/tiger. is a animal that lives in.,Lions/Tigers. have. shoulders, strong legs and powerful jaws. A guide dog is a dog especially trained to guide a blind person. In recent years, . has been developing rapidly.,It was really an impressive visit. Im sure people. will work harder to. It is our eager hope that people who. will. It is loved by.,本部分内容讲解结束,按ESC键退出全屏播放,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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