2013届高三英语(北师大版广东专用)一轮复习课件:M8 unit 23《Conflict》

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2013届高三英语(北师大版广东专用)一轮复习课件:M8 unit 23《Conflict》_第1页
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2013届高三英语(北师大版广东专用)一轮复习课件:M8 unit 23《Conflict》_第3页
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Unit 23 Conflict,Module 8,2013届名校联合高三英语一轮复习北师大版广东专用,1. hand over 把交给,移交(职位,任务等) She got them to hand over all their money by a wicked deceit. 她用卑鄙的手段使他们把所有的钱交给她。,I should like to get rid of the responsibility for this job, but there doesnt seem to be anyone fit to hand over to. 我真不想负责这项工作,但是好像没有合适 的人可以接手。,hand back 归还,交给 hand down 把传下去 hand in 提交,上交 hand on 转交,转递 hand out 分发,发放,1. 船长不愿意移交船只的指挥权。 _ _ 用以上词组完成句子 2. Please _ your paper before June thirtieth.,The captain was unwilling to hand over the command of the ship.,hand in,3. I have to make some copy to _. 4. Many old legends _ from generation by mouth. 5. When you finish reading, please _ the book. 6. Before _ to Jim, Id like to thank you all for your support.,hand out,were handed down,handing over,hand back,2. urnish vt. 布置、配备家具,陈设 The managers office was furnished with antiques. 经理办公室里摆放着古董。 供应,提供 The shop near our university furnishes everything that is needed for mountaineering. 我们学校附近的一家商店售登山用品,商品一应俱全。,furnished adj. 配有家具的 furnishings n. 家具陈设 furniture n. 家具(不可数),1. 那家公寓家具齐全。 _ 2. 我们结婚时几乎没有什么家具。 _ 3. 组织者给他提供了一份日程表复印件。 _,【答案】 1. The apartment is well furnished. 2. We had little furniture when we got married. 3. The organizer furnished him with a copy of schedule.,3. classify vt. 分类;归类 Are the books classified by subject? 这些书是按照科目进行分类的吗? Id rather classify his novels as science fiction. 我宁可把他的小说归类为科幻小说。 We usually classify types of character as good and bad. 我们通常把 (人的) 性格类型分为善与恶。,classified adj. 分成类的;保密的 classification n. 分类;归类,用classify的适当形式填空 1. It took them months to have all the books _. 2. I believe the _ of books calls for more patience than wisdom. 3. To find a phone number, we may turn to a _ directory. 4. The information is _; only the president can see it.,【答案】 1. classified 2. classification 3. classified 4. classified,4. put forward 提出 In the past few years the workers have put forward a lot of suggestions / opinions. 这几年来,工人们提出了大量建议/意见。 推荐(某人或自己)任某职位;提名 You have been put forward as a possible chairman of the committee. 你已经被提名为委员会主席。,将(某事)提前 The mens final has been put forward to 1:30. 男子决赛提前到1:30举行。 将(钟、表等)拨快 Ill put forward the clock ten minutes. 我要把钟拨快10分钟。,5. appoint vt. 任命;约定;确定或决定(日期等) She has appointed to meet John at the entrance of the hall. 她已经和约翰约好了在大厅门口见面。 Its said that the new headmaster has been appointed. 据说新校长已经任命。 appointment n. 任命,任用; (被任用的)工作;约会 make an appointment with sb.和某人有个预约,约会 appointed adj. 任命的;约定的,1. 我们得确定一个会议日期。 _ 用appoint的适当形式填空 2. Do remember the time _ for the meeting is 9:10.,We have to appoint a date for the meeting.,appointed,3. Sorry, Ive made an _ with my girlfriend. 4. You should arrive at the _ time. 5. The newly _ headmaster is expected to take office this week.,appointment,appointed,appointed,6. possession n. 占有;拥有;领地;属地; C&U财产 The possession of a degree does not guarantee you a job. 有学位不能保证你能找到工作。,The police went through all the dead girls possessions. 警方检查了死去女孩的所有私人物品。,take possession of 拿过来;夺取;没收 in possession of 占有;拥有;持有 in the possession of sb. 为某人所拥有;由某人掌控,The police arrested him and took possession of certain things found in his house. 警察逮捕了他并没收了在他家里发现的一 些东西。 While our team is in possession of / has possession of the ball, the other team cant score. 我们队控制球时,对方就无法得分。,All the deeds are in the possession of my lawyer. 所有的契约都在我的律师手中。 possess vt. 占有;拥有 The country possesses rich mineral deposits. 这个国家拥有丰富的矿藏。,1. 他是个没有什么财产的穷人。 _ _ 2. 他们用完了所有的钱。 _ _,He was a poor man with little possession.,They used up all the money they possessed.,用possession及其构成的短语的适当形式填空 3. She was found _ stolen goods. 4. At the end of last April, Mr. Green _ that flat.,in possession of,took possession of,5. He has been _ the house for many years, but the ownership of the house is _ his father. 6. He lost all his _ in the fire.,in possession of in the possession of,possessions,7. weep vt. & vi.哭泣;流泪 She wept when she heard the terrible news. 听到这个可怕的消息,她哭了。,What ever is the child weeping about now? 那个孩子究竟为什么哭呢?,weep about 为而哭泣 weep over / for 因而哭泣 weep for 哭着想要,The child wept for a new toy. 那个孩子哭着想要一个新玩具。 weep oneself to sleep 哭着哭着睡着了 The little girl wept herself to sleep. 小女孩哭着哭着睡着了。,1. 那个女孩失望地哭了。 _ 2. 他因为失去了妈妈而哭泣。 _,【答案】 1. The girl wept with disappointment. 2. He wept over / for the loss of his mother.,8. a couple of (英)两个的,一对的(two); (美)两三(人)的,几个的,数个人的(a few) The motorist picked up a couple of pupils and took them as far as the county town. 开汽车的人让两个小学生上车,把他们一直 带到了县城。 Give the bottle a couple of shakes before pouring the juice. 倒果汁前,先把瓶子摇几下。,1. 有两个女孩在外面等你。 _ _ 2. 我几个星期后会回来的。 _,There is a couple of girls waiting for you outside.,I will be back in a couple of weeks.,9. swear (swore; sworn) vi. 发誓,咒骂 He swore to obey the king. 他发誓要服从国王。 I swear I dont know anything about what happened. 我发誓我对所发生的事一无所知。 His boss often swore at him, sometimes for no reason at all. 老板经常骂他,有时毫无理由。,swear sb. in / into sth. 使某人宣誓就职 He was sworn in as president. 他宣誓就任总统。,1. I dont like to _ (听小孩子说脏话). 2. _(我保证) that Ill never leave you. 3. Mary and Ann will _ (宣誓加入俱乐部) tonight.,hear children swearing,I swear,be sworn into the club,10. bear, stand与tolerate 三个词都含有一定的“忍耐、忍受”之意, 在表示忍受pain, suffering, hardship等时,在 许多情况下这三个词可以互换使用;通常 与can或cannot连用。 bear 强调忍受者对痛苦、忧虑、烦恼以及责 任的承受力(常用于否定句中)。,He could not bear their conceit like this. 他们这样自高自大他受不了。 We will bear all the expenses. 我们将承担所有的费用。,stand 强调不屈不挠或经受得起(常用于否 定句中)。 I cant stand a lot of noise when Im reading. 当我读书时,我忍受不了那么大的噪音。 Fruit trees cannot stand the cold. 果树不耐寒。,tolerate指忍受某人或某种行为而不反抗,语 气最弱(既可用于肯定句也可用于否定句)。 Why will you tolerate that impudent fellow? 你为什么要忍受那个冒失的家伙呢? I cannot tolerate you / your bullying your younger brother. 我不能容许你欺负你弟弟。,用tolerate, bear, stand的适当形式填空 1. I can not _ your carelessness. 2. I cant _ the pain any more. 3. He cant _ this cold weather.,tolerate,bear,stand,11. strengthen vt. (使)变强,加强;(使)坚强 The latest development has further strengthened my determination to leave. 最近事态的发展更增强了我离开的决心。,strength n. 力量;力气;强度;实力 As a small woman she has surprising strength. 她个子虽小但力气大得惊人。 She succeeded by strength of will. 她凭意志力取得了成功。 词后缀“-en”常加在形容词后,构成动词, 表示“使更”,如sharpen, lighten, deepen等。,strength, power与force strength 用于身体指“力量、体力、力气”; 用于物体指“强度、效力”。 power 指“动力、权力、脑力、电力、政权、 功率、势力、有势力的人或物”。 force 用于爆炸、风暴或打击时,指“释放的 能量及其对物体的冲击力”;还可以指“暴 力、武力、兵力、军队等”。,要得到这个职位,你必须有实力。 _ _,To get the position, you must have strength.,12. intend v. 想要;打算;意指 I intend studying abroad. (更常用:I intend to study abroad.) 我打算出国留学。 What do you intend to do today? 你今天打算做什么?,常用于intend to do sth.; intend doing sth.; intend sb. to do sth.或intend+that从句。 intended to do sth.; had intended to do sth.; intended to have done sth.都可以表示“本打 算做某事,而实际上没有做”的意思。 如果在问句中含有intend to, 答句中必须 保留动词不定式符号to。,I intended to do it, but I am afraid I cant. 我本打算做这件事,但是恐怕做不成了。, Do you intend to make a long stay in Guangzhou? Yes, I intend to. 你打算在广州久留吗? 是的,我是这样打算的。 intended adj. 故意的;预谋的 intention n. 意图;意向;目的,用intend的适当形式填空 1. His remark had the _ effect. 2. He did not _ paying the bill, but on second thoughts paid it. 3. He went to Paris with the _ of learning French. 4. I _ to catch the early train, but I didnt get up in time.,intended,intend,intention,intended,1. Yang Mings neighbours say they were being driven mad being exposed to such noise. 杨明的邻居说他们被这些噪音逼疯了。 being exposed to such noise在句中作原因状语, 它相当于一个原因状语从句because they were exposed to such noise。being分词短语在句中 作原因状语时,可以转换成原因状语从句。,Being poor (=Because he is poor), he cant afford a computer. Being ill (=Because he was ill), he didnt participate in the discussion.,2. One of their men, speaking in English, remarked that he had worked in England for some years and that he was fed up to the neck with this war and would be glad when it was over. 他们之中有一个人会说英语,他说他在英格 兰工作过好几年,他对这场讨厌的战争烦透 了,如果战争结束他会感到高兴的。,句中的speaking in English是插入语,补充说 明主语。这个句子有两个that,都是引导remark 的宾语从句。 在宾语从句中,如果引导两个或两个以上的 宾语从句,其中第一个that可省,第二个及其以 后的that都不可省略。,语言学习(读写任务) 该话题在读写任务中常涉及英语学习的体会(方法、策略、困难、心得、经历)、身体语言的重要性、如何解决中学生英语学习中的困难等问题。,实用表达: enlarge ones vocabulary 扩大某人的词汇量 refer to the dictionary 查字典 focus on learning grammar 强调语法学习 form the habit of reading 养成阅读习惯 reading skills / strategies 阅读技能/策略 My experience tells me 我的经验告诉我 I practise listening two hours a day.,我每天练习听力两小时。 I find it hardest to learn English grammar. 我觉得学习英语语法最难。 The stronger the motivation is, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language. 一个人动机越强,学习外语就越快。,阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 We nowadays live in a global village, and many difficulties will arise if we cant express ourselves fluently in English. In spite of my awareness of its importance, I seldom find chances to practice and improve my oral English. So, I am still very weak with regard to this respect. One,reason is that my pronunciation and intonation arent good enough. The other is that I am so shy that I am always too nervous to find the exact words to express my ideas and feelings. As a result the best way for me to do is to remain silent when others are practicing and making great progress in their oral English every day. Now I am attaching much more importance to oral English and I have made up my mind to seize every,opportunity to practice. I begin to participate actively in all kinds of English activities, such as going to “English Corners”, talking in English with my classmates and with native speakers. “Nothing is difficult in the world if you really put your heart to it.” as the Chinese saying goes. If I can build up my confidence, if I am not afraid of losing face any more, if I really work hard on it, I am sure my oral English will be excellent someday.,【写作内容】 1以约30个词概括短文的要点: 2然后以120个词写一篇英语短文谈谈广东高考英语口试对你英语口语练习造成的影响,并包括如下要点: (1)你以前对英语口语的态度及原因; (2)谈谈广东高考英语口试对你目前英语口语练习带来的某些影响; (3)你对自己口语的期望。,【写作要求】 1作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2.标题自定。,本篇读写任务所给文章的概要必须包含以下要点:We nowadays live in a global village, and many difficulties will arise if we cant express ourselves fluently in English. / In spite of my awareness of its importance, I seldom find chances to practice and improve my oral English. / Now I am attaching much more importance to oral English and I have made up my mind to seize every opportunity to practice.,要点(1)“你以前对英语口语的态度及原因”是对过去发生的事情的叙述,要用过去的时态,还要注意所占篇幅,由于这一点并不是文章的重心所在,所以态度要“直接”,理由要“简洁”。要点(2)“谈谈广东高考英语口试对你目前英语口语练习带来的某些影响”,属于评论性文字,应用一般现在时;内容上,可以从高考口试使“我”更加勤奋,更加注重口语练习等方面入手。 对于要点(3)“你对自己口语的期望”,我们要注意的是在时态上我们应该选用一般将来时。,Desires Motivate My Oral English Practice Living in a “global village”, the writer finds it important to practise oral English, and he has paid more attention to it and is determined to get more chances to practise it. I had such an experience of oral English practice. Years ago, I thought that spoken English was of no use, and I cared little about oral English.,After I have known something about Oral English Test in Guangdong College Entrance Examination, I have suddenly daydreamed of being an English major in a famous university. And I have been more diligent. I practise my oral English every morning and evening crazily. Desires motivate my oral English practice. I realize that hard work creates miracles. All in all, I do hope I will be successful in my Oral English Test in Guangdong,College Entrance Examination in April, and I will make my dream come true in the end.,阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Americans embarrassed by poor spelling performance compared to Britons According to a US survey involving a sample of 1,000 adults, adults in the US sixtytwo per cent of Americans got “embarrassed” wrong. And they didnt perform well on most of the ten words tested, including millennium (52 per cent wrong,against 43 per cent in UK), liaison (61 per cent to 54 per cent) and “accommodation” (42 per cent to 36 per cent) Only “definitely” and “friend” were spelt correctly by more Americans. Jack Bovill of the Spelling Society, which commissioned the research, said the high inaccuracy rates showed the need for the English spelling system to,be modernized to improve literacy. This phenomenon that people attach less importance to the spelling of words in the process of English study greatly concerned experts and teachers. They think that spelling is one of the most important factors in English study and insist that due attention should be given to it.,【写作内容】 1以约30个词概括短文的要点。 2以约120个词就“Due attention should be given to spelling”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包括以下要点: (1)如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写; (2)出现这种现象的原因; (3)你认为该如何提高学生的书写。,【写作要求】 1作文中可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2标题自定。 _ _,One possible version: Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling The passage illustrates the result of a survey and shows that more and more people are poor in spelling, from which concerns are expressed. Currently, in China the phenomenon is also common that fewer and fewer students pay attention to their wordspelling.,There are a number of factors that can be accountable for this situation. One of the most common factors is that fewer and fewer students need to write English essays. Besides, the goal of most students to learn English is to speak it and pass the examination, which means they just need to select a suitable answer according to the materials and passages. Perhaps the most contributing factor is the wide use of electronic,devices such as edictionaries and computers and students no longer need to correct the words by themselves. As far as Im concerned, I firmly argue that we need to attach great importance to wordspelling. To the students, we should write English as much as we can. Meanwhile, to the teachers, the dictations should be reinforced in the class.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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