2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:Module10 Unit 2《People on the move》(译林版湖南专用)

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:Module10 Unit 2《People on the move》(译林版湖南专用)_第1页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:Module10 Unit 2《People on the move》(译林版湖南专用)_第2页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:Module10 Unit 2《People on the move》(译林版湖南专用)_第3页
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Module10Unit 2 People on the move,1、 adjustment n. C&U调整,调节;适应,习惯;整理(常和介词to搭配使用)。,adjust sth. / oneself to sth. 使适应(新环境等) adjustable adj.可调节的;可调整的,翻译句子 当心急转弯,根据情况调整速度。 _,Watch out for sharp bend and adjust your speed accordingly., (只有靠适应变化) that we can keep up with the lightning pace of the modern world.,It is only by adjusting to changes,Some of the difficulties they experienced when they were trying to _ themselves to the new medium were technical. A. adopt B. adjust C. change D. shape,B,2、 boom vt.使兴旺;发出隆隆声 vi. 急速发展;激增,轰鸣 n. 繁荣;吊杆;隆隆声,繁荣,economic boom 经济繁荣,经济腾飞 baby boom 婴儿潮;生育高峰 business boom 商业繁荣,生意兴隆 The frontier town boomed when gold was discovered nearby. 当那个边陲小镇附近发现金矿后迅速蓬勃发展起来。 The guns boomed again. 枪炮又发出砰砰声。,汉译英 经济改革使许多新城市兴旺发达起来。 _,The economy reform boomed many new cities.,自从我扩大商店以来,生意日趋兴隆。 _,Business is booming since I enlarged the shop.,3、 flexible adj. 易弯(曲)的,柔韧的,柔顺的,温顺的,可变通的;有弹性的;灵活性的,The idea of flexible working is still an idea in progress. 灵活工作的概念仍是一个发展中的观点。 We need a more flexible foreign policy. 我们需要一种更灵活的外交政策。,汉译英 他脑瓜灵活。 _,He has a flexible mind.,John is very _ if he promises to do something hell do it.(2009浙江) A. independent B. confident C. reliable D. flexible,C,Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have _ schedules to make it easier to care for their children.(2010山东) A. heavy B. smooth C. flexible D. complex,C 词义辨析。smooth 光滑的,顺滑的; flexible 灵活的; schedule 工作日程。这里flexible schedule表示灵活的工作时间。原题中,妈妈们在外工作,应该有一个灵活的工作时间以便照顾她们的孩子。,4、 clarify vt. 澄清;阐明;净化;使清楚,使清醒,Can you clarify this long sentence? 你能把这个长句子解释清楚吗? You must clarify the matters in public. 你必须当众澄清事实真相。 This kind of thing will clarify in the end. 这种事情终究会变得清楚明了的。 The cool autumn wind clarified my mind. 凉爽的秋风使我的头脑清醒过来。,clarification n澄清,The boy made an attempt to _ the misunderstanding about the origin of the proverb. A. clarify B. check C. claim D. clap,A 根据题意“这个男孩试图澄清关于这个谚语出处的误解”。“澄清误解”用clarify。而其他3项不符合语境。,汉译英 他的脑子突然清醒过来。 _,His mind suddenly clarified.,5、 controversial adj. 引起争论的;有争议的; 爱争论的,爱争辩的,Jobs is a controversial computer talent. 乔布斯是位有争议的电脑天才。 Tiger Mom has been criticized for her controversial superstrict parenting style. 虎妈因其饱受争议的超严格教育方式而受到批判。,汉译英 秦始皇在中国历史上是一位有争议的人物。 _,Qin Shi Huang remains a controversial figure in Chinese history.,6、 sympathy n. 同情(心);同情; (感情上的)支持,I felt sympathy for the victims of the accident. 我对意外事故的受害者感到同情。 We send our love and our deepest sympathy to you. 我们向你致以真诚的问候和深切的慰问。 Please convey my sympathy to your family. 请转达我向你家人的慰问。,汉译英 请接受我最深切的同情。 _,Please accept my deepest sympathy.,Whats the _, in your opinion, of helping him if he doesnt make an effort to help himself?(2011江西) A. sympathy B. theme C. object D. point,D 正如你的观点,如果他不自强我们帮他何用?,7、 swap vt. & vi. 交换 n. 交换物,swap/exchange/tradefor 以交换 We must swap steels for oil. 我们必须用钢材交换石油。 For what did you swap the twenty dollars? 你拿20美元买什么啦? Will you swap places with me? 你愿意和我换位置吗? Never swap horses while crossing the stream. (谚)行到河中别换马。,1、cater to 为服务; 适应(的需要);迎合(的爱好),cater for 供应伙食; 迎合,满足(需要、爱好等) TV programs should cater to /for all tastes. 电视节目应当迎合各种人的不同口味。 It is difficult to cater to/for ones every wish. 满足一个人的所有愿望是很困难的。 We also cater for wedding and banquets. 我们也为婚礼和宴会办酒席。,catering n. 餐饮业,Varieties of programmes in the TV station _ many different types of interest and taste among the public. A. cater to B. appeal to C. apply to D. adjust to,A 考查动词短语。句意为:电视台安排了各种节目来满足公众很多不同类型的兴趣和爱好。cater to 满足需要或要求;appeal to 吸引;apply to 运用于,适用于; adjust to 使适合于,调整以适用。,2、at best 至多;充其量,She is at best a secondrate singer. 她充其量是一个二流歌手。 At best he can do half as much as last year. 他充其量不过能做去年的一半那么多。 At best their sorrow is just crocodile tears. 他们的悲伤充其量也就是鳄鱼的眼泪。,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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