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高中英语第六册(选修6),Module 31 Small Talk,第三十一讲 Module 1 Small Talk,Module 31 编读互动,设置“课前热身”,目的是让学生用8分钟快速浏览本模块的知识内容。知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重点单词、短语和句型。 在本模块中,lack是难点,需要重点讲解,并提醒学生要注意其词性;和certain,find,leave有关的短语是高考热点,学生要反复练习;连词while意义较多,可以让学生积累例句。 建议课时:讲练一课时,课时作业(包括评讲)一课时,共计两个课时。,Module 31 美文佳句,诵美文 2010江西英语中“please”、“thank you”、“sorry”等礼貌用语具有增进友谊、改善关系、化解矛盾的神奇力量,因而被称为“magic words”。 请以“Magic Power of Polite Words”为题写一篇100词左右的英语作文。体裁不限(叙述文、评论文、论说文)。,Module 31 美文佳句,Magic Power of Polite Words We use magic words in our daily life without realizing it. These magic words, for instance “please”,“thank you”,_“sorry”,can add colours to our life. Magic words can help build friendship. They make you more polite and easier to get along with. Thus strengthen the relationship between you and others.,Module 31 美文佳句,Once you offend someone else, you can as well use these words. A word such as “sorry”will make him less annoyed. Try using polite words every now and then. Once you do, you will never find yourself drained of energy for life. You use polite words, in return, these words will provide you with magic power.,Module 31 美文佳句,背佳句 1.These magic words, for instance “please”,“thank you”, “sorry”,can add colours to our life. 这些神奇的词汇,比如“请”,“谢谢你”,“对不起”,能够为我们的生活增添色彩。 赏析 该句中使用了一个插入成分(for instance “please”,“thank you”, “sorry”),大大提升了文章的表达档次。,Module 31 美文佳句,2They make you more polite and easier to get along with. 它们使你更有礼貌、更容易相处。 赏析 该句是一个典型的“SV O C”句型,补语中使用了一个并列成分,此外,还包含一个动词不定式结构。 3Once you offend someone else, you can as well use these words. 一旦你冒犯了别人,你也不妨用一下这些词汇。 赏析 该句是一个含有once引导的条件状语的主从复合句,主句中使用了“情态动词as well”结构。,Module 31 课前热身,.单词拼写 1For many athletes,the Olympics is a onceinalifetime o_. 2What was the real reason for your _(不在)? 3The bank is very c_ about lending money. 4I owe you an a_ for my rudeness last night. 5The teacher must have the _(预先的) teaching plan.,pportunity,absence,autious,pology,advance,Module 31 课前热身,6Chairman Hu will attend an _(非正式的) meeting. 7Though l_money,his parents managed to send him to the university. 8Oh,grow up! Behave in a more m_ way. 9It may snow,but _(无论如何,不管怎么说) I will go to town. 10. If you want to apply for the job,please fill in the a_form.,informal,acking,ature,anyhow,pplication,Module 31 课前热身,.词语翻译 1缺乏信心 _ 2对感到紧张 _ 3把目光从移开 _ 4对小心 _ 5振奋起来 _ 6劝阻某人不做某事 _ 7查明;了解到 _ 8另外 _ 9因此 _ 10长胖 _,lack confidence,be nervous about,look away from,be cautious about,Cheer up,discourage sb from doing sth,find out,in addition,as a consequence,put on weight,Module 31 课前热身,11经历;遭受 _ 12说错话;犯使某人难堪的错误_ 13变红了 _ 14业余爱好 _ 15拜访 _ 16领先 _ 17意识到 _ 18本不需要做某事 _ 19关于坦率,坦诚 _ 20炫耀 _,go through,put ones foot in ones mouth,go red,leisure interests,call by,take the lead,be aware of/that,neednt have done sth,be open about,show off,Module 31 课前热身,.完成句子 1船长为天气糟糕而造成的延误向乘客道歉。 The captain _the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather. 2我一张嘴就说错话。 _I open my mouth,I _in it. 3今天早上我没必要早起,所以就一直睡到上午9点。 This morning _,so I stayed in bed until 9 am,made an apology to,Every time,put my foot,I didnt need to get up early,Module 31 课前热身,4火车站离这儿不远,因此当时你没有必要匆匆忙忙的。 The railway station is not far from here,so you _in such a hurry then. 5. 做父母的应该劝子女不要吸烟。 Parents should _.,discourage their children from smoking,neednt have left,Module 31 单词点睛,1 lack v. 缺乏,缺少,不足 n. 缺乏,无,不足 lacking adj. 缺乏的,不足的 for lack of 因为缺乏 be lacking in 缺乏,缺少 【易错警示】 在使用lack时,学生容易把动词和名词混淆,最典型的错误是在动词lack后加of。如: We lack of ideas. (),Module 31 单词点睛,We lack ideas. () We are lacking in ideas. () We have a lack of ideas. () 【活学活用】 (1)Her decision seems to show _political judgment. 她的决定似乎显示出缺乏政治判断力。 (2)For _ money, they had to give up the project. 由于缺乏资金,他们不得不放弃了这个项目。,a lack of,lack of/Lacking,Module 31 单词点睛,2 advance adj. 预先的 n. C前进;发展,进展 v. 前进;进步;推动; 提出 advanced adj. 先进的; 高级的 in advance 预先;提前 advance planning/warning/booking 预先计划/事前警告/预订 【活学活用】 (1)There have been great _in technology in recent years. 在近几年,科技方面已经取得了极大的进步。,advances,Module 31 单词点睛,(2)The airline suggests booking tickets a month _. 航空公司建议提前一个月订票。 (3)They _20 miles by nightfall. 夜幕降临时,他们已经前进了20英里。,in advance,had advanced,Module 31 单词点睛,3 certain pron. 某些 adj. 确定;确信,肯定 for certain(sure) 肯定;确定;无疑 make certain (sure)of sth/doing sth 确保(做)某事 make certain(sure) that 弄清楚 be certain(sure) of/about 对有把握;确信 be certain (sure)to do sth 一定做某事 【经典句式】 It is certain(不能用sure) that 肯定,Module 31 单词点睛,【易错警示】 certain表示“某些,某个”时,所修饰的名词可以有单复数变化,但是some表示这一意义时后面的名词需是单数可数名词。例如:for a certain reason(s)/for some reason。 【活学活用】 (1)There are _I just cant discuss with my mother. 有些事情我是不能和妈妈讨论的。,certain things,Module 31 单词点睛,(2)I cant say _when he will arrive. 我说不准他什么时候会来。 (3)_that they will agree. They are _agree. 他们一定会同意。,for certain,It is certain,certain to,Module 31 单词点睛,4 reply n. 回答,答复,回信 v. 回答 reply to sb/sth 答复 make no reply 没有答复 in reply to 答复 【活学活用】 (1)I asked him,but he_. 我问了他,但他没有回答。 (2)What did you say _his suggestion? 你对他的建议是怎么答复的? (3)He failed to _the question. 他没能回答这个问题。,made/gave no reply,in reply to,reply to,Module 31 单词点睛,5 absence n. 缺席,不在;缺席时间;缺乏,不存在 absent adj. 缺席的;缺乏的;不存在的; 心不在焉的 absence from 缺席;离开;不在某处 during/in ones absence 在某人不在的时候 in the absence of 由于缺乏 be absent from 缺席;不在;缺乏 absence of mind 心不在焉; 魂不守舍 absentminded 心不在焉的;健忘的,Module 31 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1)_ any evidence, the police had to let Myers go. 由于缺乏证据,警察只好放了梅尔斯。 (2)His repeated _school is worrying. He is frequently _school, which is worrying. 他一再缺课使人担忧。 (3)_you will be in charge. 我不在的时候, 由你负责。,In the absence of,absence from,absent from,In my absence,Module 31 单词点睛,6 cautious adj. 谨慎的;慎重的;小心的 caution n. &v. 谨慎,小心;警告,告诫;提醒 be cautious about sth/doing sth 谨慎(做)某事 be cautious not to do sth 小心别做某事 【活学活用】 Statistics should be treated with_. 对待统计数字要小心。,caution,Module 31 单词点睛,7 circumstance n. 情形,情况;环境,状况; 事件(常用复数) under/in no circumstances 无论如何都不,决不 under/in the circumstances 在这种情况下,既然如此 【活学活用】 _he felt unable to accept the job. 在这种情况下他觉得无法接受这项工作。,Under the circumstances,Module 31 单词点睛,8 define v. 解释,给下定义;阐明;界定 definition n. 解释;定义 definite adj. 清楚的;确定的;肯定的,有把握的 definitely adv. 明确地;确切地;肯定地 【活学活用】 (1)Im _the term “popular culture”. 我正在试图给“流行文化”下定义。 (2)Do you reckon Mary will be there? _not. “你觉得玛丽会去吗?”“肯定不会。”,trying to define,Definitely,Module 31 短语储存,1 leave out 遗漏,漏掉;不包括;不涉及 leave sb alone 让某人单独呆着 leave aside 不予考虑;搁置一边 leavebehind 忘了带;遗忘;把抛在后面; (永久地)离开 leave off 停止;中断 be/feel left out (觉得) 被忽视,被冷落,Module 31 短语储存,【活学活用】 (1)This word is wrongly spelt; you have _ a letter. (2)Britain is being _in the race for new markets. (3)Start reading from where you _last time. (4)He hadnt been asked to take part in the party and was feeling very_.,left out,left behind,left off,left out,Module 31 短语储存,2 show off 炫耀 show sb around 领某人参观 show up 出现;露面;显现出来;使人难堪 【活学活用】 (1)We were _the school by one of the students. (2)He likes to _how well he speaks French. (3)It was getting late when she finally _.,shown around,show off,showed up/turned up,Module 31 句型透视,But while few Americans will worry about the questions you may ask,particularly if you clearly show youre aware of cultural differences,they may hesitate before they ask you similar questions. 虽然极少有美国人担心你可能要问的一些问题,尤其是如果你清楚地表明你了解那些文化差异,在问你相似的问题前,他们也会有所犹豫。 【要点解读】 while意为“虽然”,引导让步状语从句。,Module 31 句型透视,【注意事项】 while除具有“当时”,“同时”等意义外,根据上下文还有不同含义及其不同译法。 【活学活用】 根据语境判断下列句中while的含义 (1)We must work hard to gain more knowledge while we are young. _ (2)While I believe it is true,I cannot prove it. _,当时,趁着,尽管,虽然,Module 31 句型透视,(3)Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, while those in the south are relatively poor. _ (4)Motion is absolute while stagnation(静止) is relative. _,而,可是,而,可是,Module 31 跟踪训练,12010福建卷 More and more highrise buildings have been built in big cities _ space. Ain search of Bin place of Cfor lack of Dfor fear of,【解析】 C 本题考查介词短语。句意为:因为缺少空间,城市中已经建造了越来越多的高层建筑。in search of寻找;in place of代替,替代;for lack of因缺乏,短缺;for fear of担心,害怕。,Module 31 跟踪训练,2Believe it or not,last month in America I came across the girl whose photo was in the drift bottle I got three years ago! Really? Thats the most surprising _Ive ever heard of! Aacquaintance Bcoincidence Cviewpoint Dprocedure,【解析】 B 本题考查名词辨析。由语境可知,第一句话叙述的事情是非常巧合的,由此可以判断应该选择coincidence(巧合的事)。acquaintance熟人;viewpoint观点;procedure步骤。,Module 31 跟踪训练,3She was so sad because she failed in the math test. Lets _ her _. Aleave; behind Bleave; alone Cleave; aside Dleave;out,【解析】 B leave sb alone意为“让某人单独静一静”。A项意为“把抛在后面”;C项意为“不予考虑”;D项意为“不包括,不提及”。,Module 31 跟踪训练,4Tim wanted to know the telephone number of the girl he loved at first sight, but nobody told him, so he had to_ for himself. Alook for Bresearch Cexamine Dfind out,【解析】 D find out多指(经过努力后)“找出,发现”。look for意为“寻找”,后应接宾语;research意为“调查,研究”;examine意为“检查”。,Module 31 跟踪训练,5It is one of the funniest things _ on the Internet so far this year. Afinding Bbeing found Cto find Dfound,【解析】 D 本题考查非谓语动词。本句意为:到目前为止,这是今年在网络上所能发现的最有趣的事情之一。根据句子中so far这个时间状语及find与things之间是动宾的关系,可知,空格处用动词的过去分词作定语。B项表示正在进行中的被动动作,A项和C项都表示主动的动作。,Module 31 跟踪训练,6. Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _ of exercise. Alimit Black Cneed Ddemand,【解析】 B a lack of exercise缺乏体育锻炼。,Module 31 跟踪训练,7He isnt a reliable man. Under no _should you lend him any money. Acircumstances Bstates Ccases Dsituations,【解析】 A 本题考查名词辨析。句意为:他很不可靠,你无论如何都不该把钱借给他。under no circumstances为固定短语,意为“决不,无论如何不”,符合题意。其他三项不与under搭配。in astate处于状态;in no case决不;in asituation处于境地或局面。,Module 31 跟踪训练,8Jacks mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but _ didnt help. Ahe Bwhich Cit Dshe,【解析】 C 本题考查代词的用法。代词it代替前面整句话的内容。由but可知前后是两个转折分句,故不能用which,若句中无but,则选which。,Module 31 跟踪训练,9. Time after time she was warned of the _of her actions. Aeffects Bresults Cimportance Dconsequences,【解析】 D 从warn一词可知,D为最佳答案。句意为:(人们)不时地警告她行为的后果。,Module 31 跟踪训练,10Im very _ about expressing my opinions in public in case I may make mistakes. Acautious Bconfused Cdelighted Denthusiastic,【解析】 A 本题考查形容词辨析。 cautious小心的,谨慎的。句意为: 为了防止犯错误,我在公开场合下表达自己的观点非常谨慎。confused困惑的;delighted高兴的;enthusiastic热情的。,Module 32 Fantasy Literature,第三十二讲 Module 2 Fantasy Literature,Module 32 编辑互动,设置“课前热身”,目的是让学生用8分钟快速浏览本模块的知识内容。知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重点单词、短语和句型。 在本模块中,put,come及turn构成的短语是高考考查的重点,需要经常复现加深记忆。短语fix ones eyes/attention etc. on容易在被动语态及非谓语中考查,学生也极易出错,老师要引导学生加强对语态的判断。独立主格结构是难点但不是重点内容,以理解为主,老师可以根据情况酌情处理。 建议课时:讲练一课时,课时作业(包括评讲)一课时,共计两个课时。,Module 32 课前热身,.单词拼写 1The mother d_ candy among children. 2R_speaking,I would say that about 100 people attended the exhibit. 3There is no d_that she will attend the meeting. 4. Hes still _(犹豫) over whether to join the expedition.,istributed,oughly,oubt,hesitating,Module 32 课前热身,5Dust and dirt soon a_ if a house is not cleaned regularly. 6He struggled to o_his shyness. 7The noise was keeping everyone _(清醒的). 8I dont want to become a _(负担) to my children when Im old. 9Children, please b_ yourselves! 10The company made an _(调整) in my salary.,ccumulate,vercome,awake,burden,ehave,adjustment,Module 32 课前热身,.词语翻译 1在中起重要作用 _ 2放下;写下,记下 _ 3伸出 _ 4朝走过来 _ 5转身走开;拒绝某人 _ 6直立着 _ 7向扩展 _ 8注视;盯着看 _ 9注视;凝视 _ 10寻找;搜索;想办法 _,play an important part in,put down,hold out,come up to,turn away,on end,sweep over,keep ones eyes on,fix on,cast about,Module 32 课前热身,11仅仅因为那个原因 _ 12四处寻找 _ 13与有联系 _ 14对某人有吸引力 _ 15限制在范围 _ 16卡壳;被困住 _ 17本应该做某事 _ 18回头看 _ 19瞥见 _ 20形状像 _,for that reason alone,look around for,be associated with,appeal to sb,be restricted to,be stuck,ought to/should have done,look back over ones shoulder,catch a glimpse of,be shaped like,Module 32 课前热身,.完成句子 1你不能仅仅因为那一个原因就开除他。 You cant fire him_. 2我们不能忽视与治疗癌症有关的问题。 We cant ignore problems _cancer treatment. 3我本应该立即向你道歉。 I _to you immediately.,for that reason alone,associated with,should/ought to have apologized,Module 32 课前热身,4卡车过去以后,他穿过马路,眼睛盯着那只猫一直在打量的那个地方。 When the truck had gone past he crossed the road,_the spot _the cat had been investigating. 5因特网在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用。 The Internet _ our daily life.,keeping his eyes on,where,plays a more and more important part in,Module 32 单词点睛,1 hesitate v. 犹豫;迟疑 hesitation n. 疑虑;踌躇 hesitatingly adv. 犹豫地 hesitate to do/about doing sth 对做某事犹豫不决 without hesitation 毫不踌躇地,Module 32 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1)Please do not _if you have any problems. 你有问题就直截了当地告诉我。 (2)_,he jumped into the river to save the drowning child. 他毫不犹豫地跳下河去救溺水的孩子。,hesitate to contact me,Without any hesitation,Module 32 单词点睛,2 appeal n. 吸引力;魅力 v. 呼吁;有吸引力;恳求 appealing adj. 有吸引力的;可怜的,恳求的 appeal to sb 对某人有吸引力 appeal (to sb) for sth/to sb to do sth 呼吁某人做某事,Module 32 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1)The design has to _all ages and social groups. 设计要雅俗共赏,老幼皆宜。 (2)Organizers _not to panic. 组织者呼吁人群不要惊慌。 (3) His new novel is very_. 他的新小说非常有吸引力。,appeal to,appealed to the crowd,appealing,Module 32 单词点睛,3 possess v. 拥有 possession n. 个人财产, 私人物品(常用复数);拥有 take/come into possession of 拥有,持有;继承 in possession of 拥有;具有 in the possession of (sb) 被(某人)拥有,Module 32 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1)The people had to gather up their few_ and escaped abroad. 人们不得不收拾起仅有的一点财物逃到国外去。 (2)Im afraid he doesnt_. 恐怕他没有什么幽默感。 (3)The six houses are _Stella. 这六幢房子是斯特拉的。,possessions,possess a sense of humor,in the possession of,Module 32 单词点睛,4 awake adj. 醒着的,清醒的 v. 醒来;唤醒;意识到 awake to sth/be awake to sth 觉察到、意识到某事物 be wide awakebe fully awake 毫无睡意 lie awake/stay awake 躺着睡不着/一夜不睡 【活学活用】 (1)Are you fully _youre in? 你充分意识到自己所处的危险了吗? (2)He _at night _about his job. 他担心自己的工作,整夜躺在床上睡不着。,awake to the danger,lies awake,worrying,Module 32 单词点睛,5 burden n. 负担,重负 v. 烦扰;使负担 a burden on/to sb 某人的负担 heavy burden 沉重的负担 take on/reduce/share the burden 承担/减少/分担负担 burden sb/sth with 让担负 be burdened with 负载着,背负着 【活学活用】 She got off the bus,_two heavy suitcases. 她提着两个重箱子下了公共汽车。,burdened with,Module 32 单词点睛,6 thus adv. 因此,所以;从而;这样 【易错警示】 thus 是副词,不要当连词使用。 【活学活用】 He forgot to turn on the TV,thus _the program. 他忘了打开电视,因此错过了那个节目。,missing,Module 32 短语储存,1 put down 放下;(使)降落;镇压 put an end to 平息;停止;结束 put aside 把放到一边,不顾 put back 放回原处 put forward 提出(计划、建议等) put off 推迟,延期 put away 收起来;放好;储存 put out 扑灭;出版;发布 put up with 忍受 put up 盖起;张贴;为某人提供食宿,在某处住宿,Module 32 短语储存,【活学活用】 用put短语的适当形式完成句子 (1)Its a great book. I couldnt put it_. (2)This afternoons meeting will have to be_. (3)_ your toys _in the cupboard,when youve finished playing. (4)We can _at a hotel for the night. (5)I dont know how you _their constant quarrelling. (6)He _a good suggestion at the meeting.,down,put off,Put,away,put up,put up with,put forward,Module 32 短语储存,2 come up to 朝走过来;达到,符合 come up 发芽;发生;被提出;提及 come out 出版;(太阳等)出现;开花;泄露 come about 发生 come across sb/sthcome upon 偶然遇见或发现某人/某事物 come down (指价格、温度等)降低,下降 come up with sth 找到或提出(答案、办法等) 【经典句式】 when it comes to sth/doing sth 当涉及(做)某事物的情况、事情或问题时,Module 32 短语储存,【活学活用】 用come短语的适当形式完成句子 (1)This doesnt _of your usual work. 这次你的工作有失水准。 (2)I cant wait to see my daughters new book_. 我迫不及待地想看到我女儿的新书出版。 (3)It was amazing that the little boy should _such a brilliant idea. 真令人惊讶,这个小男孩竟然想出这么一个绝妙的主意。,come up to the standard,come out,come up with,Module 32 短语储存,(4)Hes a bit of an expert when it_. 说到计算机方面他是有点精通。 (5)I dont know how this confusion has_. 我不知道这一片混乱是怎么发生的。 (6)The subject _in conversation. 谈话中谈到了这个话题。,comes to computers,come about,came up,Module 32 短语储存,3 turn away 转身离开;不让进入,把某人打发走; 拒绝给予帮助 in turn 依次,轮流;相应地;转而,反过来 by turns 交替 take turns 依次;轮流 turn in 上交;归还 turn round 转过身来 turn down 调低(热度、音量等);拒绝 turn over 打翻,翻身;翻动;移交 turn out 结果(是),证明(是);蜂拥而出;生产,制造,Module 32 短语储存,turn to 转向;求助于;着手做 turn on/off 打开/关闭 turn up 调大(热度、音量等);突然出现,露面 【活学活用】 用turn短语的适当形式完成句子 (1)Thousands of applicants are _each year. 每年都有成千上万的申请者被拒之门外。 (2)A doctor cannot _a dying man. 医生是不能见死不救的。 (3)He _the business _to his daughter. 他把生意移交给女儿管理。,turned away,turn away,turned,over,Module 32 短语储存,(4)The child _his mother for comfort. 那孩子向母亲寻求安慰。 (5)To my surprise, it _that I was wrong. 令我惊讶的是,竟然是我错了。 (6)All theories originate from practice and _ serve practice. 任何理论都来源于实践,反过来为实践服务。,turned to,turned out,in turn,Module 32 短语储存,4 fix ones eyes/attention/thoughts/mind/etc. on 注视;凝视;全神贯注于 focus (ones attention) on/concentrate (ones attention) on 把注意力集中在 pay ones attention to 注意 【易错警示】 当句子的主语是“眼睛,注意力”等时,要用被动语态形式,即be fixed on sth。,Module 32 短语储存,【活学活用】 用fix的适当形式完成句子 (1) Every eye _on the new girl. 大家的眼睛都紧盯着那个新来的女孩。 (2)He_ what he was doing. 他全神贯注地工作。,was fixed,fixed/focused/concentrated his attention on,Module 32 句型透视,aThen she leapt backwards,back arched and fur on end,tail held out stiffly. 然后它向后一跃,脊背拱起,毛发竖立,尾巴僵直地伸着。(n. 过去分词/介词短语) bat the side of the boulevard was a line of cafs and small shops,all brightly lit,all open,and all utterly silent and empty beneath a sky thick with stars. 路的一侧是成行的咖啡馆和小商店,在布满星星的夜空下,所有店铺都静悄悄的,无人光顾。,Module 32 句型透视,(n. 过去分词/形容词) 独立主格结构句型公式: n. /pron. doing/done/to do/adj. /adv. /prep. phrase withn. /pron. doing/done/to do/adj. /adv. /prep. phrase 【句式分析】 独立主格结构是一个独立的名词或代词(作为逻辑主语),加上一个分词、形容词、副词、不定式、介词短语。独立主格结构的逻辑主语与主句的主语不同,它独立存在,一般用逗号与主句分开,其作用相当于状语,多用来表示行为、方式,Module 32 句型透视,或伴随的情况,有时也用来表示时间和条件。这种结构多用在书面语中。它们往往可以转化为with复合结构。我们需要重点掌握由过去分词、现在分词及不定式自己的逻辑主语构成的独立主格结构。如: The test finished,we began our holiday. With the test finished,we began our holiday. When the test was finished,we began our holiday. Winter coming,it gets colder and colder. With winter coming,it gets colder and colder. As winter comes,it gets colder and colder.,Module 32 句型透视,He came into the room,his ears red with cold. He came into the room with his ears red with cold. He came out of the library,a large book under his arm. He came out of the library with a large book under his arm. 【活学活用】 (1)_,we will visit you tomorrow. 如果时间允许,我们明天就去拜访你。 (2)_,she sat down for a cup of


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