2012高考英语外研版必修4Module4《Great Scientists》知识与要点

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,1leading adj.主要的,领先的 归纳拓展 (1)play a leading role/part in sth.在某事中起主导作用 (2)lead v领导,带领 lead to通向,通往,导致 lead alife过的生活 (3)leader n领袖,领导,例句:The company is the leading software provider in the PC markets. 这家公司是电脑市场上主要的软件供应商。 The bank has offered a reward for any information leading to the arrest of the men. 银行悬赏情报,以便将这些人绳之以法。 We are leading a happy life now. 我们现在过着幸福的生活。,【链接训练】 One needs to work hard to realize his or her dream,as the saying goes “Hard work _success” Alies in Bresults from Cleads to Dbegins with 【解析】 考查动词短语辨析。lie in“在于”;result from“起因于”,后面跟原因;lead to“导致;通往”;begin with“首先,起初”。句意为:一个人需要努力工作来实现他/她的梦想,正如谚语所说的那样“努力工作通往成功”。根据题意,选C。 【答案】 C,2support v支持;支撑,供养 n支持,支援;给予帮助 归纳拓展 (1)support sb.in sth.在方面支持某人 support on靠支撑 (2)in support后备的,准备给予支援的 in support of sb./sth.支持或支援某人/某事物 come to ones support援助某人,例句:We support the police wholeheartedly in their work against crime.我们全力支持警方打击犯罪活动。 She needs a high income to support such a large family.她需要一份高收入来养活这么一大家子。 Thank you for all your support at this difficult time.谢谢你们在这个困难时刻所给予的一切帮助。 Mr Wang spoke in support of the proposal. 王先生发言支持该项提议。,【链接训练】 The proposal _ by a large majority of the teachers. Awas supported Bwas for Cwas in favour of Dsupported 【解析】 句意为:这项提议得到了大多数老师的支持。主语是the proposal,与support为动宾关系,故用被动语态,答案为A。B、C项属错误用法。 【答案】 A,3quantity n量;数量 归纳拓展 (1)in quantity大量地 a large/fair quantity of大量的 large quantities of大量的;许多的 (2)a quantity of后面跟可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数;后面跟不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。 large quantities of可数名词复数/不可数名词,谓语动词用复数。,例句:Your work has improved in quantity and quality this term. 本学期你的作业在数量和质量上都有提高。 Its a lot cheaper if you buy it in quantity. 如果你大批量购买要便宜得多。 A quantity of money has been spent in bringing up his children. Quantities of money have been spent in bringing up his children.他在教育孩子方面花了许多钱。,【链接训练】 As a result of destroying the forests,a large _ of desert _ covered the land. Anumber;has Bquantity;has Cnumber;have Dquantity;have 【解析】 a large number of后接复数名词,不能选为答案,故排除A、C项;a large quantity of可修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,desert是不可数名词,谓语动词要填has。综上,选B。 【答案】 B,4escape v&n.逃脱;被遗忘;未被注意 归纳拓展 (1)escape (doing) sth.逃脱做某事 escape from/out of.从逃离;逃走 (2)make ones escape逃跑 have a narrow escape九死一生 a fire escape紧急出口;安全门,例句:The fire spread quickly but luckily all the people managed to escape from the burning house. 火势蔓延得很快,但幸运的是所有的人都设法从着火的房子里逃出来了。 She was lucky to escape being punished. 她逃脱了惩罚真是幸运。 The party was boring.We couldnt wait to make our escape.聚会很无聊,我们迫不及待地要溜走。,【链接训练】 The burglar_the prison and _being sentenced. Aescaped;escaped Bescaped from;escaped Cescaped;escaped from Descaped from;escaped away 【解析】 escape from意为“从中逃出来”;escape doing意为“避免做,逃避做”。根据题意,选B。 【答案】 B,5graduate n(大学)毕业生;研究生 v(使)(大学)毕业 归纳拓展 (1)graduate from从毕业 graduate in毕业于(某专业) graduate (from sth.)to.从(某处)升级到 (2)graduate school研究生院,研究生时期 (3)graduation n毕业 例句:He is a history graduate. 他是一个历史专业的大学毕业生。,Mitch graduated from Stanford with a degree in Law.米奇从斯坦福大学毕业,获得法学学位。 After graduation he went abroad for further education. 毕业后他出国进修。 【链接训练】 He graduated _ MD.at Edinburgh in 1807. Afor Bas Cin Dfrom 【解析】 句意为:他作为医学博士生于1807年毕业于爱丁堡大学。graduate as“作为毕业”,符合题意。graduate in“毕业于(某专业)”;graduate from“从毕业”。 【答案】 B,6clear adj.清楚的;显然的;明白的 vt.扫除;清除;放晴 adv.清楚地;清晰地;完全地 归纳拓展 (1)make.clear讲清楚,弄明白 keep clear of不接触,避开 (2)clear away把清除掉,收拾 clear off离去;迅速地离开某地 clear out除掉;整理 clear up解释;整理;(天)放晴,例句:I made it clear to him that I rejected his proposal.我清楚地告诉他我拒绝了他的建议。 Before you start your work youd better clear up your desk,and this will make you work effectively. 在你开始工作以前你最好把桌子收拾干净这样会使你工作有效率。 The father told his son to clear away the earth in the garden.父亲告诉儿子把花园里的土运走。,【链接训练】 It has been raining for three days.I hope _. Ait will clean up Bit will clear up Cit to be cleared up Dit to be cleaned up 【解析】 句意为:接连下了三天的雨了。我希望天能很快放晴。clear up“天放晴”,符合题意。C项表达错误;clean up“打扫干净”,与题意不符。 【答案】 B,1earn ones living谋生 归纳拓展 earn a fortune挣大钱 make a/ones living谋生 earn sb.praise/a reputation为某人赢得赞扬/名声 例句:He earned his living by singing on the street and got the money from the passing people. 他靠在街上唱歌从路过的人那里得到一些钱。 The girl earned her living by writing to magazines.那个女孩靠给杂志写稿子谋生。,Her perfectionism earned her a reputation as a difficult star. 她力求完美的劲头给她带来了“难缠”明星的名声。 【链接训练】 When Mark Twain was young,he did_he could_. Aall;earn his living Bwhat;earn his living Call;to earn his living Dwhat;earning his living 【解析】 考查earn ones living“谋生”的用法。此处用不定式作目的状语,故排除A、B、D三项,答案为C。 【答案】 C,2come to/into power(开始)掌权,上台 归纳拓展 in/within ones power为某人力所能及 beyond/out of ones power不能胜任;力所不能及 in power当权的;掌权的 seize power夺取政权 take power取得政权 put.into power使执政,使上台 例句:De Gaulle came to power in 1958. 戴高乐是1958年开始执政的。,The dictator had been in power for seven years. 那个独裁者已执政7年了。 Its beyond my power to help you. 我没有能力帮助你。 【链接训练】 Soon after Hitler _ power in Germany,Einstein was _ in his life. Acame to the;in the trouble Bcame to;in trouble Ccame to the;in trouble Dtook;in troubles,【解析】 come to power“上台,执掌大权”;in trouble“处于困境中”。句意为:希特勒在德国上台后不久,爱因斯坦的生活就陷入了困境。 【答案】 B,3bring in招来,引进,请进;赚钱;收割庄稼 归纳拓展 bring along随身携带 bring on导致;促成;使发展/进步 bring forth生产,产生 bring out使罢工,使显现;阐明;出版 例句:Researchers were brought in from all over China to develop the new system. 全国各地的研究者们被召集在一起开发新的水稻品种。 Farmers in the south have also brought in good crops.南方的农民也获得好收成。,The fine weather is bringing the crops on nicely. 这样的好天气使庄稼更加茁壮成长。 【链接训练】 Advanced ways of management must be_to make things better. Abrought down Bbrought in Cbrought on Dbrought up 【解析】 考查动词短语辨析。句意为:必须引进先进的管理方式使事情变得更好。bring in意为“引进”,与题意相符。bring down“倒下,使落下”;bring on“导致,促成”;bring up“培养,教育”。 【答案】 B,Its yield is much greater than the yield of other types of rice grown in Pakistan. 它的产量比巴基斯坦所种植的其他品种的水稻产量都要高得多。 归纳拓展 much修饰比较级,意为“得多”。 常见的修饰比较级的词还有:a little,a bit,a lot,rather,by far,far,even,still,any等。 例句:She speaks English far better than her classmates.她讲英语比她的同学好得多。,After the first failure,he studies even harder now.第一次失败后,他学习更加努力了。 I did rather worse this time.这次我做得相当糟。 【链接训练】 After several years research,scientists now have a_better understanding of the HIV. Avery Bfar Cfairly Dquite 【解析】 从句子结构可看出使用了比较级,而四个选项中只有far能修饰比较级,故答案为B。 【答案】 B,1复习被动语态 (1)各种时态的被动语态的构成,例句:English is taught in most schools in China. 中国大多数学校都教英语。(一般现在时) They were given a warm sendoff. 他们受到热烈的欢送。(一般过去时) Im afraid I am being followed. 恐怕我被人跟踪了。(现在进行时) The case has recently been tried. 案子最近已经审过了。(现在完成时) Their wedding will be held in the church. 他们的婚礼将在教堂里举行。(一般将来时) All the tickets had been sold out when they arrived. 他们到达时,所有的票已经售完了。(过去完成时),(2)使用被动语态时值得注意的几个问题 表示某处有某人或某物的there be结构、主系表结构及不及物动词充当句子的谓语动词时,不能变被动语态。 例句:We study hard.我们努力学习。 动词have不论表示“有”,还是表示其他动作,虽是及物动词,用于主动语态时可以带宾语,但不可变为被动语态。 例句:We have three meals a day.我们一天吃三餐。,有些及物动词表示某种情况或状态,而不表示动作,如become,comprise,contain,equal,fit,hold,join,lack,mean,resemble,suit等。与此相似的look like,consist of,become of,belong to等不可变为被动语态。 例句:I think itll fit me quite well before long. 我想它很快就会适合我。 短语动词的被动语态:有些短语动词在意义上相当于及物动词,所以也有被动语态。短语动词在主动结构中是一个不可分割的词组,在被动结构中也是如此,不可去掉后面的介词或副词。 例句:That old man was often laughed at. 那位老人常受人嘲笑。,情态动词的被动语态:情态动词be动词的过去分词。 例句:The plan ought to be put into practice as soon as possible.计划必须尽快执行。 带双宾语的动词的被动语态:由其中一个宾语作主语,常为表示人的间接宾语。 例句:He was given some books. Some books were given (to) him. 有人给了他一些书。,带宾语补足语的动词的被动语态:由宾语作主语,原来的宾语补足语变为主语补足语。 例句:We elected him our monitor. 我们选他当我们的班长。 He was elected our monitor by us. 他被我们选为班长。 不定式的被动语态 主动句中的宾语如果是不带to的不定式,在变成被动句中的主语补足语时,to不能省去。 例句:She heard him sing a song just now. He was heard to sing a song just now. 她听到他刚才唱了一首歌。,被动语态和“连系动词be表语(过去分词)”的区别 被动语态表示动作,而“连系动词be表语(过去分词)”表示状态。 例句:The door was locked by the monitor. 门是班长锁的。(被动语态) The door was locked. 门锁着。(连系动词表语),【链接训练】 Many new opportunities and challenges _ in the future for those with a university education. Aare open Bhave been opened Care open up Dwill be opened up 【解析】 句意为:对那些受过高等教育的人来说,将来新的机会和挑战是很多的。这是“动词副词”结构,根据句意,应该用将来时的被动语态,故选D。 【答案】 D,Thirty percent of Janes income _ on clothing every year. Ais spent Bhad been spent Cis being spent Dhas been spent 【解析】 句意为:简每年收入的百分之三十都花在衣服上。Janes income与spend之间是被动关系;注意时间状语every year,所以用一般现在时的被动语态。 【答案】 A,If Newton lived today,he would be surprised by what _ in science and technology. Ahad discovered Bhad been discovered Chas discovered Dhas been discovered 【解析】 考查时态和语态。句意为:如果牛顿今天还活着,他一定会对现在科学技术领域的新发现大吃一惊的。表示“迄今为止”的发现,应用现在完成时。又discover与what之间为被动关系,故选D。 【答案】 D,2byv.ing形式 by 表示行为的主语,表示方法、手段或所用的工具,后面接动名词作宾语,构成byv.ing的形式。表示以某种方式来实现某种目标。 例句:He makes a living by begging from door to door. 他靠挨家挨户乞讨为生。 拓展: 不涉及交通工具的名词时用by,名词前不带冠词,如by sea,by water,by land,by rail,by air等。 涉及交通工具的名词时用by,但名词须用单数,其前面不加冠词或任何修饰语,如by bike,by taxi等。,by与the连用,表示时间或度量单位。 例如:rent a car by the day (the week/the month) 按日(周、月)租用汽车 sell sth.by the dozen (the yard)成打(码)卖 pay sb.by the day/hour.按天/小时付款给某人 by weight按重量计算 表示程度或数量 例如:lose the match by one goal以一分之差输掉了比赛 表示尺寸 例句:This room is forty feet by twenty. 这个房间长40英尺,宽20英尺。,【链接训练】 He had planned to go there _ 9:00 am.,but the train is _ time. Aon;on Bby;behind Cby;on Don;ahead 【解析】 by置于具体时间前面,是“不迟于,在之前”的意思;behind time“延迟,迟到”,是固定短语。 【答案】 B,Only by _ science and technology can we make our country stronger. Arely on Brelying on Cdepend on Ddepending 【解析】 byv.ing表示“以某种方式”,故排除A、C项;D项若depending后加上on也正确。rely on“依靠,依赖”,符合题意。 【答案】 B,Loading ,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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