《unite5 语法》课件一(17张PPT)(人教版选修7)

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,Answer keys for excise 1 on page 40:,1. fit in,2. adjusting/getting used to,3. numb,4. get used to,5. in common,6. keep it up,7. numb,8. at home,9. all the best,10. far as I concerned,2. Complete the sentences with the suitable words in their proper forms.,1. Sara _ ( acknowledged, acknowledgement ) her mistake and apologized immediately. 2. The travel agency booked my flight and _ (accommodate, accommodation ) for me. 3. He has a good _ (relation, relationship) with his uncle who loves him very much.,acknowledged,accommodation,relationship,4. I am too _ (occupied, occupation) with my own work to help you with yours. 5. The new software can meet almost all our _ (require, requirements). 6. The chemist _ (analyzed, analysis) the coffee and found it contained poison. 7. A good book can be a great _ (comfort, comfortable) when you feel upset. 8. After four years of study, you will gain a _ (qualified, qualification) in marketing.,occupied,requirements,analyzed,comfort,qualification,9. Ive got lots of _ (prepare, preparation) to do for the dinner party tonight. 10. _ (Hopeful, Hopefully), my new passport will be ready in time for my holiday.,preparation,Hopefully,1. Six months ago, Xie Lei said goodbye to her family and friends in China and boarded a plane for London. 六个月以前,谢蕾告别中国的家人和朋友,登上了飞往伦敦的飞机。,Language points for Reading I,board n.&v. 1) 上(船或别的交通工具) 2) n. 木板,纸板,董事会,委员会 3) 供食宿,e.g. board a plane 搭乘飞机,Im _with a friend. 我向朋友提供食宿.,boarding,与board相关的短语: on board (a ship /a train) go on board (a ship /a train) on the board board of honor,表状态,表动作,将在会上讨论,光荣榜,2. It was the first time she had ever left her home country.,第一次和她见面时, 我就认为她诚实。,the first time 的用法:该句使用了句型“It is+ the+序数词+time+ that从句“, that从句中的谓语常用现在完成时。,He cast his net for the first time.,他撒了第一网. (for the first time的作用相当于一个副词),Its time for sth. 该做某事了。,Its time that.中, that从句中的谓语动词用过去时或用“should+动词原形“(should不能省略)。,e.g. Its time we started. =Its time we should start.,辨析: the first time与for the first time the first time 作n. 或conj. for the first time 介词短语用作状语.,Practice: I thought her honest _ I met her. A. first time B. for the first time C. the first time D. by the first time,3. Xie Lei highly recommends the course.,辨析: highly和high high表示空间高度, 通常指物;highly表示程度,相当于much。,e.g. The plane was flying_. I think _of your opinion.,high,highly,recommended vt. 1) 推荐,赞许 他向学生推荐一本书.,2) 劝告,建议 (作宾语接doing 不接to do不定式,如 allow/advise/forbid/permit等.),He recommended a book to his students.,I recommend buying that pen.,我推荐你买这支笔.,The doctor_ his patient to go out for a walk.,recommend,3) recommend 表示主观判断,推测,建议,命令,要求的动词,通常引起虚拟语气的宾语从句,从句谓语动词常用should+ v.原形,且should可以省略,如:suggest/insist/recommend/propose/ require/request/demand etc.,e.g. They demanded that the right to vote be given to every adult. We insisted that Mr. Brown chair the meeting.,4. When I got lost and had to ask a passer-by directions, I didnt always understand. 当我迷路,不得不向过路人问路时,我并不是总能明白.,got lost是由“get+过去分词”构成的短语,类似的还有: get excited, get married, get hurt, get paid, get dressed, get drunk.,5. Besides, as far as he was concerned what other people thought was not the most important thing. 另外,他还说别人的想法不是最重要的事情.,1)besides 用作介词,作“除之外,还有”;,除了我们两人之外,还有五个人.,There are five other people besides both of us.,它还可以用作副词,作“还有,而且”解。含有肯定和附加的意思。,我不想出去散步,况且我很饿了.,I dont want to go out for a walk. Besides, Im very hungry.,Practice: - They all agree _ George. Has the project been passed? - Who _ George can make the final decision? A. except; expect B. except; besides C. but; but D. besides; but,2) concern v. 涉及,关系到, 关心 n. (1) 关系或利害关系之事 (2) 关心,担心,别管与自己无关的事.,Dont interfere in what doesnt concern you.,习惯用法:show concern for sb. 关心某人,她对你的爱情无动于衷,因为她对你毫不关心.,She is indifferent to your love for she shows no concern for you.,6. Im going to join a few university clubs and hopefully Ill meet some people I have things in common with. 我打算加入一些大学俱乐部, 希望在那里遇到一些有共同爱好的人.,in common with 与有共同之处 have sth in common 共同,共有 made common cause with sb. 与某人联合起来,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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