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绝密启用前江苏省 2016 年普通高校专转本选拔考试 英语 试题卷(非英语类专业)注意事项-1.本试卷分为试题卷和答题卡两部分,试题卷共 10 页。全卷满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟.2.必须在答题卡上作答,作答在试题替上无效。作答前务必将自己的姓名和准考证号准确清晰地填写在试题卷和答题卡的指定位置。3.考试结束时,须将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。Part I Reading Comprehension (共 20 小题,每小题 2 分共 40 分)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part Each passage is followed by some questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decideon the best choice and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneQuestions I to 5 are based on the following passage.Now it is the best time for Hong Kong shopping lovers,as most shops and markets are havingtheir seasonal sales. Whit the same amount of money, you can buy more goods in this city. Women,young or old, rarely resist the attraction of this shopping paradise (乐园) at this time of the year. Youwill surely have an exciting Christmas and New Years Eve celebrations at Times Square or in thewestern-style bars. Spending your holidays in Hong Kong will be easy too as several packing tours areavailable from CZL Travel Agency, with four-day tours for less than 4,000 yuan.Tour Package One (3, 200 yuan): a four day tour including three nights accommodation (住宿),science helicopter flight, night ferry tour of Victoria Harbor and shuttle bus to Victoria Peak to viewthe city at night.Tour Package Two (1, 880 yuan): a four -day shopping tour including three nightsAccommodation, tour to Golden Beach and Hong Kong Space Museum, shuttle bus to VictoriaPeak and shopping opportunities.Tour Package Three (1,480 yuan): a four-day DIY tour including three nights accommodation in afour-star hotel and complete freedom to do what you want.1. This advertisement is probably from .A. a shopping centerB. a hotel1 / 12 C. a travel agencyD. a museum2. According to the passage, it can be inferred that are shopping lovers.A. almost all the womenC. only old womenB. only young womenD. men and women3. If you want to plan the tour by yourself, youd better choose Tour Package .A. Two B. Three C. One D. Two and Three4. According to the passage, if you want to visit Victoria Harbor at night with a tour guide, you canchoose Tour Package .A. OneB. ThreeC. TwoD One and Two5. According to the passage, this advertisement was most probably shown .A. on New Years DayB. on Christmas EveC. between New Years Day and ChristmasD. before ChristmasPassage TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.If someone tells you he fought in the Swiss Navy and speaks Swiss, dont believe a word he says.Switzerland is a landlocked (内陆的) nation. It hasnt gone to war in over a century. And there is nosuch thing as the Swiss language.Switzerland is located among the highest mountains of Western Europe. The Aar River flows in thenorth and the Rhone River cuts through the south. Many beautiful lakes serve as tourist attractions.More than 6,300,000 people live in Switzerland. The national languages are German, French, andItalian. About 70% of the people speak German. Nearly everyone speaks at least two of the nationallanguages. About 49% of the country is Roman Catholic, and 48% is Protestant.Zurich is the largest city with people. Bern, the capital, has a population of about 145,000. The cityof Geneva is famous, and the Red Cross was founded there.The Swiss have a 99% literacy rate, which means that 99% of the people can read and write. Manychildren from other nations enroll in Swiss schools. The Swiss have a high standard of living. Foreignresidents, who represent 20% of all workers, are willing to take the lower paying jobs that the Swiss do2 / 12 not apply for.The nation is a federation of 23 cantons. These states have a history of independence. Since 1848,they have joined to form a common government, but they still maintain their independent character.6. Which of the following is the best title for this passage? A. Life in the Swiss NavyC. Facts about SwitzerlandB. The Cities of SwitzerlandD. Language of Switzerland7. In Switzerland, most of the people speak .A. English B. Italian C. FrenchD. German8. Which of the following can be Inferred about the education of Switzerland?A. There are more foreign students than Swiss students In Swiss schools.B. The Swiss have a successful education system.C. Most Swiss students go to school in other countries.D Education is not Important to the people of Switzerland.9. Foreign residents would like to take jobs .A. that the SWISS are not willing to apply forB. that can hardly support their familiesC. only when their kids can be enrolled in Swiss schoolsD. when they are appointed the representatives of all workers10. Switzerland is a federation of 23 states with a history of about years.A. 100B. 120C. 160D. 70Passage ThreeQuestions Il to 15 are based on the following passage.There are two factors which determine an individuals intelligence. The first is the sort ofbrain he is born with. Human brains differ considerably, some being more capable than others. Butno matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low level of intelligenceunless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what happens to theindividual-the sort of environment in which he is brought up. If an individual is (不利的)environmentally, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the levelof intelligence of which he is capable.3 / 12 The importance of environment in determining an individuals intelligence can be demonstratedby the case history of the identical twins, Peter and Mark. Being identical, the twins had identical brainsat birth, and their growth processes were the same. When the twins were three months old, theirparents died, and they were placed in separate Peter was raised by parents of low intelligence in anisolated community with fewer educational opportunities. Mark was reared in the home of well-to doparents who had been to college. He was read to as a child, sent to good schools, and given everyopportunity to be stimulated intellectually.This environmental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens, when they weregiven tests to measure their intelligence. Marks I. Q was 125, twenty-five points higher than theaverage and forty points higher than his identical brother Given equal opportunities, the twins, havingidentical brains, would have tested at roughly the same level.11. The main idea of this passage is that .A. human brains differ completelyB. the brain a person is born with determines his intelligenceC. environment is crucial in determining a persons intelligenceD. persons having identical brains will have roughly the same Intelligence12. According to the passage, the average I. Q. is .A. 85B. 100C. 110D. 12513. The case history of the twins appears to support the conclusion that .A. individuals with identical brains are seldom testedB. an individuals intelligence is determined only by his environmentC. lack of educational opportunities blocks the growth of intelligenceD. changes of environment produce changes in the structure of the brain14. This passage suggests that an individuals I. Q. is .A. can be predicted at birthB. stays the same throughout his lifeD. is determined by his childhoodC. can be increased by education15. The best title of this passage is .A. Measuring Your IntelligenceC. The Case of Peter and MarkB. Intelligence and EnvironmentD. How the Bram Influences intelligence4 / 12 Passage FourQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.Three American psychologists did a research study several years ago on what Americansvalue most. In the study, eighteen values were asked to put in the order of importance. The result isas follows:1. family security3. freedom2. a world at peace4. self-respect5. happiness6. wisdom7. a sense of accomplishment9. true friendship11. inner harmony13. national security15. a world of beauty17. an exciting life8. a comfortable life10. Salvation (拯救) in the religious sense12. Equality14. mature love16. pleasure18. social recognitionAre you surprised that Americans place their values in this way? Did you think they would puttheir values in a different order? I would have thought love and friendship might have come higheron this list. As you can see, several of these values are closely related to each other and are dependentupon each other. In other words, we cannot have 1-family security without 2 a world at peace, and 3national security.The results of the study showed that people who placed equality high up on their list ofvalues were those who had positive attitudes towards persons of other races and who supportedcivil rights activity, especially the work of Martin Luther King Jr.Another Interesting finding in this study was that eleven-year-old children ranked a world ofbeauty 7th in Importance, but fifteen-year old children ranked a world of beauty 14th and adultsranked it 17th. Well, what does it mean? Probably it means that as people grow older and take onmore responsibilities in their work and with their own families, that appreciating beauty move-backinto the background of their lives. What a pity! Children have more time to enjoy equity and Nature.Philosophers, psychologists and religious people have always been very much concededwith values. After all, values represent what we each hold most dear to ourselves and to our society.5 / 12 Societies establish their own forms of government based on the collective values of the people, or atleast they try to do so.16. The best title of this passage can be .A. The American PeopleB. A Research on American ValuesD. The American Social CustomC. How Psychologists Do Research17. Which of the following might the writer place higher on the list? A. A world of beauty.B. A comfortable life.D. Love and friendshipC. Equality and freedom.18. Which of the following is NOT true? A. All Americans look forward to the equality of different races.B. Psychologists got some interesting results from this study.C. Family security and a world at peace are dependent upon each other.D. Peoples concepts of values play an essential role in the formation of their governmentsystem.19. The finding that children ranked a world of beauty higher than adults probably means that .A. American schools begin to lay more emphasis on beauty educationB. American children are usually more kind-hearted than adultsC. adults have less time to enjoy beauty and Nature because of more responsibilitiesD. a world of beauty would be the most important thing as people grow older20. According to the last paragraph, values represent .A. what a dear friend our society is to usB. what our dear society can give usC. most valuable things to us and to our societyD. how we and our society hold to each otherPart II Vocabulary and Structure (共 40 小题,每小题 1 分,共 40 分)Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark youranswer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.6 / 12 21. Mr. White, who often donates a lot of money to charity, is man Ive ever known.A. the most generousC. the less generousB. the more generousD. the least generous22. Quite a lot of young people are willing with the old lady, for she is a friendly andeasy-going person.A. talkingB. to talkC. to be talkedD. being talked23. The cause of this kind of flu hasnt yet in spite of the efforts of the medical researchers.A. have discoveredC. been discoveredB. discoveredD. discover24. It is suggested that the regular meeting on Wednesdays limited to 20 minutes.A. were B. was C. is D. be25. All flights due to the fog, they decided to go to Guangzhou by train.A. have been cancelledC. having been cancelledB. having cancelledD. were cancelled26. Only when you are over 65 years old take buses for free in some cities.A. need you B. you can C. can you D. you need27. If you accuse someone of causing you harm or losses, you convincing proofs byyourself.A. would collectC. had collectedB. will have to collectD. collect28. These retired women that benefits of dancing in parks for many years.A. had enjoyedB. enjoysC. has been enjoyingD. have been enjoying29. What angered the old man most that his son didnt follow his advice on marriage.A. is B. were C. was D. are30. According to the experts presentation, the project to increase household income forfarmers in the western areas.A. is expectedB. are expectedC. is expectingD. expects31. The more time he spent this matter, the more nervous he became.7 / 12 A. considered32. The number of the spectators present at the football match was that expected. There weremany tickets left.A. much smaller33. The Production Department, as well as the other departments, will have its budget to $ 3million this year.A. Increased34. No sooner had the building been built it collapsed in a strong earthquake.A. when B. than C. then D. beforeB. consideringC. considersD. considerB. much moreC. much largerD. many moreB. being IncreasedC. to IncreaseD. to have been Increased35. A survey showed that the population in France because many women didnt like to have ababy for some reason or other.A. has decreasedB. had decreasedC. decreasesD. have decreased36. Having stayed in China for five years, the American teacher can speak Chinese fluentlyas if he a Chinese.A. is37.B. wereC. wasD. had been some students hunt for jobs after graduation, others continue their further study atuniversity.A. SinceB. WhileC. BecauseD. If38. It IS Important to provide an environment employees are encouraged to makesuggestions at all levels of the company.A. from which39. A that I wasnt going to get much chance for promotion, I decided to quit the job.A. Realizing B. To realize C. Being realized D. Realized40. It is believed that some illnesses are related to was eaten.A. which B. it C. what D. that41. We usually want people to keep quiet in the cinema so that we can the film.A. contain B. appreciate C. receive D. accept42. People can live for many days without food, but two or three days without water may death.A. result in B. result from C. carry away D. take awayB. in thatC. in whichD. what8 / 12 43. She couldnt the managers rudeness any longer, so she stood up and left the office angrily.A. put up with B. result from C. keep up with D. come up with44. While waiting for trains or flights, passengers tend to time by surfing the Internet.A. waste B. go C. record D. kill45. The president of the company did not take his mobile phone with him. Which made it difficultfor us to with himA. go through46. In a crowded dormitory, its especially important to other peoples needs and feelings.A. be thankful to B. be considerate of C. take charge of D consist of47. China has been great importance to the development of economy.A. offering B. devoting C. attaching D. directingB. get in touchC. get aheadD. go over48. For many students, the Internet has become as as public libraries for conductingresearch.A. independent49. She found it difficult to make a for a single-bed room due to the conference.A. selection B location C. reservation D. conversation50. Organic vegetables are becoming more and more popular because they are environmentallyB. constantC. ignorantD. necessary .A. friendly51. It was reported yesterday that three teenagers had been the bank robbery.A. devoted to B. resulted from C. applied to D. involved in52. Economic development can be of great benefit to people, but more , we should pay moreattention to environment protection.A. importantly B. peacefully53. Judges would make the final as to who should be the winner of the competition.A. decision B. promise C. difference D. change54. These data show that 45 percent of freshmen in college are worried about the with theirB. variousC. commonD. changeableC. expensivelyD. silentlyroommates.A. personalityB. relationshipsC. progressD. reaction9 / 12 55. You have just come back from Paris. How was your trip there? .A. Oh, wonderful indeedB. I went there with my friendD. A guide showed me the wayC. First by plane and then by train56. three exams coming, my daughter has to work hard these days.A. With B. As for C. Because D. Besides57. Apart from interpersonal conflicts, planning is also a common problem amongcollege students.A. lack of58. When his depression got worse, he decided to seek in the hospitalA. response B. treatment C. argument D. demand59. When one has to be faced with some trouble, a person is more likely to handle it in arelaxed way.A. humorous60. Shakespeares plays and pomes written during the late 15 todayA. carefulPart Ill Cloze (共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分)B. belief inC. confidence inD. dream ofB. nervousC. carelessD. stupidthand early 16 centuries still remainthB. patientC. confidentD. popularDirections: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are 4 choicesmarked A. B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best completes the passage. Then mark youranswer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.The United States is well-known for its network of major highways designed to help a driver getfrom one place to another in the shortest possible time. 61 these wide modern roads are generally62 and well maintained. With 63 warp curves (弯道) and many 64 sections, a direct route is not always65 enjoyable one. Large highways often pass 66 scenic areas and interesting small towns. Furthermore,these highways generally 67 large urban centers, which means that they become crowded with 68traffic during rush hours, when the fast, direct way becomes a very 69 route.However, there 70 almost always another route to take 71 you are not in a hurryNot far 72 the relatively new superhighways, there are often older, 73 heavily traveled10 / 12 roads which go through the countryside. 74 of these are good two-lane(双车道)roads; others areuneven roads curving through the country. These secondary routes ma


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