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Chapter 1 Tourism System1, Three Elements(1) Spatial movement: tourism activities involve in peoples traveling away from their place of residence.(2) Travel to and temporary stay in the destination region, which distinguishes tourism from migration, permanent residence.(3) For different purposes other than working, earning or other non-recreation or non-relaxing purposes. Conceptual definition: AIEST definition Visitor: tourism activity demand side Technical definition: Roma definition2, Participants supply side Tourism industry: provides goods and services for visitors.(1)AIEST definition: The sum of phenomena and relationships arising from the travel and stay of non-residents, in so far as they dont lead to permanent residence and are not connected to any earning activity. (Held by professors Hunziker and Krapf of Beme University in 1942.Accepted by International Association Scientific Experts in Tourism in 1970s)(2)Technical or Working definition: Any person visiting a country other than that in which he has his usual place of residence, for any reason other than following an occupation remunerated酬劳from within the country visited. This definition was to cover two classes of visitor.Tourist(旅游者); Excursionist(短途旅游者)Tourist(s): Temporary visitors staying at least 24 hours, whose purpose is leisure, business, family, mission or meeting .Excursionists: Temporary visitors staying less than 24 hours, including cruise travelers, day visitors but excluding travelers in transit.UNWTO世界旅游组织 definition: Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment 惯常环境 for not more than one consecutive连续的 year for leisure, business or other purposes. Tourism may or may not involve overnight stay away from home. (1) Spatial movement-distance of travel-the distance recommended by UNWTO is 160km.Three Elements (2) Temporary stay-the length of time of stay-not more than one consecutive year(3) Purpose-types of tourists defined according to different travel purpose.(3) Characteristics of tourismAn activity of expendingAn activity of leisure A comprehensive activityA temporary activityAn activity leaving the place of residence (usual environment)Definition of tourism industry1, definitionTourism industry is a comprehensive industry composed of different sectors that takes visitors as its object of service and provides all goods and services needed by visitors during the whole process of their trip and the tourism activities and makes their trip convenient and enjoyable.It represents the supply side of tourism.狭义与广义之分We can firstly divide tourism sectors into: sectors depending on tourism (totally involved in tourism such as travel agency, scenic areas, tourism transportation and accommodation) and sectors partly depending on tourism (partly involved in tourism)2, The Characteristics of tourism industry(1) A comprehensive industry(2) A service industry(3) A labor-intensive industry(4) Its extent of association with many sectors(5) Not providing fixed(固定) goods and products.3, Definition of visitor(1) DefinitionVisitor is any person visiting a place other than that in which he has his usual place of residence for not more than one consecutive year for leisure business and other purposes other than following an occupation remunerated酬劳 from within the place visited.Travelers not included in tourism statisticsPermanent or temporary immigrantsDiplomats外交官Representation of consulates领事馆Member of armed forcesRefugees难民Nomads流浪者Transit passengersBorder workers(2) Classification of visitors According to the staying time: Tourist(s): Temporary visitors staying at least 24 hours, whose purpose is leisure, business, family, mission or meeting .Excursionists: Temporary visitors staying less than 24 hours, including cruise travelers, day visitors but excluding travelers in transit.According to the destination place:domestic visitors-who travel within the boundary of their countries of residence, whether he stays overnight or return the same day.international visitors-who traveling to and staying in other countries outside their countries of residence.4, How to understand tourist product?From the stand point of the visitor, tourist product is a total of experiences a visitor gets from the trip. It may be easily visualized设想,可见的 as everything that a tourist uses, consumes or acquires on one trip. From the stand point of the provide, tourist product is the services offered for sale by different tourism enterprises or tourism related enterprises to satisfy the different needs of the visitor during his trip. It is the total sum of all services and goods provided to a tourist during the total process of his tour.Characteristics of tourist product Intangibility无形性 Variability易变性 Perishability易损性 Inseparability地域固定性 Simultaneity同一性 Comprehensiveness综合性Chapter 21. Ancient tourism (before 1840)1) Characteristics of ancient tourisma) The purpose of traveling was mainly for trading, health and religious activities, but limited to very few (the small leisure class);b) Ancient Rome, ancient Greece and ancient Egypt were the main places of tourism;c) Lack of any formal tourism or hospitality(友好款待)industry to serve travelers;d) Tourism is risky, uncomfortable and time-consuming(耗费时间的);e) The restriction(限制)of most travel to very few destinations(目的地);f) Early guides and guidebooks occurred in this period.2. Modern tourism (1840-before World War 2)1) Impact of Industrial Revolution on the development of tourism:a) Rapid improvements in new power and technology led to transport that was both fast and moderately(适度的)priced;b) Productivity increased greatly, which led to the rapid expansion (膨胀)of the middle classs wealth and the creation of new purchasing power;c) People have stronger desire to visit places of interests (because the progress of urbanization(都市化) speeded up, the upgrading of the education level);2) Thomas Cook and modern tourism industryThomas Cook(1808-1892)is associated with the emergence(出现) of tourism as a modern, large-scale(大规模的) industry, he had by far the greatest impact on the early travel industry. He is regarded as “father of early modern tourism”He organized an excursion(短途旅行)from Leicester(雷斯特) to Loughborough(拉夫伯勒)using chartered (包租) train in 1841 with 570 people taking part in it. It is regarded as the beginning of the modern tourism.a) It was the first package tour joined by so many people;b) He accompanied the group throughout(贯穿)the travel arranging everything for the visitors;c) It laid a foundation to the later travel agencies and services;3. Modern mass tourism(1950 onwards)1) What is mass tourism?Mass tourism refers to the large-scale packaging of standardized leisure services that are sold to customers at fixed prices.2) Conditions for appearance of mass tourism:a) More disposable(可自由使用的)incomeb) Growth of leisure time(paid holidays)c) Strong motivation of the populationd) Improvement of transportation technologye) Cheaper costs of tourismf) Prosperity(繁荣) of hospitality(好客) industryg) Mass car ownershiph) Easing(减轻;释放) of travel regulations3) Characteristics of mass tourisma) Standardization of tourism productb) Mass participation in tourism c) Globalization of tourism industry4. Development of modern tourism in China1) Development of modern tourism industrya) The early stage of tourism industryb) A tourism department was established in Shanghai in 1923, to provide tourism businessc) The first travel agency was founded in1927, which was Travel Agency of China d) Some other tourism organizations were founded at the same timeChapter 3 demand for tourism and consumer behavior1. a) Needs: lack of something necessary. b) Wants: the desire and the means to meet the needs(motivation) c) Demands: wants +purchasing power2. People have many different kinds of needs ,which include: a)Physiological and psychological needs b)Innate(天生的) and learned needs 3. Maslow s hierarchy(分层)of needsa)Basic needs: food, shelter(居所),reproduction(繁衍)b)Safety needs: which are important for our well-being(幸福)c)Social needs: to be loved and to love, to belong and to be acceptedd)Ego(自我)needs: self-respected and the esteem of others, to value ourselvese)Self-actualization(实现): personal self-fulfillment, self-realization4. Tourist motivation is the psychological agent that urges people to travel.5. Mclntoshs theory on tourism motivation a) Physical motivation: those related to refreshment of body and mind, health purposes, sports and pleasure. This group of motivations are seen to be linked to those activities which will reduce tension. b) Cultural motivation: the desire to see and know more about other cultures, to find out about other cultures, to find out about the natives of a country, their lifestyle, music, art, folklore, dance, etc. c)Interpersonal(人际的) motivation: is manifested(证明的) in the desire to meet new people and make new friendship, visit friends or relatives and to seek new and different experience. d)Status and prestige(声誉) (reputation) motivation: those include a desire for continuation of education. This category(类型) also includes personal development in relation to the pursuit of hobbies and education. 6. Ploys psychographic(心理记录的) typology Mid-centric Near psycho-centric Near allo-centric Psycho-centric自我中心型 Allo-centric多中心型7. Factors influencing demand for tourism A. Lifestyle determinants(决定因素) of demand for tourism a)income and employment b)paid holiday entitlement(资格) c)education and mobility d)race and gender(性别) e)other determinants B . Life-cycle determinants of demand for tourism C . Other factors of demand for tourism a)political environment b)socio-demographic(社会人口统计) factors c )technological factors d)economic environmente)the culture difference between the generating region and destination region Chapter 4 Tourism IndustryThe main sectors(部门) of tourism industry:Tourist attractions Accommodation Middleman TransportationTopic 1 Tourist Attractions1. Basic natures of tourist attractionsa) With the function to appeal to people sufficiently(充分的) to encourage them to travel;b) Can be made use of by tourism industryc) Can be changed into economic, social and environmental effectsd) With diversity(多样性) of forms, visible(可见物) and invisible(tangible(有形的) or intangible), natural, cultural and man-made.2. 1) Definition of tourist attractionTourist attraction is anything or any factor that appeals to people sufficiently to encourage them to travel in order to visit it and can be made use of by tourism industry to produce economic, social and environmental effects2) Some concepts related to tourist attractionsa) tourist productgoods and services that a visitor consumes on one trip, it may or may not be made of tourist attractions.b) Scenic spotany site where there are the factors that appeal to people sufficiently to visit it, it may or may not be developed by tourist attractionc) Tourism regiona resort area where there are not only scenic spots but also facilities and other services provided for visitors.3. Characteristics of tourist attractionsa) Aesthetic valueb) Being located in some specific spacec) Diversityd) Seasonalitye) Can attract certain tourist marketf) uniqueness 4. Utilization(利用) and conservation(保存) of tourist attractions1) Bearing capacity(容量) of tourist attractions:a) Ecological capacity (natural and environmental maximum number of visitors and activities)b) Economic capacity (the ability to receive visitors and facilities)c) Psychological(心理的) capacity (for tourists the quality of experience, for locals the social and cultural impacts)d) Social capacity (social values, lifestyle, norms, security, management)2)Principles for utilization and conservation of tourist attractions a) to recognize the mutual(共同的)influence of development of tourism and the tourist attractions b) to plan and develop tourist attractions according to the demand of visitors c) to take the environment into consideration and adopt the principles of the sustainable(可持续的) tourism d) to carry out responsible management through practices of tourism businessTopic 2 Accommodation1. How to understand accommodation?The accommodation(lodging industry) is such establishments engaged primarily in providing lodging, meals and many kinds of services for visitors or transients(过客,暂居的人)2. Origins and the development of accommodationa) Non-paying with travelers provided with a roof and sustenance(食物)(food and drinks) as part of religious obligation(义务)b) The ancient inn periodc) The great luxury hotel periodd) Business hotel periode) Modern hotel periodInfluence of America on accommodation today The American influence on the contemporary (当代的) accommodation has been profound(意义深远的;深厚的)a) The mass mobility(可活动的) of millions of Americans created roadside demand which led to motel(汽车旅馆) conceptb) The creation of the standardized chain attributed to the foundation of Holiday Inn chainc) Advocating simplicity of services 3 The natures of accommodationa) The heterogeneous(由全然不同的部分组成的) nature;b) Accommodation comprises(包括) both tangible(有形的) objects and intangible factors;c) The inseparability(不可分离性) of the production and consumption of goods and servicesd) Accommodation is highly perishable(易腐坏的) and cannot be stored for the future sale Topic 3 MiddlemenThe tour operator, also called wholesaler in some countries, mainly functions as an organizer who combines all the components of a tour to make up a holiday and sells it to the public through his own company, through retail(零售) outlets(商店), or through approved retail travel agencies.1. The role of the middlemena) The principle role of tour middlemen is to bring buyers and sellers together, to provide different services to make the trip available and convenient for visitors.b) The middlemen are also the main distributors(经销商) for travel suppliers and collectors of market interests.2. Chain of distributionManufactures(制成品): Carriers Accommodation AttractionsIntermediaries(中间事物,媒介) : Wholesalers批发商(tour operators and brokers) Retailers零售商(travel agents)Consumers3. Factors which influence the choices of channelsa) The tourist product itself (its type, nature, level, etc)b) The customer ( the population, purchasing ability, geographical, distribution, etc)c) The travel intermediaries(中介机构) (their quality, their ability to promote and make sales, etc)d) The marketing environment( competitive situation, the distribution system of the main competitors, etc)4. Integration(整合;综合) of the tour operatora) Horizontal integration(水平整合) occurs when firms attain a higher level of consolidation or control within their own sector The integration between companies offering competing products The integration between companies offering complementary productsb) Vertical integration(垂直整合) occurs when a firm obtains greater control over elements of the product chain outside its own sector Forward (downward) Backward向后的(upward) Topic 4 Transportation1. The importance of transportationa) Passenger transportation provides the critical linkage between generating region and destinationb) Adequate(充足的)transportation infrastructure(基础设施) and access to generating markets is one of the most important prerequisites(先决条件) for the development of any destinationc) Transportation is also one of the determinants(决定性因素) or reconditions(更新;修复) of tourism motivation, for it helps to improve peoples mobility2. The relationship between transportation and tourism developmentTransportation and tourism development has traditionally been regarded as “chicken and egg”. On one hand,a) Transportation makes it possible for tourist to approach the attractionsb) The fast development of transportation makes long distance travel easier and more enjoyablec) Tourism has been developing along with the development of transportationOn the other hand, tourism demand has stimulated (刺激;鼓励) the rapid development of transportation.3. Components of the transport systemThe way The terminal The vehicle交通工具 The motive power4. Transport as a component of the tourist productBy far the most important contribution of transport is as a means of getting from the tourist-generating region to tourist destination, which account for 90% of visitors use of transport. Despite being a derived (衍生的) demand, transport for transit(运输) can be viewed as part of the leisure experience with the journey being important for some categories(类别) of visitor. 5. Transportation is an essential element of the tourist product in three ways:a) The means to reach the destinationb) A necessary means of movement at the destinationc) In a minority(少数的) of instances it is the actual tourist attraction or activity.6. Besides transportation, are there any other factors included in the concept of access?a) Communication conditions, including communication facilities, communication ability, convenience, scale and so onb) Political access, including passport, political hindrance and so onc) Social capacity, including the local peoples attitude to the development of tourism, social security, the level of social management. Chapter 5 Impacts of tourism on destinationTopic1 The economic impact of tourism 1. Positive impacts of tourism 1)providing income and tax revenue(收益) to an area a) direct revenue: tourism receipts(收据),taxation revenue(airport departure taxes, permits for entry to public attraction and so on) b) indirect revenue :TIM 2)balance of payments 3)Employment attribution(就业归因) 4)Investment stimulation(投资刺激)2. Economic costs1) direct financial costs a) administrative expense(行政费用) c)market researchb)marking d) travel incentives(旅游刺激) 2) indirect financial costs a)revenue leakages(税收流失现象) b)enclave resort(旅游飞地) c)indirect incentives e)inflationary pressure(通货膨胀的压力) f)competition with other sectors(领域) g)fluctuations in intake(波动的摄入量)(partly caused by the variability and seasonality of tourist product) 3. Tourism income multiplier and revenue leakage (1)The tourism income multiplier is an indication of each tourist dollar to the income of a destination. Multiplier=1/Proportion of leakages(比例的泄漏)(2) Leakage Leakage is the expenditures(支出) in which the money is lost to other areas from the destination system. The principal(主要的) reasons for leakages include:a)cost of imported goods and services, including current and capital(流行的和极好的) goods and services b)factor payment including returned profits(利润),wages by expatriates(侨民) abroad, management fees c) imports for government expenditure d)Costs of overseas promotion and so on Topic 21. Positive impacts of tourism 1)the development of tourism may remind the local authorities(当局) and the residents(居民) of the importance of the protection of the environment 2) the development of tourism helps to beautify the environment. 3) the development of tourism ma


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