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人教必修6Unit 1A Short History of Western Painting西方绘画艺术简史Unit 1 A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTINGArt is influenced by the customs and faith of a people. Styles in Western art have changed many times. As(因为) there are so many different styles of Western art, it would be impossible to describe all of them in such a short text. Consequently, this text will describe only the most important ones, starting from the sixth century AD. The Middle Ages(5th to the 15th century AD) During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes. A conventional artist of this period was not interested in showing nature and people as(正如) they really were. A typical picture at this time was full of (充满了) religious symbols, which created a feeling of respect and love for God. But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way. The Renaissance(15th to 16th century) During the Renaissance, new ideas and values gradually replaced those held in the Middle Ages. People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life. At the same time painters returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art. They tried to paint people and nature as they really were. Rich people wanted to possess their own paintings, so they could decorate their superb palaces and great houses. They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and possessions as well as their activities and achievements. One of the most important discoveries during this period was how to draw things in perspective. This technique was first used by Masaccio in 1428. When people first saw his paintings, they were convinced that(相信) they were looking through a hole in a wall at a real scene. If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures. By coincidence(偶然), oil paints were also developed at this time, which made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper. Without the new paints and the new technique, we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous. Impressionism(late 19h to early 20th century) In the late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal(很多,表程度), from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one. Many people moved from the countryside to the new cities. There were many new inventions and social changes also led to(导致) new painting styles. Among the painters who broke away from(脱离) the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists, who lived and worked in Paris. The Impressionists were the first painters to work outdoors. They were eager to (渴望做)show how light and shadow fell on objects at different times of day. However, because natural light changes so quickly, the Impressionists had to paint quickly. Their paintings were not as detailed as those of earlier painters. At first, many people disliked this style of painting and became very angry about (对生气)it. They said that the painters were careless and their paintings were ridiculous. Modern Art(29th century to today) At the time they were created, the Impressionist paintings were controversial, but today they are accepted as (作为被接受) the beginning of what we call modern art. This is because the Impressionists encouraged artists to look at their environment in new ways. There are scores of(几十种) modern art styles, but without the Impressionists, many of these painting styles might not exist. On the one hand, some modern art is abstract; that is, the painter does not attempt to(打算做) paint objects as we see them with our eyes, but instead concentrates on certain qualities of the object, using colour, line and shape to represent them. On the other hand, some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like photographs. These styles are so different. Who can predict what painting styles there will be in the future? 西方艺术风格变化较大,而中国艺术风格变化较小。人们的生活方式和信仰影响了艺术。中国和欧洲不同,生活方式在长时间里相似。西方艺术丰富多彩,仅凭一篇短短的课文难以描述全面。所以,本篇课文仅描述了从公元5世纪开始的几种主要风格。中世纪(公元5世纪到15世纪)在中世纪,画家的主要任务是表现宗教主题。艺术家们并没有把兴趣放在呈现人和自然的真实面貌上,而是着力于体现对上帝的爱戴和敬重。因此,这段时期的绘画充满着宗教的信条。到13世纪时,情况已经开始发生变化,像乔托这样的画家以比较现实的风格来画宗教场景。文艺复兴时期(15世纪到16世纪)在文艺复兴时期,新的思想和价值观取代了中世纪的那一套,人们开始更关心人而不是宗教。画家们回到了罗马、希腊的艺术理论上。他们尽力地画出人和自然的真实面貌。富人们想为自己的宫殿和豪宅收藏艺术品,他们高价聘请著名艺术家来为自己画画,画自己的房屋和其他财物,画他们的活动,画他们的成就。在这个阶段,最重要的发现之一是如何用透视法来画出事物的形象。在1428年,马萨乔成为第一个在绘画中使用透视方法的人,当人们第一次看到他的画时,还以为是透过墙上的小孔,来观看真实的情景,并对此深信不疑。如果没有透视法,人们就不可能画出如此逼真的画,在文艺复兴时期,油画也得到了发展,它使得色彩看上去更丰富,更深沉。印象派时期(19世纪后期到20世纪初期)19世纪后期,欧洲发生了巨大的变化,从以农业为主的社会变成了以工业为主的社会。许多人从农村迁入城市。有着大量的新发明,还有许多社会变革。这些变革也自然而然地导致了绘画风格上的变化。那些打破传统画法的人有在巴黎生活和工作的印象派画家。印象派画家是第一批室外写生的艺术家。他们想把一天中不同时间投射到物体上的光线和阴影画出来。由于自然光的变化很快,所以,印象派画家必须很快地作画。因此,他们的画就不像以前那些画家的画那样细致了,起初,多数人都看不惯这种新式画法,甚至还非常生气。他们说这些画家作画时心不在焉,粗枝大叶,他们的作品更是荒唐。现代艺术(20世纪至今)在印象派作品的创建初期,他们存在争议。但是,现在已经被人们接受,并且成为现在所说的“现代艺术”的始祖。如今,现代艺术已有几十多种,如果没有印象派艺术,也就没有那么多不同的风格,印象派画家帮助艺术家们用新的方法来观察环境和艺术。有些现代艺术是抽象的,也就是说,画家并不打算把我们的眼睛看到的东西如实地画出来,而是集中体现某些物体的某些品质和特征,用色彩、线条和形状把它们呈现出来。另一方面,有些现代派的艺术作品太逼真了,看上去就像一张照片。预言将来艺术的风格倒是很有意思的。The Best of Manhattans Art Galleries曼哈顿艺术画廊荟萃弗里克收藏馆位于第五大道和麦迪逊大道之间许多艺术爱好者都认为这个收藏馆是纽约最好的一家小型艺术陈列馆。亨利克莱弗里克是纽约的一位富豪。他去世于1919年,他把他的家具、房子和艺术收藏品都捐献给了美国人民。在这个陈列馆里,你不仅看到20世纪以前的西方绘画的珍藏品,而且,你还能浏览弗里克的美丽的故居。在这个漂亮的公寓里,花园也是很值得一看的。古根海姆博物馆第5大道和第88街交汇处这家博物馆拥有5,000幅现代油画、雕塑和素描。这些艺术品并不是同时展出的,展品总是在不断地更换。所收藏的艺术品中大部分是印象派和后印象派的作品。古根海姆博物馆的大楼是世界闻名的。当你走进画廊的时候,你会觉得你进入了一个巨大的白色贝壳之中。看画展最好是从顶层看起,一直往下看到底层。展厅里没有楼梯,只有一条环行的小道。博物馆里还有一家极好的餐馆。(纽约)大都会艺术博物馆第5大道与第82街交汇处这家博物馆是美国收藏艺术品最多的一家,它的艺术品收藏涵盖了5,000多年来世界上众多国家的文明史,其中包括美洲、欧洲、中国、埃及、非洲和南美洲。这家博物馆展出的不仅仅只是艺术,它还给你介绍了古代的生活方式。你可以看到埃及的寺庙,明朝的御花园,18世纪法国豪宅中的住房,以及许多其他特殊展品。现代艺术博物馆第53街(位于第5和第6大道之间)令人惊奇的是,在同一博物馆里竟能容纳下19世纪后期到21世纪的如此众多的名家巨作。西方艺术的收藏包括有莫奈、凡高、毕加索和马蒂斯等著名艺术家的作品。有几句话需要提醒你注意:博物馆票价不菲,常常拥挤。惠特尼美国艺术博物馆麦迪逊大道945号(靠近第75街)惠特尼博物馆藏有极好的当代美国画和雕塑品。馆内没有永久性的展出,展品都是随时更换的。惠特尼博物馆每两年有一次特殊的展览,展品是仍然在世的画家们的新作。这家博物馆还展出当代影视艺术家的录像和电影作品。A few simple forms of English poems英语诗歌的几种简单形式Unit 2 A FEW SIMPLE FORMS OF ENGLISH POEMS 简体英文诗 There are various reasons (why people write poetry)定从. 人们写诗有着各种各样的理由。 Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way (that will give the reader a strong impression)定从. 有些诗是为了叙事,或者说是描述某件事并给读者以强烈的印象。 Others try to convey certain emotions. 而有些诗则是为了传达某种感情。Poets use many different forms of poetry to express themselves. 诗人用许多不同风格的诗来表达自己的情感。In this text, however, we will look at a few of the simpler forms. 本文只谈了几种格式比较简单的诗。 Some of the first poetry a young child learns in English is nursery rhymes. 孩子们最早学习的英文诗是童谣。 These rhymes like the one on the right (A) are still a common type of childrens poetry. 像右边的这首童谣(A)至今仍然是常见的。 The language is concrete but imaginative, and they delight small children because they rhyme, have strong rhythm and a lot of repetition. 童谣的语言具体但富有想象力,这使得小孩子们快乐,因为它们押韵,节奏感强,并较多重复。The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory, but they are easy to learn and recite. 童谣不一定有什么意义,甚至有的看来自相矛盾,但是它们容易学,也容易背诵。By playing with the words in nursery rhymes, children learn about language. 通过童谣中的文字游戏,孩子们学习了语言。(A)Hush, little baby, dont say a word,小宝宝,别说话,Papas going to buy you a mockingbird.爸爸给你买个小嘲鸟。If that mockingbird wont sing,小嘲鸟,不会唱, Papas going to buy you a diamond ring.爸爸给你买个钻石戒。If that diamond ring turns to brass,钻石戒,变成铜,Papas going to buy you a looking-glass.爸爸给你买个小镜子。If that looking-glass gets broke,小镜子,打破了,Papas going to buy you a billy-goat.爸爸给你买个小山羊。If that billy-goat runs away,小山羊,跑掉了。Papas going to buy you another today.爸爸今天再去给你买一只。One of the simplest kinds of poems are those like B and C that list things.像(B)和(C)这样的列举事物的清单诗是诗歌中最简单的一种。List poems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases which give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem.清单诗可长可短,可以重复一些短语,较为灵活。形成固定句型和诗的节奏。Some rhyme (like B) while others do not (like C).有些清单诗有韵脚(如B),但有一些没有(如C)。(B)I saw a fish- pond all on fire我看到鱼塘在燃烧I saw a fish-pond all on fire,我看到鱼塘在燃烧,I saw a house bow to a squire,我看到房子向地主哈腰,I saw a person twelve-feet high,我看到人高一丈八,I saw a cottage in the sky,我看到茅屋在天郊。I saw a balloon made of lead,我看到气球用铅做,I saw a coffin drop down dead,我看到棺材把死人抛。I saw two sparrows run a race,我看到两只麻雀在赛跑,I saw two horses making lace,我看到两匹马儿绣花包。I saw a girl just like a cat,我看到姑娘像只猫,I saw a kitten wear a hat,我看到小猫带花帽。I saw a man who saw these too,我看到有人在一旁瞄,And said though strange they all were true.虽奇怪,但也把实情报。(C)Our first football match我们的第一场球赛We would have won .我们本来会得冠军if Jack had scored that goal,如果杰克踢进了那个球,if wed had just a few more minutes,如果我们还有几分钟,if we had trained harder,如果我们训练的更严格,if Ben had passed the ball to Joe,如果本把球传给了乔,if wed had thousands of fans screaming,如果有大批球迷助威,if I hadnt taken my eye off the ball,如果我死死盯住球,if we hadnt stayed up(熬夜) so late the night before,如果我们头晚不熬夜,if we hadnt taken it easy(放轻松),如果我们没有放松警惕,if we hadnt run out of (用尽)energy.如果我们没有精疲力竭,We would have won .我们本来是会的冠军的if wed been better!如果我们能干的更好! Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain, a poem made up of five lines.另外一种学生容易写的简体诗是由五行组成的,叫做五行诗。 With these, students can convey a strong picture in just a few words. 用五行诗,学生可以用少量的词语传递一幅动人的画面。Look at the examples (D and E) on the top of the next page.请看下一页上端的D和E两个例子。(D)Brother兄弟Beautiful, athletic爱美,又爱运动Teasing, shouting, laughing爱闹,爱叫,又爱笑Friend and enemy too是我的朋友Mine也是我的敌人(E)Summer夏天Sleepy, salty困乏,咸涩Drying, drooping, dreading干涸,枯萎,恐怖Week in, week out周而复始Endless永无止境Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that is made up of (=consist of由组成)17 syllables.俳句诗(Haiku)是一种日本诗,由17个音节组成。It is not a traditional form of English poetry, but is very popular with (受到欢迎) English writers.它不属于英诗的传统形式,但是在用英语写作的人们中间,这种诗也是很流行的。It is easy to write and, like the cinquain , can give a clear picture and create a special feeling using the minimum of words(v-ing做方式/伴随状语).它容易写,而且像五行诗一样,它可以用最少的词语呈现出一幅清晰的画面,表达出一种特殊的感情。The two haiku poems (F and G) above are translations from the Japanese.下面两首俳句诗(右边的F和G)就是从日文翻译过来的。(F)A fallen blossom落下的花朵Is coming back to the branch.回到了树枝上。Look, a butterfly!瞧啊,是只蝴蝶!( by Moritake)(作者:Moritake)(G)Snow having melted,雪儿融化了,The whole village is brimful整个村庄充满着Of happy children.欢乐的儿童。(by Issa)(作者:Issa)Did you know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetry - Tang poems from China in particular?你知道吗?说英语的人也喜欢其他类型的亚洲诗,尤其是中国的唐诗,A lot of Tang poetry has been translated into English.许多唐诗已经被翻译成英文了。This Tang poem (H) is a translation from the Chinese.下面这首唐诗(H)就是从中文翻译过来的。(H)Where she awaits her husband望夫石(by Wang Jian)王健On and on the river flows.望夫处,江悠悠。Never looking back,Transformed into stone.化为石,不回头。Day by day upon the mountain top,wind and rain revolve.山头日日风复雨,Should the traveller return,this stone would utter speech.行人归来石应语。With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own.有了这么多可供选择的诗歌类型,学生们最终也许想自己作诗了。It is easier than you might think and certainly worth a try!写诗比你想象的要容易,绝对值得一试。人们写诗有着各种各样的理由。有些诗是为了叙事,或者说是描述某件事,并给读者以强烈的印象。而有些诗则是为了传达某种感情。诗人用许多不同格式的诗来表达自己的情感。本文只谈了几种格式比较简单的诗。最早用英文写的诗是童谣。孩子们很小就学习童谣。像下边的这首童谣(A)至今仍然是常见的。这些童谣能使俏皮孩子们快乐,因为它们节奏感强并且押韵,而且重复多遍。这样就容易学,也容易背。通过童谣中的文字游戏,教孩子们学习语言。(A)小宝宝,别吵吵,爸爸给你买个小哩鸟。小哩鸟,不会唱,爸爸给你买个钻石戒。钻石戒,变成铜,爸爸给你买个小镜子。小镜子,打破了,爸爸给你买个小山羊。小山羊,跑掉了。爸爸今天再去买一只。像(B)和(C)这样列举事物的清单诗是诗歌中最简单的一种,学生可以自己动手写。清单诗可以重复一些短语和韵脚(如B),但有一些也不是这样(如C)。(B)我看到鱼塘在燃烧 我看到鱼塘在燃烧, 我看到房子向地主哈腰, 我看到人高一丈八, 我看到茅屋在天郊, 我看到气球用铝做。 我看到棺材把死人抛。我看到两只麻雀在赛跑,我看到两匹马儿绣花包。我看到姑娘像只猫,我看到小猫戴花帽。 我看到有人在一旁瞄,虽奇怪,但也把实情报。(C)我们的第一场球赛 我们本来会得冠军如果杰克踢进了那个球,如果我们还有几分钟,如果我们训练得更严格,如果本把球传给了乔,如果有大批球迷助威,如果我死死盯住球,如果我们头晚不熬夜,如果我们没有太大意,如果我们没有精疲力竭,我们本来会得冠军如果我们再干得好一些!另外,一种学生容易写的简体诗是由五行组成的,叫做五行诗。用五行诗,学生可以用少量的词语传递一幅动人的画面。请看下面的(D)和(E)两个例子。(D)兄弟 爱美,又爱运动爱闹,爱叫,又爱笑 是我的朋友 也是我的敌人(E)夏天 困乏,刺激 干涸,枯萎,恐怖 周而复始 永无止境俳句诗(Haiku)是一种日本诗,由17个音节组成。它不属英诗的传统形式,但是在说英语的人们中间,这种诗也是很流行的。它容易写,而且像五行诗一样,它可用很少的词语呈现出一幅清晰的画面,表达出一种特殊的感情。下面两首俳句诗下面的(F)和(G)就是由日文翻译而来的。(F)落下的花朵 回顾到树枝上。瞧啊,是个蝴蝶!(作者:moritake)(G)雪儿溶化了,整个村庄充满着,欢乐的儿童。(作者:Issa)你知道吗?说英语的人也借另外一种亚洲诗,那就是中国的唐诗,许多唐诗已经翻译成英文了。这些诗都译成了自由体,说英语的人都喜欢模仿它。下面这首唐诗就是从中文译成英文的。(H)望夫石 王健 望夫处,江悠悠。化为石,不回头。山头日日风复雨,行人归来石应语。Using Language Listening,reading and discussing我保留了夏天 Rod Mckuen30_我把夏天留下,全都交给了你。当雪花儿初降时,让冬天的早晨停住。我把阳光留下,万一你需要它。在那远离黑暗的地方,你的心灵会得到补养。那年你芳龄十九,我就珍藏了你的微笑。等你长大成人以后,才知道年轻勇敢的微笑的奥秘。我不知道有什么办法,帮你踏上你人生的旅程。办法也许就在某处:在白天结束的那个时辰。如果你需要爱,我会献上我所有的爱。它也许能帮你踏上旅程,直到你也找到属于你的爱。爷爷的忠告Unit 3 It is a beautiful day here and I am sitting under the big tree at the end of the garden. I have just returned from a long bike ride to an old castle. It seems amazing that at my age(在我这个年纪) I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon. Its my birthday in two weeks time and Ill be 82 years old! I think my long and active life must be due to(由于) the healthy life I live. This brings me to the real reason for my letter, my dear grandson. Your mother tells me that you started smoking some time(一段时间) ago and how you are finding it difficult to give it up. Believe me, I know how easy it is to begin smoking and how tough it is to stop. You see, during adolescence I also smoked and became addicted to cigarettes. By the way(顺便说下), did you know that this is because you become addicted in three different ways. First, you can become physically addicted to nicotine, which is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes. This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to(对习惯) having nicotine in it. So when the drug leaves our body, you get withdrawal symptoms. I remember feeling bad-tempered and sometimes even in pain(处于痛苦中). Secondly, you become addicted through habit. As you know, if you do the same thing over and over again(反复地), you begin to do it automatically. Lastly, you can become mentally addicted. I believed I was happier and more relaxed after having a cigarette, so I began to that I could only feel good when I smoked. I was addicted in all three ways, so it was very difficult to quit. But I did finally manage. When I was young, I didnt know much about the harmful effects of smoking. I didnt know, for example, that it could do terrible damage to(对造成严重损害) your heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant. I certainly didnt know their babies may have a smaller birth weight or even be abnormal in some way(在某种程度). Neither did I know that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of non-smokers.(倒装) However, what I did know was (that my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible). She said my breath and clothes smelt, and that the ends of my fingers were turning yellow. She told me that she wouldnt go out with me again unless I stopped! I also noticed that I became breathless quickly, and that I wasnt enjoying sport as much. When I was taken off(调离;除名) the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it was time to quit smoking. (its time to是时候做;quit doing停止做) I am sending you some advice I found on the Internet It might help you to stop and strengthen your resolve(增强你的决心). I do(do/does/did+v原,强调动词) hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have. Love from Grandad亲爱的詹姆士:今天,这儿天气晴朗。现在,我正坐在花园尽头的那棵大树底下。我骑自行车跑了很长一段路,一直到了古城堡,刚刚回来。感到不可思议吧,像我这样的年纪,身体健康而且能在一个下午骑车跑20公里。再过两个礼拜就是我82岁的生日了!我想我之所以长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生活。这就是我写信给你的真正原因,我亲爱的孙子。你妈妈告诉我,你已经开始吸烟了,而且还很难把它戒掉。相信我吧,我知道,吸烟容易戒烟难。你知道,当我还是一个十几岁的孩子的时候,我也吸过烟,而且还上了瘾。这儿我想顺便问你一个问题,你知道上瘾有三个方面的原因吗?身体对尼古丁有瘾,尼古丁是香烟里几百种化学物质之一。这就是说,过了一段时间以后,你的身体习惯了香烟里的尼古丁,一旦你的体内没有这种麻醉剂了,你就会感到不舒服、烦躁,甚至痛苦。你也可能因为习惯的原因而上瘾,你知道,如果你反反复复地做同一件事情,你就会自觉地做它。最后,上瘾还有心理上的原因。有的人认为,抽了一支烟后,他就会感到轻松愉快,于是就以为抽烟才能使感觉良好。我想我之所以上瘾是有着这三个方面的原因的,因此,要戒烟就很难。但是我最后还是戒掉了。在我年轻的时候,关于吸烟的危害性我知道得并不多。当时,我不知道抽烟能严重侵害人的心脏和肺部,也不知道吸烟的夫妇生育能力会下降。我更不知道,我自己吸烟还会损害那些不吸烟人的健康。然而,我的的确确知道, 我的女朋友觉得我的烟味很难闻。她说我的呼吸、我的衣服都有烟的味道,我的手指头都变黄了。她说在我把烟戒掉之前她是不会同我一起外出的。我也发现我跑得不如以前那么快,也不像以前那样爱好运动了。而当因为动作慢而被校足球队除名之后,我才知道该是我戒烟的时候了。我把我从网上找到的一些忠告寄给你,也许对你戒烟有所帮助。我的确希望你把它戒掉,因为我希望你能像我这样活得健康长寿。爱你的爷爷How can you stop smoking?It is not easy to stop smoking, but millions have to quit and so can you Here are a few suggestions.Prepare yourself. Decide on(决心做) a day to quit. Dont choose a day that you know is going to be stressful, such as the day of an exam. Make a list of all the all the benefit you will get from stopping smoking. Then throw away your last packet of cigarettes.Be prepare. Every time you feel like(想做) smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that(提醒某人) you are a non-smoker. Reread the list of benefits you wrote earlierBreak the habit. Instead of(与其;而不是) smoking a cigarette, do something else. Go for a walk, clean your teeth drink some water, clean the house;in fact, do anything to keep your mind and especially your hands busy.Relax. If you start to feel nervous or stressed, do not reach for(触及) a cigarette. Try some deep breathing instead. Do some relaxation exercise every time you feel stressed.Get help if you need it. Arrange to stop smoking with a fiend so you call talk about your problems, or Join a stop-smoking group. If you feel desperate,you might like to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help you, like nicotine chewing gum.Keep trying. Do not be disappointed if you have to try several times before you stop smoking. If you weaken(示弱;削弱) and have a cigarette, do not feel ashamed. Just try again. You will succeed eventually.我怎样才能戒烟呢?戒烟不容易,但许许多多的人都成功地戒掉了烟,所以你也能。这儿有几点建议:做好准备。 确定一个开始戒烟的日子。不要选择你明知有压力的日子,例如考试的那一天。把戒烟的好处开列一个清单。在你计划戒烟的前一天,把你最后一包香烟扔掉。下定决心。 每次当你想要抽烟的时候 ,你就提醒你自己,你已经是不抽烟的人了。把你早先写的那个戒烟的好处的清单反复地看一看。破除旧习。 不要抽烟,而去干点别的事情。去散散步、刷刷牙、喝点水、打扫房间。其实,只要是能使你的脑,特别是手不要空闲的事情,你都可以去做。放松休息。 如果你开始感到紧张有压力了,不要伸手去拿烟。尝试着去做深呼吸。学习一些放松运动,每当你感到有压力时,就做一些放松运动。寻求帮助。和你的一位朋友一起来做好戒烟的安排,以便你能向他谈谈你的问题,或者参加戒烟俱乐部。如果你感到非常难受,你也可以找医生或药剂师来谈谈,帮你想点办法,像尼古丁口香糖。坚持尝试。据发现,有些人尝试了好几次,才最终把烟戒掉,如果你因意志薄弱而又抽烟了,也不要觉得难为情。再戒一次就是了。最终你会成功的。HIV病毒/艾滋病:你是否面临危险?HIV是一种病毒(人体免疫缺损病毒)。病毒是引发疾病的微生物。它有许多种类。如流感病毒和SARS病毒。HIV病毒破坏人体的免疫系统,也就是说使人体抗衡疾病的免疫功能减弱。在你的血液中,HIV病毒可以长期存在,但是它最终会使你的免疫系统严重受损,以致使你的身体不再能抗衡疾病。这种疾病到了这个阶段就叫艾滋病。到目前为止,几乎所有得上了艾滋病的人都已经去世。HIV是通过血液或性交时产生的体液而传播的。携带病毒的血液或体液必须通过皮肤上的创口或通过注射才能进入体内,使人受感染。将来总有一天会找到医治HIV病毒和艾滋病的疗法的。在找到之前,你必须保护你自己。你可以按这里列举的一些注意事项去做,以确保自己的安全:假如你要注射药物:不要同别人共用注射针,别人的血液可能会留在针头内外。如果某人有HIV病毒,而你又用了同一个注射针,你就有可能把别人的病毒注入到你的血液中来。在注射药物时,不得共用携带病毒的患者所用的其他东西,因为血液可能会溅到这些物品上。假如你同(男或女)人性交:要使用避孕套。它可以防止性交时产生的体液的传入。下列这些说法都是错误的:初次性交的人不可能染上HIV病毒。错。如果性交的某一方有了HIV病毒,另一方就有可能传染上。通过观察,你可以看出某人是否带有HIV病毒。错。许多携带HIV病毒的患者看上去十分健康。只有当这种病毒发展成艾滋病时,人才会显出病态。只有同性恋者才得艾滋病。错。任何人如果同感染了HIV病毒的人性交,他们就有染上这种病毒的危险。女性感染病毒的可能性比男性稍微大一些。如果你同艾滋病患者拥抱、接触或亲吻,或者去他们家做客,你就会从他们那里感染上HIV病毒或得艾滋病。错。你只可能通过血液或性交时的体液才能传染上这种病。不幸的是,携带HIV病毒的患者有时会失去他们的朋友。因为人们担心他们会从患者那儿染上HIV病毒,感染上艾滋病。由于相同的理由,有些艾滋病患者在生病时找不到任何人来照顾他们。蚊子可以传染HIV病毒和艾滋病。错。目前还没有证据说明这一点。Unit 4 THE EARTH IS BECOMIG WARMER-BUT DOES IT MATTER?During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit. That probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes. So how has this come about(发生) and does it matter? Earth cares Sophie Armstrong explores these questions. There is no doubt that(毫无疑问的是) the earth is becoming warmer(see Graph 1) and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than(而不是) a random but natural phenomenon. All scientists subscribe to the view(同意观点) that the increase in the earths temperature is due to(由于) the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. Some byproducts of this process are called greenhouse gases, the most important one of which is carbon dioxide. Dr Janice Foster explains: There is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the greenhouse effect. This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon


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