2019版牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit1 Grammar课时测评卷B卷

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2019版牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit1 Grammar课时测评卷B卷_第1页
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2019版牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit1 Grammar课时测评卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Sometimes,I think Im too _, but I really love my work and want to devote all my time to it.AconfidentBbraveCmodestDhard-working2 . _ a GPS will make _ easier for you to visit a strange place.ATake; itBTo take; thatCTaking; itDTake; that3 . -Are your father and mother retired(退休)?-Well, _ of them is. _ of them are at work.Aboth; NeitherBnone; AllCneither; BothDall; None4 . _Monday_Tuesday is OK. I will be too busy to go with you.AEither; orBNeither; norCSo; thatDBoth; and5 . Study hard,_you wont be successfulAorBandCbutDso二、完型填空A group of class friends, rich and successful, got together to visit their old university professor. They_a lot. Soon their conversation turned into complaining_stress in work and lifeOffering his guests coffee, the professor went to the_and returned with a large pot of coffee and some_porcelain(瓷的), plastic, glass, crystal(水晶的).Some were cheap, while others were expensive. He told them to_one for themselves to the coffeeWhen all the students had a cup of coffee in each_,the professor said:“If you noticed,everyone had chosen the nice looking expensive cups ,_behind the cheap ones. While it is natural for you to choose only the best for yourselves, thats_you always feel so stressed outBe sure that the cup itself does not make the coffee taste_What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup,_you consciously (自觉地) chose the best cupsNow consider this:Life is the_; the jobs, money and success are the cups. They are only_to hold life, and the type of cup does not mean anything. Sometimes, by concentrating only_the cup, we_to enjoy the coffee God has made for us. ”The happiest people dont have the best of everythingThey just make the best of everythingLive simplyLove gentlyCare deeplySpeak kindlyLeave the_to God6 . AtoldBsangCtalkedDcried7 . AaboutBtoConDfor8 . Aliving-roomBbedroomCwaiting-roomDkitchen9 . AcupsBspoonsCbowlsDdishes10 . AchooseBhelpCtakeDput11 . AstomachBhandCarmDmouth12 . ArunningBleavingChidingDstaying13 . AhowBwhyCwhenDwhere14 . AwellBbadlyCbetterDhot15 . AsoBorCbutDand16 . AteaBwaterCwineDcoffee17 . AbroughtBgaveCusedDbought18 . AforBintoCbyDon19 . AfailBsucceedCwishDtry20 . AideaBviewCrestDthought三、阅读单选Dont Disrespect OthersMore than 70 years ago, a young man traveled far away to take an entrance exam for a famous music school. During the exam, he tried his best, but the examiner didnt enroll (录取) him.The young man had no money, so he could only make a living by playing the violin on the street. He played so well that a lot of people stopped to listen and put money into his violin case.A hoodlum (流氓) dropped some money at the young mans feet. The young man bent down to pick up the money, then handed it to the hoodlum and said, “Sir, your money dropped on the ground.”The hoodlum took the money, threw it at the young mans feet again and said, “This money has been yours, so you must take it!”The young man deeply bowed to him and said, “Sir, thank you for your support! When you dropped your money, I picked it up for you. Now my money is on the ground, may I trouble you to pick it up for me?”The hoodlum was surprised. Finally, he picked up the money, put it into the young mans violin case and left in shame.The examiner who had been quietly watching the young man among other onlookers decided to give him a second chance. He brought the young man back to the school and enrolled him in the end.The young man became a famous musician later.21 . The young man traveled far away to for a famous music school.Aearn moneyBplay the violinCtake an examDfight a hoodlum22 . The young man played the violin on the street because .Ahe had no money and needed to make a livingBhe wanted a lot of people to listen to his musicChe decided to find someone who liked his musicDhe needed to make his examiner know him well23 . What did the young man teach the hoodlum?AHe should never give up hope.BHe should respect other people.CHe should never waste his money.DHe should work hard on his skills.四、完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子24 . What he said was not practical. So I didnt _(同意)him.25 . I dont think paying children to _(做额外的工作)around the house is useful. ?26 . We all thought him _(合适的人)for the job.27 . Personality is the key. The man of strong personality _(不惧怕)any difficulties.28 . He thinks he can do the work well. He _(对有信心)himself.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子选用方框内的单词或词组填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。keep healthy, more, try it on, free, picnic, around29 . This jacket looks beautiful. Why not _?30 . Your school looks big and beautiful. Can you show me _ it?31 . People need to eat healthy food and do more exercise to _.32 . Students are excited to have a _ in the park.33 . Wendy likes listening to music in her _ time.六、填空阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式。(每空一词)How to Take a NapWhether you think you need daytime rest or not, picking up a nap habit is a smart, healthy move. A 2010 British study found that a mid-day nap was the best way to deal with the mid-afternoon tiredness.And, unbelievably, a 2017 study showed that people who napped regularly had a 37 percent reduced risk of dying from heart disease compared to people who didnt nap. To get the most out of your rest, follow these tips.How long to sleep: Naps provide a lot of help depending on how long they are, says MentalFloss.com. A 20-minute nap will improve alertness(机敏); a 90-minute nap can strengthen creativity. So have a nap between 20 to 90 minutes. If you wake up from a nap feeling confused or more tired, its likely that your timing was just off.What time to sleep: Prevention. com says that you experience a natural drop in body temperature between 1 pm and 3 pm. A power nap at this time can improve alertness for several hours and, for most people, wont affect being able to fall asleep at night.How to get comfortable: MentalFloss. com says it takes about 50 percent longer to fall asleep sitting up than lying down. (Thats why we sleep so poorly on planes and trains!) Pick a dark, quiet place . Surprisingly, the best place to sleep may be a hammock (吊床) if you have one. Consider a “caffeine nap”: It sounds strange, but drinking coffee right before a nap may be very helpful for your alertness after the nap. Since caffeine takes 20 to 30 minutes to take full effect, youll feel even more awake after your 20-minute nap.Title: How to Take a NapFindingIts good for you to form the 34 . of taking naps.EvidenceA 2010 British study found that there is no35 . way to reduce the mid-afternoon slump tiredness than a mid-day nap.Those who took regular naps are36 . likely to die from heart disease than those who didnt.37 . How much38 . to sleepA nap between 20 to 90 minutes is suitable for you.If you 39 . confused or more tired , maybe your timing was just off.What time to sleepTo take a nap between 1 pm and 3 pm can make improve alertness40 . affecting your nighttime sleep.How to get comfortableYou had better find a place where you can 41 . down.You should choose a dark and quiet place.To our 42 . , the best place to nap may be a hammock.Consider a “caffeine nap”Drinking coffee before a nap helps you to be more alert after43 . up, because caffeine begins to take full effect after 2030 minutes.七、汉译英:整句将下列句子译成英文44 . 我最喜欢绿色,因为它是大自然的颜色。_.45 . 我的电脑出毛病了。_.46 . 白色穿在汤姆身上很好看。_.47 . 我不能肯定他今晚是否来。_.48 . 看!天上有道彩虹。_.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、完成句子1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、填空1、七、汉译英:整句1、


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