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.译林4B期末测试卷Name _ 满分:100 Score_1. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(每题1分,共10分)( )1. A. time B. today C. tired( )2. A. warm B. watch C. water( )3. A. dear B. dad C. day( )4. A. cold B. cough C. cool( )5. A. fine B. fever C. fly( )6. A. thirsty B. hungry C. happy( )7. A. matter B. Maths C. meet( )8. A. headache B. hurt C. hot( )9. A. today B. day C. tomorrow( )10. A. Sunday B. Tuesday C. Thursday2. 听录音,选择合适的应答句。(每题2分,共10分)( )1. A. We have Music and PE. B. Yes,we do. C. We like Music and PE.( )2. A. I have lunch at eleven. B. I have dinner at five. C. No,I dont.( )3. A. I go skating. B. I go climbing. C. I like autumn.( )4. A. Lets play. B. It can move. C. My hand hurts.( )5. A. Take care. B. Thank you. C. See you tomorrow.3. 听录音,填入所缺的单词。(每空1分,共10分)A:_ _ is it today?B:Its _.A:What _ do you have in the _?B:We have _ and _.A:I like _. What _ you?B:I like _. Its fun.笔试部分1. 英汉互译。(每题1分, 共10分)1. 放学后 _ 2. 今天下午 _3. 真遗憾!_ 4. 踢足球 _5. 保重 _ 6. on Friday morning_7. do my homework_ 8. Good idea!_9. whose trousers_ 10. go skating_2. 选出与其余单词不同类的选项。(每题1分,共5分)( )1. A. water B. ill C. sad( )2. A. headache B. cough C. shirt( )3. A. picnic B. lunch C. breakfast( )4. A. easy B. difficult C. so( )5. A. short B. shorts C. long3. 选出每组中画线部分读音不同的单词。(每题1分,共5分)( )1. A. me B. she C. bed D. three( )2. A. close B. hello C. open D. colour( )3. A. apple B. panda C. name D. happy( )4. A. fine B. sit C. this D. ill( )5. A. meet B. great C. please D. eat4. 单项选择。(每题1分,共10分)( )1. What time is it? _. A. Its eight B. At eight C. Im eight( )2. We play table tennis _ Saturday afternoon. A. in B. on C. at( )3. Whose skirt is this? Its _. A. Yang Ling B. Yang Ling C. Yang Lings( )4. How are you? _. I have a fever. A. Im fine B. Im OK C. Not so good( )5. _ we have PE this afternoon? No,we _. A. Are;arent B. Do;dont C. Do;arent( )6. Where is Yang Ling? Shes _. A. in home B. at home C. go home( )7. We have nine _ this term. A. subject B. lessons C. subjects( )8. Heres _ water for you. Thank you. A. some B. an C. A( )9. Mikes jeans _ very short. A. is B. am C. are( )10. Are you ill? _. A. Yes,I am B. Yes,I do C. Yes,it is5. 根据所设情景,选择正确答案。(每题1分,共5分)( )1. 同学问你为什么喜欢数学,你回答说: A. I like Maths. B. I dont like Maths. C. Its fun.( )2. 你想知道对方在星期三做什么,可以问: A. What do you do in Wednesday? B. What do you do on Wednesday? C. What do you do on Tuesday?( )3. 同学问你是否会画小船,你回答说; A. Sure. Its difficult. B. Yes. Its easy. C. Yes,I cant.( )4. 想知道那是谁的大衣,可以问: A. Whose coat is that? B. Whose jacket is this? C. Whos coat is that?( )5. 你打电话告诉对方你是王兵,可以说: A. May I speak to Wang Bing? B. This is Wang Bing. C. Im Wang Bing speaking.6. 改错。(每题1分,共5分)( )1. May I have a look? _ A B C( )2. These new shorts is for you. _ A B C( )3. When are you have lunch? _ A B C( )4. Whats the matter? Im a ill. _ A B C( )5. Can you come school tomorrow? _ A B C7. 连词成句。(每题2分,共10分)1. at,nine,I,twenty,go,bed,to(.)_2. some,I,have,can,milk(?)_3. make,salad,can,a,I,fruit(.)_4. we,afternoon,have,and,the,Music,PE,in(.)_5. I,every,usually,lunch,at,have,eleven,thirty,day(.)_8. 按要求,改写句子。(每题2分,共10分)1. This is my coat.(改为否定句)This _ my coat.2. I have a nice dress.(用Helen 替换I 改写句子)Helen _ a nice dress.3. I usually have dinner at 6:30.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ usually have dinner?4. These are Liu Taos trousers.(对画线部分提问)_ _ are these?5. Are you OK?(改为同义句)Are you _ _?9. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(每题2分,共10分) Its Mr Browns birthday today. His friend are all at home. Look!This is Miss White. Shes thirtysix years old. Shes a nurse. Shes very quiet. That man is Mr Black. Hes a taxi driver. Hes fortytwo years old. Hes short and thin. Look at the man in a blue hat. Hes Mr Joe. Hes a farmer. Hes very strong. Whats Mr Browns job?Hes a cook. Hes a little fat.( )1. Its _ birthday today. A. Mr Blacks B. Mr Browns C. Mr Joes( )2. Miss White is a _. A. Nurse B. Doctor C. Taxi driver( )3. Mr Black is _ years old. A. 36 B. 44 C. 42( )4. Mr Joe is _. A. A little fat B. Very strong C. Short and thin( )5. Mr Brown is a _. A. Cook B. Farmer C. teacher.


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